Top 10 Apps Similar to 食尚桃園夜市

高雄市觀光工廠發展協會 1.251.341.601
桃園市福利地圖 1.0.1
「桃園市福利地圖」提供以下各項功能,歡迎民眾多加利用。1>福利機構查詢:目前包含桃園市境內以下類別福利機構可供查詢:「基金會」、「社會團體」、「老人福利機構」、「儲蓄互助社」、「兒少托育」、「社區團體」、「合作社」、「身心障礙福利機構」、「老人會」、「老人文康中心」、「居家服務」、「婦女福利機構」、「青少年福利中心」、「日間照顧」、「親子館」等。2> 路徑規劃功能。"Taoyuan City welfaremap"provides the following features, greater use of the publicarewelcome.1> welfare agency to check: currently contains Taoyuan Cityinthe following categories welfare agencies forinquiries:"Foundation", "social organizations", "elderlywelfareinstitutions", "credit union", "child care lessfertile,""community Groups "," cooperatives "," disabilitywelfareorganizations "," the elderly will "," the elderly, CultureandSport Center "," home service "," women's welfare organization","youth welfare centers "," day care "," Parental Museum"Wait.2> path planning function.
桃園自由行旅遊 10.401203
興仁花園夜市 10.171167
桃園輕鬆GO 2.1.557
"Taoyuan Easy GO" is an application that integrates trafficandsightseeing information in Taoyuan City. It mainlyprovideslocal-based services for information inquiry required forplanningbefore and during the trip based on the user's currentlocation.
Grand 桃園 1.0
桃園找廁所 1.02
可查詢桃園市超過3000筆公共廁所資料利用簡單的查詢幫您查到目的地附近的公共廁所方便您隨時使用可利用GOOGLE MAP 顯示地圖位置及規劃路線不論您是在桃園旅遊,找美食餐廳,喝咖啡飲料約會打line玩遊戲game,等公車,火車,捷運,ubike,騎機車腳踏車,計程車taxi,出差,工作出門在外難免有找廁所需求,讓桃園找廁所幫您解決這個難題本APP使用衛生局公佈資料(非政府機構開發)包含7-11,友善店家,友善廁所,廟宇,寺廟,圖書館,學校,便利商店,加油站,醫院,政府公家機關,超商,公園,運動場,百貨公司,車站,停車場,....等地點,也許旅程中會有意想不到的景點或意外發現喔Taoyuan City can befoundmore than 3,000 public toilets pen ProfileUsing simple queries to help you find public toiletsnearbydestination so you always useGOOGLE MAP can be used to display a map and directionsWhether you're in Taoyuan travel, find gourmet restaurants,drinkcoffee beverage line to play the game dating game, waitingfor thebus, train, subway, ubike, bicycle riding a motorcycle,taxi taxi,travel, workAway from home it is inevitable that needs to find thetoilet,let Taoyuan find the toilet to help you solve thisproblemUse this APP Health Bureau released data (NGO development)Contains 7-11, friendly shops, friendly toilets,temples,monasteries, libraries, schools, convenience stores, gasstations,hospitals, government public authorities, President ChainStore,parks, playgrounds, department stores, railway stations, carpark.... and other locations, perhaps there will be anunexpectedjourney or accidental discovery Oh attractions
桃園中壢旅遊‧中壢車站好吃美食 1.0
桃園中壢擁有許多熱鬧商圈,而好吃的餐廳美食、小吃也不少,有學生最愛的便宜學區小吃美食,還有能與三五好友聚會的特色餐廳,除此之外還有許多中壢道地的美味,其獨有的中壢美味就等著你來品嚐!讓我們前往中壢的熱鬧商圈迺街、大吃美食,來中壢這趟,一定讓你盡興而歸!Chungli,Taoyuandistricthas many lively and delicious restaurant food, tapasarealso many,a student favorite snack food cheap school district,aswell as beable to get together with friends, specialtyrestaurants,inaddition to a number of Chungli authentic taste, itsuniqueChungliwaiting for you to taste delicious!Let us go to the bustling shopping district in ChungliNaiStreet,eat food, to Chungli tour, will let you have funandgo!
桃園休閒旅遊‧觀光農場 1.0
三五好友鬥陣來桃園,有什麼地方能容下大批人一同享用美食又能趣味同樂呢?就到桃園的觀光農場、果園吧!寬敞空間不受人數限制,還可親近自然享受田園樂趣,就是團隊來做活動也很適合喔!  而寬敞的空間與方便的設施讓你來這裡輕鬆烤肉,度過專屬桃園的快樂一天其實就是這麼容易!Fight a fewfriendstoTaoyuan, where else can only put large numbers of peopletoenjoyfood fun fun can it? Went to Taoyuan tourist farms,orchardsnow!Not limit the number of spaciousness, but also closetonatureenjoy the rural fun team to do activities that areverysuitablefor Oh!The spacious and convenient facilities to allow youtoeasilybarbecue here and spend a happy one day dedicatedTaoyuanisactually so easy!
My食尚玩家 3.7.0
“嗶一嗶~店家資訊帶著走” 是「My食尚玩家」APP概念起源。「My食尚玩家」個人化收藏服務是將《TVBS食尚玩家》多年來的採訪資料,包括圖文、影音等,建入資料庫,透過雜誌上QR-Code圖示,即時連到「My食尚玩家」APP,為其出版雜誌內容的閱讀延伸,使得刊物篇幅不再受限,並且能看到更多相關的主題內容,且能透過平台上社群分享的功能,將好看、好吃、好玩的資訊即時分享給親朋好友。喜歡食尚玩家的親朋好友,快來加入「My食尚玩家」的行列!! 搜尋關鍵字:MySupertaste、mysupertaste"Beep beep ~storeinformation with a walk" is "My food is still the players'APPconcept originated."My food is still the players 'personal collection service is"TVBSTaste players' interviews over the years, includinggraphics,video, etc., built into the database through a magazineQR-Codeicon, instantly connected to the "My Super Taste "APP,readextended magazine published its contents, makingpublicationslength is no longer limited, and can see more of thesubjectmatter, and can share with the community platform featuresthatwill look good, tasty fun instantly share information tofriendsand family.Favorite food is still the player's family and friends, comejointhe ranks of "My food is still the players' search keywords:!!MySupertaste, mysupertaste