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Japan:Shimabara Castle(JP106) 4.01
Shimabara Castle, also known asMoritakeCastleand Korai Castle, is a Japanese castle located inShimabara,HizenProvince (present day Nagasaki prefecture). Thisfive-storywhitebuilding stands in stark contrast to the blackKumamotoCastle inneighboring Kumamoto Prefecture.Shimabara Castle is a flatland castle, located between AriakeBayandMount Unzen. The outer moats, some 15 meters deep andbetween30-50meters wide, extended 360 meters east-west and1260metersnorth-south, with the enclosed area divided intothreebaileys. Thewalls extended for 3900 meters and had 16 yaguraofvarious sizesat key points. The main donjon had five stories, andaheight of 33meters, and was connected to two secondary keeps,eachwith threestories. In terms of scale, it was far larger thannormalfor adaimyo with revenues of only 40,000 koku .