Top 21 Apps Similar to ClassMate - School Planner

Student Planner 1.1.2
Akshath Jain
As a virtual assignment book inspired by Android materialdesign,Student Planner takes advantage of smart algorithms todecrease thetime spent entering an assignment. Additionally, theclean andelegant design keeps assignment management simple butstillprovides powerful functionality. Student Planner undoubtedlytakeshomework tracking and homework planning to the nextlevel,ultimately resulting in increased productivity. KeyFeatures:-Daily reminder notification -Automatic subject selectionbased ontime of day -Assignment due date prediction -Assignmentkeywordrecognition -Assignment progress tracking (incomplete anddone)-Test labeling -Schedule tracking -Block schedule support-Materialdesign inspired UI As always, Student Planner is availablefree ofcharge and ad-free.
Student Planner
Does your school use Firefly 5? If so,theStudent Planner app is your go to place to check on homeworkandyour timetable.Student Planner integrates with your school's FireflyLearningPlatform so you can access your timetable and homework fromyourAndroid phone.Automatically populated from your school timetable so you don'tneedto enter any of your classes, and teachers can pushhomeworkdirectly to your planner. You can also manually add yourownhomework or other tasks and associate them with particularlessonsand teachers. These automatically synchronise with youraccount onyour school's Firefly Learning Platform.Features include:- View your school timetable- See homework set by your teachers- Add your own homework and tasks- Receive push notifications when teachers set you new tasks,sendyou messages or send you links- Access your school's Firefly system without having to loginagainPlease note: you will need to know your school's code to log inforthe first time. Ask your teacher or network administrator ifyouare not sure what it is.Make suggestions and keep up to date as we develop the appbyfollowing @fireflyteam at app requires Firefly 5, please check with your school iftheyare using this version.Looking for the Firefly 6 app? Download the Firefly forStudentsapp.The Android version of Student Planner requires your school toberunning Firefly 4.0.14 or higher.
School Agenda K-12 2.3
Notepad Timetable Exam/Assignment Reminder GradingCalculatorQuestionmeter
School Assistant
Gil Castro
Everything a student needs to stay organized now fits inyourpocket! 🎒📲
School-Organizer - Timetable, Tasks and Grades 0.9.9U.5
Julian Wagner
Scor-your organizer for school, university or everydaylife.Createyour own timetable or connect to your WebUntis accounttostayinformed and up-to-date e.g. about changes concerningyourdailyschedule. This app enables you to add new tasks, eventsandgradesand let yourself be reminded of important appointments.Thisappnot only helps you to get an overview of yourscholaryachievementsbut also calculates your final grade of acertainsubject. Whetherit’s your timetable, an appointment oranactivity-this app givesyou all the neccessaryinformationconcerning your everyday lifeand aids you with itscoordination.Functions: • Timetable with aweekly overview •Overview ofappointments, activities and classes• Notifications onan hourlybasis • Reminder of appointments andactivities Webunits:•Automatic synchronization • Notificationsconcerning changes inyourtimetables • Customized timetable •Ability to hide certainsubjects• Vacations and holidays
SchoolManager: Timetable 2.1.2
SchoolManager is the App for your timetable, homework and supereasyaccess to your school's website. It's never been easier andfastercreating a timetable. And certainly never thiscustomizable.Features: Clear timetable: With a beautiful moderndesign. Smarthomework-organizer: With due date. You can even select"nextlesson" as due date. It's that simple. MySchool: Yourschoolwebsite only one tap away. Including news, events, lunchplans, ...Intelligent assistant: Overview of timetable, homeworkand newsright on the start page. ----- • Quickly create yourtimetable:Standard subjects are being suggested right at thebeginning foryou to easily adopt. • Alternating weeks: That mathlesson onlyevery other week? SchoolManager allows week cycles of upto 26different weeks. (Also called "A/B weeks") • Fullycustomizable:Choose between standard periods and custom timings foreach class.• Notifications: Adjust if and when you want to benotified aboutupcoming classes. This school-app thinks ahead!Keywords school,timetable, homework, school planner, schedule,school app,students, School Manager
Agenda Book - School Organizer 3.5
