Top 15 Apps Similar to Cryptography Interview Q&A

Number Theory Solver 1.0
Shane Mulligan
This app performs 5 fundamental calculationsinnumber theory. These form a basis for many algorithmsincryptography and computer security. They are:1. Determine if number is prime, or find the smallestprimefactor if it is not prime. This can be used repeatedly to findallthe prime factors of a number.2. Find the gcd(m,n) (greatest common divisor) and lcm(leastcommon multiple) of two integers, i.e. the largest integerthatdivides both numbers.3. Compute a number mod n, (modular arithmetic), or anumberraised to a power mod n, i.e. modular exponentiation a^b modn. Forexample 2^50 mod 15.4. Compute the modular inverse of a number, i.e. solve a*x =1mod n, for integer x, given a and n.5. Find integer solutions x, y to Diophantine equations,i.e.equations of the form ax + by = c, where a, b, c areallintegers.This app does not display any ads.Please submit your comments/suggestions to improve this appforfuture versions.
Cryptography - Data Security 6.0
This App covers the basics of the science ofcryptography.Itexplains how programmers and network professionalscanusecryptography to maintain the privacy of computerdata.Startingwith the origins of cryptography, it moves ontoexplaincryptosystems, various traditional and modernciphers,public keyencryption, data integration, messageauthentication, anddigitalsignatures Types of Cryptography 1.Symmetric KeyCryptography(Secret Key Cryptography) 2. AsymmetricKeyCryptography (PublicKey Cryptography) 3. HASH FUNCTION ThisusefulApp lists 150 topicswith detailed notes, diagrams,equations,formulas & coursematerial, the topics are listed in 5chapters.The app is must havefor all the engineering sciencestudents &professionals. Theapp provides quick revision andreference to theimportant topicslike a detailed flash card notes,it makes it easy& useful forthe student or a professional tocover the coursesyllabus quicklybefore an exams or interview forjobs. Track yourlearning, setreminders, edit the study material,add favoritetopics, share thetopics on social media. Use thisusefulengineering app as yourtutorial, digital book, a referenceguidefor syllabus, coursematerial, project work, sharing your viewsonthe blog. Some of thetopics Covered in the app are: 1) BasicsofCryptography 2)Conventional cryptography 3) Key managementandconventionalencryption 4) Keys 5) Pretty Good Privacy 6)Digitalsignatures 7)Digital certificates 8) The OSI SecurityArchitecture9) NetworkSecurity 10) Types of attacks 11) Denial ofserviceattack 12)Smurf Attack 13) Distributed Denial of ServiceAttacks14) SecurityMechanism 15) A Model for Network Security16)Symmetric Ciphers17) Classical SubstitutionTechniques 18)ClassicalTranspositionTechniques 19) Rotor Machines 20)Steganography 21)Block CipherPrinciples 22) The Data EncryptionStandard 23)DifferentialCryptanalysis Attack 24) Cipher and ReverseCipher 25)Security ofDES 26) The Strength of DES 27) DifferentialandLinearCryptanalysis 28) Block Cipher Design Principles 29)FiniteFields30) The Euclidean Algorithm 31) Finite Fields of TheFormGF(p) 32)Polynomial Arithmetic 33) Finite Fields Of the FormGF(2n)34) TheAES Cipher 35) Substitute Bytes Transformation36)EvaluationCriteria For AES 37) ShiftRows Transformation38)AddRoundKeyTransformation 39) AES Key Expansion Algorithm40)EquivalentInverse Cipher 41) Multiple Encryption and Triple DES42)TripleDES with Two Keys 43) Block Cipher Modes of Operation44)CipherFeedback Mode 45) Output Feedback Mode 46) Counter Mode47)StreamCiphers 48) The RC4 Algorithm 49) Random NumberGeneration50)Pseudorandom Number Generators 51) LinearCongruentialGenerators52) Cryptographically Generated RandomNumbers 53) BlumBlumShubGenerator 54) True Random Number Generators55) KeyHierarchy 56)Key Distribution Centre 57) Transparent KeyControlScheme 58)Controlling Key Usage 59) ConfidentialityUsingSymmetricEncryption 60) Link versus End-to-End Encryption61)KeyDistribution 62) Traffic Confidentiality 63) PrimeNumbers64)Fermat\\\'s and Euler\\\'s Theorems 65) Testing forPrimality66)The Chinese Remainder Theorem 67) DiscreteLogarithms68)Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems 69) RSAAlgorithm70)Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding 71) KeyManagement72)Distribution of Secret Keys Using Public-KeyCryptography73)Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange 74) Example of DeffieHellmanalgorithm75) Key Exchange Protocols 76) Man in the MiddleAttack77)Elliptic Curve Arithmetic Each topic is completewithdiagrams,equations and other forms of graphical representationsforbetterlearning and quick understanding. Cryptography is partofcomputerscience, software engineering education coursesandinformationtechnology degree programs of various universities.
