Top 35 Games Similar to 1 Foto 1 Palabra : Frutas Quiz

Adivina la Canción 3.1
Guess the name of the best songs of all time!
4 Fotos 1 Futbolista 3.8.2dk
4 Fotos 1 Futbolista es un juego en elquetienes que adivinar el nombre del futbolista de 4 fotos que tehandado,Hay un número de jugadores, su bandera de país y dos equiposparalos que ha estado jugando.Algunos de ellos tienen sus posiciones de campo.Hay futbolistas como:-Messi-Ronaldo-Ozil-MaradonaY mucho más, más de 140 jugadores para que usted adivine ..Si te quedas atascado tienes sugerencias en las que puedesconseguiruna letra por 15 monedas, eliminar las existentes por 15monedas yobtener una respuesta por 30 monedas. O puedes preguntara tuamigo.Juegue al juego todos los días y obtenga más monedas. Tratedevencer a sus amigos en quién sabe más jugadores ..Que te diviertas.4 Photos 1 Football isagame where you have to guess the name of the footballer of 4photosyou've been given,There are a number of players, your country's flag and two teamsforwhich he has been playing.Some of them have their field positions.There are players like:-Messi-Ronaldo-Ozil-MaradonaAnd much more, more than 140 players for you to guess ..If you get stuck you have suggestions where you can get a letterfor15 coins, delete existing for 15 coins and get a response for30coins. Or you can ask your friend.Play the game every day and get more coins. Try to beat yourfriendsin who knows more players ..Have fun.
1 Foto 1 Palabra : Animales 5.7
¿Cree que conoce todos los nombresdeanimales?¿Está seguro? Venga a probar su conocimiento conestejuego adictivoque realmente enriquecerá el vocabularioyconocimiento sobre elmundo de las animales.Todo lo que tiene que hacer es solo adivinar la palabradelasimágenes mostradas, pero recuerde que no es tan fácilcomopiensa!Esta versión es sólo para hablantes de español.¿Cómo jugar?1. Para jugar, simplemente mire la imagen y adivine elnombredelanimal2. Hay 4 niveles de dificultad3. Cada nivel contiene 20 preguntas4. El jugador alcanza el siguiente nivel despuésderespondercorrectamente al 50% de las preguntas5. Si se queda atascado en cualquier nivel y no puedeadivinarelnombre correcto del animal de la imagen, laaplicaciónproporcionarvarios medios de ayuda (pida ayuda a susamigos através de correoselectrónicos o redes sociales para revelarelnombre de lasanimales, use los puntos ganados para mostrarlasrespuestascorrectas...)6. Para ganar puntos simplemente pinche en el botón“Obtenermonedas”y escoja entre las opciones disponibles7. La dificultad se eleva a medida que progresa a través deljuegodecuestionario y tiene que adivinar diferentes tiposdeanimalesexóticas o más difícil al adivinar nombres deanimalesraras8. Sin registro, sin reglas complicadas. Abra el juego unaimagenunapalabra e inmediatamente empiece a jugar y adivertirse.1 Foto 1 palabra es uno de nuestros mejores juegosdecuestionariopara aprender español, es el compañero perfectoparaniños, hijos ybebés para aprender los nombres de las animalesenespañol y al mismotiempo aprender el alfabeto enespañol(letras...) a través deimágenes de animales.Para adultos también. Para aprender mejor español yenriquecersuvocabulario. Pueden jugarlo como juego de memoriaporquelespermite probar su memoria y ayudarles a recordar elnombredelanimal olvidada. Si te gustan los juegos de palabras como4Fotos 1Palabra seguramente le encantará este nuevo juego delafamilia!Este juego educativo es totalmente gratuito, no tendráquepagarnada para moverse a nuevas preguntas y niveles.Todas las imágenes, fotos, fuentes y otros medios usadosenestejuego están disponibles de forma gratuita en interneten“CreativeCommons”.You think you knowallthenames of animals? Are you sure? Come and test yourknowledgewiththis addictive game that really enrich the