Top 8 Apps Similar to Structural Simulation App

Parametric Trusses 1.3
Parametric analysis of the structural behaviour of trusses
Truss 1.1.1
Stabwerke App
In many engineering fields trusses arepartofthe curriculum. Calculating truss and bearing forces arepartofclasses like mechanics or others.Via drag and drop you are able to build your own truss andlettheapp calculate the existing forces.The nomenclature and conventions used in the app are theonesbeingtaught in "Technical mechanics I" at the LeibnizUniversityinHanover.
Engineering Mechanics 1.0.4
Engineering mechanics notes for mechanical engineering students.
Structural Analysis - II 7
The app is a complete free handbook of StructuralAnalysiswhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news &blogs onthecourse. Download the App as a reference material &digitalbookfor Civil & environmental engineering programs&degreecourses. This useful App lists 110 topics withdetailednotes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material,thetopics arelisted in 5 chapters. The app is must have for alltheengineeringscience students & professionals. The appprovidesquickrevision and reference to the important topics likeadetailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful forthestudent ora professional to cover the course syllabusquicklybefore an examsor interview for jobs. Track your learning,setreminders, edit thestudy material, add favourite topics, sharethetopics on socialmedia. Use this useful engineering app asyourtutorial, digitalbook, a reference guide for syllabus,coursematerial, projectwork, sharing your views on the blog. Someof thetopics Covered inthe app are: 1. Development of PlasticAnalysis 2.Interpretationof Stiffness Matrix 3. Truss ElementStiffness Matrix4.Introduction 5. Mohr’s First Theorem (Mohr I) 6.Mohr’sSecondTheorem (Mohr II) 7. Application to DeterminateStructures8.Finding Deflections 9. Application to IndeterminateStructures10.Find the location of the maximum deflection 11.ContinuousBeams:Introduction 12. Analysis of Continuous Beams13.Incorporation ofMoment Due to Reactions 14. Pressure Line duetoPrestressing Force15. METHOD OF CONSISTENT DEFORMATION:BasicConcept 16. Choice ofReleased Structures 17.CompatibilityEquations for General Case18. Vector of kinematicalconditions 19.METHOD OF SLOPE-DEFLECTIONEQUATIONS 20. Computationof Fixed-endMoments 21. THE MOMENTDISTRIBUTION METHOD 22.DISTRIBUTION FACTOR23. STEPS INVOLVED INMOMENT DISTRIBUTION METHOD24. Strain Energy25. Beams 26. Analysisof two-hinged arch 27.Influence line diagram28. Symmetrical twohinged arch 29.Temperature effect 30. Torqueand thrust force indrilling 31. MODELOF DRILLING 32. Introductionof SuspensionBridges 33. StructuralSystem 34. Design of suspensionbridge 35.Wind-Resistant Design 36.Design of Cable Section 37.FieldMeasurement and Coatings 38.Introduction of Stiffening Girder39.Design of Girder End 40.Fabrication Technology 41.ErectionTechnology 42. All-Hinge ErectionMethod 43.Moment-shearinteraction of longitudinally stiffenedgirders 44.EUROCODE DESIGNPROVISONS 45. FINITE ELEMENT MODELING 46.NON-LINEARFINITE ELEMENTSTUDY 47. Alternative Form ofSlope-deflectionEquations 48. SignConvention 49. Computation ofFixed-end Moments50.Slope-deflection Equations for Special Members51.Slope-deflectionEquations for Special Members 52. SymmetricmemberandAnti-symmetric member 53. Analysis ofStructuresbySlope-deflection Equations 54. End rotations and swayangleofmembers 55. Determination of sway angle by instantaneouscenterofrotations (ICR) 56. Set up equilibrium equations57.Equilibriumequations associated with sway degrees of freedom58.Equilibriumequations associated with sway degrees of freedomEachtopic iscomplete with diagrams, equations and other formsofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning andquickunderstanding.Structural Analysis & control is part ofCivil&environmental engineering education courses andtechnologydegreeprograms of various universities.
Stiffness Method Solver 4.0.1
"Stiffness Method Solver" assists students learning thestiffnessmethod.
