Top 22 Apps Similar to Fonix Auto Record Phone

Call Recorder Pro 2.2.1
An intuitive and complete call recorder
Call Recorder Auto 1.0
call recorder auto is recordingphonecallsallows user to save received calls or voice incomingoroutgoing toyour device and save it in memorywhat's up in this app,recording phone calls easy byusingcallrecorder auto with unlimited storage and bestqualityautomaticsaved-two options for recording quality MP4 and 3gp-unlimited storage-change name for a specific caller-play back your call for freeauto or manual call recordingdispplay contact name and numbermulti select send . delet replayauto delete old recordseraching for namethis app contains ads
Enregistrement-appel gratuite 1.0
Enregistrement-appelgratuiteprofessionnelleautomatique offre ensemble uniquedecaractéristiques qui vouspermettent d'enregistrerautomatiquementles appels. Unecaractéristique supplémentaire estl'option "Shaketo Record" oùvous devez secouer votre appareilpendant un appelpour commencerl'enregistrement instantanément. Vouspouvez écouterl'appelenregistré à n'importe quel moment oulesynchroniserautomatiquement avec votre compte Dropbox.Enregistrement-appel gratuite professionnelle automatiqueestungrand app enregistrement téléphonique pour Android,Enregistrez tout appel téléphonique que vous voulez,choisissezlesutilisateurs ou \ appels téléphoniques entrantsetsortantsd'enregistreret choisissez les appels que vous souhaitezsauvegarderoupartager.Enregistrez tous les appels que vous souhaitez etchoisissezceuxque vous souhaitez conserver. Vous pouvez paramétrerlesappels àenregistrer et ceux à ignorer. Écoutezl'enregistrement,ajoutez desnotes et partagez-le, sauvegardez etsynchronisez lesappels sur leCloud.Avez-vous déjà eu un coup de fil important et vous avezbesoinàenregistrer quelque chose? Avez-vous eu besoin de serappelerunnuméro de téléphone ou l'adresse? Avez-vous étédansunembouteillage lorsque vous avez reçu l'ordre d'unclientimportant?Vous avez déjà peut-être été dans une situation quevousdevezretenir une liste d'aliments à acheter que vousavezoublié?Avez-vous eu envie de garder les souvenirs doux ettendresmots devotre bien-aimé?Application Enregistreur d'appels simple à la capacité d':- Activer / Désactiver l'enregistrement des appels.- Enregistre toutes Vos appels téléphoniques.- Lecture / Arrêt audio enregistré par simple touchersurlafonction.- Supprimer les éléments enregistrés.- Verrouiller le(s) enregistrement(s) etd'empêcherl'auto-nettoyagedes enregistrements.- Partager le(s) enregistrement(s) (uniquement danslaversionPro).- Confirmation de dialogue : Souhaitez-vous garderl'appelenregistréqui s'affiche juste après l'appelS' IL NE FONCTIONNE PAS SUR VOTRE TELEPHONEOU S'IL N'ENREGISTRE PAS du côté opposé vocal:1. Essayez de changer lesdifférentsparamètresd'enregistrement2. Certains téléphones ne supportent pas l'enregistrement delalignetéléphonique ou mains libres ou bluetooth. Il s'agitd'unproblème depilote du fabriquantNE PAS UTILISER ACR AVEC D'AUTRES ENREGISTREUR D'APPELSETESSAYEZLES DIFFÉRENTS FORMATS D'ENREGISTREMENTS(ogg,3gp,mp4,wav)POURTROUVER LE MEILLEUR POUR VOTRE TÉLÉPHONEC'est GRATUIT !Automaticprofessional-free call recording provides unique setoffeaturesthat allow you to automatically record calls. Anadditionalfeatureis the "Shake to Record" option where you need toshake yourdeviceduring a call to start recording instantly. You canlisten tothecall recorded at any time or automatically sync withyourDropboxaccount.Automatic professional-free call recording is a greatappforAndroid phone recording,Record any phone call you want, choose the users or \incomingandoutgoing phone calls recordand choose which calls you want to save or share.Record all calls that you want and choose the ones youwanttokeep. You can set the call to register and those toignore.Listento the recording, add notes and share it, back upandsynchronizecalls to the Cloud.Have you ever had an important phone call and you needtorecordsomething? Have you tried to remember a phone numberoraddress?Have you been in a traffic jam when you received theorderfrom amajor customer? You may already have been in a situationthatyouneed to remember a list of foods to buy that you forgot?Haveyouwanted to keep the sweet memories and tender wordsofyourbeloved?Application Single Call Recorder to the ability to:- Enable / Disable call recording.- Records all your phone calls.- Play / Stop recorded audio by touch on the function.- Delete recorded items.- Lock (s) recording (s) and keep records of self-cleaning.- Share (s) recording (s) (only in the Pro version).- Confirmation dialog: Do you keep the recorded callthatappearsjust after the callIF IT DOES NOT WORK ON YOUR PHONEOR IF NO RECORDING Voice opposite side:1. Try changing the various settings for recording2. Some phones do not support the recording of the telephonelineorhandsfree or bluetooth. This is a driverissuemanufacturerDO NOT USE WITH OTHER ACR RECORDER CALL AND TRY DIFFERENTSIZESOFRECORDS (ogg, 3gp, mp4, wav) TO FIND THE BEST FORYOURPHONEIt's free !