Organize your day with Agenda Book!Keeptrackof assignments and homework. This is the ultimatehomeworkplanningapp!Agenda Book allows you to store notes, and todos.Using your mobile device, you can bring your taskswithyoueverywhere. A To-Do List can vastly increase yourabilitytoorganize and keep track of your schoolwork.Agenda Book aims to replace the typical Agenda. Atypicalagendabook requires you to carry it and something to writewith.Mostpeople carry their phone around with them so this servesasaphysical replacement to the old fashioned agenda book.Targeted towards students, Agenda Book allows you to keeptrackofyour homework, having the possibilities to boost yourgrade. Youcanalso keep track of your notes for quickreference.In the newest version of Agenda Book we introducedcloudsyncing.With cloud syncing you can access your homework to-dolistANYWHEREin the world with internet connection.Agenda Book is more than your typical planner,homeworkorganizer,or todo list app. AgendaBook is a new way ofeducation.Our missionis to bridge the gap between organization,education,andtechnology.Agenda Book was made by students, for students. We are ateamofstudents at Bryan Station in STLP dedicated tomakingeducationeasier for students and teachers byintegratingtechnology.Stop wasting time! Download AgendaBook today!
Power Planner: Homework/Grades 2303.2.2.0
BareBones Dev
Manage your academic life across your Android, Windows, andiOSdevices.
Egenda - School Planner & Assi 1.4.4
A powerful homework manager and assistant by students for students
Nizamia School Planner 1.0.19
This product is named Nizamia School Planner and is a toolthatwould help the Parents have a clear picture on day todayactivities and happenings in their wards school and helpthemprepare their wards. Apart from details of class activities italsocovers a lot off admin activities which would help bothteachersand parents prepare for the betterment of the student. Werealizedthat there are various products in the market but very fewhadunderstood the actual ground realities and created a producttomeets the actual needs which made us to think in that directionandcome with a product that aligns closely to the growingrequirementof most parents. This tool has a web interface that ismostly usedto do the admin side of the activities and app interfacethat isused for actual interaction with the parents. Communicationbetweenthe application and the back end layer is via Web APIs whichusestoken based authentication mechanism to retrieve and postdata.Application uses notification hub to send variety ofcontextspecific notifications to users.
MyGenda Student Planner 1.31
MyGenda is the perfect student planner/agenda for students inanyschool.
School Organizer 1.0
Robert Cabral
Lembre-se do calendário e das atividadescomoSchool Organizer* Cadastro de calendários com 4, 6 e 9 aulas* Cadastro de Atividades* Notificações de atividades e calendárioRemember thecalendarandactivities with the School Organizer* Registration calendars with 4, 6 and 9 classes* Registration Activities* Notifications of activities and calendar
Homework Planner 15.9.4
Organising your homework has never been so simple!
iSchool 3.1.2
Looking for the best app for studying? Here it is! iSchoolisn'tonlya school notebook. It is a convenient and functionalstudyorganizerin your phone. iSchool is a reliable assistantbothforschoolchildren and studentsofcolleges/institutes/universities.It'll help to organize yourdayand enable to easily manage yourplans and tasks. So nowimportantrecords will always be at hand,and notifications won't letyouforget about lessons and importantthings to do.Automaticcalculation of average grades will allow totrack yourprogress andadjust the educational process. Now youdefinitely won'tlose yourteachers and classmates contacts,because iSchool will keepall thenecessary information. And thebooks you download can besaved tothe app directly from thebrowser; so now you don't havetoconstantly rummage in the phone'smemory to find the necessarybook.With iSchool you can: - Createand keep a scheduleoflessons/lectures/seminars/labs and any otherclasses and plans.-Record your homework and take notes ondifferent subjects.-Photograph your homework and other usefulrecords; their photoswillbe stored in the app. - Recordaudionotes and evenwholelessons/lectures. - Receive notificationsabout the beginningoflessons and reminders of homework. - Trackyour progressusinggrades diagrams. - Download and storetextbooks, tutorials,andother pdf files you need. The appinterface isminimalistic,convenient and intuitive. And due tosynchronizationyou can accessyour data from any mobile device.