This program would enable the usertoanalyzesimple trusses using an intuitive touch interface.Currentlimit isat 6 nodes. More nodes are planned for futurereleases.Steps in using the program.1) Tap on the location of the points2) Slide to draw a member. Always start at a node.Multiplememberscan be made in one slide3) Edit nodes through the Node Edit command in the upper left4) Add supports through the support buttons on the top5) Edit the value of loads to be added using FxVal andFyValbuttonson the top6) Select a node and click on the ->Fx or Fy buttontoplaceload7) Click the Analysis button on the upper right. Theglobalstiffnessmatrix will be assembled.8) Click the D, F and R for the structure outputs.
3D Truss - Hand Analysis 12
Solve 3D trusses using the method of Joints.
Structural Analysis 6.0
This free App covers most important topics in simple Englishanddiagrams for a quick study and revisions at the time ofExams,Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the most usefulApp forlast minute preparations. The best app for school, collegeandwork. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot. ThisusefulApp lists 90 topics in 5 chapters, totally based on practicalaswell as a strong base of theoretical knowledge with noteswrittenin very simple and understandable English. Consider this Appas aquick note guide which professors use in a classroom. The Appwillhelp in faster learning and quick revisions of all the topics.Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1. Introduction &Units2. Forces in Mechanics of Materials 3. Concentrated Forces4.Moment of a Concentrated Force 5. Distributed Forces - ForceandMoment Resultants 6. Internal Forces and Stresses -StressResultants 7. Free Body Diagrams 8. Equilibrium -ConcentratedForces 9. Equilibrium - Distributed Forces 10.Equilibrium -Internal Forces and Stresses 11. Displacement andStrain 12.Hooke’s Law in One Dimension - Tension 13. Poisson’sRatio 14.Hooke’s Law in one & Two Dimensions for IsotropicMaterials 15.Thermal Strain 16. Fiber Reinforced CompositeLaminates 17.Solutions from the Theory of Elasticity 18. Derivationand Solutionof the Governing Equations 19. The StaticallyDeterminate Case 20.The Statically Indeterminate Case 21. VariableCross Sections 22.Thermal Stress and Strain in an Axially LoadedBar 23. ShearingStress in an Axially Loaded Bar 24. Analysis andDesign of PinJointed Trusses 25. Work and Energy – Castigliano’sSecond Theorem26. Summary and Conclusions 27. Nodes, Elements,Shape Functions,and the Element Stiffness Matrix 28. A GeneralMethod - DistributedApplied Loads 29. Analysis and Design ofPin-jointed Trusses 30.Torsional Displacement, Strain, and Stress31. Derivation andSolution of the Governing Equations 32. Solutionsfrom the Theoryof Elasticity 33. Torsional Stress in Thin WalledCross Sections34. Torsional Stress and Stiffness in MulticellSections 35.Torsional Stress and Displacement in ThinWalled OpenSections 36. AGeneral (Finite Element) Method 37. ContinuouslyVariable CrossSections 38. Area Properties - Sign Conventions 39.Derivation andSolution of the Governing Equations 40. TheStatically DeterminateCase 41. Work and Energy - Castigliano’sSecond Theorem 42. TheStatically Indeterminate Case 43. TheGoverning Equations in TwoDimensions - Plane Stress 44. Solutionsfrom the Theory ofElasticity 45. Variable Cross Sections 46. ShearStress inNonRectangular Cross Sections - Thin Walled Cross Sections47.Design of Beams 48. Large Displacements 49. Nodes, Elements,ShapeFunctions, and the Element Stiffness Matrix 50. TheGlobalEquations and their Solution 51. Distributed Loads in FEM52.Summary and conclusions 53. Transformation of Stress inTwoDimensions 54. Principal Axes and Principal Stresses inTwoDimensions 55. Transformation of Strain in Two Dimensions56.Strain Rosettes 57. Stress Transformation and Principal StressesinThree Dimensions 58. Allowable and Ultimate Stress, and FactorsofSafety 59. Fatigue 60. Orthotropic Materials - Composites61.Review and Summary of Slender Bar Equations 62. TorsionalLoading63. Bending in One Plane 64. Bending in Two Planes-When IyzisEqual to Zero 65. Bending in Two Planes-When Iyz is Not EqualtoZero 66. Introduction 67. Bending and Torsion in Thin WalledOpenSections - Shear Center 68. Bending and Torsion in ThinWalledClosed Sections - Shear Center 69. Stiffened ThinWalled Beams70.Introduction to the Principle of Virtual Work 71. StaticAnalysisof Slender Bars by Virtual Work 72. Static Analysis of 3Dand 2DSolids by Virtual Work Structural Analysis & control ispart ofCivil & Environmental engineering education coursesandtechnology degree programs of various universities.