Top 16 Apps Similar to Tutorial Hijab Paris

My Hijab Tutorial 2.0
A simple and easy hijabtutorialapplicationthat will inspire modern muslim women.This application will provide some pictures including stepstomakethe hijab style that you might want. It is easy and possibletobeaccessed anytime. Just click on the picture you want to seeanddothe steps. Enjoy :)Aplikasi tutorial jilbab sederhana dan mudahyangmenginspirasiwanita muslim modern.Aplikasi ini memberikan beberapa gambar termasuklangkah-langkahgayajilbab yang kamu inginkan. App ini sangat mudahdanmemungkinkanuntuk diakses kapan saja. Cukup klik pada gambaryangAnda inginlihat dan lakukan langkah-langkahnya. Selamatmenikmati:)A simple andeasytutorialhijab modern application that will inspireMuslimwomen.This application will provide some pictures Including stepstomakethe hijab style that you might want. It is easy and possibletobeaccessed anytime. Just click on the picture you want to seeanddothe steps. Enjoy :)Application is simple and easy tutorial hijab thatinspiredthemodern Muslim woman.This application provides several images including thestepshijabstyle that you want. This app is very easy and allowstobeaccessed at any time. Just click on the image that you wanttoseeand do the steps. Enjoy :)
SQL Tutorial 1.0
Ranjeet Jha
SQL is a standard programming language for accessingdatabases.TheSQL language is used to access and manipulate data inanydatabasein the market, such as databases to MySQL, Oracle, DB2,SQLServer,Access. SQL is a structured language and an ANSIstandardforaccessing and manipulating data from any database.Features:1.Thisquick reference with simple examples. 2. Syntaxanddefinitionsmade it easy to understand and it is sub dividedintothree levels.a. BASIC ( contains introduction, syntax andcommonkeywords likeselect,delete,update etc.) b. ADVANCE (containskeywords likejoin,drop etc.) c. FUNCTIONS ( containsFunctionslikeavg,sum,count etc.) 3. Example of different databaselikesql,oracle, MySQL.... 4. Read offline no need of internet5.Totallyfree.
Tutorial Hijab Paris 3 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi beberapa tutorialhijabparis part 3.Udah bosan dengan cara hijab paris biasa? pengen beda amayanglain?Download aplikasi ini dan pelajari tutorialnya !Jangan lupa kasih rate & review nya ya :)This applicationcontainssome paris hijab tutorial part 3.Already bored with the usual ways paris hijab? others wantdifferentama?Download this app and learn the tutorial!Do not forget to rate & review his love ya :)
Tutorial Hijab Syar'i 1.0
Matrama Group
Aplikasi tutorial hijab syar'i inidibuatseiring Maraknya perkembangan trend fashion terbaru inicukupmembuat kita terpukau dengan barang barang produksi terbaru.Rasaingin memiliki dan menggunakan barang tersebut sangat lahbesar.Namun lebih tepatnya, kita juga harus mengetahui barang manayangbaik untuk kita, dan barang yang mana pula yang kurang baikuntukkita miliki atau kita kenakan. Pada kesempatan kali ini kamiakansedikit mengulas tentang trend fashion hijab modern yangsyar'i.Dimana banyak sekali keluaran keluaran model kerudungterbaru dipasaran. Namun ada saja dari jenis jenis jilbab tersebuttidak lahsesuai dengan ke syar'i-annya. Mungkin kita semua sudahtau artidari sebuah hijab, yaitu merupakan jilbab penutup auratbagiantubuh atas kita. Namun dalam bahasa arab (حجاب ħijāb)merupakanberarti penghalang. Pada beberapa negara berbahasa Arabsertanegara negara Barat lainnya, kata "Hijab" lebih seringmerujukkepada kerudung yang digunakan oleh wanita muslim (jilbab).Hijab Syar'i sendiri merupakan jilbab yang sesuaidenganketentuan yanag ada dalam Al Qur'an dan hadits. DalamAlQur'ansendiri sudah dijelaskan bahwa jilbab itu seperti kurung.Tanda itutidak ketat. Dalam Al Qur'an pada surat Al Ahzab : 59 dansurat AnNur : 31 disebutkan bahwa kewajiban wanita muslimmenggunakan hijab: Hai Nabi, katakanlah