Call recorder 32.0
This application manages your phonecalls(incoming and outgoing).1) Define for which phone contact you wish to record the phonecalls(incoming and outgoing).2) Define for which phone contact you wish to reject thephonecalls.3) Functionalities to play the recorded phone calls, send byemailthe recorded phone calls.4) Flashlight.
Call recorder Auto 1.2
Automatic Call Recorder Free and Pro NowYoucanrecord all approaching and dynamic call withincredibleaudioquality. It easy to use and consummate soundquality. You canmakeyour recording, its free for your phone inAndroid. Recordanyapproaching and dynamic phone call you need andpick whichcallsyou have to save. You can set which calls arerecorded andwhichare ignored. Listen to the recording./**** To use the application honest to goodness, takeaftertherecommended plan on the screen gets ****/Application Highlights :- Automatic recording all call discussions.- Automatic delete call record after a time period -youcanchange time setting.- Watchword protection of call record.- Erase call record.- Send call recordings by method for email...- Change Audio source, record outline.- Automatic turn on speaker.- Show notifycation resulting to completing the recording.Note:- On the off chance that you can not recording,endeavorchangethe audio source.- On the off chance that you don't hear the sound fromtheotherside, turn on auto speaker in settings.- In the event that you encounter any issues withCallRecorderPlease reach us for support.# Elements :- Client can Empower/Debilitate call recording- Record your calls automatically while calling- Records both approaching and dynamic calls.- Application does not trade any substanceoutsideyourcompact.- Boundless Call Recording- Allowed to use- Foundation recording- Record all your phone calls whether it isapproachingordynamic.- Most loved calls list. For untouched set away callsthatwon'tbe eradicated- Play or Stop the recorded calls by single touch.- Share recording to Bluetooth, Message etc.- Automatic phone call recording in lightofpredefinedfundamentals- Affirmation trade: Would you get a kick out oftheopportunityto keep recorded call that is shown not long afterthecallEnd.- Design automatic cleaning – Can in like manner settheAutoCleaning time for recording.- Erase recorded call audios.- Client can Empower/Incapacitate call recording- Simply use Call Recorder Free- Helpful for Mystery Call Recording.- Play, save and delete, call recordings- Call Recorder pro is the most easy and snappiestapproachtorecord phone calls on your android phone.- Simply use Call Recorder Free its Pro- Record your call or calls in MP3, WAV, MP4, AMRor3GPPencoding/association and HD- Call Recorder Free for youu androdi phone master- Totally free no covered charges.- Dropbox mix- Affirmation trade: Would you get a kick out oftheopportunityto keep recorded call that is shown not long afterthecall End# Key components fuse :- Auto and HD Call for your android phone- Spare your recordings on your SD card- Mystery and shrewd Widespread Call Recorder Automatic- Record both approaching and dynamic calls- Record phone calls from your phone# Here are a segment of the cases you may need touseCallRecorder for :- Record a phone call with your teammates and canencourageusethis voice note as a sort of point of view document- Record fundamental calls and extra them forfuturereference- Meeting some person by means of phone? Call Recorderhelpsingetting each one of the purposes of intrigue and store thesameasvoice note for your future reference- Utilize it making a course for catch crucial callsRemember all the best with Call Recorder Free :DLegal:- Recording calls without consent of your caller may notbelegalin a couple of countries, or states.* Default Call Recorder* Automatic Call Recorder* Call Recorder for Android* Call Recorder* Mystery Call Recorder* All Call Recorder* Recorder
Call Recorder 1.3
Save your callings if you want for FREE byournewest phone call recorder !!Easy to use interface makes you save phone call record 'ssavingseasily !!Share your saved calls and call recorder app with yourFacebookfriends and Whatsapp friends to enjoy !!Choose any call record you want if you save or not, at yourcallend app will ask you to save that call or notOur call recorder app will not work properly in some phoneswhichare not compatible with our call record application..Saved calls by call recorder will be kept in yourphonememorySaving any phone call is so easy with our phone callrecorderapplication..
