Top 21 Apps Similar to Health Book Digital

Assistant santé - Mieux vaut prévenir 3.5.1
Gérez votre santé et celle de vos proches avec l'assistantsantéconnecté Mieux vaut prévenir. C’est tout simplement leconcierge devotre santé. Vous lui confiez vos consultations et vostraitements,il vous les rappelle en temps utile. Vous lui décrivezvossymptômes, il les conserve précieusement en vue d’uneconsultation.Vous l’informez de vos maladies pour qu’il apprenne àvousconnaître, et il vous aide à mieux vous protéger quand vousêtesplus fragile. Grâce à, vous suivez vosvaccinations.Des questionnaires permettent de vous proposer demanièrepersonnalisée des fiches santé adaptées à vos besoins etrédigéespar un collège de médecins. L'inscription est ouverte àtout lemonde. Si vous n'avez pas de code d'invitation, cliquez sur"Non,je n'ai pas de code d'invitation" pour accéder gratuitementàl'application.
EHR / EMR Health records 2.5
Electronic patient records app organizes doctorappointments,storesdocuments and test results, sets reminders fortakingmedication.Now it is possible in any place and at any time:1.Have at hand allmedical analysis, hospital reports,clinicaldiagnosis. You canalways monitor the indices dynamics ingraph. 2.Create events:doctor appointment, fever, influenza,bloodpressure, pulse,contraceptive pill. 3. Create reminders fordrugintake, tablets,injections. It has the opportunity to remindyouof taking severalmedicine simultaneously. 4. Use calorie andbmicalculator. EMR letyou calculate such indices as dailycalorieintake, ideal bodyweight, ratio of waist and hips. 5.Usefertility calendar and trackthe cycles of menstruation.Menstrualcalendar let you calculatepregnancy, menstrual cycle,ovulationand fertile days. Be healthyand keep well, and EHR appwill helpyou with it.
Health Record 1.5.1
Keep track of your family'shealthdata:personal measures (weight, temperature, heart,size,cranialperimeter), observations, treatments. Registeryourappointmentsand be notified. Display the progression ofthepersonal measuresfor each member of your family.
Henner+ 3.3.0
Henner+: the healthcare app for Henner's members in France
Veterinary health record 1.9a
All your pets' data permanently in your pocket!
iCare Health Monitor (BP & HR) 3.6.0
iCare Health Monitor could measurebloodpressure,heart rate,vision,hearing,SpO2,breath rate bythephone.MAIN FEATURES:► Blood pressure measurement► Heart rate measurement► Blood oxygen measurement► Respiratory rate measurement► Vision measurement / Eye Test► Hearing measurement / Hearing Test► Lung capacity measurement► Real-time photoplethysmogram (PPG) graph► Autism-spectrum Test► Pedometer► Vision Care► HIIT Workout► ABS workout► Leg workout► Butt workout► Unlimited data storage and tags► Export data for registered usersEASY TO USE:1. Pressing the screen with your finger.2. Lightly place your index finger on the rear camera. Make surethecamera is fully covered.3. Hold until the measurement is complete.NOTE:1. Do not press too hard, otherwise blood circulation willbealtered and the results could beaffected2. When using a smartphone or tablet without a LED flashlight,besure to take the measurement in a well-lit area (brightdaylightworks best)3. Remain calm and try not to move too much during themeasurement,as this can compromise measurement accuracy4. Since the camera and flash are not professionalacquisitionequipment, We recommend that you measure more thanonce.No extra devices needed, iCare Health Monitor is designed forpeopleto measure the following physiological parameters: bloodpressure,respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen, vision, hearing,lungcapacity, emotion, Autism-spectrum, color blindness, pulsewave,Psychology and other physical data.✓ The world's 1st blood pressure measurement APP✓ The world's 1st continuous heart rate measurement APP✓ The world's 1st blood lipid measurements APP✓ The world's 1st pulse wave acquisition and analysissoftware✓ The world's most functional examination APPCollected by a photoelectric pulse wave signal stability,iCareHealth Monitor could get heart rate, blood pressure, bloodlipids,blood oxygen and other physical parameters of the pulsewaveanalysis.Reliable data:A large number of user authentication;1. Heart rate error : Within plus or minus 3, Validrange:50~1502. For more than 95% of users, blood pressure error:Within plusorminus 123. For more than 92% of users, blood Oxygen error:Within plusorminus 24. Identification and accuracy of high blood cholesterol morethan80%The pulse wave can reflect the dynamic changes of bloodpressurewell, but there is certain deviation while indicatingprecise valueof blood pressure. Input calibration value caneffectively reducethe errors.The more you test, the more precise the result will be.Features:1.Measure the user's blood pressure, heart rate, blood lipids,bloodoxygen, vision, color blindness, hearing, Lung capacity,breathrate, psychological index and other physical data throughthephone.2.Measure Physical data by Bluetooth Sphygmomanometer,Bluetoothwristband, Bluetooth body fat scales, Bluetooth ECGinstrument.3.Statistics daily health data and make statistics andtrendanalysis.4.Based on the user's health data and trends, to providehealthalert service.5.Without wearable device, super-convenient pedometer.6.Games and interactive training programs, statistics andmanagedaily physical activity and sport type.7.HIIT Workout:Scientifically proven to assist weight lossandimprove cardiovascular function.8.ABS workout:Get sexy, flat and firm abdominal musclesusingeffective abs training methods.9.Butt workout:In only 7 minutes, these 12 typical exerciseswillgive you the tight butt you've always dreamed of.10.Leg workout:Want slim and sexy legs? Strengthen and tightenyourlower body now!
