Top 1 Games Similar to Bottle Caps Game

Caps 1.3.6
Take on the role of Caps Commander. Your mission is toexterminateenemy caps by throwing them out of table. You have 3battle capsavailable with whom you need to throw your enemy out ofbattlefield(table). "It's the most interesting little game amongthat I'veplayed. Once start, you'll never to put it aside." Full Caps review onAppEggs:,21419.htmlHighquality od Caps has been verified by App QualityAlliance: TABLES:Missionstakes place in 9 different areas, including officedesk,watchmaker’s table, children’s table and kitchen table. Oneverytable there are lying various objects which can block enemyattacksor just prevent your attacks. Under objects there are hiddenbonusstars which can give you additional points. At thebeginningaccuracy of your enemy is quite low but along withprogress itraises and it becomes a real challenge. HANDLING: Inevery turn youmove with all your caps one after another. To shootusing cap juststretch it and release. Your cap should hit theopponent’s cap tothrow him out of the table. You can zoom in andzoom out bypinching the screen. To move the camera just touch thescreen andmove your finger. To center the view, just double tapanywhere onthe table. GAME MODES: Mission – play with AI player andunlock newtables Local multiplayer – play with your friend on onedeviceMultiplayer online – play with people from whole world (Wi-Fionlybecause of GSM lags) FEATURES: • 9 different tables(variousobjects) • 54 addictive levels • Increasing levels ofdifficulty •Easy controls • Full featured physics of objects basedon Box2Dengine • Singleplayer and multiplayer • Hand drawn highresolutiongraphics Google Plus:[email protected] Website: Changes in1.2.0: Youdon't need to download additional levels anymore. Alllevels arealready in the game.