Call recorder automatic 1.0
Record all the calls you want and choosetheones you want to keep. You can set to record the calls and thosetoignore. Listen to the recording, add notes and share it.Throughintegration with Google Drive and Dropbox ™, save andsynchronizecalls to the cloud.The Google Drive integration runs on Android versions 3.0andabove.Please note that the call record does not work on some devicesandrecording quality can be poor. We therefore suggest you to trythefree version before buying the paid application.For any problem recording, choose a different audio source torecordor use the automatic speaker mode.The recorded calls are saved in the inbox. You can also changethedestination folder of recordings to an external SD card. Thesizeof the inbox can be set. The number of recorded calls islimitedonly by the memory of your device.If you decide that a conversation is important, save it and itwillbe saved in the "Recorded Calls" folder. Otherwise, it willbeautomatically deleted as new calls fill the inbox.You can activate the menu function Call Summary options thatappearimmediately after a call.Browse through your recordings by contact, phone number or note.3 Default settings are available for automatic recording:Save All (default) - This setting records all calls, withtheexception of pre-selected contacts to ignore.Ignore All - This setting does not save any appeal, exceptforpre-selected contacts to save.Ignore Contacts - This setting records all calls from people notinyour contacts, with the exception of pre-selected contactstosave.Only in the Pro version: You can set the recording of callsfromspecific contacts so that they are automatically saved. Theywillbe stored in the cloud.
Call Recorder - Automatic 1.0
Auto call recorder allows you torecordphonecalls while on phone,This automatic Call Recorder is a great Telephone Recordingappforandroid,Features :- Auto recording incoming and outgoing calls- You can see call details for particular recorded calls- Enable/Disable auto call recording- Turn on/off notification while recording call- Send recordings through email, mms, or easily usemessengerappsinstalled on your phone, cloud apps, SNS apps, ordiaryapps.- Copy files to your phone's memory card directly (USB).- You can manage count of recording calls (Mange Inbox size)- You can change file type of call to be recorded- Mange black list that you want to ignore recordingforparticularcontacts- Mange audio source- You can ignore all contacts OR can ignore black listedcontactsforauto recording- Mange ignore contact list- Dropbox cloud sync- Auto sync on cloud- Cool animation in list- UI/UX - No confusions, No repulse. Simple, Easy &ElegantUserExperience, Rich Look, Clean User Interface,ClearVisuals.
Auto Call Recorder FREE 1.0
Do you need to record calls? Do you wantacallsrecorder with many features and benefits for users withsleekdesignfor FREE? If you do, you need to try Auto CallRecorderFREE. It is apowerful Android call recording app for everytype ofusers who needsto record their convo. Our recoder canrecord callswhile you aretalking on the phone and produce clearand highquality recording. Itis fast and lightweight and won’t hogdownyour battery.There are many reasons why we need calls recorderapp.Maybeyou’re having an intense discussion with your bossorcolleaguesand you want to remember it later when you do yourjob.Maybesomeone is spelling out address or other importantinformationinthe convo and you don’t have writing device when youtalkwiththem. This is why we create our phone call record appforyou.TOP FEATURES OF AUTO CALL RECORDER FREE:# Automatic call recorder.After you install Auto Call Recorder FREE, this recoderappwillautomatically record phone calls you make and get. Wehaveuserfriendly user interface and sleek design so youcaneasilycustomize how our call recording app will recordyourdiscussionand phone conversation while you’re talking onthephone.# Choose how many talk files you want to keep.You can always choose how many convo you want to keepwithourrecoder. If you choose our default option, thisautomaticcallrecorder will keep the last 100 phone call records. Tomakeyourlife easier, you don’t have to keep deleting phonecallrecords. Weautomatically will delete the older discussionsandphoneconversations and we will use the space to save new phonetalkwehave recorded. If you want to keep some old phonecallrecording,please add them to the Favorite so they won’tbedeletedautomatically by the system.# Change where and how to store the files.On the menu, which has a cool sleek design, you can changeacoupleof settings in this calls recorder. You can change wheretostorethe recordings and if you unlock our extra feature, youcanevensafe it to your Dropbox account. The convo you keep neednotwastespace or hog space on your phone. Want to save callrecordingsinvarious formats? You can save the phone call recordsin3GP,WAV< MP4, and AMR.# Awesome Shake and Record feature to stop it recordphonecallswhen you talking on the phone.We also have a powerful “Shake and Record” feature.Shakeyourphone to stop it record calls. Want to improve thesecurityanddon’t want people to overheard your saved convo or talk?Simplysetup a password to access the phone conversations storedinyourdevice.We believe that with these powerful functions, we can serveallofyour needs when it comes to calls recorder utility app.Youdon’thave to pay to enjoy all the features in this recorderappbecauseour app is FREE to download and use.
