Top 21 Apps Similar to Electrical Terms

Learn Electrical Engineering 25.0.3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★Learn more than 300 subjects for a lifetime..★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Electrical Conduit Bender 5.01
Quickly calculate conduit bends for a variety of angles and depths.
Electrical Terms 1.2
This electrical glossary offers definitions for terms whicharecommonly used in electrical and electrical engineering.Coversalmost all electrical words including laboratory toolsandequipment. Alphabetical arrangements of each word for easysearch.Each word gives you proper definition / description. IthasFollowing feature :- -Search- Search Functionality helps yousearchterms easily -Simple and Easy User Interface -FREEDownload!!-Share -Detail info. We would love for you to rate uspositively onthe App store please. It won't even take 10 seconds& will go along way in helping us build better apps for you.Thanks, TeamTechIndiaNa NOTE:- These are the standard Electricalterms, whichwill be used globally. May vary from nation to nation.
Electrical-AWG wire buddy 7
Based on the Handbook of AWG-Tables and Formulas
ГОСТ обозначения элементов 2.0
В приложении собраны условнографическиеобозначения с размерами по ГОСТу более 40видоврадиоэлементов.Все радиоэлементы разбиты по группам:- Активные элементы- Пассивные элементы- Оптроны- Элементы коммутации- Электроакустические приборыДля каждого радиоэлемента имеется иллюстрация,нагляднодемонстрирующая обозначение того или иногорадиоэлемента.Это приложение может пригодиться студентам для написаниякурсовых,для оформления электрических принципиальных схем, а такжеприсоздании библиотек для P-CAD. С его помощью вы сможете найтинужныйрадиоэлемент и узнать всю информацию о его обозначениивэлектрических схемах.Приложение рекомендовано начинающим радиолюбителя, студентами ивсемтем, кто не равнодушен к электронике.Приложение имеет маленький размер и не требует подключениякинтернету. Работает ОФФЛАЙН!!!Следите за обновлениями, теперь они будут выпускаться чаще.Теперь без рекламы!!! По многочисленным просьбам рекламабылаудалена из приложения.Первая версия приложения (1.0) опубликована 1 октября 2014 г.Приложение имеет маленький размер, поэтому не занимает многопамятина смартфоне и не зависает.Annexcollectedconditionally graphic symbols with dimensions according toGOSTmore than 40 kinds of radioactive elements.All radioactive elements are divided into groups:- Active Components- Passive Components- Optocouplers- Switching Features- Electro-devicesFor each radioactive element has an illustration thatdemonstratesthe designation of a radioactive element.This application is useful for students writing term papersforregistration of the electrical schematic diagrams, as well asthecreation of libraries for P-CAD. With it, you can findtheradioelement and learn all the information about his designationinelectrical circuits.The application is recommended for beginners ham, students andallthose who are not indifferent to the electronics.The application has a small size and does not require aninternetconnection. Works OFFLINE !!!Stay tuned, and now they will be released more often.Now without ads !!! By popular demand, advertising has beenremovedfrom the application.The first version of the application (1.0), published October1,2014The application has a small size, so do not take up much memoryonyour phone and does not hang.
