Top 15 Apps Similar to Food Time Table

Food Planner
Keep an integrated meal plan, grocery list, inventoryandrecipecollection that can sync to the cloud acrossmultipleplatforms!Available for iOS, Android, Amazon and Online!FoodPlanner allowsyou to quickly plan your daily meals usingaselection of recipesdownloaded from all of your favoritecookingblogs and recipesites. Easily plan breakfasts, lunches,dinners,snacks or more!Edit grocery lists and recipes, modify mealsplans,check inventoryand watch everything instantly sync across allyourdevices andeven the web in near real time . Now one person candothe planningand the other can do the shopping! Use your ownrecipesor importnew ones free from our massive list of supportedsites in8different languages. Recipes can be sorted withtags,quicklyallowing you to search and find the meals you need.Open andedityour recipes and plans online in your web browser andavoidhavingto enter too much data on your small mobile screen. Youcanalsochoose to save time by downloading one of our free andpaidmealplans via the Food Planner Store! We have a wide varietyofpopulardiets and special occasions to choose from! Makegroceryshopping abreeze by simply selecting which days you areshoppingfor andinstantly having all your items in a user friendlychecklist,ready to be synchronized with any other device.Createmultiplelists, categories, inventory, pricing and more! Theprimarygoal ofFood Planner is to make it quick and easy to use,whilealsoincluding more advanced features you'll come to appreciateonceyoubecome more familiar with the app. Download it today FREEandYouwill see why over 500,000 people are using Food Plannertogetorganized, save time, and SAVE MONEY! Here are some ofthepopularfeatures: * Import/manage recipes from all yourfavoriterecipessites * Easily create and sync grocery lists *Instantlysync yourmeal plans and groceries to other devices and theweb! *ManageInventory * Add your own photos to recipes * Save dailyandweeklymeal plans for later use * Easily backup all your dataonline*Supported on iOS, Android, Amazon and Online! Upgrade toPROandsupport the development of this app! Going pro gets you:*PrioritySupport - We answer your inquiries first * Adfreeenvironment - Noads on your device or Web App!!! * Free perksforPRO users * Agood feeling that your supporting this fine app!
menuterraneus 1.0.10
¿Qué cenamos hoy? menuterraneus es la aplicación que te planificaunmenú semanal equilibrado, siguiendo los principios de ladietamediterránea. Además, si tienes hijos, el menú serácomplementarioa su menú escolar. Puedes añadir tus propias recetasy así te lasasignaremos más a menudo. Marca tus recetas favoritas yelimina lasque no te gusten, así conseguirás un menú adaptado a losgustos detu familia. Una vez generado el menú, elabora de formaautomáticala lista de la compra en tres sencillos pasos. Además,podrásdisfrutar de cupones de descuento para los productos quetengas entu lista. menuterraneus es una app y también unaaplicación web.Puedes generar la lista de la compra desde elordenador, y luegollevarla siempre contigo en el móvil. Y tu parejapodrá irañadiendo productos a la lista mientras estés comprando, lalistase sincronizará en todo momento! Principales funcionalidades:-Menú semanal - Menú escolar de tus hijos - Cambio de plato-Listado de recetas - Añade tus propias recetas - Lista de lacompra- Cupones de descuento
Nigerian Food Recipe-Digitised
This is a Food Recipe and grocery Shopping List appdesignedforNigerian people and those who love Nigerian food it alsocomeswithTodo list function. Food Recipe ========== You caneasilyupdatethe supplied food recipe to suite your style ofcooking. Youcanpass your cooking secrets easily to futuregeneration ofyourfamily. You can train your children or husbandshow tocookNigerian food supported by your own pictures andvideorecordingeasily from your phone. You can multiply theingredientscontentsby as many more people than it was originallydesigned for.You canautomatically transfer the food ingredients toyour day today orweekly shopping list. You can create non Nigerianfood Recipeandadd your ingredients to your general shopping list.Youcannominate different shops to buy different food ingredientsonyourshopping list. Save recipe ingredients on your shoppingitemsasfavourite or as recipe name. Speak to createyourrecipeingredients and its preparations. Speak to createyourrecipecooking instructions. Use pictures and video to supportyourrecipeinformation. Enter each ingredient's cost to knowrecipecost. Addextra number of people to your recipe. Know how muchtheextrapeople will cost. Get phone alert for next cookingsteps.Supportrecipe with pictures and Videos. Share your recipeswithfriendsusing email or SMS. Backup and/or restore your data. Youcanalsosend your entire backup data to friend/family memberstorestore ontheir own app. Shopping List =========== Theshoppinglist moduleenables you to create a list for your shoppinglistitems andassociated costs. Know the total budgeted cost foryourshoppinglist. You can save your shopping list for future weeklylist, wine List, or special party list etc. You canaddpictures tofurther illustrate the shopping list item You canspeakto createyour shopping list or use barcode if desired. TodoList===========Speak or enter your to do items.
