Top 17 Apps Similar to Fastr - Gay Chat, Meet, Date

Gay Chat 1.086181
Have LGBT pride? Or interested in finding LGBT friends?DownloadGayChat today to talk with other LGBT people, and make newfriendswhoyou can associate with. All chat is either done inreal-time,or ifyou make friends, you can message privately onlineoroffline. GayChat is 100% free to use; all you need is adataconnection, and youcan chat within seconds. Sign-up takes10seconds, and even fasterif you use Facebook. So what areyouwaiting for? Download Gay Chattoday, and start chatting withotherLGBT people today! Gay Chatwants to give you the safestchatexperience. We use bad languagefilters, in-app reportingforinappropriate behavior, and real-timemoderation system.However,you need to use common sense when usingthe rooms; nevergive outpersonal information to anyone you do nottrust. Gay Chatcontainscontent that is rated medium maturity, andis only suitableforusers ages 13+ and up. Anyone below 13, needsto haveexplicitpermission from their parents.
Gaydar. Gay & Bisexual Dating. 4.0.67
Browse, flirt & chat with millions of gay &bisexualguys-find your next partner
Gay Teen Chat Network 0.6
This application offers a free fast, meetupwith other gay teens around the world. Filled with statusupdatefeatures, profile pictures, photo sharing, private chat(instantmessaging), chat rooms, poke features, photo browsing,photoalbums, and much more!It's the perfect place for gay and lesbian people to meet upandchat! Find a new online friend and perhaps date. The servicewascreated for teens and made by teenagers. Designed by teenagers,forteens. The perfect community for gay and lesbian teens. It isfullymoderated and is very safe. You can share a favorite momentwithjust a few taps from your dashboard. Upload a photo fromyourgallery on your mobile, add a comment, others can view thephoto,like and comment on it.Add people as friends and send them a chat message, bealertedwhen they reply. It's really easy to involve yourself inthechatting world on this social network! Designed by Teenagers,madefor teenagers. It's the perfect, teenage chat dating,solution!This product is designed specifically for making newfriends,although it may seem similar to Facebook, but Facebook isdesignedfor keeping in contact with known friends. This service isdesignedso you can see all activity from all users. (Privacysettingsavailable)E-mail verification is NOT required. The community ismoderateddaily, the moderators are friendly people that are alsoinvolved inthe community to be your virtual friends online!You could always e-mail [email protected].
Gay Coming Out 0.0.1
Vous pensez à faire votre coming out ?Vousêtesinquiet, vous vous dites qu'il y a des risques ?Vos amis, le discours ambiant, vous incitent à vous libérerdecepoids et à assumer votre homosexualité?Mais qu'elle est vraiment votre situation ? Est-ce le bonmomentpourvous? Que peut-il bien se passer après ? Querisquez-vousàbrutalement changer l'image qu'ont vos proches devous?Gay Coming Out : La seule application qui analysevotresituationet réponds à l’ensemble de vos questions, vousapportedes réponsesadaptées, objectives et vous assiste à chaqueinstantdans votredémarche. Fini les banalités que l'on peut lireici oulà sur leComing Out !Pendant deux ans les membres de l’associationHomonoia.orgontrecueilli des centaines de témoignages de personnesayantréaliséleur coming out, qu'il se soit bien ou parfois trèsmalpassé. Nosprogrammeurs ont alors développé unevéritableintelligenceartificielle qui va au travers de 50 questionsanalyservotresituation personnelle en abordant des thèmes tels que:contextefamilial, homophobie ambiante, indépendancefinancière,stabilitépsychologique…Des graphiques clairs, générés grâce à vos réponses,vontvousfaire prendre conscience de votre situation :risqueglobal,matériel, psychologique ou lié à votre entourage.Votresituationpersonnelle vous est ensuite entièrement expliquée etunensemblede conseils vous est proposé.L’application vous expose les différentes méthodes,stratégiesetsupports pour réaliser votre coming out. Elle vous aideàdéterminerle meilleur vecteur de communication et la méthodelaplus adaptéedans votre cas.Par qui commencer ? Quelle forme adopter ? L’annonceverbaledirecte? La lettre ? Le mail ou parfois même les réseauxsociaux ?Commentfaire concrètement ? Des conseils pratiques adaptésàvotrepersonnalité.Mais bien au-delà nous vous aidons à gérer les réactionsdevotreentourage.Les 10 réactions les plus courantes sont étudiées :lesilencepesant, le déni et la négation, la théorie du choix,laculpabilitéparentale, le psy, la tentative deculpabilisation,l'appel à lareligion, la vulgarité et les allusionsà la sexualité,la colèreet la violence, la réaction positive.L’application détermine les réactions les plusprobablesd’aprèsvotre propre