Top 3 Apps Similar to Honda RA

RA 1.3.1
Rostami Magic
From the creators of iForce and teleFotocomesthe most amazing any card at any number.The magician places a deck of cards, out of the box, face downona table."On your phone, please go to this website and enter any cardandany number".The magician turns his back.The spectator uses their device to go to the website and enters(forexample) 17 and 2 of clubs."Don't show anyone your card or number. The website willdisplaythe odds of your card appearing at your number"."Wouldn't it be amazing if we could make those impossibleoddscome TRUE?""Please cut the cards on the table a few times".The spectator freely cuts the cards.The magician turns back around, picks up the cards andspreadsthrough the deck face up."Before we continue I wanna show you these are regular cardsthathave been thoroughly shuffled".He gives the cards back to the spectator."I want you to count, face down, to the number you'rethinkingof".The spectator counts 17 cards and stops."I guess your number is 17. This is the 17th card in thedeck.For the first time, what was the card you were thinkingof"?"2 of clubs""Please turn over the 17th card".To everyone's astonishment the 17th card IS THE 2OFCLUBS!!!RA features:• VERY EASY to do ... perform 5 minutes after downloading• Instant Reset• It's really ANY card at ANY number• The magician does not know the card or the number!• The spectators NEVER SAY ANYTHING to the magician• They always count from the top of the deck• Their card is always at their number• Uses ONE regular deck of cards• Use your favorite stack• They can cut the cards as often as they like beforetheycount• No memorization• No math• No card box• No sleights• No gimmicks• No stooges• Everything can be fully examined• Perform sitting or standing, completely surrounded• Everything is fully customizable• The magician touches the cards only once during the trick• And most importantly ... They use THEIR phone (device)!!Please note - you must have an internet connection toperformRA.
Camera RA 1.0
inquadra le fotoframed photos
Huanchaca RA 1.5
Huanchaca RA es una aplicacióndesarrolladaparael Museo Ruinas de Huanchaca ubicado en la ciudaddeAntofagasta,Chile. La aplicación permite conocer losdiferentesespacios quetiene el museo además de permitir alvisitante ver envivo diferentespiezas a través del uso detecnologías tales comola realidad virtualy realidad aumentada,está última solo puedeser vista en el museodonde podrás compartirla experiencia con tusamigos y familia.Te invitamos a descargar la APP Huanchaca RA de maneragratuitaatu Smartphone o tablet (Android) para disfrutar de unanuevaformalos contenidos del Museo a través de la"RealidadAumentada".La aplicación “Realidad Aumentada” es un proyecto FIC –R(FondosdeInnovación para la Competitividad Regional) desarrolladoporeldepartamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y ComputacióndelaUniversidad Católica del Norte, el Museo Ruinas deHuanchacayfinanciando por el Gobierno Regional.Visita el Museo Ruinas de Huanchaca de martes a domingo de10.00a13.00 y de 14.30 a 19.00 hrs. para agendar visitasescrí[email protected] ¡La Realidad Aumentada teespera! —enRuinas de Huanchaca.Huanchaca RAisanapplication developed for Huanchaca Ruins Museum locatedinthecity of Antofagasta, Chile. The application allows toknowthedifferent spaces that have the museum and allows the visitortoseelive different parts through the use of technologiessuchasvirtual reality and augmented reality, last is can only beseeninthe museum where you can share the experience withfriendsandfamily.We invite you to download the APP for free Huanchaca RAtoyoursmartphone or tablet (Android) to enjoy a new way thecontentsofthe museum through the "Augmented Reality".The "Augmented Reality" application is a FIC-R (InnovationFundsforRegional Competitiveness) project developed by theDepartmentofSystems and Computer Engineering of the CatholicUniversity oftheNorth, Huanchaca Ruins Museum and funded bytheRegionalGovernment.Visit the Ruins Museum Huanchaca Tuesday to Sunday from10.00to13.00 and from 14.30 to 19.00 hrs. contact us to [email protected] Augmented Reality awaitsyou!-Huanchaca in ruins.