vocabularyandknowledgeabout the world of animals.All you have to do is just guess the word of theimagesdisplayed,but remember it's not as easy as you think!This version is only for Spanish speakers.How to play?1. To play, just look at the picture and guesstheanimal'sname2. There are 4 levels of difficulty3. Each level contains 20 questions4. The player reaches the next level after correctly answering50%ofquestions5. If you get stuck at any level and can not guess thecorrectnameof the animal image, application provide various meansofsupport(ask for help from your friends via email or socialnetworkstoreveal the names of the animals , use the points earnedto showthecorrect answers ...)6. To earn points simply click on the "Get Coins" buttonandchoosefrom the available options7. The difficulty rises as you progress throughthegamequestionnaire and have to guess different types ofexoticanimalsor harder to guess names of rare animals8. No registration, no complicated rules. Open an image awordgameand immediately start playing and have fun.1 Photo 1 word is one of our best games questionnairetolearnSpanish, it is perfect for kids, children and babiescompaniontolearn the names of animals in Spanish while learningthealphabetin Spanish (letters ...) through images ofanimals.For adults too. To learn Spanish better and enrichtheirvocabulary.They can play as a memory game that allows them totestyour memoryand help them remember forgotten the name oftheanimal. If you likeword games like 4 Photos 1 Word willsurelylove this new familygame!This educational game is completely free and not havetopayanything to move to new questions and levels.All images, photos, fonts and other media used in thisgameareavailable for free online at "Creative Commons".
4 fotos 1 palabra 2.2.5e
4 fotos 1 palabra - ¿Puedes adivinar cuáleslapalabra basada en las fotos que ves?Cada rompecabezas contiene cuatro imágenes que tienen algoencomún.Rápido y divertido juego de palabras con nuevosdesafíospara todala familia ahora está en Android!Descubre por qué todo el mundo ama este juego y únete aladiversiónahora! No hay registro, no hay reglas complicadas.¿Puedes adivinar la palabra y desbloquear todoslosniveles?Innumerables rompecabezas de fácil a complicado teestánesperandoen 4 fotos 1 palabra!Simple y altamente adictivo juego de puzzle gratis! ¿Cuáleslapalabra? Mira las cuatro fotos, averigua esa palabra quetienenencomún.¡Juegue y gane!4 photos 1 word -Canyouguess what the word is based on the photos you see?Each puzzle contains four pictures that have somethingincommon.Fast and fun game of words with new challenges for thewholefamilyis now on Android!Find out why everyone loves this game and join the funnow!Noregistration, no complicated rules.Can you guess the words and unlock all levels? Countlesspuzzlesfromeasy to tricky are waiting for you in 4 Photos 1word!Simple and highly addictive puzzle game for free! Which istheword?Look at the four photos, see that word they haveincommon.Play and win!
Adivina Dibujos Animados 1.2.1
Averigua de que dibujo animado se trata,porsólo su silueta. Hay 6 niveles con 16 personajes en cada nivelqueiremos incrementado cada cierto tiempo.Hay más de 90 personajes de dibujos animados para adivinar.Tienes hasta 6 posibilidades de pistas por si algún personajequete cueste más.See that cartoon isforjust the silhouette. There are 6 levels with 16 characters ineachlevel that we will be increased from time to time.There are over 90 animated characters to guess.You have up to 6 chances of tracks in case a character thatcostsyou more.
What in the Drawing 1.0
Guess the famous characters, city, sports on their illustrations!
Alphabet Game 2.9.5
develUp Games
Guess all the words and challenge your friends. Availableworldwide.Pasapalabra.