Boatowners Electrical Manual 4.3.136
How to Maintain, Repair, and Improve Your Boat's EssentialSystems.The boatowner's foremost troubleshooting guide, now betterthanever. If it's on a boat and it has screws, wires, or movingparts,it's covered in Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Manual.***This is a fully functional trial!***When you leave the dock with this book aboard, you have atyourfingertips the best and most comprehensive advice on: • Battery technologies • 12- and 24-volt DC systems • Corrosion, bonding, and lightning protection • Generators, inverters, and battery chargers • Electric motors and electric lights • Marine electronics, antennas, and RFI • Diesel engines • Transmissions, shaft brakes, and propellers • Refrigeration and air-conditioning • Tanks, plumbing, and through-hulls • Pumps and watermakers • Steering, autopilots, and wind vanes • Stoves and heaters • Winches, windlasses, and bow thrusters • Spars, rigging, and roller reefing"If you had to choose a single book to help you assessandmaintain your boat gear, this would be it."-Practical Sailor"A major achievement. . . . It would be hard to imagineanythinggoing wrong on a boat that couldn't be figured out withthisbook."—Sailing World"The world's best technical reference andtroubleshootingbook."—Sailing Inland and Offshore"This manual will be of lasting interest to anyone who wantstoknow how their boat works, what has gone wrong when it doesn't,andhow it could be fixed."—Classic Boat"Without becoming too complex, the book covers almosteveryimaginable mechanical or electrical matter in themarineenvironment."—Work Boat World"Calder lives what he writes, . . . [and] what he offers . . .ispractical solutions to problems associated with increasinglycomplexmarine systems. . . . [A] bargain for anyone in theconstruction andrepair side of the boat business."—ProfessionalBoatbuilderAuthor commentsNigel Calder is widely acknowledged as the world's foremostwriteron boat systems maintenance. He is a frequent contributortoboating magazines in the United States and Britain.A SEARCH TOOLfeaturing search autocomplete to help you find words quicklybydisplaying predictions similar to the terms you're typing. Youalsoget enhanced search extras including: • A quick search of words while you type. • A 'fuzzy filter' for when you are not sure of thecorrectspelling of a word. • A 'keyword' search for finding key words withincompoundwords. • A wild card search function ('*' or '?') which can replacealetter or entire parts of a word. • Download dictionary definitions locally for offlinewordlookup.A LEARNING TOOLincluding a number of features that help you further enhanceyourvocabulary: • A 'Favorites' feature to create custom folders with listsofwords from the extensive library, includingcross-curriculumwords. • History list to help you easily review looked-up words. • Discover more using the included special language notes. • See words in context with example sentences. • 'Word-of-the-day' feature with dedicated homescreen widget.
Справочник должностей 2.6
Qualifying directory of posts and professions. Job descriptions.
Electrical Terms 1.2
An reference guide to the terms used intheelectrical world.You can share all the terms with friends using sharingoptionsavailable on your phone.Further to this we would add in images and videos related toeachterm and the terms would get read to you.
Медицинский справочник 1.0.3
"Домашний медицинский справочник" —популярныйсправочник, позволяющий овладеть начальными медицинскимизнаниями изатем применять их на практике. Издание знакомитпользователя снаиболее распространенными заболеваниями и методамиих лечения, атакже техникой проведения основныхлечебно-диагностическихманипуляций. Немалое внимание уделеноправилам оказания первойпомощи при травмах, опасных для жизнипострадавшего.