Top 18 Apps Similar to Spanish Grammar and Test

Wlingua - Learn Spanish 5.2.15
Complete Spanish Course - Learn Spanish with us
Learn Spanish - 15,000 Words 6.7.7
Learn Spanish from 61 native languages, for free & offline,withFunEasyLearn. Learn to READ 📖 WRITE ✍ and SPEAK Spanish 💬Discoverthe fun & easy way to learn all the reading rules, allthe wordsyou’ll ever need and all the useful phrases in theSpanish language.🚀 Contents • 6,000 Spanish words (constantlygrowing): the mostcommon nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.,categorized into 10 levelsand 200 topics; • 5,000 Spanish phrases(frequently used): the mostimportant phrases for dailyconversations and travelling,categorized into 7 levels and 120topics. Enhance your vocabulary bylearning words, sentences andexpressions for beginner, intermediateand advanced learners. 🔔 Whylearn Spanish with FunEasyLearn?FunEasyLearn reinvents languagelearning. Our team of linguists andteachers have developed aunique language learning strategy. Thesecret lies in combining analphabet with all the reading rules, allthe necessary words and apractical phrasebook into one app. Thisallows our users to read aword or phrase, pronounce it correctly,associate it with anillustration and practice it with listening,writing and speakinggames. 🏆 Top features Hand-drawn illustrations– memorize the newvocabulary faster with intuitive illustrations;Professional audiorecordings – listen to audios recorded by nativespeakers; Detailedstatistics – analyze your results and track yourprogress; Reviewmanager – review everything you learn; Smart search– find quicklythe words and phrases you need; Hide what you know –hide thecontent you already know; Speech recognition – improveyourpronunciation; Offline – use the app anywhere in the world,with nointernet connection. 💼 Spanish for business Get access tospecialSpanish lessons created for your business. We providespecializedcourses for taxi drivers, hotel & restaurantstaffs,flight-attendants, shop-assistants, etc. ✈ Spanish fortravellingLearn how to book a hotel room, order a meal in arestaurant, askfor directions, carry out a conversation and speakconfidently withthe native speakers. 🙌 Spanish for kids &adults We adapt thecontents depending on the age of the learner.Both you and your kidcan learn Spanish and have fun. FunEasyLearnFree SubscriptionSubscribe for FREE, with the flowers you earnwhile playinglanguage learning games. Learn Spanish, play for free!It’s fast& easy. 📴 📥 Download the FunEasyLearn Spanish courseright now!Recommend the app to your friends and get a reward. Rateus andwrite a review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ It would mean a lot to our team! Contactus:
Spanish Grammar 1.3
Spanish GrammarWhen most people think of "grammar" they don't get veryexcited.But grammar can teach you something in minutes that mighttake daysto figure out by immersion alone.Grammar is your friend!We believe in grammar, and we include it in our method. But let'sbehonest. Studying Spanish grammar will not make you fluent. Toreacha conversational level you need a complete course like Caminodeléxito.These days, it is popular in some circles to claim that thereisno need to learn grammar. The thinking goes somethinglikethis:I didn't learn grammar as a child, and yet I still learnedtospeak. Therefore, I do not need to study grammar as anadult.This sort of thinking ignores the fact that as an adult you haveahigher mental capacity, and learning some grammar is easy andwillbe a big help to you.Grammar is not the goal.For most people, the goal is not to become a grammar expert—thegoalis to be able to speak Spanish conversationally. To do that,youneed a complete conversation course.Camino del éxito is the only course that is fully integratedwiththe material on this website. By combining Spanish grammarexerciseswith real conversational practice, you will