4 FOTOS 1 PALABRA 3.3.0k
4 fotos 1 palabra es un juego de palabrasmuyemocionante para todos. Es un juego de rompecabezas llenodediversión que seguramente hará que tu día sea genial. Tienesqueaveriguar cuál es la palabra común que ves en las imágenes.¡Ustedganará monedas cada vez que usted contesta a la derecha!Disfruta yjuega el juego ahora.- más diversión en el rompecabezas de la palabraAfina tu mente- libera estrés- hará que su día sea genial!Esta aplicación de juego fue creado para derrotar elaburrimiento.Hemos hecho más divertido mediante la aplicación de lacreatividaden todos los niveles. Maximizamos las monedas tambiénpara quepueda alcanzar el nivel superior.Aplicamos el arte a todas las imágenes y relacionarlo entre síparaimplicar un juego de emoción y dejarle con una experienciamássatisfactoria.Puede utilizar su imaginación o simplemente hacerlo con sumejorconjetura. Por lo tanto, este es también un juego de palabrasdeadivinar. Que sea más difícil.Un juego de palabras que te permite pensar y relajarte duranteuntiempo. Diviértase manteniéndose ocupado pensando cuál eslarespuesta al rompecabezas que tiene a mano.Le permite liberar su pensamiento creativo vinculando todaslasimágenes y encontrar la palabra común.Juega ahora y haz un poco de diversión. Juego muy desafianteeinteresante para todos. Cada nivel hace más emoción comoustedtiene que pensar más y más para responder a la palabracorrectapara las cuatro imágenes.Le recomendamos que tenga que comprar un bocadillo mientrasjuegaeste juego para que lo disfrute más.Esto es realmente creado para personas de habla españolaenparticular en España.Así que descarga el juego ahora y disfruta cada momento.¡Es gratis! ¿Que estas esperando?Descargar ahora.4 photos 1 word is averyexciting game for all words. It is a puzzle game full of funthatwill surely make your day great. You have to figure out whatthecommon word you see in the pictures. You earn coins each timeyouanswer right! Enjoy and play the game now.- More fun in the word puzzleSharpen your mind- Relieves stress- Will make your day is great!This game application was created to defeat boredom. We havemademore fun by applying creativity at all levels. We maximizecoinsalso so you can reach the top level.Art apply to all images and relate to each other to involve agameof emotion and leave you with a more satisfyingexperience.You can use your imagination or just do your best guess.Therefore,this is also a pun guess. Make it more difficult.A game that allows you to think and relax for a while. Havefunkeeping busy thinking what is the answer to the puzzleathand.lets you unleash your creative thinking by linking all theimagesand find the common word.Play now and make some fun. very challenging and interestinggamefor all. Each level becomes more emotion as you have to thinkmoreand more to respond to the correct word for the fourimages.We recommend that you have to buy a snack while you play thisgameto enjoy it more.This is really created for Spanish-speaking people particularlyinSpain.So download the game now and enjoy every moment.It's free! What are you waiting for?Download now.
Palabra Correcta 1.4.11
You know the difference between there, and found there? Testyourknowledge
Adivina la palabra correcta Adivina palabra correcta 0.9
12 juegos de palabras en español para adivinar y aprenderortografíay gramática
Analizame! (Tests Divertidos) 6005059
Funny quizzes to analyze your personality or just hang out :)
How to write? Right Words - ES 2.0.1
Welcome (a) in this game for all ages where you will learn"Howtowrite" in the Spanish language. Spanish or Castilian isaRomancelanguage derived from Vulgar Latin. It belongs totheIberiangroup, and is originally from Castilla, a historicalregionof theIberian Peninsula in Spain today. Select the correctwordtocomplete the sentence, the questions come at random, therearemorethan * 250 for each theme and the more you answer moreyoulearnspelling and grammar in Spanish. You can get points andsharethemwith friends. This game is developed 100% in Spanish soitrequiresbasic knowledge of the language. There are 3 themestoplay: -Right Word - Synonyms - Antonyms
4 Pics 1 Word Quiz 1.00
Namu Games
See 4 pictures that have 1 word in common and guess such word.
Habla Inglés con 1100 palabras 1.4
Learn to speak English quickly learning the most common words
Cities and countries: 4 photos 1.08
Cities and Countries is a game totestyouknowledge of various cities and countries around the worldbasedon4 specific images. If you're a well traveled individual orjustalover of word games, this is the game for you. Can youguessthemall?More than 200 cities and 70 countries around the world foryoutoguessAll levels and categories are free.If you are really stumped, purchase various hintsusingearnedGoldShare it with your friends and help them guess wordsEnjoy the photos, have fun, and become a more worldly person!