В программе вы найдете: Дыхательная недостаточность, Одышка,Кашель, Мокрота, Боли в грудной клетке , Астма бронхиальная,Бронхит,Плеврит, Пневмония крупозная, Пневмония очаговая,ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯЖЕЛУДОЧНО-КИШЕЧНОГО ТРАКТА, Гастрит острый, Гастритхронический,Гепатит, Желчнокаменная болезнь, Желудочное икишечноекровотечения, Цирроз печени, Язвенная болезнь желудкаидвенадцатиперстной кишки, ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ ПОЧЕК, Нефрит острый,Нефритхронический, Пиелонефрит, Почечнокаменная болезнь,ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯКРОВИ, Анемии, Гемобластозы, ЭНДОКРИННЫЕ ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ,Диффузныйтоксический зоб и гипотиреоз, Ожирение, Сахарныйдиабет,ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ СЕРДЕЧНО-СОСУДИСТОЙ СИСТЕМЫ,Атеросклероз,Гипертоническая болезнь, Ревматизм, Хроническаясердечнаянедостаточность, Стенокардия, ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ ИНФЕКЦИОННОЙПРИРОДЫ,Ботулизм, Сибирская язва, Скарлатина, Столбняк, Холера,РОСТ ИРАЗВИТИЕ ЗДОРОВОГО РЕБЕНКА, НЕДОНОШЕННЫЙ РЕБЕНОК И УХОД ЗАНИМ,ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ НОВОРОЖДЕННЫХ И ДЕТЕЙ ПЕРВОГО ГОДАЖИЗНИ,Внутриутробные заболевания, Врожденные порокиразвития,Гемолитическая болезнь новорожденных, Токсоплазмоз,Цитомегалия,Гидроцефалия, Родовые травмы, Особенности заболеванийноворожденныхв первые недели жизни, Заболевания кожи и пупка,Колибациллярдояинфекция, Рахит, Спазмофилия, ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ ОРГАНОВДЫХАНИЯ У ДЕТЕЙ,Острые респираторные заболевания, Ангины, Аденоиды,Хроническийтонзиллит, Воспаление легких (пневмония),ЖЕЛУДОЧНО-КИШЕЧНЫЕЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ У ДЕТЕЙ, Простая (нетоксическая)диспепсия,Парентеральная диспепсия, Токсическая диспепсия,Кишечнаяинвагинация (непроходимость), Пилоростеноз, Дистрофия,Аппендицит,Гельминтозы, ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ НЕРВНОЙ СИСТЕМЫ,Менингококковый менингит,Гнойный вторичный менингит, Острыйсерозный лимфоцитарный менингит,Острый энцефалит, Полиомиелит,Неврозы, Ушибы и сотрясения мозга,Диатезы, Астматический бронхит,бронхиальная астма, Дифтерия,Скарлатина, Корь, Краснуха,Инфекционная эритема, Коклюш, Ветрянаяоспа, Эпидемический паротит,Грипп, Дизентерия, КРОВОТЕЧЕНИЕ,ОЖОГИ, Термические ожоги кожи,Химические ожоги кожи, ОТМОРОЖЕНИЯ,Перелом костей предплечья,Повреждение лучезапястного сустава икисти, Переломы ребер, Переломыпозвоночника, Переломы костейголени, Бинтовые повязки, Неподвижныеповязки, Приступ стёнокардии,Сердечные неврозы, Инфаркт миокарда,БРОНХИАЛЬНАЯ АСТМА,Астматическое состояние, КОЛЛАПС, КОМАТОЗНЫЕСОСТОЯНИЯ, ПОРАЖЕНИЕМОЛНИЕЙ, ОБМОРОК, ОТРАВЛЕНИЕ, Алкогольноеотравление, Отравлениеокисью углерода, Отравление уксуснойэссенцией, Отравлениефосфорорганическими соединениями (хлорофос,тиофос, карбофос и др),Отравление барбитуратами, Отравлениеатропином (белладонной,беллоидом, белласпоном и др), Отравлениенейролептиками (аминазин,трифтазин, тизерцин и др), Отравлениеантигистаминными препаратами(димедрол, дипразин (пипольфен),супрастин и др), Отравлениетранквилизаторами (элениум, диазепам,седуксен, сибазон, оксазепам,тазепам, нозепам), ПОВЕШЕНИЕ,ПОРАЖЕНИЕ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИМ ТОКОМНАПРЯЖЕНИЕМ ВЫШЕ 50 В, ПОЧЕЧНАЯКОЛИКА, РОДЫ ВНЕ СТАЦИОНАРА,СЕРДЕЧНАЯ АСТМА, СОЛНЕЧНЫЙ УДАР,СУДОРОГИ ЭПИЛЕПТИЧЕСКИЙ ПРИПАДОК,СУДОРОЖНЫЙ ПРИПАДОК ПРИ ИСТЕРИИ,ТЕПЛОВОЙ УДАР, ДОВРАЧЕБНАЯРЕАНИМАЦИЯ, Массаж сердца,"Home Medical Handbook"-a popular guide that makes the initial master medical knowledgeandthen apply them in practice. Edition introduces you to themostcommon diseases and their treatment, as well as the techniqueofthe basic diagnostic and treatment procedures.Considerableattention is paid to the rules of first aid forinjuries,life-threatening victim.In the program you will find: Respiratory failure, shortnessofbreath, cough, phlegm, chest pain, bronchial asthma,bronchitis,pleurisy, pneumonia, lobar, lobular pneumonia,gastro-intestinaltract, acute gastritis, chronic gastritis,hepatitis,cholelithiasis, Gastric and intestinal hemorrhage,cirrhosis of theliver, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, kidneydisease, acuteJade, Jade