Top 10 Apps Similar to Poems of Edgar Allan Poe

The Tell-Tale Heart 1.0
Classic Books
The Tell-Tale Heart is a short storybyEdgarAllan Poe originally published in 1843. It followsanunnamednarrator who insists on his sanity after murdering anoldman witha "vulture eye". The murder is carefully calculated,andthemurderer hides the body by cutting it into pieces andhidingitunder the floorboards. Ultimately the narrator'sguiltmanifestsitself in the hallucination that the man's heart isstillbeatingunder the floorboards. It is unclear what relationship,ifany, theold man and his murderer share. It has been suggestedthatthe oldman is a father figure or, perhaps, that his vultureeyerepresentssome sort of veiled secret. The ambiguity and lackofdetails aboutthe two main characters stand in stark contrast tothespecificplot details leading up to the murder. The storywasfirstpublished in James Russell Lowell's The Pioneer inJanuary1843."The Tell-Tale Heart" is widely considered a classic oftheGothicfiction genre and one of Poe's most famousshortstories.
Edgar Allan Poe Quotes 1.6
Edgar Allan Poe's collection of themosticonicquotations and thoughts.I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.Those who dream by day are cognizant of many thingsthatescapethose who dream only at night.We loved with a love that was more than love.All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.Words have no power to impress the mind withouttheexquisitehorror of their reality.All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out offraud,fear,greed, imagination, and poetry.Beauty of whatever kind, in its supremedevelopment,invariablyexcites the sensitive soul to tears.The boundaries which divide Life from Death are atbestshadowyand vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and wheretheotherbegins?I have no faith in human perfectability. I thinkthathumanexertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity.Man isnowonly more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than hewas6000years ago.About Edgar Allan Poe:was an American author, poet, editor, and literarycritic,consideredpart of the American Romantic Movement. Bestknown forhis tales ofmystery and the macabre, Poe was one of theearliestAmericanpractitioners of the short story, and isgenerallyconsidered theinventor of the detective fiction genre. Heisfurther credited withcontributing to the emerging genre ofsciencefiction. He was thefirst well-known American writer to tryto earna living throughwriting alone, resulting in afinanciallydifficult life andcareer.
The Fall of the House of Usher 1.0
Classic Books
The Fall of the House of UsheraudiobookbyEdgar Allan Poe, is a tale that opens with theunnamednarratorarriving at the house of his friend, RoderickUsher,havingreceived a letter from him in a distant part ofthecountrycomplaining of an illness and asking for his comfort.This app is a basically a convenient bookmark thatopensyourbrowser and allows you to listen to The Fall of the HouseofUsheraudiobook without having to download the file toyourdevice.Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewindandforward.
Ligeia by Edgar Allan Poe 1.0
Classic Books
Ligeia audiobook by Edgar Allan Poe, isanearlyshort story about an unnamed narrator and his wifeLigeia.She fallsill and after her death, the narrator marries theLadyRowena. Rowenabecomes ill and she dies as well. Thedistraughtnarrator stays withher body overnight and watches asRowena slowlycomes back from thedead – though she has transformedinto Ligeia.This app is a basically a convenient bookmark that opensyourbrowserand allows you to listen to Ligeia audiobook withouthavingtodownload the file to your device. Includes ability tocontrolvolume,pause, rewind and forward.
The Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe 1.1.0
The black cat by Edgar Allan Poe: A drunkmankills his cat and it comes back to haunt him. In Poe's usualstyle,the narrator of the story is the killer and we see thingsthroughhis eyes. Quite a horrific tale.
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe 5 5.0
Read "The Works of Edgar Allan Poe —Volume5"!Once you install this app, you can read it by 1-clickwithoutconnecting network.You can also check your "Reading Score" from the menu.
The Black Cat audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
The Black Cat audiobook by Edgar Allan Poe,isabout a murderer who carefully conceals his crime andbelieveshimself unassailable, but eventually breaks down andrevealshimself, impelled by a nagging reminder of his guilt.This app is a basically a convenient bookmark that opensyourbrowser and allows you to listen to The Black Cat audiobookwithouthaving to download the file to your device. Includes abilitytocontrol volume, pause, rewind and forward.
The Murders In The Rue Morgue 1.0
***CLASSIC LITERATURE IN AN EASYTONAVIGATEAPP***By: Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849The Murders in the Rue Morgue” is a short story writtenbyEdgarAllan Poe in 1841. Poe referred to it as a “taleofratiocination”featuring the brilliant deductions of C.AugusteDupin; it is todayregarded as one of the first detectivestoriesand is almostcertainly the first locked room mysteryAudio Book from All Librivox recordings areinthePublic Domain and are available free of charge. Ihaveassembledthis Literature Classic in an easy to navigate appforyourlistening and reading pleasure free of charge - theadsdisplayedhelp support my effort, so please visittheadvertisers.Since this is a streaming media, an unlimited dataplanisrecommended.Enjoy!
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe 4 5.0
Read "The Works of Edgar Allan Poe —Volume4"!Once you install this app, you can read it by 1-clickwithoutconnecting network.You can also check your "Reading Score" from the menu.
Рассказы Э.А.ПО 3.0
New Apps Land
Эдгара Аллана По(1809 — 1849) - американский писатель ипоэт,стоявший у истоков научной фантастики и являющийсясоздателемдетективного жанра в литературе. Его мистические, полныеатмосферытайн произведения оказали огромное влияние на мировуюлитературу, идо сих пор они увлекают воображение читателя любоговозраста,оставаясь завораживающими, захватывающими и оченьсовременными. Вданном сборнике представлены лучшие рассказы ЭдгараПо, написанныеим в разные годы такие как"Сердце-обличитель","Черный кот", "МаскаКраснойсмерти","Метценгерштейн" и др. в переводе М. Энгельгардта,Н.Шелгунова, Д.Михаловского, Л. Уманца. Разработчик приложенийNewApps Land ставит перед собой цель популяризациипроизведенийклассической русской и зарубежной литературы срединового поколениячитателей. Чтобы создать у пользователейвпечатление чтенияреальной книги в приложении создан эффектперелистывания страниц.Приложения от New Apps Land являютсябесплатными. Приложения незапрашивают у пользователей отправку SMSс мобильных телефонов наплатные номера а также не отслеживаютличную информациюпользователя. Как небольшая компенсация за трудсоздателяприложений в приложение встроен рекламный модуль AdmobЕсли данноеприложение Вам понравилось - оставьте, пожалуйста,отзыв.