kepada isteri isterimu,anak anak perempuandan isteri isteri orang mukmin : "Hendaklahmereka mengulurkanjilbabnya ke seluruh tubuh mereka". Yang demikianitu supaya merekalebih mudah untuk dikenal, karena itu mereka tidakdiganggu. DanAllah adalah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang. (AlAhzab : 59).Kemudian pada AlQur'an surat An Nur : 31 berbunyi :"...danhendaklan mereka menutup kain kudung ke dadanya". (An Nur:31).Didalam Aplikasi ini Sudah sangat jelas bahwa Hijab Syar'iadalahjenis jilbab yang sesuai dengan syariat agama yang ada.Kerudungyang syar'i adalah dimana kita dalam mengenakannyaharuslah menutupiseluruh tubuh bagian atas kita, dari mulai bagiankepala sampai padabagian dada. Jilbab itu harus lah diulurkan padaseluruh bagiantubuh kita, melainkan bukan dililit pada tubuh kitayang bisamembuat lekukan lekukan pada tubuh kita terlihat.Untuk anda yang masih ingin terkesan modern namun tetapsesuaidengan syariat agama, kami sudah merangkum rekomendasigalericontoh panduan hijab modern. Anda akan nampak terlihatmodis,cantik dan elegan. Berikut spesial kami pilihkan untukandasemua.Semoga dengan Aplikasi ini ulasan mengenai trend fashionhijabmodern dapat lah bermanfaat untuk anda. Dan bisamendapatkanpengetahuan pengetahuan baru. Pesan kami adalah tetaplah untukmenjadi wanita muslimah sejati yang rindu akan syurga.Tetap lahmenjalankan Ahlus sunnah wal jama'ah. Ada pula rekomendasimengenaiKoleksi Model Hijab Sederhana yang sangat menarik sekaliuntuk andasimak. Terimakasih telah meluangkan waktunya untukmengaksesaplikasi kami.DISCLAIMER :Content like Articles, Pictures and video in this applicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I have violatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed as soonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned by theirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliated withNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.
Panduan Hijab Syar'i 1.0
Matrama Group
Aplikasi ini adalah informasi berupapanduandantata cara berhijab syari'i. Kita akan mengetahuibagaimanacaramemakai hijab yang benar dalam agama islam. Bagiwanitamuslimahsudah menjadi kewajiban untuk mengenakan hijabsyari'ikarena sudahdiriwayatkan oleh nabi Muhammad Saw.Semoga dengan Aplikasi ini kita dapat lebihmengamalkanajaranNabi Muhammad Saw. Amin. Kami akan terusmengupdate informasiyangada didalam aplikasi ini. Jangan sampaiketinggalan yah.DISCLAIMER :Content like Articles, Pictures and video in thisapplicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I haveviolatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed assoonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned bytheirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliatedwithNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.
Python Programming Tutorial 3.0
Python is a widely usedgeneral-purpose,high-level programming language. Its designphilosophy emphasizescode readability, and its syntax allowsprogrammers to expressconcepts in fewer lines of code than would bepossible in languagessuch as C++ or Java. The language providesconstructs intended toenable clear programs on both a small andlarge scale.Python supports multiple programming paradigms,includingobject-oriented, imperative and functional programmingorprocedural styles. It features a dynamic type system andautomaticmemory management and has a large and comprehensivestandardlibrary.Python interpreters are available for installation onmanyoperating systems, allowing Python code execution on a widevarietyof systems. Using third-party tools, such as Py2exe orPyinstaller,Python code can be packaged into stand-alone executableprogramsfor some of the most popular operating systems, allowingthedistribution of Python-based software for use on thoseenvironmentswithout requiring the installation of a Pythoninterpreter.