4 PHOTOS 1 WORD: MIND BLOWER - funandexcitinggame for all ages. Interesting, easy, fun andchallenging.Try our 4PHOTOS 1 WORD: MIND BLOWER, we have made somevery funand excitingchanges.★ FEATURES: ★✔ Guess more than 150 words✔ All levels and categories are absolutely free✔ Share with your friends via FB and Twitter to help youguesstheword✔ Enjoy good pictures and fun puzzlesInitially one photo will be open for you and if you canguesstheword you get maximum points. If you can not guess the word,youmayopen all photo, one at a time, hey !! you could also usesomehelpfrom friends via facebook and twitter.Want to test your vocabulary? then download our FUN andFREE"4photos 1 word: Mind Blower"Good luck !
Talking Mike Mouse 230301
The amazing talking Mike Mouse and his cool games
Guess Word 1.32
Exciting game where you have to guess thewordfor 4 photos.Quiz of the series of games 4 pictures 1 word, new levels,newdesign, brand new condition!Features:- Nice graphics- Four hundred levels- Constant updates (new levels)- Absolutely freeIf you are having difficulty guessing the word, you can usethetips. Tips are also free!Enjoy the game with your friends, but we recommend to play withyourwhole family.19de0d12d2
Guess Pict for SpongeBob 1.0
You are very love with SpongeBobcharacters?Doyou like SpongeBob games? guess pict is the picturegame withveryfun to play because it can train our memory. We createthisgamespecifically for fans. Here there are many picturesofSpongeBobcharacters. You have to guess the characters thatappearon thescreen of your mobile phone to complete this game.variouskinds ofpictures include patrick, squidward, mr krabs andother.You cantest yourself and see if you are able to meet allthecharacters inthis games. This is a set of images in whichtheimage from thefiling you must try to guess the name ofthecharacter. It is asimple but very addictive game for free.Guess the pictures on the screen with the name ofcharacter.Thisgame test your ability to remember your favoritecharacter.Provethat you are fans !So you think you know everything there is to knowaboutcharacters,then prove it! The ultimate trivia game out there!Disclaimer:Our application is an unofficial , it is not authorized orcreatedbythe original creator. This application complies withUSCopyright lawguidelines of "fair use". If you have thefeelingthere is a directcopyright or trademark violation thatdoesn'tfollow within the "fairuse" guidelines, please contactus.
Charades Guess the Word 2.0
Charades Guess the Word! is a fun multiplayer game for playersofall ages.
Cartoon Quiz 1.0
Are you a real fan of cartoons?TakethisCartoon Quiz Game to find out how much do you knowaboutthesecartoons! Largest collection of questions and puzzlesaboutcartoonand anime characters and stories are waiting for youtosolve. Allquestions come from your favorite cartoon includeMyLittle Pony,SpongeBob, Teen Titans, The Simpsons, TheFlintstones,Yu-Gi-Oh!,Scooby Doo, Bugs Bunny, and many more. Havefunchallenging yourfriends to get the highest score and be themasterof all cartoons.Game Features:☺ Huge collection of trivia questions to solve.☺ All questions guarantee answers.☺ Limited time countdown and life.☺ Hints and helpers to help you figure out the answer.☺ Scoreboard to compare your ranking with friends and family.☺ High quality graphics.☺ Easy user interface design.☺ Suitable for kids, adults, boys, girls andallcartoonlovers!☺ Absolutely free!
Basta! 3.7
Tekton Labs
Horas de diversión garantizada con Basta!Elmás reciente juego de palabras que Mad Wolf Studios ha creadoparati.Antes de que se acabe el tiempo, completa el recuadro que apareceenpantalla con palabras que empiecen con la letra indicada yquecorrespondan a las diversas categorías que te ofrece eljuego:nombre, cosas, ciudades, animales, personajes famosos, etc.Pon aprueba tu velocidad y diviértete.Desbloquearás logros, podrás compartir tus mejores puntuacionesatravés de las principales redes sociales y compararlas conlaspuntuaciones de tus amigos.Amplia tu vocabulario, estimula tu rapidez y completa todoslosretos que este juego tiene para ti. ¡Demuestra que ereselmejor!Hours of funguaranteedwith Basta! The most recent game that Mad Wolf Studioshas createdfor you.Before time runs out, complete the box on screen with wordsstartingwith the letter and indicated correspond to the differentcategoriesoffered by the game name, things, cities, animals,famous people,etc. Test your speed and have fun.You unlock achievements, you can share your best scores acrossthemajor social networks and compare scores with yourfriends.Expand your vocabulary, stimulate your speed and complete allthechallenges that this game is for you. Prove you're thebest!
