Top 11 Apps Similar to Trianglism Live Wallpaper

Jelly Bean Live Wallpaper 1.15
This Wallpaper brings the new JellyBeanfeelingto your android device with 6 beautifully animatedlivewallpapers,inspired by three different stock wallpapers. Thestyleeditor allowsyou to fully customize the wallpaper (particlecolor,size, countetc.) and the new random function helps you tofindnice colorcombinations.• Widget to change the style, save it or create astaticversionof it.
Night Flare Live Wallpaper 1.25
The Night Flare Livewallpaper is afullycustomizable animated wallpaper for your Android homescreenshowing flying dust particles in a mystic night scene.• 9 different themes• 62 customization options enabling a fantasticatilliondifferentvariants• Widget to change the style, save it or create a static versionofit.
BigDX HD Wallpaper Pack 2.2
WHATS INCLUDED • 150 HD Wallpapers in 13 categories •Abilitytoapply and save to SD card • Support for Muzei LivewallpaperappHOW IT WORKS This app reads all wallpapers frominternet. Thatiswhy the app itself is so small. You will be abletoviewwallpapers, apply them and save them to SD card. WHATSCOMINGEvenmore wallpapers! ABOUT BIGDX All my work is created byme,bignadadI spend a lot of time getting things just right.Expectmanyupdates and new creations from BigDX I havemanydifferentADW/GoEX/Nova/Apex themes on Google Play. Check themoutbysearching BigDX Please take a moment to rate and commentonmythemes It does make a big difference and kind commentsaregreatlyappreciated. Visit me at http://www.bigdxmarket.comwithanyquestions/comments What are users saying aboutBigDXThemes? I have beenonGoogle Playfor over a year now and know what i'm doing. Expectmanyupdates inthe future and many more themes to come :)WALLPAPERCATEGORIES -KK-JB/ICS -BigDX Photography -Misc -CleanTheme -JBExtreme -Serenity-Xoom Zoom -Bionic -Razr -GNex -Razr/GNex-DroidEyes
Chakra Pack LiveWallpaper 1.0.5
Collection of 7 beautiful Chakraslivewallpapers.DayDream support for devices with Android 4.2 and above!Light and Love to all!*****After install, to setup wallpaper: go to the Home screen,press"Menu" button or hold tap on screen, select "Wallpapers"->"Live Wallpapers" -> "'Chakra' Pack" ->"Setwallpaper".*****Please, if you have any troubles with this application,sendbug-report via e-mail to [email protected] and problem willbesolved very soon.*****Muladhara - Base or Root Chakra (last bone in spinal cord,thecoccyx), red.Muladhara is related to instinct, security, survival and alsotobasic human potentiality. Physically, Muladhara governssexuality,mentally it governs stability, emotionally it governssensuality,and spiritually it governs a sense of security.Muladhara has arelation to the sense of smell. This center islocated at the baseof the spine in the coccygeal region.Swadhisthana - Sacral Chakra (ovaries/prostate), orange.Swadhisthana (Sacral Chakra) is located in the sacrum (hencethename) and is considered to correspond to the testes or theovariesthat produce the various sex hormones involved in thereproductivecycle. Swadisthana is also considered to be related to,moregenerally, the genitourinary system and the adrenals. Thekeyissues involving Swadisthana are relationships,violence,addictions, basic emotional needs, and pleasure.Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra (navel area), yellow.Manipura is considered the centre of dynamism, energy, willpowerandachievement (Itcha shakti.), which radiates prana throughouttheentire human body. It is associated with the power of fire,anddigestion. It is also associated with the sense of sight, andtheaction of movement. Manipura is "the center ofetheric-psychicintuition: a vague or non-specific, sensual sense ofknowing; avague sense of size, shape, and intent of being.".Anahata - Heart Chakra (heart area), green.Anahata is related to the thymus, located in the chest. Thethymusis an element of the immune system as well as being part oftheendocrine system. It is the site of maturation of the Tcellsresponsible for fending off disease and may be adverselyaffectedby stress. Anahata is related to the colours green or pink.Keyissues involving Anahata involve complex emotions,compassion,tenderness, unconditional love, equilibrium, rejectionandwell-being.Vishuddha - Throat Chakra (throat and neck area), blue.Vishuddha may be understood as relating to communication andgrowththrough expression. This chakra is paralleled to the thyroid,agland that is also in the throat and which producesthyroidhormone, responsible for growth and maturation.Physically,Vishuddha governs communication, emotionally itgovernsindependence, mentally it governs fluent thought, andspiritually,it governs a sense of security. In Tibetan buddhism,this chakra isred, with 16 upward pointing petals.Ajna - Brow or Third Eye Chakra (pineal gland or thirdeye),ametist.Ajna is associated with the third eye on the forehead. Itissometimes associated with the pineal gland, and sometimes withthepituitary gland. The pineal gland is actually related to areal,light sensitive 'third eye' (Parietal eye) found in somelizards,amphibians and fish, and regulates the circadian rhythms,while thePituitary Gland is considered as the master gland of allendocrineglands, whose secretions control all the otherendocrineglands.Sahasrara - Crown Chakra (top of the head; 'soft spot' ofanewborn), violet/white.Sahasrara chakra symbolizes detachment from illusion; anessentialelement in obtaining supramental higher consciousness ofthe truththat one is all and all is one. Sahasrara is representedby thecolour white and it involves such issues as inner wisdom andthedeath of the body.