chronic pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis,blood diseases,anemia, hematological malignancies, endocrinedisease, diffusetoxic goiter and hypothyroidism, obesity, diabetesmellitus,CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM, atherosclerosis, hypertension,rheumatism,chronic heart failure, angina, a disease of aninfectious nature,botulism, anthrax, scarlet fever, tetanus,cholera, growth anddevelopment of a healthy child, a premature babyand care for it,DISEASES NEWBORN AND CHILD FIRST YEAR OF LIFE,Intrauterinediseases, congenital malformations, Hemolytic diseaseof thenewborn, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, Hydrocephalus,Birthinjuries, diseases Features newborns in the first week oflife,diseases of the skin and belly button, KolibatsillyardoyainfectionRickets spazmofilii, RESPIRATORY DISEASES IN CHILDRENAcuterespiratory infections, sore throat, adenoids, chronictonsillitis,inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia), gastrointestinaldiseases inchildren, simple (non-toxic), indigestion, dyspepsia,parenteral,toxic dyspepsia, intestinal intussusception(obstruction), Pyloricstenosis, Dystrophy, Appendicitis,helminthiasis, nervous systemdisease, meningococcal meningitis,purulent meningitis secondary,acute lymphocytic serous meningitis,acute encephalitis, polio,Neuroses, bruises and a concussion,diathesis, asthmaticbronchitis, bronchial asthma, diphtheria,scarlet fever, measles,rubella, infectious erythema, Pertussis,Varicella pox, mumps,influenza, dysentery, bleeding, burns, thermalburns of the skin,chemical burns of the skin, frostbite, brokenbones of the forearm,wrist joint damage and brush, Rib fractures,fractures of thespine, tibial fractures, bandage, bandage Still,Attackstёnokardii, cardiac neurosis, myocardial infarction,asthma,asthmatic conditions, collapse, coma, shock fromlightning,fainting, poisoning, Alcohol poisoning, carbon monoxidepoisoning,poisoning vinegar essence, poisoning organophosphate(trichlorfon,thiophos, malathion, etc.) barbiturate poisoning,poisoningatropine (belladonna, Belloidum, Bellaspon etc.),Poisonneuroleptics (chlorpromazine, triftazin Tisercinum etc.),Poisonantihistamines (diphenhydramine, promethazine(Pipolphenum)suprastin etc.), Poison tranquilizers (elenium,diazepam, seduksen,sibazon, oxazepam, tazepam, nozepam), hanging,electrocution, thevoltage is above 50 V, renal colic, birth outsideof a hospital,cardiac asthma, sunstroke, cramps seizure, seizure inhysteria,heat stroke, pre-hospital resuscitation, Massageheart
Electrical Dictionary 5.2.1
Looking for the best Electrical Dictionaryinthe Google Play?Check out our latest Electrical Terms Dictionary...Main Features:1. Equipped with quick dynamic search function (Fuzzy Logic) –Thedictionary will start searching for the words while youtype.2. Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “star” icon.3. Managing Bookmark Lists – you are able edit your bookmarklistsor clear them.4. Add New Words/ Terms – you will be able to add in and storeanyof the new terms in this Dictionary.5. > 16,000 words – Included all the popular and daily usetermsin the dictionary.6. FREE – It is completely free. Download at no cost. FOC.7. Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when no data connectionisavailable.8. Small Size (few MB) – The dictionary will only take asmallportion of your Android devices.9. Android version compatibility – The Apps can work perfectlyfineon all Android version either on latest ICS/ KitKat orolderversion.10. Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function, allowing you to use with ease.In addition, all the terms are listed alphabetically withfastersearch facility, easy to navigate through entire app.This app will work as a great pocket resource forElectricalterms and definitions.Please rate this application 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.Julia Dictionary Inc
Electrical Engineering Diction 1.3.7
Electrical terms, concepts, formulas & calculators toincreaseyour depository.
