Top 5 Apps Similar to The guide to working with uber

iDrive for Uber 2.0.209
You can make more money driving for Uber if you track all yourmilesand expenses to get the most of your tax deductions. It iseasy.Developed by rideshare drivers, this app is more than ataxrecordkeeping tool. Find out how much money you REALLY makefromyour driving business. Turn on iDrive as you start everyshift.Turn it off at the end of the shift. Automatically createtaxrecords to claim tax deductible expenses and see the keydetailsyou need to manage your business! The app automaticallytracksevery mile you drive. Ready to use at tax time. Understandyourbusiness better and make more money: actively manage yourdrivingstrategy. Add shift targets, fares, and view the results.See anypatterns? What can you change? Where, when, and how youdriveaffect your profit! You're a pro. Itemizing expenses? Add fuelandall business-related expenses—with a picture of eachreceipt—tocreate tax records. iDrive uses entered odometer readingstocalculate Business Use % of your car, ready to use at taxtime.Additional features include: EASY TO CUSTOMIZE: CustomizeappSettings with your accounting and vehicle details. • Use MetricorImperial Units • App supports multiple currencies • UseautomaticGPS tracking or change to manual odometer entry • Set taxfiscalyear (FY) - 5 initial settings set local tax rules - Appreportscurrent FY data, change to view prior FYs - Back up (andrestore)entire database by FY • Define and record information onmultiplecars, by each car • Enter annual/quarterly odometerreadings (forBusiness Use %) HELP WHILE YOU DRIVE View key shiftinformationwhile you are driving—driving time, $/hr, drivingefficiency. Noteinteresting end-of-shift information—fare typegraph, total shiftmap. Use these bonus features when you need them.Take Me Home! •Lost in a city or suburb? One tap launches a map toget you back tofamiliar territory! Find Best Fuel Price List—checkfor cheap fuelbefore you fill up. • Price List automaticallyupdates as localiDrive users buy fuel • Nearest (50 mi) and latest(7 days) fuelprices recorded in your area • Tap item (map or list)formap/directions to that station MANAGING YOUR RECORDS Routinelysavedata records off your phone to keep tax records safe. • ExportCSVfiles and receipt images to your cloud account or email - WorkLogs(contain all shift details, including total shift mileage)-Expense Log (fuel and business-related purchase details) -Receiptimages from your phone's gallery Routinely export yourdatabase toback up the app • This Backup file can install yourexistingrecords on a new phone ANALYZE YOUR BUSINESS If you entershifttime/$ targets and add fare details every time you drive,viewthese iDrive reports. • My Money: entering all income andexpensecreates Profitability and Cash Flow estimates • My HourlyRates:shift start/end times calculate average $/Hr (before andafterexpenses) • Productivity by Day of Week: fare totals by theday ofthe week compare productivity • Shift Targets: compare income and hours history (app-recorded shift data only)•Driving Efficiency: compare Paid/Non Paid shift mileage bymonth(app-recorded shift data only)
SMPS NERC: The ÜBER Conference 5.9
The SMPS Northeast Regional Conference(NERC),aka “The ÜBER Conference,” will connect the nation’ssavviestmarketers from the A/E/C industry for three days ofremarkablepresentations, workshops, and networking. This conferenceisexpected to draw between 300 and 500 executives andmarketingprofessionals who are responsible for attracting newbusiness andgenerating revenue for their firms in the buildingindustry.
Uberium 2 Seja Motorista Uber 1.0
está aplicativo irá lhe auxiliar noseucadastrojunto há Uber e atrás dele você receberáinformaçõesimportantes paraseu dia dia como Motorista Uber.COMO FUNCIONA ?Após a instalação do aplicativo abra o aplicativo ecliqueemcadastre-se insira todos os dados conforme sua CNH,eaguardecontato de nossos agente dentro de 24 horas.Você também receberá um treinamento exclusivo Uberiumatravésdenossa plataforma Web, notícias dos principais eventosqueestarãoacontecendo em sua cidade possibilitando a maximizaçãodosseusganhos junto há Uber.VANTAGENSFórum UberiumSorteios semanaisNotícias dos principais eventosTreinamento ao vivoO QUE É UBER ?Uber é uma empresa multinacional americana detransporteprivadourbano que utiliza um aplicativo para comunicaçãoentreopassageiro e motorista particular associado ao Uber. Éumserviçosemelhante ao táxi tradicional, conhecidopopularmentecomoserviços de "carona remunerada". Presente em maisde 400cidades e70 países.POSSO DEFINIR MEU PRÓPRIO HORÁRIO?Sim, você pode dirigir com a Uber quando quiser não importaháoperíodo ou a quantidade de horas que vai dirigir, assimnãoperderámomentos importantes com a sua família ou amigos.It is app willassistyouin your records together for Uber and behind him youwillreceiveimportant information for your day to day Uberdriver.  HOW IT WORKS ?  After installing the application open the applicationandclicksign up enter all the data as a CNH, and wait contactouragentwithin 24 hours.  You will also receive an exclusive training ÜberiumthroughourWeb platform, news of major events that will behappening inyourcity making it possible to maximize your earningstogetherforUber.  ADVANTAGES  Forum Überium weekly sweepstakes News of major events Live Training   WHAT IS UBER?  Uber is an American multinational private urbantransportusingan application for communication between thepassenger andprivatedriver associated with Uber. It is a similarto thetraditional taxiservice, popularly known as services "paidride."Present in morethan 400 cities and 70 countries.  CAN I SET MY OWN TIME?  Yes, you can drive with the uber when you no matterthereisthe period or the number of hours that will drive, so donotmissimportant moments with your family or friends.
Driver Bar (Uber Lyft Sidecar) 1.4
*PLEASE NOTE* Nothing will happenwhenyou press the app icon. The Driver Bar only pops up over theUberPartner, Lyft, and Sidecar:Drive apps (and GoogleMaps &Waze).Launch one of those, and it will load, it runs in thebackgroundwaiting for you to launch one of those.This app floats above Uber Partner, Lyft, and Sidecar:Driveapps.It also floats above GoogleMaps and Waze. It has an icon foreachRideShare App, allowing you to close the other two whenpressed.This saves time, after accepting ride requests, not havingto flipinto the other two apps, and turn off driver mode.Hopefully it willhelp you remember to toggle them off, so youdon't continue to getride requests from the other apps, which justslows down service forthe customer, and hurts your acceptancerate.If you get a ride request from UBER, touch the screen toaccept,then tap the UBER icon in the Driver Bar App. It willautomaticallyclose Lyft and Sidecar, and leave you on your UBERscreen. It worksthe same way for the other two.If you LONG PRESS an icon, it will launch the app that youlongpress, so you can log back into driver mode after you drop offyourrider.This app was originally built for personal use on a GalaxyS3with a screen resolution of 720×1280. It should work just fineonlarger phones as well, but the icons will be slightly smaller.Iput a gap between them, so they would be easier to just touchasingle button.This app requires ROOT on Android. Uber Partner app isnotcompatible with ROOT for Android unless you use'RootCloak'.Instructions for installing and using RootCloak are atthefollowing link. this app uses a force stop to close the other apps,itdoes require root. Lyft will detect this force stop asacommunication error with their system, and after a fewminutes,will send you a text noting that they lost communicationwith you.If the text annoys you, turn off notifications for thatspecificphone number.Because this app requires ROOT, you will be promptedforSuperUser permissions.I am not a programmer. I built this for me, and thought thatitmight be helpful to others. I understand that it is VERYspecificin usage. If it doesn't work for you or on your phone,return it,I'll happily refund. There are absolutely NO ADS anywherein thisapp, which is why I'm charging a nominal price for it.UPDATED NEW FEATURES:-More button, allows you to close the driver bar completely, moveitto the left edge or back to the right edge, Hide it for 20seconds(in case it is in the way of an on screen keyboard), orKILL ALL 3Driver apps all at once to go offline completely.
Quick Switch for Uber & Lyft 2.4
This is the OLD version of the AppforAndroid4.0This is a simple but VERY productive app for UberandLyftdrivers. It gives you an Uber and Lyft button that floatovertheright edge of multiple apps that drivers use for rideshare.Makesdriving while manipulating your apps much easierandsafer.Floats over:Uber PartnerLyftUber PassengerGoogle MapsWazeThis app will switch between apps, and requires NO rootaccess.Ifyou have rooted your phone, you might prefer another appI'vebuiltcalled 'Driver Bar' this app allows for both switchingandclosing ofthe other driver apps. features:Hide the bar for 20 seconds: good if it's covering anonscreenfeature that you need to access.Quick Access to:- Gas Buddy- Uber Partners Dashboard Website- Uber Passenger App (to keep an eye on other cars and surges)There are absolutely NO ADS which is why I am charginganominalprice for it.