much morequickly reacha level where you can communicate effectively.And for most people, communication is the primary goal.There are grammar topics below in app:+ Gender of Nouns I+ Gender of Nouns II+ Cardinal Numbers+ Plural Forms of Nouns+ Definite and Indefinite Articles+ The Verb Form - hay+ Subject Pronouns+ Regular Verbs. Part I+ Regular Verbs. Part II+ Regular Verbs. Part III+ Adjectives I+ Adjectives II+ Days of the Week+ Numbers 11 - 30+ Ser and Estar I+ Ser and Estar II+ Ser and Estar III+ Ser and Estar IV+ Negation+ Questions+ Possessive Adjectives+ Irregular Verbs - Tener and Venir+ Tener que - Hay que+ Idiomatic Expressions with tener+ Weather Expressions+ The Personal - a+ Contractions+ Stem-Changing Verbs o ue+ Stem-Changing Verbs e ie+ Stem-changing verbs e i+ Irregular Verbs - Estar, Ir, Dar+ Ir a + infinitive+ Acabar de+ Volver a+ Ordinal Numbers+ Months, Seasons, and Dates+ Comparisons of Inequality+ Comparisons of Equality+ Superlatives+ Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions+ Dir. Object Pronouns I+ Dir. Object Pronouns II+ Dir. Object Pronouns III+ Ind. Object Pronouns I+ Ind. Object Pronouns II+ Ind. Object Pronouns III+ Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Used Together+ Verbs Like Gustar+ Present Progressive+ Verbs with Irregular First Persons+ Saber vs Conocer - Pedir vs Preguntar+ Cardinal Numbers 31-1000+ Telling Time+ Por and Para+ Irreg. Comparatives+ Demonstratives+ Time Expressions With Hacer+ Possessive Pronouns+ Reflexive Verbs I+ Reflexive Verbs II+ Definite Article II+ Pret. vs Imp. I+ Preterite I+ Imperfect I+ Preterite II+ Imperfect II+ Pret. vs Imp. II+ Preterite III+ Imperfect III+ Preterite IV+ Preterite V+ Preterite VI+ Pret. vs Imp. III+ Pret. vs Imp. Review+ (Hace ...) to mean (ago)+ Formation of Adverbs+ Subjunctive+ Rel. Pronouns - que+ Rel. Pronouns - quien+ Rel. Pronouns - el que and lo que+ Rel. Adjective - cuyo+ Rel. Pronouns and Adjectives - Review+ Formal Commands+ Inform. Commands - tú+ Using Object Pronouns with Commands+ Commands Review I+ Informal Commands - vosotros+ 1st Person Commands - nosotros+ Indirect Commands+ Commands Review II+ Future Tense+ Past Participle+ Present Perfect+ Past Perfect+ Future Perfect+ The Conditional TenseTAG: spanish grammar, study spanish, grammar, simplespanishgrammar, learn spanish, simple grammar, spanish lessions,spanishfor beginner, gramática española, el estudio español,gramática,gramática sencilla español, aprender español, gramáticasimple,lessions español, español para principiantes,gramáticaespañola
Learn Spanish Phrases & Words
Easily learn Spanish phrases and words!SpeakSpanish with confidence!Using this app, you can learn Spanish phrases and words fromournative Spanish speaking parrot. The parrot works together withyouto practice your speaking and listening skills, whereverandwhenever you are. Learning Spanish can never be easier!FEATURES- Commonly-used Spanish phrases & words- Search by Spanish or English- Native Spanish pronunciation- Customizable font size- No Internet connection requiredIf you are traveling to Spain (e.g., Madrid or Barcelona), makesureyou bring this app with you!ABOUT Bravolol- Web site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Email:[email protected]
Spanish Grammar 3.1
Our free Spanish grammar lessonsmakelearningSpanish grammar rules a breeze. Whether you are aSpanishlanguagebeginner or honing your advanced skills, we can helpyoumaster thebasics and the finer points in no time.It's true that most folks learning to speak aforeignlanguagedon't look forward to the grammar rules, but thebetteryouunderstand how the language works, the more you can talk,readandwrite about!Spanish grammar is nothing to be afraid of – in fact it canbethefastest way to learn the language, and teaches you thingsthatyouwould struggle to work out if you relied on immersionandsurvivalphrases alone.