English++ Offline Dictionary 3.2
English Offline Dictionary provides theaccessto the users to use Dictionary even when the network isabsent.Total 100000+ words have been provided. 180000+ words willbe therein the paid version. 15 languages support will be there inthe paidversion.Total 15 Languages(CHINESE, FRENCH, SPANISH, ITALIAN,RUSSIAN,GERMAN, PORTUGUESE, POLISH, ROMANIAN, CZECH, GREEK,TURKISH,JAPANESE, KOREAN and ARABIC) support if You are connectedtoInternet. So You can learn different languages andpronunciations.You can translate English to Chinese, English to French,Englishto Russian and so on...and the reverse Chinese to English, French to Englishandso on....A dictionary book will cost You some tens of $ while You aregettingthis app free!For those who are preparing for competitive exams likeGRE,TOEFL, CAT it will be very useful for them. It is not possibletoeither carry or open a Dictionary Book always. But theelectronicDictionary will be always with You as Phone is yourclosestcompanion now a days.You can search words quickly. You can also filter thewordsalphabetically.Voice support is provided. So You will learn theproperpronunciation of each word.If You are connected to internet then You can searchdetailsabout a word in Google and Wikipedia.So it is a combination of online and offline Dictionary. And Youdonot need to bother about the network condition also.Oxford Dictionary and The Free Dictionary will be provided inthepaid version.Favorites option for GRE, TOEFL, CAT candidates will be thereinpaid version.Practice for competitive exams on the go listening to music onthephone.
ПУЭ 1.1.0
ПРАВИЛА УСТРОЙСТВА ЭЛЕКТРОУСТАНОВОК ПУЭ - 7В справочнике приведены требования к устройствуэлектрическойчасти освещения зданий, помещений и сооруженийразличногоназначения, открытых пространств и улиц, а такжетребования кустройству рекламного освещения. Содержатся требованиякэлектрооборудованию жилых и общественных зданий,зрелищныхпредприятий, клубных учреждений, спортивныхсооружений.Книга рассчитана на инженерно-технический персонал,занятыйпроектированием, монтажом и эксплуатацией установокэлектрическогоосвещения, а также электрооборудования специальныхустановок.Electrical Code RB - 7The guide shows the requirements for electrical apparatus ofthelighting of buildings, facilities and structures forvariouspurposes, open spaces and streets, as well as requirementsto thedevice display lighting. Contains requirements forelectricalequipment of residential and public buildings,publicentertainment, clubs, sports facilities.The book is intended for engineers and technicians involvedindesign, installation and operation of electrical lightingandelectrical equipment of special units.
Electrician Reference 1.0
Electrical Reference & Calculators Appisan essential tool for electrical engineers, electricians,andstudents.Features calculators and guides that are in accordance withthemost recent National Electrical Code (NEC). Simple and easy touse,you will find yourself referencing this app while performingyourday-to-day electrical jobs.Contents:-Basic reference of electrical components and electronics.-Wires - types, sizes, gauges, etc.Voltage Drop for Aluminum and Copper.-Power Calculations (Watts, KW, kVA, Amps)-Ohm's Law-Color Codes for everything from resistors to Ethernetcablewiring.-Conduit Fill Calculator-Transformer Sizing-Temperature Conversion-Motors (Horsepower, etc)-And more! Stay tuned for updates.Additional features:- Ampacity Needed -> Wire Size- Maximum Load for voltage or % drop- Impedance given wire length- Motors- FLC, Wire, Breaker, Heater- KVAR Capacitor Correction- NEMA Motor Dimensions- Transformers- Voltage Drop -> Wire Size- Dwelling Service Size- GEC Size- EGC Size- Single Family Dwelling- Multi Family Dwelling- Range Calculations- Ampacity / Wire Size for AWG- Wire Size -> Ampacity- New Ampacity section includes- Improved user interface,- Ethernet TIA-568A/B Color Codes- RJ 11/14/25 Color Codes- Resistor Color Codes- Metric Construction Fraction, Decimal converter- Parallel Load Calculator- Pire Wheel / Ohms Law- Cover Depth- > 700 locations with Ambient Temps- Boxes / Cover-National Electrical Code 2005, 2008 and2011.