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新竹/龍潭無線計程車隊 14
新竹/龍潭無線計程車隊提供包車旅遊及機場接送服務,全程跳錶收費,歡迎使用APP直接電話或簡訊預約叫車。Hsinchu / Longtanradiotaxi fleet offers charter travel and airport transfers, fulljumpmeter charges, Welcome to APP direct telephone or SMS bookingacab.
178叫計程車 美好一起出發 大車隊 叫小黃 多元車 計程車 6.21
Hostar Inc.
Taxi 178 is the first taxi app in Taiwan and the first creditcardcalling app, which is earlier than other fleets. Assign apremiumtaxi.