Top 22 Apps Similar to Percentage Calculator app

Graphing Calculator + Math 4.15.160
Graphing Calculator by Mathlab is ascientificgraphing calculator integrated with algebra and is anindispensablemathematical tool for students from high school tothose in collegeor graduate school, or just anyone who needs morethan what a basiccalculator offers. It is designed to replace bulkyand costlyhandheld graphing calculators and works on virtually anyAndroidphone or tablet.Free version requires internet connection and contains ads!Upgradeto PRO!Video: site with instructions andexamples:http://help.mathlab.usIf you have a question, send email to [email protected] CALCULATOR• Square root, cube and higher roots (hold √ key)• Exponent or power, use x^ key, (x^2)• Logarithms ln(), log(), log[base]()• Trigonometric functions sin π/2, cos 30°, ...• Hyperbolic functions sinh, cosh, tanh, ... (hold "e" keytoswitch)• Inverse functions (hold direct function key)• Complex numbers, all functions support complex arguments• Derivatives sin x' = cos x, ... (hold x^ key)• Scientific and engineering notation (enable in menu)• Percent mode• Binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers, 0b1010, 0o123, 0xABC• Save and load historyGRAPHING CALCULATOR• Multiple functions graphing• Implicit functions up to 2nd degree (ellipse2x^2+3y^2=1,etc.)• Polar graphs (r=cos2θ)• Parametric functions, enter each on new line (x=cos t,y=sint)• Function roots and critical points.• Graph intersections• Tracing function values and slopes• Slide to scroll• Pinch to zoom• Fullscreen graphs (PRO)• Function tables• Save graphs as images• Save tables as csv• 3D graphs (PRO)FRACTION CALCULATOR• Simple and complex fractions 1/2 + 1/3 = 5/6• Mixed numbers, use space to enter values 3 1/2• Use parentheses (1+2)/(3+4)=3/7ALGEBRA CALCULATOR• Linear equations x+1=2 -> x=1• Quadratic equations x^2-1=0 -> x=-1,1• Approximate roots of higher polynomials• Systems of linear equations, write one equation per line,x1+x2=1,x1-x2=2• Polynomial long division• Polynomial expansion, factoring• Linear and quadratic inequalitiesPROBABILITY AND STATISTICS• Hold n! key to enter functions, double tap dot toentercomma• Combinations nCr(5,2)=10• Permutations nPr(5,2)=20• Sample A=[1 2 3 4 5]• Sample B=[2 3 4 5 6]• Sum sum(A) = 15• Average avg(A) = 3• Median median(A) = 3• Sample variance var(A) = 2.5• Population variance varp(A) = 2• Standard deviation stdev(A) = 1.58..., stdevp(A) = 1.41...• Covariance cov(A,B) = 2.5• Correlation corr(A,B) = 1MATRIX CALCULATOR• Matrix and vector arithmetic operations• Vector cross product, dot product (hold *) and norm• Matrix determinant, inverse, transpose and trace functionsLIBRARY• Physical constants (PRO)• User defined constants and functions (PRO)• Save expressions for future reference
Fractions: calculate & compare 2.32
Fraction calculator with a detailed solution and comparison mode
Solid Geometry Calculator 2.3
Solid Geometry Calculator is made for education purpose, whichtohelp student understand and memorize the formula of SolidGeometry.You just need to type in the known values like diameter,length,width, height, then the app will calculate automaticallytheVolume, Surface Area, Lateral Area of the figure. Enrichedwithformulas and drawings, so students can learn while memorizing:-Formula of Cylinder / Tube Volume & Surface Area - FormulaofCube Volume & Surface Area - Formula of RectangularPrismVolume & Surface Area - Formula of Sphere Volume &SurfaceArea - Formula of Cone Volume & Surface Area - FormulaofPrisms Volume & Surface Area - Formula of Pyramid Volume&Surface Area This application can also help teachers to checktheanswers of their students, whether it is right or wrong. Thisappis made to ease the calculation as simple as it can, you onlyneedto type in the value of diameter if you don't know the radius,evenyou don't need to type in the slant height of cone as long asyoutype in the height. This Solid Geometry Calculatorwillautomatically calculate the volume, surface area and lateralareaof the figure. I hope this app will be helpful for studentswhowant to study solid geometry. If there is any suggestion tomakethis app even better, please email me [email protected] to leave bad rating just to make your suggestion noticed.Iwill try to improve this app to be more and more helpfulforstudying Geometry
Photomath - Camera Calculator 8.35.0
Simply point your camera toward a mathproblemand Photomath will magically show the result with adetailedstep-by-step instructions.Photomath provides:∙ Camera calculator∙ Handwriting recognition (NEW)∙ Step-by-step instructions∙ Smart calculator∙ Graphs (NEW)Photomath supports arithmetics, integers, fractions,decimalnumbers, roots, algebraic expressions,linearequations/inequalities, quadratic equations/inequalities,absoluteequations/inequalities, systems of equations,logarithms,trigonometry, exponential and logarithmic functions,derivativesand integrals.