- NEW Residential/Load Calculations- Box Size from Wires / Devices- Box Size from Cables / Devices- Standard Box and Typical Plaster Ring INfo- Pull Box Sizing- Conduit Fill- Wires -> Conduit Size Needed- Wires/Conduit -> % full- Maximum Wires/Conduit- Minimum Bend Radius One-Shot/Full Shoe- Voltage Drop- Required voltage or % drop -> Wire Size- Voltage Drop Calculation- Maximum Length for voltage or % drop- Conduit Size Details- Wire Size Details- Conduit Bending- Standard and Rolled Offsets- Parallel Offsets- 3-point Saddle- Overcurrent Protection Device Sizing- Transformer Faults- Wire / Device info- Standard Receptacle configurations- AWG-Metric wire size comparison- Temperature Conversion for 8 different scales
Offline English Croatian Dicti 4.0.0
Henrikas B
Englesko Hrvatski rječnik offline. Over 120.000 entries.FREE!Besplatno!
Offline English Farsi Dictiona 3.10.0
Offline English Farsi Dictionary. Over 130.000 wordsandexpressions! FREE!
Standard Electrical Dictionary 5.0
Read "The Standard Electrical DictionaryA Popular Dictionary of Words and Terms Used in the PracticeofElectrical Engineering" by T. (Thomas) O'Conor Sloane!Once you install this app, you can read it by 1-clickwithoutconnecting network.You can also check your "Reading Score" from the menu.
Dictionary - Merriam-Webster 5.3.5
Get America’s most useful andrespecteddictionary, optimized for your Android device. This is thebestAndroid app for English language reference, education,andvocabulary building.And now we’ve added new word games! It’s never been more funtolearn new words and test your vocabulary for everyone fromEnglishlearners to total word nerds. Hundreds of words to testyourskills.The app is free, and supported by ads.No internet connection is required to view the definitionsorthesaurus (although you do need a connection to viewillustrations,hear audio pronunciations, and use voicesearch).Features:* New Vocabulary-Building Quizzes: fun, fast quizzes to learnnewwords or test your vocabulary* Voice Search: look up a word without having to spell it* Word of the Day: learn a new word every day.* Integrated Thesaurus: synonyms & antonyms are includedwiththe dictionary* Example Sentences: understand how a word is used in context* Quick Definitions: perfect for on-the-go lookups* Audio Pronunciations: voiced by real English speakers,nottext-to-speech robots* Favorite Words and Search History: Keep track of the wordsthatare most important to you* For tablets: Scrolling Index - lets you browse theentiredictionary
Wire Reference 1.04
Tim Moore
Wiring Reference for any wiring needs.Current wiring shown in app:TIA/EIA-568-A Cat5ATIA/EIA-568-B Cat5BRJ11RJ14Crossover 10Base-TCrossover Gigabit T568ACrossover Gigabit T568BPower over Ethernetcat5,cat3,cabling,electric,wiring,network,color,pinout,cable,twisted,signal,wireguide,electricalguide,wiring guide,twistedpair,RJ45,rj45,crossover,poe,POE,T568B,T568a,TIA/EIC-568,10Base,100Base,RJ121,rj11,RJ14,rj14
Urdu to Urdu Dictionary
Complete Urdu Dictionary with over 1.25 Lakhs words & Idioms.
Kamus Inggris (Kamusku) 8.10.0
Kamusku is an offlineEnglish-Indonesiandictionary and vice versa. It contains almostevery popular wordsand additional not-so-popular words in Englishand Indonesia so youwon't have any problem finding words in thisapplication. In casethe word can't be found, you can use onlinetranslation service(Bing Translator) through this application totranslate yourwords.