Enigma Simulator 1.21
Read secret messages like the Bletchley Park codebreakers ofWorldWar II!
Caesar 3.70
Nicolas BERNE
Simple app. using different substitution-techniques ofclassicalcryptography.
Free Cyber Security Courses 2.1.0
Join the free Cyber SecurityTrainingRevolution and Get Cybrary On-The-Go!Learn almost anything in cyber security for FREE!. Cybrary isthelargest online cyber security community that provides freeonlinetraining courses for subjects like Cloud Security,CompTIASecurity+, CISSP, Linux, Certified Ethical Hacker,MalwareAnalysis, Python for Security Professionals and many more!Webelieve everyone deserves the chance to learn whenever,wherever,and however, for free. The always free Cybrary trainingclasses youlove from the web are now available for 24/7 accessstraight onyour Android device.After exploring our extensive library, you can theneitherstream, or download the lessons you want to watch, and viewthemwhen you want, where you want. The next time you have awebconnection, delete the lessons you have completed anddownloadmore. It’s that simple! However you want to learn, theCybrary appcan help.There are classes for beginners with no priorexperience,seasoned cyber security professionals and even securityandcompliance leadership. Some classes will help youachievecertifications, like CISSP and Certified | Ethical Hacker(CEH)while other courses are designed to help you build a skill settouse on the job, like the Python for Security Professionals andtheMalware Analysis. Download the app today and startlearning!!Our Course Catalog:Beginner: A+, Linux+, Network, Security+, Cloud+,ITIL,CryptographyIntermediate: SharePoint, Ethical Hacking, Computer Forensics,PMP,Virtualization Management, MCSA, CCNA, CISAAdvanced: CASP, CISSP, Social Engineering, Python forSecurityProfessionals, Post Exploitation, Malware Analysis,AdvancedPenetration TestingMore classes are continually being produced, so download theapp,start learning, and always be ready for more!!*The Cybrary app is made for your convenience and is intendedtoprovide you with our content, on the go. This app is notintendedto be a substitute for the full online learningexperienceavailable at our website. When you are connected to theweb, pleasego to to engage in our full learningexperience!About Cybrary:Cybrary is the largest cyber security community on the internetandis helping to advance the health and good standing of thecybersecurity industry by providing anyone, anywhere with freeresourcesto learn, get certified and grow in the field. Thetraining fromCybrary is designed to help people build a career intheir chosenfield, or advance in their current cyber securitycareer. Cybraryprovides comprehensive classes with hundreds oftopics. Once youcomplete training, you can search for cybersecurity jobs globally.Cyber security training should be FREE, andCybrary makes it thatway, forever!NOTE: Please be advised of the Cybrary Terms of Service
CISSP Flashcards 3.7.1
iAceATest Inc
CISSP Flashcard study for students. Study CISSP flashcardsfromeverywhere.
SODA CryptoLab 1.0
A SODA App for teaching purposestodemonstrateand experience theperformance of cryptographic operations (i.e. wrappingandunwrappingofdigital envelopes) on mobile devices. Students may usethisApptoexperiment performance of cryptographic operations withdifferentkeysizes(1024, 2048 and 4096) and different file sizes.
CryptoTools 1.0.2
Android implementations of standard cryptographic algorithmsandsecure.