Naija Soup 1.02
green emrald
a collection of top NigeriansoupsfromIgbo,yoruba and calabar, easy to prepare and wonderfultoeat
Scafoo 1.5
Find restaurants and bars wherever youare.Youwill find restaurant all around the globe and withourclosebusiness partners you can order food straight from thetablewithscanning a QR Code.Delivery and Takeaway also available with certainrestaurants.Theone app that serves you when you are hungry orthirsty.
ASAP—Food Delivery & Carryout 4.7.1
Experience ASAP! Delicious local food delivered to your door!
EatEasy - Food & Grocery 10.4.6
Online Food & Grocery for Delivery And Restaurant Dine In.
Masjid Timetable 5.0
Masjid Timetable does what no other masjidappdoes. It gives you your very own LOCAL masjid salah times.Now, you don't have to download generic apps and then adjustforyour locality, minutes, degrees and variations.If you receive a piece of paper every month from yourmasjid(which you hang on the wall) and then refer to every time youneedto know the beginning time or the jamaat time within themasjid,then this app will be extremely convenient for you.Simply pull out your phone, press the app button - Lo!thebeginning & jamaat times are displayed right there in frontofyou, for that same day.Furthermore, you can view the whole month's timetable too.Justswipe one way and its all available, whether it be beginningorjamaat times.You also have the ability to input a secondary masjid. Thisway,you can check the monthly timetable for that masjid too.So how does this work?Masjid organisers/members visit the lentrica software siteat download our MS excel template, fill it in (or pastefromown excel sheet) with times spanning as long as they want andthenre-upload it back to our site.As soon as that file is uploaded back to our site, everypersonwho has this app can immediately use the timetable for thatmasjidwithin the app.If your own masjid has not yet uploaded their times, obtainthemasjid's timetable in excel format and simply copy from thatfileinto our template.Then upload it and inshallah, for every person who usesthattimetable within the app, you shall receive a reward.
Alarm clock + calendar + tasks
Free alarm clock with cyclic alarms you can select from calendar
Profi-Rezepte Bella Italia 3.0.0
Dr. Oetker ProfessionalItalienisch für die Profi-Kücheim ganz neuen LookGuten Appetit: das Profiküchen-Service-Paket rundumunserePasta!In unserer kostenlosen Rezept-App für Italienfans findenSieleckereRezepte zum Thema Pasta und zur italienischen Küche –fürjedeMenüfolge und jede Kundengruppe das passende Gericht.> Jetzt mit 6 neuen leckeren Rezepten> Probieren Sie doch mal unsere neuen:SaccottiniHuhnMadras!> Kleinere Bug-Fixes- Vielfältige Profi-Rezepte für Vorspeisen,HauptgerichteundDesserts mit mediterranem FlairEine Sortierung der Rezeptideen nach Saison,Zielgruppe(B&I,CARE, HOGA und jetzt auch EDUCATION) oderMenüfolge- Praktische Soßenempfehlungen: Einfach Pasta auswählenunddiepassende Soße servieren- Schwierigkeitsgrad,Zeitaufwand,Zielgruppen-Eignung,Front-Cooking-Eignung,Allergene- Bebilderte, detaillierteZubereitungsschritteundServiervorschläge- Zutatenlisten mit hilfreichem Portionsrechner- Angaben zum Wareneinsatz pro Portion- Passende Weinempfehlungen für ausgewählte HauptgerichteausdemBereich Hotellerie und GastronomieEinfach registrieren und vonexklusivenVorteilenprofitieren:- Passendes Aktionsmaterial einfach sichten und anfordern*- Anlegen von Favoriten für Ihre langfristige Planung*- Download von Rezepten und Menükartenvordrucken*- Wochenpläne erstellen und verwalten****************************************Dr. Oetker Professional: Da steckt viel drin! WasProfisbrauchen… und ihre Gäste sich wünschen! Wir arbeiten stetiganeinem Ziel:Küchenprofis immer neue Produktkonzepte und Servicesandie Hand zugeben, die den Alltag erleichtern undauchanspruchsvolle Gästeüberzeugen. Natürlich voll undganzausgerichtet auf diespezifischen Anforderungen in denBereichenCARE, B & I, HOGAoder EDUCATION – Dr. OetkerProfessionaleben! Daher setzen wirnicht nur auf verfeinerteRezepturen undraffinierteProduktneuheiten, sondern auch aufexzellentenGeschmack, optischeLeckerbissen und allerhöchsteQualität. DamitSie Ihre Gästebegeistern können!