Cinco Letras Juego de Palabras 1.2
Eres un genio de las palabras y elvocabulario?Entonces este juego es para tí.5 Letras una palabra es un juego totalmente nuevo ytotalmentediferente de palabras.Realmente es un juego adictivo, con esta juego vas aumentartuvocabulario y tu agilidad mental ya que formar palabras con5letras realmente es un reto difícil pero muy adictivo.Tienes que formar palabras con cinco letras, realmentenecesitasmucha agilidad mental para formar las palabras.Esta basado en palabras que tienen CINCO LETRAS.Es un juego de letras en español.Es un juego de letras para formar palabras, entre más rápidolasformes, más puntos vas hacer.Es un juego de palabras, que te ayuda a aumentartuvocabularioEs un juego de habilidad mental, ya que tienes un tiempolimitadopara resolver cada combinación de palabras.Nosotros te damos cinco letras, y tú tienes que formar unapalabratan rápido como puedas.Entre más palabras hagas, mas puntos obtienes. El reto esenhacer la mayor cantidad de palabras posibles en el menortiempoposible.Es un juegoENTRETENIDO — ADICTIVO — DIVERTIDOUna vez que se termine, vas a volver a empezar! Cinco Letrasesun juego que nunca termina.CARACTERÍSTICAS:- Múltiples respuestas a las preguntas. Aumentatucreatividad!- Cientos de combinaciones de palabras con cinco letras.- Una tabla de Clasificación para que compitas contratusamigos!Cinco letras es un juego que busca que aumentes tu creatividadytu vocabulario.Espero y te gusteYou're a genius ofwordsand vocabulary?Then this game is for you.5 Letras a word is a totally new and totally different setofwords.It really is an addictive game, with this game you increaseyourvocabulary and mental agility as they form words with 5lettersreally is a difficult but very addictive challenge.You have to make words with five letters, you really need alotof mental agility to form words.It is based on words with five letters.It is a set of letters in Spanish.It is a set of letters to form words, the faster the reports,themore points you'll do.It is a word game that helps you increase your vocabularyIt is a game of mental ability, since you have a limited timetosolve each combination of words long.We give you five letters, and you have to make a word as fastaspossible.The more words you do, the more points you get. The challengeisto make as many words as possible in the shortesttimepossible.It's a gameENTERTAINING - ADDICTIVE - FUNNYOnce finished, you're going to start again! Five Letters isagame that never ends.CHARACTERISTICS:- Multiple answers to questions. Increase your creativity!- Hundreds of combinations of words with five letters.- A leaderboard for you to compete against your friends!Five letters is a game you are looking to increaseyourcreativity and your vocabulary.I hope you like it
Photo Quiz - Guess Pictures 1.9.7
*** Guess hundreds of pictures, solve the images and collectstarsand coins ***
Guess the word ~ 4 Pics 1 Word 12.0.1
Four pics, they are connected with one word, which one? Thisiswhatyou have to guess! - Clear and fascinating gameplay! -Thisisreally interesting and addictive! - Challenge yourwitsanderudition! - The vocab game for the whole family! -Forquizzes,puzzles, charades, rebuses and crosswords lovers! Thegame“4 Pics1 Word” was created as a Russian equivalent of “FourPicsoneWord”, “Guess the Word”, “4 pics 1 word”, “Guessthepicture”,“What is the word?", “Make words out from the word”,“Findandguess the word”, “Guess the word on the photo” and “Makewordsfromthe letters!”
Scratch and guess the animal 9.4
How many animals will you guess by picture? In Animal Quizyouwillhave to guess the animal names by scratching parts ofpictures.Theless you reveal in each image, the more carrots youwill get.Theycan be used later for getting tips that will make iteasiertoguess the animal. You can also get carrots forcompletingtasks,posting links in social networks, daily visits orsimplypurchasethem in a store. Game features: - General playersrating;-Intuitive UI design, optimised for all screen sizes; -Availablein6 languages; - Game statistics. Scratch and win,testyourknowledge and learn more!