CEH Study Guide
Jamie Hunt
CEH Study Guide is packed with hundreds of questions, splitover20modules.
Hacky Easter 6.0
This is the Android app for Hacky Easter 2019!
Practice Test: CISSP 1.0
Staring down the CISSP? Having a hardtimesitting down at home to prepare? PRACTICE TEST: CISSP app letsyoustudy for the test no matter where you are.Practice challenging questions on the subjects of AccessControl,Cryptography, Security Architecture and Design,SoftwareDevelopment Security, Operations Security, SecurityManagement andmore with this easy-to-use app. Choose whether toview theexplanations after each question. When you are finished,you canretake the entire series of questions.PRACTICE TEST: CISSP app uses adaptive learning technologythatrecalibrates the questions you see based on your performance.Italso tracks your cumulative performance, which is clearlydisplayedon the home screen. This allows you to see your progressover timeand target your studies to the topics that are mostdifficult foryou.This app is entirely FREE! So be sure to check it out now!Please rate us and provide us your valuable feedback as weareconstantly making efforts to bring you with more niceapps.
Discrete Mathematics 5.4
The app is a complete free handbook of DiscreteMathematicswhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news& blogs onthecourse. Download the App as a reference material& digitalbookfor computer science engineering programs &degreecourses.This useful App lists 100 topics with detailednotes,diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, thetopics arelisted in5 chapters. The app is must have for all theengineeringsciencestudents & professionals. The app providesquickrevision andreference to the important topics like a detailedflashcard notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student oraprofessional tocover the course syllabus quickly before an examsorinterview forjobs. Track your learning, set reminders, editthestudy material,add favourite topics, share the topics onsocialmedia. You canalso blog about engineering technology,innovation,engineeringstartups, college research work, instituteupdates,Informativelinks on course materials & educationprograms fromyoursmartphone or tablet or at useful engineering app asyour tutorial, digital book,areference guide for syllabus, coursematerial, projectwork,sharing your views on the blog. Some of thetopics Covered intheapp are: 1. Set Theory 2. Decimal number System3. BinaryNumberSystem 4. Octal Number System 5. Hexadecimal NumberSystem6.Binary Arithmetic 7. Sets and Membership 8. Subsets9.Introductionto Logical Operations 10. Logical OperationsandLogicalConnectivity 11. Logical Equivalence 12.LogicalImplications 13.Normal Forms and Truth Table 14. Normal Formof awell formedformula 15. Principle Disjunctive Normal Form16.PrincipalConjunctive Normal form 17. Predicates and Quantifiers18.Theoryof inference for the Predicate Calculus 19.MathematicalInduction20. Diagrammatic Representation of Sets 21.The Algebra ofSets 22.The Computer Representation of Sets 23.Relations24.Representation of Relations 25. Introduction toPartialOrderRelations 26. Diagrammatic Representation ofPartialOrderRelations and Posets 27. Maximal, Minimal ElementsandLattices 28.Recurrence Relation 29. Formulation ofRecurrenceRelation 30.Method of Solving Recurrence Relation 31.Method forsolving linearhomogeneous recurrence relations withconstantcoefficients: 32.Functions 33. Introduction to Graphs 34.DirectedGraph 35. GraphModels 36. Graph Terminology 37. SomeSpecial SimpleGraphs 38.Bipartite Graphs 39. Bipartite Graphs andMatchings40.Applications of Graphs 41. Original and Sub Graphs42.RepresentingGraphs 43. Adjacency Matrices 44. IncidenceMatrices45.Isomorphism of Graphs 46. Paths in the Graphs 47.ConnectednessinUndirected Graphs 48. Connectivity of Graphs 49.PathsandIsomorphism 50. Euler Paths and Circuits 51. HamiltonPathsandCircuits 52. Shortest-Path Problems 53. AShortest-PathAlgorithm(Dijkstra Algorithm.) 54. The TravelingSalespersonProblem 55.Introduction to Planer Graphs 56. GraphColoring 57.Applicationsof Graph Colorings 58. Introduction toTrees 59. RootedTrees 60.Trees as Models 61. Properties of Trees62. Applicationsof Trees63. Decision Trees 64. Prefix Codes 65.Huffman Coding 66.GameTrees 67. Tree Traversal 68. Boolean Algebra69. IdentitiesofBoolean Algebra 70. Duality 71. The AbstractDefinition ofaBoolean Algebra 72. Representing Boolean Functions73. LogicGates74. Minimization of Circuits 75. Karnaugh Maps 76.DontCareConditions 77. The Quine MCCluskey Method 78.IntroductiontoLattices 79. The Transitive Closure of a Relation80.CartesianProduct of Lattices 81. Properties of Lattices82.Lattices asAlgebraic System Each topic is complete withdiagrams,equationsand other forms of graphical representations forbetterlearningand quick understanding. Discrete Mathematics ispartofengineering education courses and technology degreeprogramsinvarious universities.