Curso de ortografía 1.0
¡El mejor curso de ortografía, gratisentuteléfono o tablet!Sin duda, escribir bien y sin errores es una cartadepresentaciónpara cualquier persona. Hoy en día, escribimoscorreoselectrónicos,mensajes, WhatsApps en nuestro trabajo y esmuyimportante hacerlocorrectamente.Aquí podrás encontrar todo lo que necesitas sabersobrelagramática ortográfica, basada en las normas de laRealAcademiaEspañola.Te invitamos a seguir nuestro curso gratis y aaprenderlosfundamentos de la ortografía: tipos de palabras,reglasdeacentuación, signos de puntuación, diptongosyhiatos,conjunciones, acrónimos, siglas, división depalabras,mayúsculas,numerales, errores comunes y mucho más.Descarga nuestra app y domina la ortografía y lapalabraescrita.20 módulos de fácil comprensión que te ayudaránpersonalyprofesionalmente.¡Un curso completísimo hecho por profesionalesespecialmenteparati! Y lo mejor de todo: ¡Gratis!Podrás bajar la app en tu teléfono móvil o tablet Androidyseguirel curso a tu ritmo, donde quieras y como quieras. Esuncursoaccesible para todos, para los que no tienenningúnconocimiento ytambién para aquellos que lo tienen ydeseanrefrescarlos.¡No esperes más , descarga esta app y entra almaravillosomundode la ortografía y la escritura!The best courseofspellingfor your phone or tablet!Without doubt, write well and without mistakes is alettertoanyone. Today, we write emails, messages, WhatsApps in ourworkanddo it correctly is very important.Here you can find everything you need to knowaboutgrammar,spelling, based on the rules of the RoyalSpanishAcademy.We invite you to follow our course for free and learnthebasicsof spelling: types of words, rules ofaccentuation,punctuation,diphthongs and hiatuses, conjunctions,acronyms,hyphenation,capitalization, numerals, common mistakes andmore.Download our app and dominates the spelling and thewrittenword.20 modules easy to understand to help youpersonallyandprofessionally.A very complete course done by professionals especiallyforyou!And best of all: Free!You can download the app on your Android mobile phoneortabletand follow the course at your own pace, wherever andhoweveryouwant. It is a course accessible to everyone, for thosewho havenoknowledge and for those who have and want to refreshit.Do not wait, download this app and enter the wonderfulworldofspelling and writing!
Acentuando 2.0.4
How about training your knowledge accent this fun game?
Português PRO para Concursos 2.1
-----------Benefícios daVersãoPRO-----------Mais de 3000 questões das Bancas: CESPE CESGRANRIO FCC ESAFeFGV.Resolva questões sem necessidade de conexão com a internet.--------------------Você que está estudando para Concursos Públicos a empresaPapyrusApps criou um novo aplicativo que irá ajudá-lo a cumprir seutãosonhado objetivo.O aplicativo é focado para cada área do Português econtémmilhares de questões, com gabarito, de concursos anteriores.Comele, você poderá:1) Estudar a qualquer hora e lugar, sem necessidade deestarconectado à internet. Basta ligar seu smartphone ou tabletecomeçar a fazer questões. Assim, você não perderá mais tempocomtrânsito ou em outras situações ociosas.2) Crie simulados com os assuntos que deseja e com quantasquestõesquiser.3) Interrompa o simulado no meio e comece de onde parou.4) Ao final de cada simulado, o aplicativo mostra uma estatísticadequantas questões você acertou e errou. Assim, você podeacompanharseu progresso nos estudos facilmente.5) Mantenha-se atualizado com notícias sobre concursos abertos.Número de questões: 3349 questõesAssuntos de Português:Compreensão e interpretação de textosRegência