Circle Rose Live Wallpaper 2.13
A colorful live wallpaper withflyingcirclesbuilding a tube. The wallpaper is highlycustomizable:-toggle touch effects-change circle and background color-3 different styles-animation speed-zoom-new Animation editor for maximal customization
ORIGAMI icon pack 1.1
Origami icon pack is for people who likesflaticons. Simple yet distinctive images, which you will not wanttoget rid of your screen. Icon pack works on Apex, Nova, Holo,ADWand action plus launcher.✔ Application that will help you with applying icon pack✔ Full HD resolution (1080p)✔ Supports ADW launcher, Apex launcher, Nova launcher, Hololauncherand more✔ Icon picker feature that will allow to manual icon change onhomescreen✔ Auto icon change in drawer✔ We are open at any requests and ideasThis is not a standalone app, you need to use customlaunchersuch as Apex, Nova, Holo, ADW.» MANUAL INSTALLATIONApex Launcher:Apex settings > Theme settingsNova Launcher:Nova Settings > Look and feel > Icon ThemeADW Launcher:MENU > More > ADWSettings > Themes Preferences >Selectyour themeHolo Launcher:Holo settings > appearance settings > icons pack✔ If you have any problems with icon pack please contactusvia- IconsFeedback: Email: [email protected] WWW: Facebook:✔ If theme changer somehow won't work please followmanualinstallation guideor read hints given by application.If you like it, it would be nice to receive 5 star ★★★★★ forthisicon pack :)
Next Nexus Live Wallpaper 1.3.3
Simply BEAUTIFUL, LIGHTWEIGHT, and NO NOTIFICATION ADSlivewallpaperinspired by the default Nexus Live Wallpaper. Createyourvery ownunique live wallpaper with tons of customization toplaywith. ★Background ★ Make your own background combinationwithsetting for: -Background color - Background gradient mode-Background pattern -Background pattern color and opacity★Particles ★ There are 3 typesof particles group on thislivewallpaper: - General particles whichis the particles thatmovingand animating around the screen, - Touchparticles which isappearwhen you touch the screen - Glitterparticles which is appearwhenyou swipe across the screen. ★ GeneralParticles ★ There are2general particles groups. You can controlpretty mucheverythingabout these particles, both appearance andanimation. Forgeneralparticles, each of particles group, you cancustomize: -Amount ofthe particles - Color of the particles (onecolor or mixedcolor) -Overall Size - Head Opacity - Tail Opacity -Tail Length -GlowOpacity - Glow Size - Moving direction (Down, Up,Left,Right,Vertical, Horizontal, Mixed) - Rotation mode(Mixed,Clockwise,Counter Clockwise, No Rotation) - Rotation speedHint:you can sethead/tail/glow opacity to 0 to make a unique kindofparticles ★Themes ★ With so many setting, you probablywonderingwhatcombination is the best. Don't worry, we have pick up14differentbeautiful combination as a "Themes" in the setting.Youshouldcheck them up :) ★ User Custom Themes ★ Got aawesomesettingcombination? Don't worry. You can save it as usercustomtheme. Youhave unlimited slot for saving custom theme. ★CustomSetting Code★ Want to share you setting? Go to custom settingcode,and copyyour unique setting code. Share it wherever you want.Userwho havethe code can simply paste and apply it to his/herNextNexus LiveWallpaper. You can also share your settingwithscreenshot plus QRcode. We set up a fan page on Facebook sousercan share to eachother their awesome next nexus livewallpapercustomsetting.Link: ★OtherFeatures ★- Screenshot (with QR Code) - Smooth animation -Portraitandlandscape support - Tablet support - MoveToSD support-Touchinteractivity - Future update for more pattern and morethemes★PERMISSION ★ EXTERNAL_STORAGE: for savingscreenshotINTERNETCONNECTION: for display AdMob banner ads insetting page.It's anon intrusive ads, just a small banner onsetting page.Nonotification ads. ★ Upgrade to Next Nexus LiveWallpaper PROtounlock more ★ - Custom background (image fromexternal storage)-More background pattern - Aurora color mode(backgroundgradientchange color overtime) - "Growing" and "grow andmove"animationstyle - Choose growing position (random, centerpoint,nine points,circle, heart shape, bio-hazard, X symbol, etc)-Control growingspeed and duration - Options for particle headstyle(Square,triangle, circle, star, hexagon, shuriken) -Extraparticles groupIf you like cool nexus style live wallpaper,thenthis would be thebest Nexus live wallpaper for you =) To openandsetting up yourlive wallpaper: Home-> Pressmenu->wallpapers-> LiveWallpapers.
Sensus Live Wallpaper 1.2.4
This is a clone of the Sense LiveWallpaper:flying particles with a rainbow colored background.
Springtide Shower LWP Lite 1.12
This wallpaper shows a rainy grasslandonyourdesktop. There is a Pro version in the marketwithadditionalthemes and fully customizable.
Jelly Bean Live Wallpaper Lite 1.13
This Wallpaper brings the new JellyBeanfeeling to your android device. This wallpaper is inspired bythenew stock wallpaper, enhanced with a 3D scrolling effect,dustparticles and distortions. The pro version containsadditionalthemes and is fully customizable.
Material Design Live Wallpaper 2.8.2
The first live wallpaper with Material Design. Youwillhavedifferent themes, all animated and always continuouslyupdated.Inthe premium version, you can also set up the themewithyourfavorite colors and materials. New themes are already intheworks,and soon you will find new features to customizethebackground inhundreds of different ways.