Operating System - OS 6.0
The app is a complete free handbook of Operating Systemwhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs onthecourse. Download the App as a reference material & digitalbookfor  computer science engineering & softwareengineeringprograms & tech degree courses.  This usefulmobile Applists 125 topics with detailed notes, diagrams,equations, formulas& course material, the topics are listed in5 chapters. The appis must have for all the engineering sciencestudents &professionals.  The app provides quick revisionand referenceto the important topics like a detailed flash cardnotes, it makesit easy & useful for the student or aprofessional to cover thecourse syllabus quickly before an exams orinterview forjobs.  Track your learning, set reminders, editthe studymaterial, add favorite topics, share the topics onsocialmedia.  You can also blog about engineeringtechnology,innovation, engineering startups,  college researchwork,institute updates, Informative links on course materials&education programs from your smartphone or tablet orat  Use this usefulengineeringapplication as your tutorial, digital book, a referenceguide forsyllabus, course material, project work, sharing yourviews on theblog.  Some of the topics Covered in the app are:1. Overviewof computer operating systems 2. Computer SystemOrganization 3.Operating System Structure 4. Distributed system 5.OperatingSystem services 6. System Calls 7. System Programs 8.OperatingSystem Generation 9. Operating-System Services 10.Operating-SystemInterface 11. Process Management 12. ProcessControl Block 13.Schedulers 14. Context switch 15. Operations onProcesses 16.Interprocess Communication 17. Sockets 18. RemoteProcedure Calls19. Remote method invocation 20. Threads 21.Scheduling Criteria22. Scheduling Algorithms 23. MultithreadingModels 24. ThreadLibraries 25. Threading Issues 26. CPU scheduling27.Multiple-Processor Scheduling 28. Symmetric Multithreading29.Thread Scheduling 30. Solaris Scheduling 31. Windows XPScheduling32. Linux Scheduling 33. Algorithm Evaluation 34.ProcessSynchronization 35. The Critical Section Problem36.Synchronization Hardware 37. Semaphores 38. Classic problemsofsynchronization 39. Monitors 40. Atomic Transactions 41.Deadlocks42. Deadlock Characterization 43. Methods for handlingdeadlocks44. Deadlock Prevention 45. Deadlock Avoidance 46.Banker’salgorithm 47. Deadlock Detection 48. Recovery fromDeadlock 49.Memory Management Strategies 50. Address Binding 51.Logical versusPhysical Address Space 52. Dynamic Linking andLoading 53. Swapping54. Contiguous Memory Allocation 55.Fragmentation 56. Paging 57.Hardware Support in paging 58. SharedPages 59. Segmentation 60.Virtual memory 61. System libraries 62.Demand Paging 63.Copy-on-Write 64. Page Replacement 65. FIFO PageReplacement 66.Optimal Page Replacement 67. LRU Page Replacement68. EnhancedSecond-Chance Algorithm 69. Allocation of Frames 70.Thrashing 71.Working-Set Model 72. Page-Fault Frequency 73.Memory-Mapped Files74. Shared Memory in the Win32 API 75.Allocating Kernel Memory 76.Slab Allocation 77. File Concept 78.File Operations 79. File Types80. Directory Structure 81. Directory82. File System Mounting 83.File System Structure 84. File SystemImplementation 85. DirectoryImplementation 86. Free SpaceManagement 87. Recovery 88.Log-Structured File Systems 89. Networkfile systems 90. Networkfile systems protocol 91. Magnetic Disks92. Disk Structure 93.Disk Attachment 94. Disk Scheduling 95. DiskManagement Each topicis complete with diagrams, equations and otherforms of graphicalrepresentations for better learning and quickunderstanding. Operating System is part of computer scienceengineering &software education courses and informationtechnology degreeprograms at various universities. 