Logo Game: Guess Brand Quiz 5.4.5
Logos Box
★Logo Game Quiz★Play the Logo Quiz Game! Guess the names of thousands ofpopularlogos from all over the world. Logo Game Quiz has thelargestcollection of over 4500 worldwide brands to solve.Logo Quiz Game progress is synced with Facebook and Google Plus,soyou can play on all of your different devices and compete withyourfriends for the highest score!Logo Quiz Features:★ More than 4,500 logos organized in over 80 packs.★ Bonus packs: logos are grouped into unique categories.★ Expert packs: for those who would like a challenge!★ Helpful clues! Each puzzle rewards 2 hints!★ Swipe screen to switch between logos!★ Log in with Facebook or Google Plus to sync your Logo GameQuizscore and compete with your friends!★ Ask your Facebook friends for help when stuck!★ Scoreboard where you can compare your ranking with friends.★ Logo Game progress is synced with Facebook and Google Plus, soyoucan play on all of your different devices.★ Hints are awarded to help you figure out the answer!★ High quality graphics.★ Timely updates: new packs are added frequently.New packs coming soon.Check for updates!All logos shown or represented in this game are copyrightand/ortrademark of their respective corporations. The useoflow-resolution images in this trivia app for use ofidentificationin an informational context qualify as fair use undercopyrightlaw.New packs coming soon.Check for updates!
Acertijos y Adivinanzas 2 5.15.1
The largest collection of Puzzles, Riddles and Mind Games.
Adivina 2 Fotos 1 Palabra 1.01
Namu Games
El juego te mostrará 2 fotos,túdebescombinarlas y adivinar la palabra.Averigua por qué "Adivina 2 Fotos 1 Palabra" es eljuegofavoritode muchos.★ Combina las imágenes y adivina la palabra ★He aquí algunos ejemplos:- Una fotos de GATO y otro de RAYAS. La respuesta es: TIGRE.- Una foto de MIEL y otro de LUNA. La respuesta es: LUNADEMIEL.★ Diversión Instantanea ★- No se requiere de registración ni tutorial. Noexistenreglascomplicadas.- Simplemente descárgalo y empieza a jugar.and have fun!The game willshow2photos, you must combine them and guess the word.Find out why "Guess 2 Photos 1 Word" is the favoriteofmanygame.★ combines the images and guess the word ★Here are some examples:- A photo of CAT and other STRIPES. The answer is: TIGER.- A photo of honey and other LUNA. The answer is: HONEYMOON.★ ★ Instant Fun- Do not require registration or tutorial. There arenocomplicatedrules.- Just download and start jugar.and have fun!
4 Pics 1 Word - Guess the Word 1.3
Words Mobile
THINK IT! GUESS IT! SOLVE IT! The#1award-winning 4 Pics 1 Word game you know and love is nowbetterthan ever.4 Pics 1 Word - Guess the Word is the fast, fun game ofguessingwords based on 4 pictures you see which have something incommon.Let your imagination run wild in this groundbreaking what'stheword puzzle game and once you start you just can’t stop!Game Features:★ Simple and familiar gameplay you know and love★ Improved the classic game with a whole new look and feel★ Unlimited Fun: Tons of words to guess and more to comeNotes: Photos are provided by Tap on apicturefor detailed copyright information of therespectivephotographer.