Health Calculator Pro 1.25
Calculate BMI, BMR and Ideal Body Fat Percentage.
Health tracker & Pill Reminder 2.1
This app will help you take care of your health with medtracker,BMI check
Health Pal - Fitness Manager 5.0.06
Digit Grove
Best tool to manage and track your Walking, Workouts, Weight,Sleep& Diet
Health Report Daily 2.2.6
Manage your daily health data (weight, blood sugar, bloodpressure,heart pulse)
Top Santé 3.5.7
Femininity, convenience and health expertise on your mobile!
Health Calculator 3.2
Worried about your fitness? Visit now to manage your health andstayhealthy!
Guide santé au naturel 1.5
NaturoGuide: Complete Guide to Natural Health Products
Heart Rate Plus 2.6.8
Check your heart rate anytime, anywherewithHeart Rate Plus - at your home or your office - when you wakeup,relax, before and after exercise, or before a big meeting.Bet you never thought your phone or tablet could do that?The Heart Rate Plus app will measure your heartbeat withgreataccuracy, using your smartphone’s camera sensor and flashlightbyprocessing the images of your pulse on your finger!Instant, accurate, and excellent for monitoring your healthandfitness.FEATURES:✔ Fast and accurate measurement✔ Save result for access later✔ Real time pulse graph✔ Android Wear support: Measure your pulse using the heartratesensor in your smartwatch✔ Reminder: Automatic remind you to measure yourheartbeateveryday✔ Export history to CSV file (ads free user only)✔ Built-in sensor support with device run Lollipop and later.USER GUIDE:Please read carefully before using this app.★ Hold the tip of your index finger over the back camera lensandflash of your phone or tablet.Do not press too hard or you will restrict circulation whichwillresult in an inaccurate reading.★ After a second or two, you should see your heartpulsegraph.Keep holding your finger still for five more seconds to computeyourheart rate and update the number.For best results, hold your finger still for 10 seconds to getanaccurate heart rate.Follow our official Facebookpage:*** If you like this app, please support us, you can remove adsfromthe Menu*** We welcome your ideas and suggestions, please email usat:[email protected]: This app is not a medical product!
