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豆瓣阅读 5.37.3
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WoW Сленг 1.35.1
Rustam Irzaev
Словарь World of Warcraft терминов. Все непонятныеслова,выражениясобраны в данной программе. Она подойдет какновичку, такибывалому игроку в WoW.Доступен поиск по всей базе, навигация жестами идобавлениесвоихтерминов.Присылайте новые термины и попадайте в рейтинговуютаблицувнутриприложения.** Также доступна на Windows Phone Store.Dictionaryof World of Warcraft terms. All incomprehensiblewords,expressionscollected in this program. It is suitable forbothnovice andseasoned player in WoW.You can search the entire database, navigation gesturesandaddingtheir terms.Post new terms and fall into the rating tablewithintheapplication.** Also available in the Windows Phone Store.
WoW Token Price 1.1
UPDATE! Fixed to support the new data format European RealmsPricesare live! Stay Tuned for next update with princenotifications!Statistics for Europe and North America regions. Whatis a WoWToken? The WoW Token is an item in World of Warcraft. Whatdo I dowith it? There are only two things you can do with a WoWToken: Buyone with money from the in-game Shop, then sell it in theAuctionHouse for gold. Buy one with gold from the Auction House,then useit to add 30 days of game time to your subscription. Howmuch moneydoes it cost? It costs $20 from the in-game shop on NorthAmericanrealms. It costs €20 or £15 on European realms. How muchgold doesit cost? It varies over time (that's what this site isfor), butthe cost is the same for every realm in your region, fromAegwynnto Zuluhed. I'll say that again. It costs the same on everyrealm.Can I buy it with money then use it myself? No, you can onlysellthat one on the Auction House. Plus, that would be dumb, itwouldbe the most expensive way to add game time. If you want gametimefor money, buy game time directly. Can I buy one to give toafriend? No, like it says up there, either buy one with moneyandsell it for gold, or buy one with gold and use it yourself.That'sit. Can I buy one with gold and resell it later? No, whatpartdidn't you understand? All you can do are those 2 thingsmentionedabove. That's it. Blizzard locked this thing down.Don'tovercomplicate this. I don't have a sub right now, but I knowIhave the gold. Just log in to the game, and on the characterselectscreen, there's someplace to buy a token and use the goldfrom yourcharacters. I'm still confused. Can you run me throughthat again?Try reading Wowhead's guide about the WoW Token. TL;DRThe WoWToken is an in-game item. You can buy one from Blizzard for$20,€20, or £15 and sell it in the AH. You can buy one in the AHanduse it for 30 days of game time. The gold price is the same forallrealms, and is shown in the charts on this site. You really needtowork on your attention span. Data is provided courtesyof under the Open Data CommonsAttributionLicense. Follow them on twitter toget pricing updates with charts,and occasional news.