nominal e verbalFlexão nominal e verbalEmprego dos tempos e modos verbaisPontuaçãoAcentuação gráficaConcordância nominal e verbalReescritura de textoCoesão e coerênciaRelação de Causa e ConsequênciaPronomes: emprego, formas de tratamento e colocaçãoEmprego das classes de palavrasVozes do verboCraseOrtografia e SemânticaSignificação das palavrasSintaxe da oração e do períodoTipologia textualFiguras de linguagemConjunçãoUma dica: Tenha sempre em mente que quanto mais questões vocêfizer,mais estará acostumado e familiarizado com a matériae,consequentemente, mais perto da sua aprovação.Palavras chave: Português, aprovação, Concurso Público,PapyrusApps, questões, Papyrus, simulados, provas, concursos.Benefits of PROVersion----------- -----------More than 3000 questions of Bunkers: CESPE Cesgranrio FCC ESAFandFGV.Resolve issues without the need for internet connection.--------------------You who are studying for the Public Tenders company Papyrus Appshascreated a new application that will help you meet your goalsodesired.The app is focused for each area of ​​the Portuguese andcontainsthousands of questions, with feedback from previouscontests. Withit, you can:1) Study anytime, anywhere, without the need of being connectedtothe internet. Just connect your smartphone or tablet andstartasking questions. Thus, you will not lose more time withidletraffic or other situations.2) Create simulated with the issues you want and how manyquestionsyou want.3) Stop the simulation in the middle and start where youleftoff.4) At the end of each simulation, the application shows astatisticof how many questions you hit and missed. So you can trackyourprogress in studies easily.5) Keep up to date with news about open calls.Number of questions: questions 3349Of Portuguese subjects:Understanding and interpreting textsNominal and verbal regencyNominal and verbal inflectionEmployment of time and verbal modesScoreAccent GraphicsNominal and verbal agreementRewriting textCohesion and coherenceRelation of Cause and ConsequencePronouns: employment, forms of treatment and placementEmployment of word classesVoices of the verbCraseSpelling and SemanticsMeaning of the wordsSyntax of the sentence and the periodTextual typologyFigures languageConjunctionA tip: Always keep in mind that the more questions you do, themoreyou are used to and familiar with the matter, and hence closertoits approval.Keywords: Portuguese, approval, Tender, Papyrus Apps,issues,Papyrus, mock, tests, quizzes.
ta3lim espanol 1.3.3
Inc Facetime
Ta3alam Alogha espanol (Spanish)bisor3aWasohola Wa Salasa 3abra Hathihi Doros Liannana No3alimokaKol maTahtajo ma3rifaho mina Lmofradat AlmohimaWaTa3abiraatAlmachhoorafi Alogha espanolToro9 mobtakara Lihifd mostalahat bisoholaTa3alam espanol Fi 10 ayamAham Ljomal espanolVous pouvez apprendre espanol rapidement et facilement à traverscesleçons parce que nous laissons juste que vous avezbesoind'apprendre le vocabulaire et idiomes fameuse mission. Notredeviseest que vous pouvez apprendre la langue à travers la pratiquedesmots faciles par jour.espanol 1000 mots de espanol Écouter lire parler de testetd'écrire. Essayez le GRATUITEMENT espanol 1000 si vous l'aimez6000espanol est 6 fois mieux et n'a pas d'annonces! Le logicielvouspermet de tester votre prononciation contre l'ordinateur.Vouspouvez feuilleter rapidement les mots, ou d'étudier à votreproprerythme. Vous pouvez entrer n'importe quel mot que vous voulez,TA3LIM ESPAÑOLplus Parlez application prononciation espanol. Apprenez àparlerespanol.Ce logiciel contient les mots dont vous avez besoin poursurvivredans un environnement