contexte.Face à chaque réaction, pour ne pas rester sansvoix,l’applicationvous donne de quoi réagir, en vous proposantplusieursréponsespossibles, avec différentes formulations.Un point spécial est fait sur la psychologie etlesattentesparentales, et une rubrique spéciale est consacréeàlabisexualité.L'application vous pousse à vous poser les bonnesquestionsavantd’agir et vous accompagne.C’est un vrai Guide pratique de l’Après Coming Out !Elle vous aide à gérer les Suites de votre coming out :rupturedesrelations, précarité matérielle, mise à la rue,acceptationouadhésion parentale, rechute toujours possible…Enfin, vous êtes accompagné quoi qu’il arrive aprèsvotrecomingout, à l’aide de deux rubriques pratiques.La rubrique Vos Droits vous informe de vos droits etvousdonnedes conseils pour les faire valoir : je suis à la rue,quefaire ?Comment ne pas tomber dans la précarité ? Commentfairevaloirl’obligation alimentaire (art.371-2 du Code Civil)?Commentobtenir une allocation d’études ou un logementuniversitaireenpriorité sociale ? Comment se défendre face à ladiscriminationautravail suite à votre coming out ?La rubrique Infos Pratiques vous guide concrètementpourtrouverdu soutien et de l’aide, avec des lignesd'écoutes,desassociations, médecins et psys gay, pour vous épauler:lescoordonnées, les téléphones, les adresses, les sitesinternet,lestchats d'écoute en ligne et les horaires despermanences.Dernier point : l’application est 100%confidentielle.Aucuneconnexion réseau n'est nécessaire et aucunedonnéepersonnellen'est envoyée. Tous les traitements sontréalisésparl’application.Do you thinkyourcomingout? You are worried, you say that there are risks?Friends, the prevailing discourse, make you free yourselfofthisweight and take your homosexuality?But it really is your situation? Is this a good time foryou?Whatcan it happen after? That you may suddenly change to theimagethatyour near you?Gay Coming Out: The only application that analyzesyoursituationand answer all your questions, provideappropriateresponses,objective and assist you at every moment inyourapproach. No moreplatitudes that can be read here and thereonComing Out!For two years the members have collectedhundredsoftestimonies from people who made their coming out, it isgoodandsometimes very wrong. Our programmers have developed arealtimeartificial intelligence that goes through 50 questionsanalyzeyourpersonal situation with themes such asfamilybackground,homophobia, financial independence, emotionalstability...Clear graphics generated by your answers will make youawareofyour situation: overall risk, material, psychological orrelatedtoyour environment. Your personal situation you arethenfullyexplained and all advice is offered.The application will expose the different methods,strategiesandsupports to achieve your coming out. It helps youdetermine thebestmeans of communication and the most appropriate inyourcase.Who to start? Adopt what form? The direct verbalannouncement?Theletter? The mail or even social networks? Howtopractice?Practical advice tailored to your personality.But beyond helping you manage the reactions ofthosearoundyou.The 10 most common reactions are studied: thedeafeningsilence,denial and negation, choice theory, parentalguilt,thepsychiatrist, the attempt to blame the call toreligion,vulgarityand references to sexuality, anger andviolence,positivereaction.The application determines the most probablereactionsaccordingto your own context.Facing each reaction, not to remain voiceless, theapplicationgivesyou something to react by proposing severalpossible answers,withdifferent formulations.A special point is made on the psychology andparentalexpectations,and a special section is devoted tobisexuality.The application prompts you to ask the rightquestionsbeforeacting with you.This is a true Practical Guide After Coming Out!It helps you manage your Suites coming out:brokenrelationships,material insecurity, making the streetacceptance oraccessionparental relapse always possible ...Finally, you are with what happens after you come outwiththehelp of two practical sections.Your Rights section informs you of your rights and giveyoutipsfor asserting: I'm on the street, what to do? How not tofallintopoverty? How to enforce the support obligation (art.371-2oftheCivil Code)? How to get a student allowance or socialpriorityinuniversity housing? How to defend against discriminationatworkdue to your coming out?Practical information section will guide you tofindpracticalsupport and assistance with lineseavesdropping,associations,doctors and psychologists gay, yousupport: contact,phones,addresses, websites, chats online listeningandschedulespermanence.Last point: the application is 100% confidential.Nonetworkconnection is required and no personal data is sent.Alltreatmentsare performed by the application.