I.T Tutorial Mizoram 1.3
Khampat Media
He Application hi Tutorial hrang hrangMizotawng a Offline(Internet ngailo) a kan hman theih tura siam ani.A hmandan tlangpui:Screen ah hian Touch la,emaw Menu Key hmet la, Phek keu letna te,Abu chhunga thu awm te, Phek dawt leh keu na te, Chhinchhiahnate,Chhinchhiahsa enna te,More te a awm a, More ah hianThuzawnna(search) te, Chhun ah emaw zanah emaw hmuh ti nuam tu atantih danglamna te a awm a. Setting thlakna a awm leh a, he tahhiana hawrawp tihlenna te, tihtetna te, a thuziak kar hlat zawngte,Screen Stay trun on te, leh thuziak rawng chhun emaw zan a niemawa zira tih danglam theih in a awm a ni. Backround ah hian chhunlehzana kan hman duh tur ang chi Set theihin a awm bawk.CHAPTERNOTE1. COMPUTER2. MOBILE3. NETWORK4. COMPUTER KEYBOARD5 USB / Pendrive / Memory CardHe Android Application hi Android OS hmang a duh a piangtanasiam a ni a, A bu chhungah hian Tutorial ka siam leh facebookGrouphrang hrang a tanga lakkhawm te an ni. Tutorial thawh belh duhkanneih chuan min rawn contact dawn nia, Tutorial siamtu hming thinani ang. Tin, Webside a post pawh a chunga kan sawi tak ang khianheApplication ah hian Post theih a ni bawk e.He Application ah hian I.T lam pang hrim hrim tutorial a lengveka ni. Kan tutorial te hriatthiam awlsam zawk a ziah tur a nibawkang. Tin, Chhuah tlak a nih leh nih loh Enfiah a nih hnu ahinTutorial te he Application ah hian Update a ni ang. User teinmipuihna kan ngai tak meuh e.He Application hmangtu ten In khawl/Computer or Mobile etc..ahHarsatna kan tawk a nih chuan mawh kan phur lo ang. Harsatna aawmlo turah ngai phawt ang (Y)
Tutorial Hijab Lebaran 1.0
Lebaran sebentar lagi, dan bingung nanti waktu Lebaranmau pakai Gaya berhijab seperti apa??ini solusinya,.Dalam Aplikasi ini berisi Tutorial Hijab yang cocok untukLebarannantiSemoga jadi inspirasi berhijab kamu di waktu hari suci:-)Jangan Lupa kasih rate & review nya ya :)TAG: TUTORIAL HIJAB, HIJAB, TUTORIAL, LEBARAN, HIJAB LEBARANEidsoon,and confused later time Lebaranwant to wear hijab style like??This solution,.In this application contains a suitable Hijab TutorialforLebaranHopefully so inspiring you at the time he was kept holy day:-)Do not Forget to rate & review his love ya :)TAG: TUTORIAL HIJAB, HIJAB, TUTORIAL, LEBARAN, HIJAB LEBARAN
Python Tutorial 2.1.6
So, you've never programmed before. As we go through thistutorial,I will attempt to teach you how to program. There reallyis onlyone way to learn to program. You must read code and writecode (ascomputer programs are often called). I'm going to show youlots ofcode. You should type in code that I show you to see whathappens.Play around with it and make changes.
jQuery Tutorial & Reference 1.2.1
May Tech
The Complete jQuery Tutorial and Reference with Examples.jQueryTutorial - jQuery Intro, jQuery Get Started, jQuery Syntax,jQuerySelectors, jQuery Events jQuery Effects - jQuery Hide/Show,jQueryFade, jQuery Slide, jQuery Animate, jQuery stop(), jQueryCallback,jQuery Chaining jQuery HTML - jQuery Get, jQuery Set,jQuery Add,jQuery Remove, jQuery CSS Classes, jQuery css(), jQueryDimensionsjQuery Traversing - jQuery Traversing, jQuery Ancestors,jQueryDescendants, jQuery Siblings, jQuery Filtering jQuery AJAX -jQueryAJAX Intro, jQuery Load, jQuery Get/Post jQuery Misc -jQuerynoConflict()
GCF Access 2010 Tutorial 1.0
Struggling with queries? Frustratedwithfiltering? We can help. This app will guide you through thenewfeatures of Microsoft Access 2010 to help you begin easilymanaginginformation with databases. Whether you are new to Accessor haveused it for years, everyone will learn something new inthistutorial.Features:✓Includes 15 lessons with text, graphics, and 21tutorialvideos.✓Lessons conclude with Challenges! that encouragehands-onlearning.✓Allows for two viewing styles: white text on black or black textonwhite.✓Ability to learn on your own time from anywhere.✓Optimized for Android devices with enhanced graphicsanddesign.Based on the popular tutorials available at,theGCF Access 2010 Tutorial app guides you through the updatesofMicrosoft Access 2010. The app explores program basics andcommontasks and delves even deeper to work with more complexfeatures.Instructional step-by-step text is accompanied by graphicsand over20 videos.Information included in this tutorial: Managing Objects,Workingwith Forms, Sorting and Filtering Records, Designing aQuery,Creating Reports, Modifying Tables, and much more!This application was created within the native Androidinterface.App features include: Responsive user interfaceinteraction, YouTubevideo support, Complete touch controlsincluding swipe and devicemenu support, Social sharing, Learningreminders, and The ability tosave's Technology Education program is designedtoprovide quality, innovative online learning opportunitiesforanyone who wants to improve their computer skills. Whether youarenew to the computer, returning for review, or just want togainmore 21st century skills, our free technology tutorialscanhelp.
GCF Excel 2010 Tutorial 1.01
Struggling with spreadsheets? Tearing outyourhair over creating formulas? Frustrated withconditionalformatting? We can help. This app will guide you throughthe newfeatures of Microsoft Excel 2010 to help you easilycreateprofessional-looking spreadsheets in no time. Whether you arenewto Excel or have used it for years, everyone will learnsomethingnew in this tutorial.Features:✓ Includes 21 lessons with informational graphics and 28tutorialvideos.✓ Lessons conclude with Challenges! which encouragehands-onlearning.✓ Allows for two viewing styles: white text on black or blacktexton white.✓ Ability to learn on your own time from anywhere.✓ Optimized for most Android supported devices withenhancedgraphics and designBased on the popular tutorials available at,theGCF Excel 2010 Tutorial app guides you through the updatesofMicrosoft Excel 2010. The application explores program basicsandcommon tasks and delves even deeper to work with morecomplexfeatures. Instructional step-by-step text is accompaniedbygraphics and almost 30 videos.Information included in these tutorials: FormattingCells,Creating Simple and Complex Formulas, Sorting and FilteringData,Working with Charts, Using Conditional Formatting, WorkingwithSparklines, Using What-if Analysis, and much more!This application was created within the native Androidinterface.Based on comments and suggestions from users, new appfeaturesinclude: Improved responsive user interface interaction,YouTubevideo support, Complete touch controls including swipe anddevicemenu support, Social sharing, Learning reminders, and theability tosave progress.This app is based on the Excel 2010 tutorial's Technology Educationprogramis designed to provide quality, innovative onlinelearningopportunities for anyone who wants to improve theircomputerskills. Whether you are new to the computer, returning forreview,or just want to gain more 21st century skills, our freetechnologytutorials can help.
WhiteHat Hacking Tutorials 1.0.2
Whitebook is a growing community of WhiteHatHackers or so Called the Security Professionals, We Beginwithtutorials and Techniques to become a Security ProfessionalandLater Will Grow as a Community where with jobs updates,Projectupdates, Support and every thing related to Cyber Securityto ouruser.You can become a whitehat Hacker or Say a SecurityProfessionalby learning from our WhiteBook Tutorials, It ContainsfollowingTopics:1) Hacking Basics - Introduction to Hacking, Basic Concept ofIT,Concept of Security, Introduction to Networking, FootPrinting.2) Common Hacking Tuts - Google Hacking Database, windowsHackingand Security, Linux Hacking and Security, Virus, Worms andTrojans,DOS and DDOS, Sniffers, Network Hacking, SocialEngineering,Physical Security, Cryptography and Stenography, WI-FIhacking,FireWall and IDS/IPS.3) Vulnerabilities - Vulnerability Scanning,VulnerabilityResearch, Web Penetration Testing, Network PenetrationTesting,Server Penetration Testing and More Coming Soon,4) Security Standards ( Beta) - Security StandardsandPrinciples, OWSAP Top 10 Vulnerability, OSSTMM, SANS TOP25Vulnerabilities. ( Note: at Present We are Just Giving anOverviewin this module, We will be Soon Updating the Details)5) Exploits And Exploitation - Assembly Language,ExploitWriting, Buffer Overflow, Reverse Engineering,ExploitFrameworks6) BackTrack - Introduction to BackTrack, BackTrackMethodology,Information Gathering, Vulnerability Assessment,Exploitation UsingBT.7) Advance Tools - Acunetix, IBM App Scanner, Net Sparker,Vega,Burp Suite, W3AF, OWASP ZED Proxy, Aarachini, NMAP, Maltego,DarkComet, WireShark.8) Cyber Forensics - Hacking Incidents, Doing Forensics,DataRecovery and Analysis, Understanding Anti Forensics, CyberCrimeInvestigations ( Note: at Present We are Just Giving anOverview inthis Module, We will be Soon Updating the Details)9) Security Management - Information SecurityManagement,Policies and Documentations10) Tips and Tricks - Facebook hacking, Tips and Tricks,MobileTips and Tricks, List Sites You should not Scan.Security is a vast field and have several verticals, if youneedand other tutorials or have suggestions, We would love to hereit.We will Grow with the Best Tutorials and Content,We are also Looking for Enthusiast Professionals, who canJoinpart time to Contribute to this Growing Community.Content Creator and Mentor -Falgun Rathod - Managing Director at Cyber Octet Pvt. Ltd.andLeading Cyber Security ConsultantDisclaimers: The Information Provided on this Application istobe used for educational purpose only. TheWebsite/ApplicationCreator is in no way responsible for misuse ofthe informationprovided. All the Information in this WhitebookApplication ismeant to help the reader develop a ProfessionalSecurity Attitudein order to prevent the attacks Discussed. In noway should you usethe information to cause any kind of damagedirectly or indirectly.You Implement the information given at yourown Risk.
Programming languages 82.3.03
Directory of the programming languages
MS-Technologies Tutorial 2.0
Applications as a useful handbook for you istolearn programming and professional programmers.* Content of applications:- ASP.Net tutorial- C# tutorial- Excel tutorial- F# tutorial- LinQ tutorial- Powerpoint tutorial- VB.Net tutorial- WCF tutorial- Word tutorial- XAML tutorial* Feature:- The interface simple- This app is free- Reserved for Android operating system.- The sufficient content, clear- Application has very little memory capacityThis app like a small smart dictionary to help you studyandlearn better. What are you waiting for, quickly downloadandinstall on your device, it will help you a lot of.Good luck.
Tutorial Hijab Modern 1.0
Assalamualaikum...Hijab atau Jilbab merupakan pakaian Muslimah yangdigunakanuntukmenutupi aurat bagian atas, mulai dari Kepala(Rambut),menutupibagian leher dan panjang menutupi dada. Wanitaakanterlihat cantikdan anggun ketika dirinya bisamenggunakanHijab.Aplikasi berisi 112 tutorial berhijab modern. Ukhtidapatmemilihbentuk hijab dalam aplikasi ini yang sesuai dengansyaridanmengamalkannya dalam sehari - hari dalam menutup auratnya.YukUkhti tampil cantik dengan berhijab !!Salam,VialabsAssalamualaikum...Hijab or jilbab is a Muslim outfit that is used tocoverthenakedness of the top, starting from the head (hair),coveringthelength of the neck and chest cover. Women will lookbeautifulandgraceful when he could use the Hijab.Applications tutorial contains 112 modern hijab. Sistercanchoosethe form of hijab in this application is in accordancewiththeshari'ah and practice it in a day - in the closing daysofhisgenitalia. Yuk Ukhti look beautiful with hijab !!Regards,Vialabs