Guess the Close Up Food 1.0
What's the food we are looking for? You needtofind the food, Guess the Close Up Food In hi guess the foodgamewhat food? Just look at picture, Close up food and solve it.Besttrivia quiz game knowledge free for adult and kids ever.Guesswhat’s the famous food brand icon in trivia quiz guess thepicturepicture. Addicted to solve the endless logo puzzles?Challenge themand enjoy the fun now. Casual trivia guessing popularteen new coolfun addictive game free. This is a great and addictivetrivia quizgame. How many food icons can you recognize?- You have 3 heart for playing. if heart equal 0 you willlost.No worry you can restart anytime you want.- Each level can tap the tiles to reveal just 3 times.- Look at the foods and guess the name of the food.- The coins are important for unlock the next future level.Soplease keep in mind coins collection is important.hi guess the food what food answers is not easy. Guess thefoodanswers it hard to find. You might see some part of foods andguessit! No have guess the food cheats for guess the food. You mayaskwhat food cheats? Sorry you must try it by your self. foodshopgames!Guess the Close Up Food, hi guess the food guess the fastfoodresturants. Casual games free! free hi guess the restaurantlogoquiz
I Know the Cartoon
Guilardi Mob
Have fun with I know the cartoon, afreeto play charades game game! Test your knowledge andguess theicon on this challenge full of exciting cartoon riddlesandcharades, with more than 200 icons, characters,referencesand classics for you to hit the bull’s eye with thiselectrifyingcharades app!Do you have good memory and know everything about 90s cartoons,newand old cartoons, TV shows, movies and anime? Want to playanimequiz games? Looking to find games that will allow you loads offun?This is the game for you!Check the pictures, that give tips about each cartoon and useyourimagination. On this questions and answers game, your logogameanswers reveal new challenges with famous cartoons, suchas:- Pixar & Inside out;- Zootopia & The Secret Life of Pets- Cartoon Network quiz & Ben 10;- Disney & Frozen;- Dreamworks & Minions;- Anime quiz - for fans of anime games and mangagames;- 90s quiz game challenges;- Nickelodeon & Sponge Bob;...And many other pop icon hits!FROM THE CREATORS OF I KNOW THE LOGO, PREPARE YOURSELF FORLOTSOF FUN WITH OUR QUIZ QUESTIONS!!With I Know the Cartoon, the ultimate riddles andanswersgame, use your memory and intelligence to overcome thegame’s manylevels and guess the cartoon. Get as far as you can andenjoy oneof the most downloaded games of all times to prove thatyou knowthe cartoon! Gather friends and family and find out who’sthesmartest in this super competition.Need even more? Check out our cool features:- 5 exclusive levels with more than 40 challenges each;- “Ask for Help” option: unlock better tips for a mucheasierchallenge;- “Jump” button: skip to the next challenge and guessthecartoon;- 5 languages available: Play in Portuguese, English,French,Italian or Spanish!What are you waiting for? Download I Know The Cartoon right nowandlet the games begin!Way more cool than QuizUp, Genius Quiz and Trivia Crack
El Gran Juego de la Biblia 1.0.52
Demonstrate your knowledge of the Christian Bible with our freeapp.
1 Pic 1 Word : Fruits Quiz 5.2
Do you think you know all the fruitsnames!Areyou sure? We invite you to test your knowledges withthisaddictivegame that will certainly enrich vocabulary andknowledgeabout theworld of fruits.All you have to do is only guess the word of the picsshown,butremember that it's not easy as you think!This version is only for English-speaker.How to play?1 - To play, just look at the picture and guess the nameofthefruit.2 - There are 4 difficulty levels.3 - Each level contains 20 questions.4 - The player reaches the next level after answeringcorrectly50%of the questions.5 - If you are stuck at any level and you can't guessthepicturefinding the correct fruit names, the applicationprovidesseveralaid means (ask your friends to help you throughemails orsocialnetwork to reveal fruit names, use the points earnedtodisplay thecorrect answers ...) .6 - To earn points just click on the "Get Coints" buttonandchoosefrom available options .7 - The difficulty rises as you progress through the quizgameandhave to guess different kinds of exotic fruits or morehardbyguessing rare fruits name.8 - No registration, no complicated rules. Start one pictureonewordgame and you immediately start playing and having fun!1 pic 1 word is one of our best quiz games to learn English,Itisa perfect companion for children, kids and babies to learnthenamesof fruits in English and at the same time learn theEnglishalphabet(Letters ...) through fruit pictures.For adults too. On top of learning English andenrichingtheirvocabulary, They can play it as memory game becauseit allowsthemto test their memory and help to remember theforgotten fruitname.If you like word games like 4 images 1 word youwill surelylovethis new family game !This educational game is totally free, you will not havetopayanything to move to new question and levels.All images, photos, fonts and other media used in thisgameareavailable for free on the Internet underthe"CreativeCommons".