***************************************!!!WICHTIG!!!Bitte beachten Sie, dass die App nach der InstallationwichtigeDatennachlädt. Dieser Vorgang kann je nach Gerät undVerbindungbis zu 5Minuten dauern. Schalten Sie Ihr Gerät in dieserZeitnicht aus undnutzen Sie eine W-Lan-Verbindung fürdiesenVorgang.***************************************- Die App benötigt einen permanenten Internetzugang,umzufunktionieren* Einige Bereiche, wie Wochenpläne, Favoriten und Downloadssindnurin der Tablet-App und für registrierte Benutzer sichtbarDr.OetkerProfessionalItalian for the professional kitchenin whole new lookBon Appetit: the professional kitchen service packagearoundourpasta!In our free recipe app for fans of Italy you willfinddeliciousrecipes about pasta and Italian cuisine - for eachmenusequenceand each customer group the right dish.> Now with 6 new delicious recipes> Why not try our new: Saccottini Chicken Madras!> Minor bug fixes- Wide range of professional recipes for appetizers, maincoursesanddesserts with a Mediterranean flairA sort of recipe ideas on the season, the target group (B&I,CARE, Catering and now EDUCATION) or menu sequence- Practical sauces recommendations: Simply select the pastaandservethe appropriate sauce- Degree of difficulty, time, target group fitness,frontcookingsuitability, allergens- Illustrated, detailed preparation steps and Serving- Lists of ingredients with helpful Portion computer- Identification of the goods sold per serving- Matching wine recommendations for selected main dishesfromareahotels and cateringJust sign up and take advantage of exclusive benefits:- Simply sift and request Matching action material *- Create favorites for your long-term planning *- Download recipes and menus forms *- Create and manage * Weekly schedules***************************************Dr. Oetker Professional: There is a lot of it!Whatprofessionalsneed ... and their guests want! We areconstantlyworking on onegoal: to give always Küchenprofis newproductconcepts and servicesto the hand that make everyday lifeeasierand convince even themost demanding guests. Of coursefullyaligned with the specificrequirements in the areas of CARE,B& I, Catering or EDUCATION- Dr. Oetker Professionalflat!Therefore, we are not only morerefined formulations andrefinedproduct innovations, but alsoexcellent taste, visual treatandhighest quality. So that you candelight your guests!***************************************!!! IMPORTANT !!!Please note that the app after installing reloadsimportantdata.This process can take up to 5 minutes depending onthe deviceandconnection. Do not turn your device in this time andget awirelessconnection for this operation.***************************************- The app requires a continuous Internet connection tooperate* Some areas, such as weekly plans, favorites and downloadsareonlyvisible in the tablet app and registered users
Simple Recipe Collector 1.2G
Robert Lebel
Personal Recipe Manager, available on PC and Android - Free 30daytrial
Healthy Recipes Free 3.2.2
Looking for tasty and healthy recipes free app? YOU'VE FOUND IT!!
Recipe Pal 2.0.1
Guro Labs
Recipe Pal is he ultimate application for all food lovers.Walkingaround in a grocery store and not knowing what ingredientsto buy,those days are over. With this app you will be carryingyourpersonal cookbook in your pocket. With Recipe Pal you canalsocreate shopping lists and plan your meals & menus.Application features:* Add recipes* Edit / move / delete / rename recipes* Create / delete / rename recipe categories* Add / edit / delete shopping list items* Create shopping lists from the recipes of your choice* E-mail recipes or shopping lists* Dropbox support* Menu Planner (Meal Planner)* Import recipes in cookML and recipeML format* Export recipes in cookML, recipeML and HTML format* Recipe Pal Web Server support. Browse your recipes in awebbrowser from an other device / PC (press the menu-key).* Support for recipe search and recipe search byingredient(s)* Changing the number of servings ( yield ) will rescale therecipeingredientsYour feedback is very much appreciated, so please don't hesitatetocontact us.