StudySmart - Study organizer 0.0.1
Mohole School
Organize your study and track down your exams in a smart way!
School Planner 6.7.0
School Planner has arrived! Are you ready to throw away yourpaperdiary?
Milk - My Interactive Learning Kit 2.4.6
Milk (My Interactive Learning Kit) is free to use forstudentsandparents of schools that subscribe to ourservice.Pushnotifications instantly prompt students and parents toreadtheirappointments, messages and home learning tasks. Thisfeatureonlyoperates during sociable hours (7.00am – 8.00pm).Notificationsoutside of these hours will be queued for deliveryafter 7.00am.2-waychat is enabled by the teacher sending themessage. Bydefault, allmessages sent by teachers are 1-way. Userswill receiverelevanttarget group messages and individual messagesfrom theirschool.Students must rate the difficulty of their homelearningtasks.Students can upload homework tasks using Milk app,includingphotostaken on their devices for written school work.Fileattachmentscan either be printed directly from within the appordownloaded tothe users device and printed using therelevantapplication. Allusers can register their email addressin'settings' allowing themto use their email address in placeoftheir Milk ID when loggingin to Milk app. Registering anemailaddress in Milk also enablespassword resets by the user. Milkappusers can remain logged infor a maximum of 90 days before theywillbe automatically signedout. Student Attendance,Achievement,Behaviour and SubjectProgress data is imported andupdated dailyfrom the school'smanagement information system.Students candownload SubjectProgress reports from Milk app. Milksupports1-week and 2-weektimetables.
Mijn Huiswerk 1.5.1
With My Homework you will not soon in trouble with your homework!
Classmate Academy 0.0.2
Classmate Academy mobile app for better learning.
Classmate (auto mute) 2.1
Classmate is simple and easy timetable apptomanage your class timetable. It can automatically mute yourphonewhile you are attending your class as per your timetable. Itcanalso notify you before your class.Features Auto mute feature is used to keep your phone insilent/vibrationmode during your lecture. Notify me is the feature which will give you notificationbeforeyour class with handy time intervals. If you have classes on weekends i.e. Saturday and Sunday, thenyoucan check the weekend option in settings. You can share any Lecture detail with your friends Easy to use and interactive interface. You can hide weekends from timetable if you don’t have anyclasseson weekends. Optimized for all phones types.If you have some suggestions/complaints then you are alwayswelcometo give me feedbackDisclaimer:This is to ensure that this app may not work in some deviceswhichhave builtin or third party Battery savers and optimizers suchasHuawei etc. On these devices You have to add Classmate asprotectedor trusted in Huawei. Go to settings then Protected Appsand enableClassmate and on all other such type of devices. By doingthis appwill work properly.
Student Organizer 1.2.7
Are you tired of losing track ofyourhomeworkassignments and tests just after the beginning oftheschool year?Are you planning to get rid of your planner andstartusing yoursmartphone? Download your Student OrganizerAppnow!Student Organizer has even more functions thanyourold-schoolplanner. Do you remember that your planner hasremindedyou of anupcoming test by sending an alert to yoursmartphone?StudentOrganizer is your companion for school life!The app will regularly be developed further, will increaseinitsfunctions and the handling will be simplified.Up to now it offers the following functions:1. Management of:- Subjects- Exams- Grades- Tasks/Homework- Timetable- Teacher- School years2. Statistics of:- Average of each subject- Overall average of a school year3. More Features:- Event reminder- Share timetables/statistics with friendsYou can find Student Organizer also on:Facebook: