Top 2 Games Similar to Professor Whateverson

Pregnant teacher baby games 7.9
Purple Studio
Hi There. Today at the tutorial,ourteachertold us that we must go to the hospital because it istheway ofhaving a baby, so I had to help her. You must go tothedirectorand ask for help, to call the ambulance. In this game,youhave tohelp the lady teacher to go to the hospital to give birthtothisbaby.1) First you have to ask him for permissionfromthedirector.2) then you must call the ambulance and wait for her arrival.3) after you have arrived at the hospital must providethebesttreatment.4) check your heart rate and give him an injection to calm.5) after the baby was born have to go to the salonreadyforit.6) check height and weight of the baby and passestheresultreport.7) We need to take a bath after which we willprovidesomefood.8) then you have to dress the baby and his mother take himtoenjoyit.Thanks you agreed to help us through this game and inviteyoutochoose and other games for girls to help other people asyoudidbefore.Have fun!
Recycle Game 1.0.4
This is the amazing game that will teach children and adultstoseparate recyclable waste a lot of fun. The rule is simple, hitasmany items in the corresponding bins and make the bestscore.Perfect for fun among friends and among the family.