Top 9 Apps Similar to Pro Uber Taxi RidesTips

Free Promo Codes for Uber 1.3
Uber Taxi is an on-demand carserviceavailableall over the world. You’ll get the taxi cab withjust fewclicks toanywhere you are.And our uber promo code guide app is made to help peoplelowerthetaxi costs, get free uber rides, and just enjoy theinsaneeconomyevery day!This Guide and promo coupons For UBER Taxi App will show how togetataxi, private car or ride share from your mobile phone. TaxiCabappconnects you with a driver in minutes. Use app in citiesaroundtheworld. Our uber coupons system will bring you anengagingopportunityto get free uber ride without any muchtimespent.And it’s very simple! You just enter our uber coupons appwith1button and start completing easy tasls like watchingcoolvideos.Then at your uber app you would nned enter thepromotioncode toget a free Uber taxi ride. After creating yourprofile, youcanimmediately start searching for a car. It's superfast togetstarted driving with Uber promo code, cashless andhavebetterservice than a normal taxi. With this Uber promo codeapp,you'llstart for free!While using our uber coupons mobile app, you will spendthefreespare minute of your time at subway/lessons to maketherealprofits out of them. You will be able to find andplaydifferentgames that will keep you excited to earn uber codes.Theappcreators made it fun but not a difficult work. Thisrewardappshave already become the favourite hobby for thousands ofpeopleallover the globe, so why would not you try such amazing waytogetfree uber codes?The promotion uber codes, coupons, and discounts maybechangedsuddenly by UBER taxi app without notice. Our taxi appiscreatedfor people who are willing to save money ontaxi.
Uber Lightswitch - Flashlight 2.1.1
Uber light switch is simplest LEDflashlightapp available! This light switch based flashlight app isso easy touse, even a child could use it. Just flick the lightswitch on andoff for a super bright LED flashlight! This LEDflashlight usesyour camera's in built flash to create anilluminating torch thatis so bright, "super" doesn't cut it theonly way to describe itis: uber!Note: phones without a flash will not be able to use uberlightswitch. Most major torch applications rely on your flashtofunction.Tested on:- OnePlus 3- LG Lucid 2- Samsung Galaxy S3- BLU X2
Uber-Counter | Tally counter 1.0.507
Tally Counter
Uber-Counter is a tally counter plus much much more. You cancountgame scores, gym visits, coffee cups or anything else you needtokeep record of. The most important features are: ●flexiblecustomization of the tally counters ● build-in dataanalysis ●sharing results ● counting as a team With its analyticfeaturesUber-Counter can also be used professionally inmarketing,education, research projects and technical surveys. Usageexamplesinclude: counting people for marketing research, countingvehiclesin a traffic, carrying out wildlife surveys, councilsurveys andmany other projects. Uber-Counter provides several modesofcounting - you can have several tally counters on the screenatonce and have multiple counters organized in separateprojects.Uber-Counter also supports Calendar for keeping recordsofactivities on specific days in the past. Uber-Counter is theonlytally counter that collects all the counts you have madeandprovides comprehensive reports like: ● pie chart ● mapwithlocations of the counts ● chart by hour of the day ● chartbyweek/month ● complete history of details for each count made●general summary chart ● drill-down functionality on every chart●data export to 4 different formats Counting features: ●countingindividually or in a distributed team of people ● sharingresults ●calendar for counting days ● single tally counter ● matrixof tallycounters ● assigning icons to counters ● counting usingvolumebuttons of the phone ● counting using gestures withoutlooking onthe screen ● touch-less counting (by waving a hand infront of thephone, e.g. when knitting) Usages: tally counter,council survey,marketing research, wildlife survey, populationsurvey, praycounter, people counter, birds counting, click counter,handcounter, digital counter, card counter, cigarette counter,beercounter, knitting counter.
Book Keeping for Uber & Lyft 4.1.2
Zule Li
While you drive for Uber or Lyft or any other similar company,youwant to have a simple way to find out how much the expenseandrevenue are and how efficiently your time has been used.Thissimple app can help you keep track of all the expenses andrevenueand display the profit/loss in the simple and clean way.
