Top 4 Apps Similar to 청춘아지트

VMap: Search Places Around Me 1.0
VMap* Local Places Around Me* Search Places Around MeVMap is best app for search placesLocation finder - Search location around meVMap is a Simple Fun App that helps you find a local placenearby your current location Restaurant, Bar, Gas Station,Hospital,Entertainment, Hotel, Movie Theater, Supermarket,. cafes,pubs andmany more!Places around shows you a complete list of all the businessesinthe category you have tapped on along with the distance fromwhereyou are.All the information are fetched from Google, so, ifanyinformation is wrong, then this application cannot beholdresponsible for that.Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.Features:* Easy to use* Easy to find location with only 2 steps* Best app for search places* Uses your current GPS/Network Location (Highly Optimized)NOTE:* You need to enable location access:Settings > Location services > Use wireless networksORSettings > Location services > Google location serviceIf this option is not checked you will get "No Results" assearchresult.
인하로 - 인하대 생활정보 종결자 1.23
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모두의 지도for서울(Modoomap) - 카페,음식점 2.6.5
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몽마르죠 1.0
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