Recettes santé 1.0.1
Team apps
Recettes santé et faciles vous aidera à manger sainement avecnossavoureuses recettes. Découvrez notre application 100% enfrançaispour des recettes santé et rapides et des conseils pourbiens'alimenter et perdre du poids. une cuisine sainesquicorrespondent à vos envies et selon vos critères parmi nosrecettesd'entrées, de plats ou de dessertHealthyandeasy recipes will help you eat healthily with our tastyrecipes.Discover our application 100% in French for quick andhealthyrecipes and tips for eating well and losing weight. ahealthy foodthat match your desires and according to your criteriaamong ourrecipes for appetizers, main courses and dessert
db santé 1.3.1
Vous êtes vous déjà retrouvé devant lemédecin,en ayant oublié votre carnet de santé à la maison ? Vouscherchezune méthode simple, maitrisée et surtout sans internet oùstockervos données médicales ? Vous aimeriez facilement consulterunhistorique sur vos visites médicales, vaccins, oudiversesconsultations médicales, alors cette application est faitepourvous.Elle permet d'avoir un historique de:- Tout votre carnet de santé- Suivi de croissance, poids, IMC...- Etat de la dentition- Etat ophtalmique- Etat Auditif- Suivi chez le médecin- Diabète- Cholestérol- Suivi cardiaque- Bilan sanguin- Auto médication- Ainsi qu'un certain nombre de conseils.Il faudra ainsi saisir vos données dans l'application, quinequittera jamais votre téléphone, car elle n'a pas besoind'Internetpour fonctionner.L'objectif de cette application est donc d'avoir TOUTESlesinformations médicales dont vous avez besoin dans votre pocheetsurtout, de MAITRISER ces informations. Ainsi, vous pourrezlesmontrer si vous voulez à votre médecin par exemple.L'aspect sécurité devra être géré par votre téléphone, carn'étantpas connecté à Internet, la gestion de perte de mot de passeestimpossible. Pensez donc à renforcer la sécurité devotresmartphone, en mettant un code PIN au verrouillageparexemple.Dans chaque menu, vous pourrez créer une nouvelle fiche(étatophtalmique par exemple) et remplir les différentsélémentsdemandé. Cette fiche sera ensuite sauvegardée dans votresmartphoneet consultable à volonté.Vous pourrez aussi remplir votre fiche personnelle afind'avoirtoujours les informations concernant vos informationspersonnellescomme: n° de sécurité sociale, groupe sanguin,etc...Les futures mises à jour, ne vous feront pas perdre de donnée,carne modifient que la structure des fiches.Have you ever been tothedoctor, having forgotten your health book at home? Looking forasimple, mastered and especially without Internet to storeyourmedical data? You would easily view a history of yourmedicalvisits, vaccines, or various medical consultations, thenthisapplication is for you.It allows to have a history of:- All your health record- Growth Monitoring, weight, BMI ...- State of dentition- Ophthalmic State- Status Hearing- Follow the doctor- Diabetes- Cholesterol- Cardiac Monitoring- Blood test- Auto medication- And a number of tips.It will thus enter your data in the application, that willneverleave your phone, because it does not need Internettofunction.The objective of this application is to have ALL themedicalinformation you need in your pocket and more importantly,MASTERthis information. So you can show them if you want yourdoctor forexample.The security aspect should be managed by your phone as notbeingconnected to the Internet, management of password lossisimpossible. So remember to strengthen the security ofyoursmartphone, putting a PIN lock for example.In each menu, you can create a new entry (eg ophthalmiccondition)and fill the elements requested. This form will then besaved inyour smartphone and searchable at will.You can also fill in your contact card to always haveinformationabout your personal information such as: No SocialSecurity, blood,etc ...Future updates, you will not lose data because only modifythestructure of the sheets.
The Secret of Weight
The Secret of Weight (TSOW) is a simpleandpractical calorie counter based on photos. With this funandplayful application, you can either maintain your weight, slimdownor even gain weight; it’s all up to you!We all have heard about calories before! Why use this app then?Isit easy to navigate? How do we add up our calories?The Secret of Weight explains everything! The number of caloriesyoucan spend each day. What happens if you go over your budget?How torectify when you overindulge... Most importantly, theapplicationsimplifies calorie counting for you, as you can selectwhat you hadto eat using food pictures in the app!How does it work?- There is a daily calorie budget which you can spendwithoutgetting fat. You can spend your money as you wish! You caneat allkinds of food and as long as you stay within your budget youwillnot gain weight! This is THE big Secret of Weight.Okay, but how does it all work?- Throughout the day, you can add the food you're having andselectthe portions you're having by using the food pictures. Asmallgauge shows you how many calories you have left to spend forthatgiven day.- If you eat more than the budget, you’ll gain weight: a chartshowsyou, in real time, how many grams you gain whenyouoverindulge.- If you eat less than your estimated budget, you’ll lose weight:achart indicates, in real time, how many grams you have lost.The new thing about this concept is to make you see howlosingweight does not necessarily mean banishing forbidden foodsfromyour diet! You will also precisely learn how many calories youwillneed to eat or not in order to gain or lose a kilo.Contents:- Caloric gauge and dashboard.- Food catalogue:1661 photos of food1934 foods represented- Possibility to add food to your cart, using or not photos.- Possible to save your own recipes with or without photos.- You can add food items to "Favorites".- Food shopping (it is possible to check your basket for the last10days).- Customized Settings.- Help topics.- Small character as your coach ("Flo").- Possibility to customize the dashboard by changing the colorofthe gauge and the character (by pressing one or the other).No fees, no additional paying options. The only product thatwepresent is the book, The Secret of Weight (available onAmazon),which, if you buy it, will tell you more about the Secretof Weightmethod!We invite you to test this wonderful tool for yourself!The application’s limited options help us focus on the simple,basicthings. You will quickly get to know all the options (but itwillstill take a few minutes to understand the basic idea). Withthehelp of explanatory texts, you will catch on and before youknow ityou'll start managing your weight all on your own! Keep itsimple,think simple, and lose weight easily!