Secret Call Recorder Lite 1.0
The best Call Recorder for recording, saving, and mailing thecalls.
Call recorder 1.0.3
Automatic Call Recorder Free and Pro NowYoucan record all approaching and dynamic call with incredibleaudioquality. It easy to use and consummate sound quality. You canmakeyour recording, its free for your phone in Android. Recordanyapproaching and dynamic phone call you need and pick whichcallsyou have to save. You can set which calls are recorded andwhichare ignored. Listen to the recording./**** To use the application honest to goodness, take aftertherecommended plan on the screen gets ****/Application Highlights :- Automatic recording all call discussions.- Automatic delete call record after a time period - youcanchange time setting.- Watchword protection of call record.- Erase call record.- Send call recordings by method for email...- Change Audio source, record outline.- Automatic turn on speaker.- Show notifycation resulting to completing the recording.Note:- On the off chance that you can not recording, endeavorchangethe audio source.- On the off chance that you don't hear the sound from theotherside, turn on auto speaker in settings.- In the event that you encounter any issues with CallRecorderPlease reach us for support.# Elements :- Client can Empower/Debilitate call recording- Record your calls automatically while calling- Records both approaching and dynamic calls.- Application does not trade any substance outsideyourcompact.- Boundless Call Recording- Allowed to use- Foundation recording- Record all your phone calls whether it is approachingordynamic.- Most loved calls list. For untouched set away calls thatwon'tbe eradicated- Play or Stop the recorded calls by single touch.- Share recording to Bluetooth, Message etc.- Automatic phone call recording in light ofpredefinedfundamentals- Affirmation trade: Would you get a kick out of theopportunityto keep recorded call that is shown not long after thecallEnd.- Design automatic cleaning – Can in like manner set theAutoCleaning time for recording.- Erase recorded call audios.- Client can Empower/Incapacitate call recording- Simply use Call Recorder Free- Helpful for Mystery Call Recording.- Play, save and delete, call recordings- Call Recorder pro is the most easy and snappiest approachtorecord phone calls on your android phone.- Simply use Call Recorder Free its Pro- Record your call or calls in MP3, WAV, MP4, AMR or3GPPencoding/association and HD- Call Recorder Free for youu androdi phone master- Totally free no covered charges.- Dropbox mix- Affirmation trade: Would you get a kick out of theopportunityto keep recorded call that is shown not long after thecall End# Key components fuse :- Auto and HD Call for your android phone- Spare your recordings on your SD card- Mystery and shrewd Widespread Call Recorder- Record both approaching and dynamic calls- Record phone calls from your phone# Here are a segment of the cases you may need to useCallRecorder for :- Record a phone call with your teammates and can encourageusethis voice note as a sort of point of view document- Record fundamental calls and extra them forfuturereference- Meeting some person by means of phone? Call Recorder helpsingetting each one of the purposes of intrigue and store the sameasvoice note for your future reference- Utilize it making a course for catch crucial callsRemember all the best with Call Recorder Free :DLegal:- Recording calls without consent of your caller may not belegalin a couple of countries, or states.* Default Call Recorder* Automatic Call Recorder* Call Recorder for Android* Call Recorder* Mystery Call Recorder* All Call Recorder* Recorder
Auto Call Recorder 2.6.1
Soft Tech VN
When you had an important phone callandneededto listen again.When you want to store tender words from lover.Automatic Call Recorder will help you do thats.Features :- Automatic record a call then save it to SDCard.- You can choose with contacts from your contacts list willbeapplyor ignore.- Mark the favorite calls you want.- Run cleanup to delete all recorded files from SDCard.**** Note: It don't surport with some device.