Drive vs Uber Cost Comparison 0.0.1
Nishil Kohli
Uber or Drive?Ever wondered how much more or less getting an Uberwouldcostinstead of driving? This app should helpanswerthatquestion.The app gets the cost of your trip from uber and calculateshowmuchyou might pay in petrol(or diesel) if you drove instead.Giveit ago and see exactly how much you are paying for being lazyandnotdriving yourself.The app can also compare cost of ownership for a vehiclevsusingUber over the long term. Taking into account currentmarketvalueof the vehicle, mileage, cost of fuel etc.Features- Single journey - compare cost of fuel for driving your owncarvstaking an Uber- Car ownership - compare overall cost of doing yourdailycommutevia Uber vs your own vehicle.- Real-time fare estimates direct from Uber- Accurate estimates that take into account trafficconditionswhencalculating fuel consumption.- Uber vs Driving side by side comparison.Check out the FAQ in the app for more.Powered by uberordrive.comDISCLAIMER: This app is not endorsed by and hasnoofficialrelationship to Uber
Driver Bar (Uber Lyft Sidecar) 1.4
*PLEASE NOTE* Nothing will happenwhenyou press the app icon. The Driver Bar only pops up over theUberPartner, Lyft, and Sidecar:Drive apps (and GoogleMaps &Waze).Launch one of those, and it will load, it runs in thebackgroundwaiting for you to launch one of those.This app floats above Uber Partner, Lyft, and Sidecar:Driveapps.It also floats above GoogleMaps and Waze. It has an icon foreachRideShare App, allowing you to close the other two whenpressed.This saves time, after accepting ride requests, not havingto flipinto the other two apps, and turn off driver mode.Hopefully it willhelp you remember to toggle them off, so youdon't continue to getride requests from the other apps, which justslows down service forthe customer, and hurts your acceptancerate.If you get a ride request from UBER, touch the screen toaccept,then tap the UBER icon in the Driver Bar App. It willautomaticallyclose Lyft and Sidecar, and leave you on your UBERscreen. It worksthe same way for the other two.If you LONG PRESS an icon, it will launch the app that youlongpress, so you can log back into driver mode after you drop offyourrider.This app was originally built for personal use on a GalaxyS3with a screen resolution of 720×1280. It should work just fineonlarger phones as well, but the icons will be slightly smaller.Iput a gap between them, so they would be easier to just touchasingle button.This app requires ROOT on Android. Uber Partner app isnotcompatible with ROOT for Android unless you use'RootCloak'.Instructions for installing and using RootCloak are atthefollowing link. this app uses a force stop to close the other apps,itdoes require root. Lyft will detect this force stop asacommunication error with their system, and after a fewminutes,will send you a text noting that they lost communicationwith you.If the text annoys you, turn off notifications for thatspecificphone number.Because this app requires ROOT, you will be promptedforSuperUser permissions.I am not a programmer. I built this for me, and thought thatitmight be helpful to others. I understand that it is VERYspecificin usage. If it doesn't work for you or on your phone,return it,I'll happily refund. There are absolutely NO ADS anywherein thisapp, which is why I'm charging a nominal price for it.UPDATED NEW FEATURES:-More button, allows you to close the driver bar completely, moveitto the left edge or back to the right edge, Hide it for 20seconds(in case it is in the way of an on screen keyboard), orKILL ALL 3Driver apps all at once to go offline completely.
Quick Switch for Uber & Lyft 2.4
This is the OLD version of the AppforAndroid4.0This is a simple but VERY productive app for UberandLyftdrivers. It gives you an Uber and Lyft button that floatovertheright edge of multiple apps that drivers use for rideshare.Makesdriving while manipulating your apps much easierandsafer.Floats over:Uber PartnerLyftUber PassengerGoogle MapsWazeThis app will switch between apps, and requires NO rootaccess.Ifyou have rooted your phone, you might prefer another appI'vebuiltcalled 'Driver Bar' this app allows for both switchingandclosing ofthe other driver apps. features:Hide the bar for 20 seconds: good if it's covering anonscreenfeature that you need to access.Quick Access to:- Gas Buddy- Uber Partners Dashboard Website- Uber Passenger App (to keep an eye on other cars and surges)There are absolutely NO ADS which is why I am charginganominalprice for it.
Easy Switch Uber & Lyft 3.0
JPazR Apps
Uber and Lyft Drivers who usebothapplicationsin a single phone know how frustrating it is toswitchbetween bothapplications. As soon as you accept a requestwitheither one youwant to quickly switch to the other one and turnitoff.This application allows you to do switch between both of themwithablink of an eye.Key features:- Single click to the icon to alternatebetweeneitherapplication- Icon can be placed anywhere you please and can also behiddenfromview- When neither application is focused you can still launcheitheronewith the launcher- No rooted phone required
Surge Chaser 1.212
SurgeChaser is a utility for Uber driversthathelps track and chase the surge. Create checkpoints,enablenotifications, and receive notifications whenever the surgeexceedsthe threshold you set (custom to each checkpoint).