espanol comme un lycée espanolparlant.TA3LIM ESPAÑOLTa3alam Aloghaespanol(Spanish) bisor3a Wasohola Wa Salasa 3abra Hathihi DorosLiannanaNo3alimoka Kol my Tahtajo ma3rifaho mina LmofradatAlmohimaWaTa3abiraat Almachhoorafi Alogha espanolToro9 mobtakara Lihifd mostalahat bisoholaTa3alam espanol Fi 10 ayamAham Ljomal espanolYou can learn espanol quickly and easily through theselessonsbecause we let you just need to learn the vocabulary andidiomsfamous mission. Our motto is that you can learn thelanguagethrough the practice of simple words a day.espanol 1000 words to speak espanol Listen read and write test.Tryespanol 1000 FREE if you like 6000 espanol is 6 times betterandhas no ads! The software allows you to test yourpronunciationagainst the computer. You can quickly browse throughthe words, orto study at your own pace. You can enter any word youwant, TA3LIMESPAÑOLTalk more enforcement espanol pronunciation. Learn tospeakespanol.This software contains the words you need to survive inanenvironment as a espanol espanol speaking school.TA3LIM ESPAÑOL
Spanish dictionary
Dictionary with thousands of words in Spanish without internet
Spanish Grammar basic 1.1
Ant Dev
If you want to learn Spanish Grammar,you’vecome to the right place.This app include 9 units and all lessons about spanishgrammarbasic.* Unit 1Gender of Nouns IGender of Nouns IINumbers: 1-10Plural Forms of NounsDef. & Indef. ArticlesThe Verb Form "hay"Subject PronounsReg. Verbs IReg. Verbs IIReg. Verbs IIIAdjectives IAdjectives IIDays of the WeekNumbers: 11-30* Unit 2Ser and Estar ISer and Estar IISer and Estar IIISer and Estar IVNegationQuestionsPoss. AdjectivesTener, venirTener que / Hay queExp. with "Tener"Weather ExpressionsThe Personal "a"Contractions* Unit 3Stem-Changing Verbs: o:ueStem-Changing Verbs: e:ieStem-changing verbs: e:iEstar, Ir, Dar"Ir a" + infinitiveAcabar deVolver aOrdinal NumbersMonths, Seasons, and DatesComparisons of InequalityComparisons of EqualitySuperlatives* Unit 4Pronouns as Objects of PrepositionsDir. Object Pronouns IDir. Object Pronouns IIDir. Object Pronouns IIIInd. Object Pronouns IInd. Object Pronouns IIInd. Object Pronouns IIIDO and IO Pronouns TogetherVerbs Like GustarPresent ProgressiveVerbs with Irregular 1st Persons* Unit 5Saber vs Conocer / Pedir vs PreguntarNumbers: 31-1000Telling TimePor and ParaIrreg. ComparativesDemonstrativesTime Expressions With HacerPossessive PronounsReflexive Verbs IReflexive Verbs IIDefinite Article II* Unit 6Pret. vs Imp. IPreterite IImperfect IPreterite IIImperfect IIPret. vs Imp. IIPreterite IIIImperfect IIIPreterite IVPreterite VPreterite VIPret. vs Imp. IIIPret. vs Imp. Review* Unit 7"Hace ..." to mean "ago"Formation of AdverbsSubjunctive I: IntroductionSubjunctive II: Conjugating regular and stem-changing verbsSubjunctive III: Verbs that change orthographicallySubjunctive IV: Irregular verbsSubjunctive V: DesireSubjunctive VI: Ignorance, doubtSubjunctive VII: Impersonal ExpressionsSubjunctive VIII: Actions not yet completed* Unit 8Rel. Pronouns - queRel. Pronouns - quienRel. Pronouns - el que and lo queRel. Adjective - cuyoRel. Pronouns and Adjectives - ReviewFormal CommandsInform. Commands - túIrreg. Commands - túUsing Object Pronouns with CommandsCommands Review IInformal Commands - vosotros1st Person Commands - nosotrosIndirect CommandsCommands Review II* Unit 9FuturePast ParticiplePresent PerfectPast PerfectFuture PerfectConditional.
Busuu: Learn Spanish
Speak Spanish With Perfect Pronunciation - SpanishVocabulary,Grammar & More
Quiz de Português 3.0.1
How is your grammar knowledge and study of the text?