Call Recorder
Record any phone call you want and choosewhichcalls you want to save. You can set which calls are recordedandwhich are ignored.Recorded calls are stored in the Inbox.You can change the destination recordings folder to anexternalSD card as well. You can set the size of the inbox. Thenumber ofsaved calls is limited only by your device memoryCall Recorder features list:★ Call Recording + (Auto call answering).★ Meeting mode Enable Disable feature.★ SMS Template facility for meeting mode★ Delay Before Answer.Set the delay time as you wish.★ Records both incoming and outgoing calls.★ Unlimited Call Recording★ Enable/Disable call recording.★ Play or Stop the recorded calls by single touch.★ Delete recorded call audios.★ Completely free no hidden charges.★ Notification Enable Disable feature.For any suggestions or feature requests for Call Recorderpleaseemail us and we will get back to youEmail ID: [email protected] - free applications for android
Automatic Call Recorder 2.1
Welcome to the Automatic Call Recorder.Nowyoucan record all incoming and outgoing calls withthisapplicationAutomatic Call Recorder.While you forget something after a call, whilst atroublecomesup, while it might had been first-rate with a purposetoreportthat crucial smart phone call... this is what you'll beabletorevel in.Many telephones encompass a call recording function, butit'shardto expect if a sure name may become critical, makingitdifficult torecord those vital calls.If you use automatic call recorder,due to the fact you may constantly routinely file anycallandmanipulate your recordings, you could listen toprecedingcallsonce more so one can relive reminiscences orreviewaconversation.Automatic call recorder utility functions:1) automatic call recorder routinelydocumentincoming/outgoingtelephone calls.2) choose small recording report formats like mp3, mp4 and3gp,sothat you can get live-quality sound whilst keepingdocumentlengthsmall.3) vital call recording listing management.4) pay attention and view recorded files by the usageofthepre-established media participant.5) copy documents on your telephone's memory card directly.6) continually able to test on to be had memory as a waytokeeprecordings.Rate Automatic call recorder if you like thisapplication.Yoursuggestions and reviews are warmly welcome. Thankyou!
Top Auto Call Recorder Plus HQ 2.1
Automatic phone callsRecording2017professional and high quality without InternetconnectionDo you receive a lot of important calls and ridiculous anddonotwant to lose it ? The best tool to record calls madeandcomingcalls, without Internet and without to feel connectedtotheregistry.Recording phone calls automatically 2017 Pro highqualityfreeapplication, record all phone calls from your PC, storethecallsand voice memos on your phone or memory card and sharewithyourfriends anytime you want,This application uses to record phone calls automaticallywiththehighest quality available and possible to give youthebestexperience on your mobile phone.The application User Interface is simple and easy to use.Application features:-Record phone calls automatically.-Call recorder work without Internet.-Full record telephone calls recorded.-Control of incoming calls to be recorded.-Search in the recordings.-Edit audio recordings.-Volume control.-Many extensions and formats to output the voice recorderWAV,AMR,MP3.-Registration status of speaker audio.-Automatically runs with outgoing and incoming calls.-Missed calls.-automatic call recorder.-You can edit the audio once registered delete oraddanotherrecording of your choice.-Set the password to save the recorded calls are safe.-High quality audio HQ.-Unlimited call recording.-Auto cleanup feature.-Build-in audio player included.• Ensure that the device does not contain anothercallrecordertools to avoid some problems.You can record calls outgoing and incoming forfree,registrationis automatic. You can also add a call and saved.Theapp will helpyou to record all calls automatically 2017 withease.Don't forgetto put the application assessment.Works with most versions of Android phones as:android 2.1 upkeywords :best call recordercall recorder 2017call recorder 2018automatic call recorder 2017phone call recorder 2017automatic call recorder 2018phone call recorder 2018automatic call recorderphone call recordercallrecorderrecording phone callsphone recorder apptelephone recording devicephone conversation recordervoice call recordermobile call recorderphone recording apprecording a phone callapp for phone calls recordercell phone call recordercall recorder procall recording systemtelephone voice recorderin call recordercall recorder freebest call recorderspy call recorderfree call recorder appphone conversation recorder appbest call recording appcall recording applicationauto call recorder appcall recording solutionsrecording mobile phone callsvoip call recordercall recorder phoneeasy call recordermulti-call recordermulti-call recording3-Way Calling recorderdouble call recordertrusted call recordervoip call recordingtelephone call recording devicecall recordercallrecordertelephone recordercall recording apphow to record phone callsfree call recorderdigital call recorderspy call recorderfree phone call recorderrecord my callrecord video callapp for recording phone callsbest call recorderbest call recorder 2017best android call recorder 2017call recording 2017new call recorderall call recorder 2017auto call recorder 2017recording callaudio call recordercall recorder automaticRecording Application
Call Recorder 1.0
kings company
Automatic Call Recorder has aretentionfeaturerecordings Mdzy lifeThese are some of the application features1. record all calls (incoming and outgoing) automatically2. The user can transfer the call recording on or off atanytimehe wants3. Call Recording with good sound and highqualitywithoutecho4. keep all calls with all the details5. can call recording for a long time with no limit6. Simple and easy to use7. useful for recording confidential calls8. You can delete any call9. Call Recorder This allows you to send Almklmatrecordedby(Blotot, message, and Ivy ..)10. Free application.automatic call recorder