Cuisinix 1.26
Cuisinix est un Portail d'applispourvoussimplifier la vie en cuisine.Retrouvez de nombreuses fonctionnalités spécifiques à la cuisine :- Préparez votre liste de courses de manièreintuitiveetretrouvez la ensuite sur votre téléphone en l’envoyantpar mailouSMS,- Commandez directement vos courses chez voscybermarchandsousupermarchés pour une livraison à domicile ou unretraitdirectchez votre drive préféré,- Retrouvez tous vos sites culinaires favoris regroupésen20catégories thématiques autour de la cuisine : Recettes,Régimeetforme, Nutrition et santé, Vins et plats, Planning derepas,Blogsculinaires… en un point unique, regroupez tous lessitesetapplications que vous avez l’habitude d’utiliser encuisine- Gérez la cuisson de vos plats avec la fonctionminuterie:Vous pouvez utiliser jusqu’à trois minuteurs ensimultané,retrouverles temps de cuisson idéaux pour plus de 60platspré-enregistrés,enregistrer vos propres temps de cuisson pourvosrecettespersonnelles,...- Suivez les conseils nutritionnels et restez informésentempsréel des alertes alimentaires grâce au fild’infonutritionsanté,- Accédez à des promos exclusives à travers toutl’universcuisine: cours de cuisine en ligne, magasins driveetcybermarchés,vins…En plus de vous simplifier la vie en cuisine, Cuisinixvousproposedes services complémentaires tels que : la météo, laradio,vosmails et internet en accès direct depuis le portail.Avec Cuisinix optimisez votre temps et simplifiez-vous lavieencuisine !En ce moment :- Retrouvez 1 mois de cours live en ligne gratuit chezL’atelierdesChefs à suivre sur votre appli Cuisinix.- Centralisez et importez toutes vos recettes préférées auseindel’application « Collectionneur de recettes »proposéegratuitementen exclusivité sur Cuisinix : des problèmes (notamment graphiques) survenaientsurvotretablette, nous vous remercions de nous remonterl’informationà[email protected] nouspuissions les corriger et améliorer notre service.Mots-clés : Cuisine, Recettes, Liste de courses,Shoppinglist,Planning de repas, Régime, Forme, Nutrition,Santé,Cybermarché,Drive, Minuteur, Promos, cuisimix.Cuisinix is ​​aportalappsto make your life easier in the kitchen.Find many specific features in the kitchen:- Prepare your shopping list intuitively and find the ballonyourphone by sending it by email or SMS,- Order your groceries directly from youre-retailersorsupermarkets for home delivery or direct withdrawalfromyourfavorite drive,- Find all your culinary favorite sites grouped into20thematiccategories around the Kitchen: Recipes, Diet andform,nutritionand health, wine and food, planning meals, cookingBlogs... at onepoint, gather all the sites and applications younormallyuse inthe kitchen- Manage your cooking dishes with the timer function:You can use up to three timers simultaneously, find theidealcookingtime for more than 60 dishes pre-recorded, record yourowncookingtime for your personal recipes ...- Follow the nutritional advice and stay informed inrealtimewith food scares over health nutrition info,- Access to exclusive specials throughout theuniversekitchen:cooking classes online, drive stores andmarketplaces,wines...In addition to make your life easier in the kitchen,Cuisinixoffersadditional services such as: weather, radio, youremailsandinternet access directly from the portal.With Cuisinix optimize your time and simplify your lifeinthekitchen!Now:- Find one month of being live free online at L'atelier desChefstofollow your app Cuisinix.- Centralize and import all your favorite recipes inthe"Collectorrecipes" application available free exclusivelyonCuisinix: problems (including graphics) occurred on your tablet,thankyoufor giving us back the information [email protected] so thatwecancorrect and improve our service.Keywords: Cooking, Recipes, Shopping List, ShoppingList,MealPlanning, Diet, Fitness, Nutrition, Health,e-marketplace,Drive,Timer, Promos, cuisimix.