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せどりっくスキャナー 4.0
SedoriScanner 5.0.2
********************************Amazon MWS Available********************************Sedoriscanner is the Sedori supportive tool.Not only books but the scan of a game or DVD is possible.Moreover, a high-speed scan is also possible by installing the"QRCode scanner" separately.A bar code is scanned with a camera and information isacquiredfrom the Web Service of Amazon.1.Amazon Web Service(Amazon PA)(Free registration is required. A registration method etc. is awebpage. URL of a manual is Market Place Web Services(Amazon MWS)(it is charged service)1 was abolished on August 31, 2012. You only have choosing2.After Version 1.2, it corresponded to the direct input ofEAN13and ASIN.* A scanning function corresponds only EAN13 format.When damage arises by use of this application, pleaseunderstandbeforehand that the developer cannot takeresponsibility.*************Directions for use*************1. Register with Amazon Web Service.( If it registers, Access Key ID and Secret Access Key willberegistered into a SedoriScanner.3. Scan the (top of two) bar code of the back cover ofabook.(Or the input of EAN13 or ASIN is performed)4. Information is displayed on a screen.5. When preservation is chosen, it is saved by a file namecalled/sdcard/SedoriScanner/yyyymmdd.txt.Only one file will be generated on the 1st, and a file is added toafile when two or more books are scanned.* Encoding of a file is UTF-8. Please have a look by thetexteditor corresponding to UTF-8.*************Developer operation check model*************HT-03A(Android 1.6, 2.2)SO-01B Xperia X10(Android 1.6, 2.1)If it is a model which satisfies the following requirements,itshould operate generally.+ those with 1.6 or more Android(s)+ auto-focus camera loading+network communication (wifi and 3G -- which)*************SedoriScanner specification*************1. Code classification for searchThe [time of a bar code scan] It is only a bar code of+EAN13(Japan JAN) form.+ ISBN supports the thing (ISBN-13) of 13 figures currentlywrittenin EAN13 form.+ Not support UPC.+ Not support other standard codes.The [time of a manual input] In @EAN13 input, it isspecificationequivalent to the time of + bar code scan. Only anumerical valuecan be inputted.ASIN which is defined by +Amazon in @ASIN input is inputted.Anumerical value and the alphabet can be inputted.It is necessary to know ASIN in advance by Web etc.2. Search target product itemThe [time of a bar code scan] They are only + books. The barcodecurrently written in EAN13 form is an object. It is a bar codewhichstarts with 978.The [time of a manual input] In @EAN13 input, they are only+books. The bar code currently written in EAN13 form is anobject.It is a bar code which starts with 978.All the goods which exist in +Amazon in @ASIN input canbesearched. It is necessary to know ASIN in advance.3. The numerical value of 13 figures which starts with +978inkeystroke [time of manual input] @EAN13 input is inputted.Anumerical abbreviation cannot be performed.Please omit "-"ISBN-10 is not supported.ASIN which is defined by +Amazon in @ASIN input is inputted.Anumerical value and the alphabet can be inputted.A capital letter or a small letter is also possible forthealphabet. [ABC1234] -> [abc1234]4. Two or more search present condition supports [ neitherthebar code scan nor the keystroke ] two or more search.* ZXing is used for decoding of a bar code.ZXing is distributed with the Apache 2.0 license. Please refertothe following URL for the details of ZXing("ZebraCrossing").*************Support*************
Support tool and is not for Android, is "Sedoroido". Toolsharenumber one application and it is not for the iPhone, a sisterappof "Sedori strike".
せどり場所一発検索 せどりランド 0.34
「せどり」の効率化に。起動するだけで付近の店舗を表示、さらにワンタッチでグーグルナビに経路連携可能。■こんな方におすすめ・「せどり」で何店舗も回りたいが、店舗の所在地を調べるのが面倒くさい・空き時間を利用して、近くの店舗で「せどり」がしたい。Theefficiencyof"Sedori".View nearby stores just to start, and route cooperationpossibleinGoogle navigation at the touch of a button further.■ It is recommended for those who like· I want to do anything around the store in the "Sedori",butitcauses a difficult find out the location of the store· By using the free time, I want to "Sedori" in stores nearby.
週末起業で月収21万円!! 1
週末起業で月収21万円!このアプリでは様々な副業について紹介しつつ、今の時代に最も適した副業を動画で紹介しています。さらにクイズとキーワードに答えてもらうことで理解を深めてもらいます。すべてのクイズ、キーワードに解答してもらうと、特別なコインを取得することができ、特別なコインにより秘密の扉を開くことができます。秘密の扉を開くことができた方にはアプリ製作者からプレゼントをいただけます。~~~~~~~~~~~~■アプリの中身をちょっとだけ覗いてみる■ネットが普及した今の時代だと、週末(土日)だけで収入を得ることはそう難しくない。例えば「オークション」で不要品を出品したりして稼ぐことも出来る。ご近所から不要品を回収すれば仕入れもゼロで感謝もされる。他にも「せどり」と呼ばれる副業ではブックオフなどで本を仕入れてそれをオークションやAmazonに出品して差益で稼ぐことも出来る。だけど・・・・僕がオススメしたいのは、「○○○」です。理由は・・・↑ここまでです。続きはアプリ内の動画でご確認下さい!----------------------------------【 学習動画目次 】1.はじめにご覧ください。2.奇跡の時代?3.ネットビジネスの秘密4.オークションを使って稼ぐには?5.右から左へ転売するだけで稼げる?6.初心者が始めるべきネットビジネスとは?7.種類と特性を知る8.Facebookなのに匿名で稼ぐ?!9.週末だけで月収21万円稼いだ方法10.技術もスキルもなく稼ぐ方法----------------------------------このような内容となっているので、副業を考えている方にはかなり参考になるかと思います。ぜひ最後まで勉強して頂いて、本業並みの収入を副業で手に入れてみてください。¥ 210,000monthlyincomeentrepreneurs weekend!While an introduction to a variety of sidelinewiththisapp,I have been introduced in the sideline video that ismostappropriatefor this day and age.By having them answer and keywords quiz furtherHave a better understanding.If you ask them to answer quiz, for all keywords,It is possible to obtain a special coin,You can open a secret door by special coin.To the person who was able to open the door of the secretYou can gift from the app creator.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~■ I decided to go take a look a little bit the contentsoftheapplication ■When the era of now the net is spread,Earning only (Saturday and Sunday) weekend is not so difficult.For example, it is possible to make with orunnecessaryproductsexhibited in the "auction".Thanks are also zero also purchase if recovery unwantedgoodsfromyour neighborhood.The purchase books in books, etc. off the sidelinecalled"Sedori"OtherIt is also possible to earn in the margins with SellAmazonandauction it.But ...I would like to recommend,Is "○ ○ ○".The reason ...↑This is the end.Please check the video of the app continues!----------------------------------[Table of Contents] learning videos1. Please see the beginning.2. Age of miracles?3. Secret of net business4. To make using the auction?5. The earn by simply reselling from right to left?6. Net business beginners should start it?7. To know the type and characteristics8. Earn anonymously Yet Facebook? !9. How earned ¥ 210,000 monthly income in the weekend10. How to earn technology skills without----------------------------------Because it has become something like this,I think that it would be helpful or pretty for those whoarethinkingabout sideline.And if I have to study to the end by all means,Please try to get on the side of the main business incomethesamelevel.