Call Recorder Pro 1.0
36 Green Apps
A very neat and nice Call Recorderforrecordingand saving the calls.Features:-------------The whole process can be controlled by a single button,veryeasyto switch between recording and normal modes.Records can be saved, played, and shared.Notes can be added to the records and the samecanbemodified.Calls can be recorded in three modes 1. All calls, 2.Recordcallsfrom selective numbers, 3. Ignore calls fromselectivenumbers.Auto clear option to automatically delete the olderrecordsaftercertain number of days.Options available for searching the records by Name, Notes,andbyDate.One important feature of our App is as and when the callisover,the recorded file is sent automatically to thepre-configured Gmailaccount. The records can be saved and sent totheemail in threedifferent modes in Mail Settings: 1. Save, 2.Mailand Save, 3. Mailand Don't Save. Default option is Save.One more good feature is, the important records can behidden.Tohide a record, go to records list, long press on anyrecord. Apopupappears that asks for confirmation for hiding thesame. Toview thehidden records, just tap four times on the CallRecordertext (topleft corner).Our App has a very cool Green UI, so your eyeswouldneverstrain.Notes:---------1. Please uninstall any other call recording appsbeforeusingthis app.2. The Call Recording does not work on certain handsetsandcanresult in inferior quality recordings. We suggest that youtrythefree version before purchasing the paid app.3. If you encounter any issues with the voicequality,tryrecording from a different audio source in SoundFormatSettingsoption. The default option is Mic, you may switch tootheroption,test and use the same.4. For the records to be sent to your Gmail account, intheMailSettings, you have to provide your Gmail credentials(atthebottom).5. If you have any issues please send us [email protected], we would try to solve them soon,sopleasedon't underrate our app. Also, we would love to hear fromyouaboutany suggestions, so that we can improve the performanceofourapp.
Call Recorder - Best(PRO) 2.2.1
Automatic call recorder, you do not need todoany complicated settings.Listen to recordings anywhere and anytime.Convenient information integrated search function.Add text memo recording, clear and easy to understand.You can at any time using the internal storage or SDcardstorage.Powerful automatic cloud backup system.Powerful features:When replacing the phone, you can synchronize recording datafromthe cloud, you do not loss any files.Professional version features:1. The more powerful multi-project operations.2. Automatic recording saved and cloud backup storage.If you encounter any problems recording, try usingdifferentrecording sound source, or use the automatic speakermode.Some phone calls can not be recording, or may lead to poorqualityof the recording. We recommend that you try the free versionfirstbefore deciding whether to buy the paid version.TAG:Call recording, Call recorder
Recorder Voice Changer 1.1
Recorder voice changer orcallrecorderautomatic is a free application call recorder voiceapp. itis oneof the best recorders caller in the play store , hihas a newfewoptions search auto email automatic deleted oldrecordingsvoicesand marking recordings as important to save so theydon't getautodeleted voice changer.This new application recorder voice changer callerrecordervoiceautomatic gives you the easy solution to record allyourphoneconversations important voice and manage them inyoursmartphone.Recorder voice changer recorder voice automatic callit'sfreeapplication now, its like a automatic call recorderwithnewoptions.It's very nice application ever what are you waitinginstallitnow
Red Call Recorder 1.1
Want a new call recorder app that willonlyhelp you and will not interfere in your everyday activities?TryRed Call Recorder Auto. It is one of the fastest and lightestappsthat record phone calls on the Android operating system.FAST AND SECUREWe created Red Call Recorder to be one of the lightest andfastestcall recorder apps. We think we managed to do that and solvethespeed problem many users were having with other apps forrecordingphone calls. It will never bag the phone’s performance ormake yourphone lag.SIMPLE AND EASY TO USEAs expected, we guarantee that Red Call Recorder will be one ofthesimplest and easiest to use call recorders. With a simple tapyoucan enable it and it will record all calls and store themwithinthe app.CLOUD STORAGEAs one of the best phone call recording app, this oneenablesstorage of every call on a cloud account secured by us. Noworriesyour calls will be save and available cross-platform withourrecord call app.HOW TO RECORD PHONE CALLSOpen Red Call Recorder Auto. Give permissions and enable it.Fromthen on, each call you make will be recorded, until you disableit.Red Call Recorder is the answer to all ow your how to recordaphone call questions!BUILT IN STORAGE CLEANERRecording can be saved on your phone’s storage as well. So besureto check out our file management features. You can easily seehowmuch space is available and clear some unneeded files! Manageyourstorage and recording within the app. Telephone recorderandstorage manager app in one!Red Call Recorder Auto FEATURES- simple and easy to use- extremely light and fast- perfect for any Android device- record calls in HD- keeps all recordings on phone- there is an ability to delete, edit or move recordings- bag free and neatly coded- storage features available for better recording management- file management and ability to clear storageSee why were called as one of the best call recording app byourbeta testers.Always have your calls recorded and backed up for personalorprofessional use.Get Red Call Recorder app for completely free!