Kalkulator szkolny 1.0.6
Makalu Media
The only calculator that besides the result will show you theentireprocess of problem solving
Calculator 1.1
Calculator works as normal on portrait,andasscientific on landscape mode. When on scientificmode,containsmany useful math functions.
Graphing Calculator + Math PRO 2023.07.165
Graphing calculator with algebra. Essential tool for schoolandcollege.
Calculator Plus 6.5.4
Great calculator for Android named one of USA TODAY's "25EssentialApps".
AutoMath Photo Calculator 2.97
AutoMath will give you the answer of any math questionbysimplytaking a photo of it. Automath is a great way tocheckyourhomework, study and learn math. Automath evenprovidesmobiletutoring from a live tutor to help you understand anymathsubject.****Handwritten questions are currently not supportedbutthey willbe soon***** AutoMath Photo Calculator Features: -QuickandAccurate Answers + Steps - Step by step solutions foreasylearning- No internet required - Smart Calculator with GraphingandTables- Can solve simple to advanced math questions -250+MathematicalFunctions AutoMath Photo Calculator Currentlysupports:Addition,Subtraction, Multiplication, Fractions,Division,Inequalities,Powers, Polynomials, Linear Equations, SquareRoots,Trigonometry,Algebra, Simplification, and Basic AlgorithmsAutoMathSmart TextCalculator supports: (photo math calculator notyetavailable formost of the below) Any other math problems suchascalculus,equation systems, complex math, graphing, table ofvalues,and moreAutoMath now includes a Pocket Math Tutor - 24/7Answers&Steps to all your math problems (including mathwordproblems).Your first question is free. Please Note: Your veryfirstphotowill copy data files which will take longer then normal.Aftertheinitial photo it will be a lot quicker. ExampleVideo: GraphingExample: Quick ModeExample: Decide thefutureofAutoMath byBetaTesting:
Electronics Calculator 4.2.0
The utility application for the hobbyist or professional
Kalkulator 3D 1.0
Aplikasi kalkulator 3D adalahkalkulatoryangberfungsi umtuk menghitung luas dan volume bangunruang.Dalamaplikasi ini terdapat empat jenis bangun ruang yaitu:Kubus,Balok,Kerucut dan Bola.
Calculator 6.1.4
Super easy calculator for editing formulas by using a cursor
Calculator 1.12.2
Simple calculator, ideal for everyday calculations
ClevCalc - Calculator 2.20.5
Cleveni Inc.
Calculator + Percentage + Unit, Currency Converter
Calculator 1.3.1
Calculator is a powerful and attractive Android stylish calculator.
Kalkulator 1.0
Easy to useCompatible with all Android PhonesUser FriendlyAttractive User InterfaceIt is light and fast
Calculator - Simple & Easy 1.7.3
Simple - Fast - With History - All you need in one Calculator.
Panecal Scientific Calculator 7.5.2
For engineers and students
Smart Calculator 6.3.9
Fast and Accurate Calculator + Engineering Calculations +TipsCalculator
Kalkulator Pabean (Offline) 0.0.3
Kalkulator Pabean adalah sebuahaplikasisederhana yang dibangun oleh Subdit Humas dan PenyuluhanDirektoratJenderal Bea dan Cukai Tahun 2016, yang bertujuan untukmembantupara pengguna jasa kepabeanan dan cukai atau masyarakatumum dalammemperkirakan pungutan yang akan dikenakan terhadapbarang imporuntuk dipakai dan barang impor sementara.Kewajiban Anda sebagai importir untuk barang yang akan dipakaididalam negeri adalah membayar bea masuk dan pajak dalam rangkaimporyang terutang. Begitu pula dengan barang yang diimporsementarawaktu di Indonesia yang nyata-nyata akan dikembalikan keluarnegeri. Ada beberapa kewajiban yang harus dipenuhi atas barangimporsementara tersebut, diantaranya membayar bea masuk danmenyerahkanjaminan apabila barang impor sementara tersebutmendapatkanfasilitas keringanan, atau bahkan menyerahkan jaminansebesar beamasuk dan pajak impor yang terutang utuk barang imporsementara yangmendapatkan fasilitas pembebasan.Calculator Customs isasimple application that was built by the Sub Directorate ofPublicRelations and Outreach Directorate General of Customs andExcise2016, which aims to assist the users of services of customsandexcise or the general public in estimating the levy to beimposedon imported goods to be used and temporary imported goods.Your obligations as an importer for the goods to be used inthecountry is paying import duties and taxes on import due.Similarly,goods imported temporarily in Indonesia, which obviouslywill bereturned abroad. There are several obligations that must bemet onthe temporary import of goods, including pay customs dutiesandsubmit warranty if the goods are imported temporarily getrelieffacilities, or even submit a guarantee for import duties andimporttaxes payable utuk temporary imported goods that gettheexemption.
Electrical Calculator 3.3
GK Apps
Electrical calculator for Power, Current, Voltage, ChargeandResistance.
Scientific Calculator 2.0.20
Scientific Calculator. Engineering Calculator.