Spanish Grammar Offline 0.0.2
Spanish Grammar Master is completelyofflinespanish grammar reference book to learn and master spanishGrammar, covering a wide range of grammar topics in detailTopics Included1. Adjectives2. Adverbs3. Articles4. Conjunctions5. Days of Week6. Gender7. Nouns8 .Prepositions9. VerbsNow No internet Required for learning grammar . Its time tolearnabout master spanish grammar along with usage on the go ,offlinenow.Features- Wide Range of topics- Complete Topics Coverage- Regular Updates- Complete supportThis app will help you in your career plan and helps inpreparationof spanish as well as competitive exams and curriculumexams.Write us at [email protected] for suggestions and feedbackforimprovements.Follow us on twitter @gamesnapps4u
Spanish Grammar Learning 1.06.3
Learning Apps
A grammar book is too boring anddoesn'tgiveyou enough feedback?Then have a look at this program.You can immediately apply in practice, what you havereadandyou'll get feedback instantly. In all tasksSpanishexamplesentences are used. The topics cover at the momentanintermediategrammar. There are currently over 1000(20-60 foreachtask)sentences for the exercises available. If you do not knowaword inyour language, translations are available fromadatabase.At the moment the interface and all lessonsaretranslatedto* German* English* Spanish* FrenchFurthermore you can choose the exercise translationlanguageandthese are:* French, English, Spanish, Russian, Italian,Arabic,Turkish,Persian,Romanian, Hungarian, Greek, Polish, Czech,Dutch,Korean,Swedish,Portuguese, Danish, Hindi, Norwegian, Slovak,Vietnamese,Chinese,Japanese,Bulgarian,Catalan,Estonian,Hebrew,Indonesian,Latvian,Lithuanian,Malay,Hmong Daw,Thai,Ukrainian,Urdu(Translations are generated and could be not totally right)Topics include:- use of articles- formation of nouns- pronouns- verbs- tenses- adjectives/adverbs- prepositions- sentence structure- passive- negationsDepending on the lesson, you have to* Find errors* Set right words* Set or find word endings* Form phrases from existing words correctly* Push words in correct positions in the sentence(over 50 different tasks in the above groups with a totalof100tasks) (In-App purchase)Based on list views sorted topics and subtopics ofgrammarareshown.There are now two modes. (In-App purchase)In the first mode, you must proceed the lessons sequentiallylikeina courseand in the other mode you can freely choose what you want todo.Course Mode:At the beginning no lesson in the lesson list is available,butthiswill change during the course of the game when you unlockmoreandmore tasks.If you have successfully completed tasks according todifficulty,youcan choose new lessons that you want to work on.During thecourseyou will get a growing range of tasks andtopics.Using statistical analysis, you can then do your worst ormostrecenttasks again to improve your results.If you want to have more examples in a task or youfinderrors,please write an email to [email protected] begreat.
Spanish Grammar 1.1
Global Inc
When most people think of "grammar" theydon'tget very excited. But grammar can teach you something inminutesthat might take days to figure out by immersion alone.Grammar is your friend!We believe in grammar, and we include it in our method. But let'sbehonest. Studying Spanish grammar will not make you fluent. Toreacha conversational level you need a complete course like Caminodeléxito.These days, it is popular in some circles to claim that thereisno need to learn grammar. The thinking goes somethinglikethis:I didn't learn grammar as a child, and yet I still learnedtospeak. Therefore, I do not need to study grammar as anadult.This sort of thinking ignores the fact that as an adult you haveahigher mental capacity, and learning some grammar is easy andwillbe a big help to you.Grammar is not the goal.For most people, the goal is not to become a grammar expert—thegoalis to be able to speak Spanish conversationally. To do that,youneed a complete conversation course.Camino del éxito is the only course that is fully integratedwiththe material on this website. By combining Spanish grammarexerciseswith real conversational practice, you will much morequickly reacha level where you can communicate effectively.And for most people, communication is the primary goal.There are grammar topics below in app:+ Gender of Nouns I+ Gender of Nouns II+ Cardinal Numbers+ Plural Forms of Nouns+ Definite and Indefinite Articles+ The Verb Form - hay+ Subject Pronouns+ Regular Verbs. Part I+ Regular Verbs. Part II+ Regular Verbs. Part III+ Adjectives I+ Adjectives II+ Days of the Week+ Numbers 11 - 30+ Ser and Estar I+ Ser and Estar II+ Ser and Estar III+ Ser and Estar IV+ Negation+ Questions+ Possessive Adjectives+ Irregular Verbs - Tener and Venir+ Tener que - Hay que+ Idiomatic Expressions with tener+ Weather Expressions+ The Personal - a+ Contractions+ Stem-Changing Verbs o ue+ Stem-Changing Verbs e ie+ Stem-changing verbs e i+ Irregular Verbs - Estar, Ir, Dar+ Ir a + infinitive+ Acabar de+ Volver a+ Ordinal Numbers+ Months, Seasons, and Dates+ Comparisons of Inequality+ Comparisons of Equality+ Superlatives+ Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions+ Dir. Object Pronouns I+ Dir. Object Pronouns II+ Dir. Object Pronouns III+ Ind. Object Pronouns I+ Ind. Object Pronouns II+ Ind. Object Pronouns III+ Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Used Together+ Verbs Like Gustar+ Present Progressive+ Verbs with Irregular First Persons+ Saber vs Conocer - Pedir vs Preguntar+ Cardinal Numbers 31-1000+ Telling Time+ Por and Para+ Irreg. Comparatives+ Demonstratives+ Time Expressions With Hacer+ Possessive Pronouns+ Reflexive Verbs I+ Reflexive Verbs II+ Definite Article II+ Pret. vs Imp. I+ Preterite I+ Imperfect I+ Preterite II+ Imperfect II+ Pret. vs Imp. II+ Preterite III+ Imperfect III+ Preterite IV+ Preterite V+ Preterite VI+ Pret. vs Imp. III+ Pret. vs Imp. Review+ (Hace ...) to mean (ago)+ Formation of Adverbs+ Subjunctive+ Rel. Pronouns - que+ Rel. Pronouns - quien+ Rel. Pronouns - el que and lo que+ Rel. Adjective - cuyo+ Rel. Pronouns and Adjectives - Review+ Formal Commands+ Inform. Commands - tú+ Using Object Pronouns with Commands+ Commands Review I+ Informal Commands - vosotros+ 1st Person Commands - nosotros+ Indirect Commands+ Commands Review II+ Future Tense+ Past Participle+ Present Perfect+ Past Perfect+ Future Perfect+ The Conditional Tense
Vivo Português com o Pasquale 2.1.53
Professor Pasquale é uma autoridade quandooassunto é português. Professor, palestrante e escritor, eleagoravai ajudar você a melhorar seu português.Vivo Português com o Professor Pasquale é um serviço quetrazdicas de gramática e ortografia para você se dar bem notrabalho,nos estudos e no dia-a-dia – afinal, um bom português éseuprimeiro cartão de visitas. Com este serviço, você recebedicasdiretamente de Pasquale Cipro Neto através doaplicativo!São dicas e orientações práticas, áudios e vídeos doProfessorPasquale para você escrever o Português impecável. Tudoisso napalma de sua mão.Ao baixar o aplicativo, você já acessa gratuitamentealgunsconteúdos, com diversas dicas e com as dúvidas maisfrequentes danossa língua. Essa amostra é sua para sempre!Ao assinar, você tem acesso a TODOS os conteúdos doaplicativo,em forma de áudio e vídeo! Seu acesso será ilimitado evocê poderánavegar por todos os conteúdos disponibilizadosexclusivamente paravocê!Com o aplicativo Vivo Pasquale, você se sentirá mais seguroparafalar e escrever o português correto e saberá exatamenteondeprocurar quando surgir uma dúvida sobre a nossalínguaPortuguesa.Vivo Português com o Professor Pasquale – invista em sua formaçãoeem sua imagem!Mais informações sobre o serviço: Pasquale isanauthority when it comes to Portuguese. Teacher, lecturerandwriter, he will now help you improve your Portuguese.Live Portuguese with Professor Pasquale is a service thatbringsgrammar and spelling tips for you to do well at work, atschool andday-to-day - after all, a good Portuguese is her firstbusinesscard. With this service you receive tips directly fromPasqualeCipro Neto through the app!Are tips and guidance, audios and videos of Professor Pasqualeforyou to write impeccable Portuguese. All this in the palm ofyourhand.By downloading the app, you have access some content forfree,with various tips and frequently asked questions of ourlanguage.This sample is yours forever!When you subscribe, you get access to ALL the content oftheapplication, in the form of audio and video! Your access willbeunlimited and you can browse through all the contentavailableexclusively for you!In Vivo Pasquale application, you will feel safer to speak andwritethe correct Portuguese and know exactly where to look whenaquestions about our Portuguese language arise.Live Portuguese with Professor Pasquale - invest in yourtrainingand in your image!More information about the service: