Top 13 Apps Similar to Tsunami: Guía para los medios

RSN 4.1.3
The official APP of the National Seismological Network of CostaRica
Volcanoes & Earthquakes 2.14.2
Shows recent earthquakes and active volcanoes on map orlist,volcano info/news.
SeismogrApp 1.0
TAP sistemas
SeismogrApp is the applicationtoaccessseismograms of seismic networks around the world.Navigating by the application, are availablemanyseismicstations, organized geographically. Depending on thestationtheapplication can allow browse seismograms from previousdaysoradditional images as spectrograms.
iSismico 1.3
View the current state of global seismic activity. Globalvisionofthe world sismic activity updated every 20 minutes. Thereddotsrepresent the events of the present day. Its sizeshowthemagnitude. Orange dots are activity on past days. Thetimeisrepresentable in local and GMT formats Zoom of specificareasofthe planet to to see magnutude of earthquakes better. Athirdviewwith data ordered by magnitude, dates and locationsoftheearthquakes in recent months.
Tsunami warning? You decide! 1.0.1
Eric Muehling
In this educational activity you playtheroleof the director of a tsunami warning center. You willmakethedifficult decision of whether or not to order anevacuation.Youwill have very little time to decide: evacuate ornot!In this activity, if you are right, lives will be saved.In this activity, if you are wrong, lives could possiblybelost,or money will have been wasted and the credibility ofthetsunamiwarning center will be diminished.You will learn the importance of this big decision.
Tsunamis. 4
A tsunami , also called a tsunamiwavetrain,and at one time referred to as a tidal wave, is a seriesofwaterwaves caused by the displacement of a large volume of abodyofwater, usually an ocean, though it can occur in largelakes.Owingto the immense volumes of water and the highenergyinvolved,tsunamis can devastate coastal regions. Get moreinfoinside thisAPP
Tsunami 1.0
Flower Apps
Tsunami videos, informations story andmoreforphonesA tsunami (plural: tsunamis or tsunami; from Japanese:??,lit.'harbor wave';English pronunciation: /tsu?'n??mi/) , also known as aseismicseawave.If your are interested by learning more about tsunamies ormaybeyoujust wantto watch this natural disaster while happening thisapplicationfreeandroidapplication is your application.The resulting tsunami was given various names, includingthe2004Indian Ocean tsunami,South Asian tsunami, Indonesian tsunami. You can learnaboutitsstory andsee asian tsunami and new tsunami footages.If you want to learn about othet natural disasters youcanstartlooking for our otherandroid applications on the playstore market.Learnaboutearthquakes, tsunamies, volcanoesand so much moreFeatures-Asian Tsunami Videos-Always new Tsunami footages-The Tsunami Story-Tsunami Terminology-Publications on tsunami research-NOAA and Tsunamis-Tsunami 101-About Tsunamis-Tsunami Links-Tsunami Events and Data: 1996 - present-Tsunami Event and Runup DatabasesPlease enjoy our free android applications, sharecommentandlike
Tsunami Then and Now 1.0.1
Eric Muehling
Hilo, Hawaii -- What do photographstakenaftera devastating tsunami show us about the forces of natureinourenvironment?Often called the April Fool's Day tsunami, the1946tsunamigenerated in Alaska caused extensive damage and loss oflifeinAlaska and Hawai'i.In this educational activity you view photographscomparingthesame location then and now.
Conductor Puerto Rico 4.0
Examen teórico y guía interactiva dedicadaalConductor Aprendiz de Puerto Rico. Este manual ha sidodiseñadopara que de una forma simple, rápida y eficiente, puedaaprendersobre las Practicas y Reglamentos de la Ley de Vehículos yTransitoen Puerto Rico.El examen interactivo sigue los patrones de enseñanza maseficientespara que el usuario aprenda y retenga la informaciónpresentada demanera rápida y eficiente.Theoretical examandinteractive guide dedicated to Apprentice Conductor PuertoRico.This manual is designed for a simple, quick and efficient waytolearn about the practices and regulations of the Law on VehicleandTraffic in Puerto Rico.Interactive examination follows the patterns of teachingmoreefficient for the user to learn and retain theinformationpresented quickly and efficiently.
ISTI QuakeWatch 1.23
This App is an Android implementofISTI'spopular QuakeWatch Software. QuakeWatch for the desktopisthe coreof the USGS CISN software for displayingEarthquakeinformation inreal time to Emergency Managers andResponders.NEW - Support for Android Wear/Watch (Moto360).Receivenotification and MAP on google wear device, thenopenEarthquakedirectly on the phone from your watch.NOTE: This app requires your PERMISSION TO READSMS/TEXTMESSAGES.It does this because it can consume USGSgenerated CUBEformatted SMSmessages generated the the USGS's ENSsystem. Seebelow for more infoon using this method to pushnotifications inreal time to yourphone.This app is a Beta release. Work on this app isongoing.pleasesend us feature requests and bug reports.This is app is not intended to be used as a warningsystem,butrather as a means for distributing informationtointerestedparties.QuakeWatch receives data via a feed from the USGeologicalSurvey.Not only does this feed contain Earthquakeinformation suchasmagnitude, location, depth and time, but it alsoincludeotherinformation important to researchers and engineers.This feedalsoprovides links to data products associated withearthquakes,suchas earthquake information web pages, "Did you feelit?" webforms,Shaking intensity maps (Shakemaps) and Tsunamiinformationreports.This information is available via the"products" button. IfTsunamiinformation is available then thisbutton will read "Tsunami"inred text.If you wish to have earthquake alerts pushed to yourphoneinnear-real time, please register with theUSGS'sEarthquakeNotification Service - Opt tohave the messagesdelivered in Cube Format to you cellphoneprovider's email/SMSgateway (on the "my email addresses"tab,select "Raw CUBE Format")For Verizon Wireless you can sendtextmessages by sending the emailto [email protected]. Thisappwill grab, process and display theSMS Textmessagesautomatically.In addition to displaying information, you maysharescreenshotdirectly from this app to other apps includingfacebookandgmail.This work is made possible through the hard work ofmanypeople.including (but not limited to) those at the USGS,TheNationalEarthquake Information Center (NEIC), and NOAA andtheTsunamiWarning Centers.
Yo Soy Puerto Rico 2.0.0
Conoce la historia de Puerto Rico ysusmunicipios, biografias de los personajes, su musica, su culturaymuchas cosas interesantes.Learn about the historyofPuerto Rico and its municipalities, biographies of thecharacters,their music, their culture and many interestingthings.
Maranatha Radio Ministries 1.161.338.762
Bienvenido a la aplicación oficial de Maranatha RadioMinistries.Conesta aplicación tendrás la oportunidad de escucharnuestraestaciónMaranatha Radio y también podrás ver y escucharnuestraprogramaciónen vivo, Nuestro deseo es no solo compartir laverdadde Dios peromostrarte la aplicación para tu diariovivir.Beneficiarte deenseñanzas para matrimonios, para lospadres,finanzas, cómo mejorartus relaciones, cómo acercarte más aDios,Cómo alcanzar tus metas,cómo administrar la vida y muchasmás!Además encontraras lainformación sobre nuestro ministerio,Mapacon GPS para guiarlo anuestros estudios, el calendario deeventos,Información de nuestrosministerios y conectarse a nuestraredessociales. Maranatha Radionacio en el corazón de Dios.Haciendo deun artista “Hector ElFather” Reconocido mundialmenteahora unministro Y siervo de DIOS uncolaborador de su evangelio.Con unaresponsabilidad de comunicarnosun verdad para ayudar amejorar lacalidad de vida de un mundo queesta en nesecidad .Exponiendonostanto en Puerto Rico como en elmundo entero, a travésde estasondas radiales e Internet. Buscandoser la emisora demayoraudiencia.y llevar el evangelio puro y santotal como estáescritoa todas las partes de mundo.
This application is for realizing theheightoftsunami by AR (Augmented Reality). Users can see the"heightoftsunami" by setting the eye sight and height oftsunami.Thisapplication is designed to let the people know the"actualheightof tsunami" based on real experiences of 3.11 theGreatEasternJapan Earthquake.How to use1.Start the application.2.Input the height of tsunami you want to show.3.Input your own height.4.Input the distance of the object (usually, “object” is awallofbuilding standing in front of you) as precise as possibleifyouuse can use a measuring tape.5.Set or determine a target (e.g. cross mark) on the wallatanarbitrary height.6.Hold your smartphone in an upright position at your eyeheightthentap the first cross with the target on the wall.7.Tap the second cross appeared 1/8 above the bottom ofthescreenwith the same target on the wall. While you are tappingthesetwocrosses, never change the holding height of your smartphone,onlyto change the angle of it.8.Tsunami in blue appears and will be projected on the wall.Donotchange the holding position of your smartphone only tochangetheangle and viewing direction while you see the“tsunami”.