Network Management & Security 6.2
The app is a complete free handbook of Network Management&Security which covers important topics, notes, materials &newson the course. Download the App as a reference material&digital book for Cloud Computing, security, computerscienceengineering, networking, software and communications,softwareengineering programs & degree courses. NetworkManagement &Security useful App lists 140 topics with detailednotes, diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, thetopics are listed in5 chapters. The app is must have for all theengineering sciencestudents & professionals. The app providesquick revision andreference to the important topics like a detailedflash card notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student or aprofessional tocover the course syllabus quickly just before anexams or jobinterviews. Also get the hottest internationalengineering &technology news on your app powered by Google newsfeeds. We havecustomised it so that you get regular updates onsubject frominternational/national colleges, universities,research, industry,applications, engineering, tech, articles &innovation. NetworkManagement & Security is the bestapplication to remain updatedon your fav. subject. Use this usefulengineering app as youreducation tool, utility, tutorial, book, areference guide forsyllabus and explore study course material,aptitude tests &project work. Track your learning, setreminders, edit, addfavourite topics, share the topics on socialmedia. Some of thetopics Covered in this application are: 1.Introduction to Networksecurity 2. Security attacks 3. Active andPassive attacks 4.Security Services 5. Security Mechanisms 6. AModel OfInter-Network Security 7. Internet Standards 8. InternetStandardsand RFC’S 9. Buffer Overflow 10. Format StringVulnerability 11.Session Hijacking 12. UDP Session Hijacking 13.Route TableModification 14. Address resolution protocol attacks15.Man-in-the-middle attack 16. Conventional Encryption principles17.Cryptography 18. Cryptanalysis 19. SubstitutionEncryptionTechniques 20. Playfair Ciphers 21. Hill Cipher 22.PolyalphabeticCiphers 23. Pigpen Cipher 24. Transpositiontechniques 25. FeistelCipher Structure 26. Feistel CipherDecryption 27. ConventionalEncryption Algorithms 28. S-DES keygeneration 29. S-DES Encryption30. Data Encryption Standard 31.Single round of DES algorithm 32.Triple Data Encryption Standard33. International Data EncryptionStandard 34. Blowfish Algorithm35. Blowfish Encryption Decryption36. Advanced encryption standard37. S-AES Encryption andDecryption 38. S-AES key expansion 39. TheAES Cipher 40.Substitute Bytes Transformation 41. ShiftRowsTransformation 42.MixColumns Transformation 43. AddRoundKeyTransformation 44. AESKey Expansion 45. AES Decryption 46. CipherBlock modes ofOperation 47. Cipher Block modes of Operation 48.Cipher BlockChaining Mode 49. Cipher Feed Back Mode 50. OutputFeedback Mode51. Counter Mode 52. Message authentication 53.MessageAuthentication Code 54. Message Authentication Code Based onDES55. Hash function 56. MD5 Message Digest Algorithm 57.MD5Compression Function 58. Secure Hash Algorithm 59. RIPEMD-16060.HMAC 61. Public-key Cryptography 62. Attack onPublic-keyCryptography 63. Applications for public-keycryptosystems 64. RSAalgorithm 65. Fermat's and Euler's theorem 66.Security of RSA 67.Key Management 68. Public-key authority 69.Public-key certificates70. Public Key Distribution of Secret KeysEach topic is completewith diagrams, equations and other forms ofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning and quickunderstanding. Network Management & Security is part ofCloud computingsecurity, computer science engineering, networking,software andcommunications, software engineering programs educationcourses andinformation technology degree programs atvariousuniversities. 
S-DES Simulator 1.0
A light and simple S-DES calculator.