30 Day Butt Workout Challenge 1.0.0R
RFit Apps
Get fit glutes in 30 days by following our butt workouts guide!
AppliSanté 1.6.1
My AppliSanté is a program offered by the mutual Ociane.
Health Calc 3.2.1
Calculate your: * BMI (your Body Mass Index) * WHtR (WaisttoHeighTRatio) * Metabolic rate * Maximum dailycarbohydrate,protein andfats intake according to the requirementsof severaldiets:low-carb, ketogenic, Atkins, zone, and others. *Targetheart rate(THR) training zones * Ideal weight, based on wristsize* Burnedcalories * Caffeine intake recommendation * Vitaminsandmineralsdaily intake recommendation * Shows the history ofBMI,WHtR andweight entries Health calc helps you manage yourweight.Itcalculates (BMI), your waist-to-height ratio andyourmetabolicrate. Health calc also tells you your idealwaistcircumference andshows the daily caloric intake you needtomaintain your weight (orlose weight). Your gender, age andactivitylevel are taken intoaccount in the calculation as well.
iCare Blood Pressure Monitor 3.4.8
iCare Blood Pressure Monitor couldmeasureyour blood pressure by the mobile!KEY FEATURES:► Blood pressure measurement► Blood pressure data management and analysis► Blood pressure Workout and CareReliable data: For more than 95% of users, bloodpressureerror:Within plus or minus 12EASY TO USE:1. Pressing the screen with your finger.2. Lightly place your index finger on the rear camera. Make surethecamera is fully covered.3. Hold until the measurement is complete.NOTE:1. Do not press too hard, otherwise blood circulation willbealtered and the results could beaffected2. When using a smartphone or tablet without a LED flashlight,besure to take the measurement in a well-lit area (brightdaylightworks best)3. Remain calm and try not to move too much during themeasurement,as this can compromise measurement accuracy4. Since the camera and flash are not professionalacquisitionequipment, We recommend that you measure more thanonce.Collected by a photoelectric pulse wave signal stability,iCareBlood Pressure Monitor could get heart rate, blood pressure,bloodlipids, blood oxygen and other physical parameters of thepulsewave analysis.The pulse wave can reflect the dynamic changes of bloodpressurewell, but there is certain deviation while indicatingprecise valueof blood pressure. Input calibration value caneffectively reducethe errors.The more you test, the more precise the result will be.Reliable data:A large number of user authentication;1. Heart rate error : Within plus or minus 3, Validrange:50~1502. For more than 95% of users, blood pressure error:Within plusorminus 123. For more than 92% of users, blood Oxygen error:Within plusorminus 24. Identification and accuracy of high blood cholesterol morethan80%OTHER FEATURES:✓ Heart rate measurement✓ Blood oxygen measurement✓ Real-time photoplethysmogram (PPG) graph✓ Respiratory rate measurement✓ Vision measurement / Eye Test✓ Hearing measurement / Hearing Test✓ Lung capacity measurement✓ Autism-spectrum Test✓ Pedometer✓ Vision Care✓ HIIT Workout✓ ABS workout✓ Leg workout✓ Butt workout✓ Unlimited data storage and tags✓ Export data for registered usersNo extra devices needed, iCare Blood Pressure Monitor isdesignedfor people to measure the following physiologicalparameters: bloodpressure, respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen,vision, hearing,lung capacity, emotion, Autism-spectrum, colorblindness, pulsewave, Psychology and other physical data.✓ The world's 1st blood pressure measurement APP✓ The world's 1st continuous heart rate measurement APP✓ The world's 1st blood lipid measurements APP✓ The world's 1st pulse wave acquisition and analysissoftware✓ The world's most functional examination APPFeatures:1.Measure the user's blood pressure, heart rate, blood lipids,bloodoxygen, vision, color blindness, hearing, Lung capacity,breathrate, psychological index and other physical data throughthephone.2.Measure Physical data by Bluetooth Sphygmomanometer,Bluetoothwristband, Bluetooth body fat scales, Bluetooth ECGinstrument.3.Statistics daily health data and make statistics andtrendanalysis.4.Based on the user's health data and trends, to providehealthalert service.5.Without wearable device, super-convenient pedometer.6.Games and interactive training programs, statistics andmanagedaily physical activity and sport type.