Secret Call Recorder 1.0
Automatic All Call Recorder you canrecordallyour phone calls automaticly and allows you to selectwhichcallsyou want to save and more features .Automatic all Call Recorder !! Download for free!!Automatic all call recorder offre the features bellow :✔ Unlimited Call Recording✔ Records incoming and outgoing calls.✔ Enable/Disable the record of calls✔ By a single toutche play and stop recorded calls✔ Remove the audios recorded any time you want .✔ Plane automatic cleaning✔ Can also set the Auto Cleaning time for recording.✔ Confirmation dialog: Would you like to keep recorded callthatisshown just after the call End.✔ Useful for secure you call records.✔ Completely free no hidden and extra charges.✔ App does not transfer any content outside your mobile.Hidden Auto Call Recorder is the easiest and fastest waytorecordphone calls on your android phone.NOTE: This App may not work properly on some handsets.Automatic call recorder 2016Hidden Auto Call Recorder 2016 !! Free Download !!Hidden Auto Call Recorder Mp3Hidden Auto Call Recorder spy
Best Smart Call Recorder 1.0
Best Smart Call Recorder vous aideàenregistrertous les appels que vous souhaitez et choisissezceuxque voussouhaitez conserver. Vous pouvez paramétrer les appelsàenregistreret ceux à ignorer. Écoutez l'enregistrement,ajoutezdes notes etpartagez-le.Pour tout problème d'enregistrement d’appel, choisissezunesourceaudio différente à enregistrer ou utilisez lemodehaut-parleurautomatique.Les dialog enregistrés sont sauvegardés dans la boîtederéception.Vous pouvez également changer le dossier dedestinationdesenregistrements vers une carte SD externe. La taillede la boîtederéception peut être paramétrée. Le nombre desrecordsenregistrésn'est limité que par la mémoire de votreappareil.Si vous décidez qu'une conversation est importante,enregistrez-laetelle sera sauvegardée dans ledossier« AppelsEnregistrés ». Dans le cas contraire,elleseraautomatiquement supprimée lorsque de nouveaux appelsremplirontlaboîte de réception.Caractéristiques► Enregistreur: Enregistre tous les appels entrantsetsortantsdans la voix HD Quality, joué aucun appel enregistréquandjamaisvous voulez l'écouter.Utilisez votre enregistrement d'appel pourlesactionssuivantes Lecture, Supprimer, Appel, action,partdirecte àl'appel des applications de partage► Mot de passe de sécurité: vous à l'abri del'applicationparmot de passe security& Stop personnesindésirables devosenregistrements d'appels personnels.► Détails de l'appelant: Pas besoin de nouvelleapplicationpourobtenir les détails de votre appelant, App vousdiront touslesdétails de l'appelant à la jonction.► Max Durée de l'appel: Gérer ce que l'applicationvautiliserla mémoire pendant l'enregistrement d'appel► Sur Going notification d'appel: Voir continue Duréedel'appelet arrêter enregistrement d'appel de barre denotificationau coursdes appels entrants ou sortants.► Auto Call supprimer: Il supprime lesanciensenregistrementsd'appels quand il devient trop vieux. Vouspouvezmodifier seréglage selon votre désir.► Multiple Input Audio & Formats d'enregistrement:Prendencharge 3GPP, MPEG4 | MIC et vocale pour enregistrer.► Smart Notification: Obtenez tous les détails ausujetdel'appel entrants et sortants sur l'écran d'accueildutéléphonelors des appels entrants et sortantsInvisible Best Smart Call Recorder est le moyen le plussimpleetplus rapide pour enregistrer les appels téléphoniquessurvotretéléphone Android.**Best Smart Call Recorder helps record all calls that youwantandchoose the ones you want to keep. You can set the calltoregisterand those to ignore. Listen to the recording, add notesandshareit.If you decide that a conversation is important, save itanditwill be saved in the "Recorded Calls" folder. Otherwise, itwillbeautomatically deleted when new calls fill the inbox.Characteristics► Recorder: Record all incoming and outgoing calls inHDVoiceQuality, played no recorded call when ever youwanttolisten.Use your call record for the following Playback,Delete,Call,action, direct part in the call-sharingapplications► Security Password: you safe from passwordapplicationsecurity& Stop unwanted people in your personalcallrecords.► Details Caller: No need new application for the detailsofyourcalling, App will tell you all the details of the calleratthejunction.► Max Call Duration: Manage what the application will usethememoryduring the call record► On Going call notification: See continuous duration of thecallandstop call recording notification bar during incomingoroutgoingcalls.► Auto Call Delete: It removes old call records when hebecomestooold. You can change settings according to yourdesire.► Multiple Input Audio & Recording Formats: Supports3GPP,MPEG4| MIC and voice to record.► Smart Notification: Get all the details about incomingandoutgoingcalls on the phone's home screen for incoming andoutgoingcallsBest SmartCallRecorderhelps record all calls that you want and choose theonesyou wantto keep. You can set the call to register and thosetoignore.Listen to the recording, add notes and share it.For problems with call recording, choose a different audiosourcetorecord or use the automatic speaker mode.The registered dialog are saved in the inbox. You can alsochangethedestination recordings folder to an external SD card. Thesizeof theinbox can be set. The number of registered recordsislimited only bythe memory of your device.If you decide that a conversation is important, save it anditwillbe saved in the "Recorded Calls" folder. Otherwise, itwillbeautomatically deleted when new calls fill the inbox.Characteristics► Recorder: Record all incoming and outgoing calls inHDVoiceQuality, played no recorded call when ever youwanttolisten.Use your call record for the following Playback,Delete,Call,action, direct part in the call-sharingapplications► Security Password: you safe from passwordapplicationsecurity& Stop unwanted people in your personalcallrecords.► Details Caller: No need new application for the detailsofyourcalling, App will tell you all the details of the calleratthejunction.► Max Call Duration: Manage what the application will usethememoryduring the call record► On Going call notification: See continuous duration of thecallandstop call recording notification bar during incomingoroutgoingcalls.► Auto Call Delete: It removes old call records when hebecomestooold. You can change settings according to yourdesire.► Multiple Input Audio & Recording Formats: Supports3GPP,MPEG4| MIC and voice to record.► Smart Notification: Get all the details about incomingandoutgoingcalls on the phone's home screen for incomingandoutgoingcallsBest Hidden Smart Call Recorder is the easiest and fastestwaytorecord phone calls on your Android phone.**Best Smart Call Recorder helps record all calls That youwantandchoose the ones you want to keep. You can set the calltoregisterand Those to ignore. Listen to the recording, addratingsand shareit.If you decide That talk has is significant, save it and itwillbesaved in the "Recorded Calls" folder. Otherwise, itwillbeautomatically deleted When new calls fill the inbox.Characteristics► Recorder: Record all incoming and outgoing calls inHDVoiceQuality, played no Recorded call When ever youwanttolisten.Use your call record for the Following Playback,Delete,Call,Action, direct hand in the call-sharingapplications► Security Password: you safe from passwordapplicationsecurity& Stop unwanted people in your personalcallrecords.► Details Caller: No need new app for the details ofyourcalling,App will tell you all the details of the calleratthejunction.► Max Call Duration: Manage what the app will use thememoryDuringthe call record► On Going call notification: See continuous duration of thecallandstop call recording notification bar During incomingoroutgoingcalls.► Auto Call Delete: It Removes old call records When HeBecomestooold. You can change settings selon your desire.► Multiple Input Audio & Recording Formats: Supports3GPP,MPEG4| MIC and voice to record.► Smart Notification: Get all the details about incomingandoutgoingcalls on the phone's home screen for incoming andoutgoingcalls