Gay Date green
web vision
Find and meet like minded gay singles inyourlocal area.Its free to join so download our app now and browse our 1000'sofmembers for friendship, dating and marriage. We have members intheUK, USA, Canada, Australia and all around the world. So ifyou'redownload our free online app now, create a free account insecondsand get searching!
Guide to Gay Copenhagen 1.1
Out & About
GAY CPH is the app for information aboutGayCopenhagen. Here you will find news, guides and events, and youcanalso read the magazine Out & About online.
ZANK 4.2.2
There are not only reliable gay friendsbutalso dates and group chatting here: Bear community, gaynews,fitness, travel, university students and renting…richpersonalinformation, wonderful popular pictures and all kinds ofcity-wideactivities, making ZANK the hottest gay software in China.ZANK, who devotes to serve 70 million of gays inChinawholeheartedly!【Featured Functions】- Accurate search of nearby gay friendsYou can not only find gays nearby, but also accurately searchandfilter them by age, figure, role and online or offline!- Popular pictures to find you Mr. RightEnjoy the most popular and latest pictures of gay friends. Hereyoucan not only “like” just by one simple click, but can alsocommentin real-time.Knowing his status at any time by following him makes you nevermissyour Mr. Right!- Group chatting for friends with common interest to chatfreelytogether!Too hard to find a topic in one-on-one chat? Find gay friendswithsame interest and hobbies to chat overnight and save chattingoutof awkwardness through ZANK group!- More reliable friends with rich personal informationPerfect dating match experience to light up your life, love isnotuntouched any more. With mutual matching to connecting, youcandate from one simple click and start to enjoy the happiness.Areyou ready to start your dream journey?- Wonderful life with attractive offline activitiesNo matter the dinner party, KTV singing, watching a film orplayingbadminton, you can all find the like-minded friends; alsohundredsof official activities are launched by cooperative agencieshere.What are you still waiting for?Find love on ZANK【Contact Us】- Facebook: zank- Twitter: @zank- Market cooperation: [email protected] Job application: [email protected]
GayXchange: Gay Chat & Dating 1.0.24
It’s never been easier to instantly meet and chat with Gay,Biandcurious men near you. With over 100,000 Gay, Bi andcuriousguysusing the GayXchange app, meeting guys that you areinterestedinshould never be difficult. If you are looking for achat, MrRightor Mr Right-now, we have you covered. FeaturesPROFILES: Letguysget to know you, tell them what you are lookingfor, whatyou’reinto and you interests. You may just meet someoneinto thesamethings! SEARCH: Browser loads of profiles for FREEandfindlike-minded guys nearby who want to chat, date or evenmeetup.FLIRT: Someone caught your eye? Send them a wink or a flirttoletthem know you are interested, it may even lead toaconversation!MESSAGE: Say hi to someone new in private messagesandeven sendthem a picture. FAVOURITE: Got to know someone, addthemto yourfavourites and always have them close by. VIEWED ME:Seewho’sinterested by checking out who has viewed yourprofile.FRIENDS:Want to save the people you talk to most, add themas afriend.
xtatus - Gay, flirt, dating 2.1.0
The social app for flirting andmeetingnewpeople which is achieving a great success in the world!Morethan30.000 registered users each day! Downloading and signingupforfree! 100% Secure!.Xtatus Gay is available in English, Spanish,Catalan,French,Italian, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Swedish,Norwegian,Greek,Turkish, Russian, Japanese, Korean and Dutch. Itwill soonbeavailable in many more languages!.Welcome to Xtatus Gay, the most innovative social networkintheworld in which you decide how you feel and what you wantineachmoment. With this app you will be able to:- Create your personal profile and meet thousands ofpeoplewhoare looking for the same than you. Easyandstraightforward.- Look at other users near you and with your samepreferences.Thisis the first app in the market to do so inrealtimeworldwide.- Keep and update your profile with the information,picturesandcolour anytime you wish.- Pick blue when you want to meet people for a friendshipora
stable long, mid or short-term relationship.- Pick yellow when you want to meet someone who ismoreopen:occasional relations, affairs...- Pick red when you just want to keep close relations.- Look at the similarities with other users thanks toourinnovativesystem of “crossed preferences”.- Look for and screen other users by their characteristics.- Chat with the person you want in real-time with oursystemofinstant messaging.- Send and receive private messages from other users.- Follow people who most like you.- Know who is following you and who has visited your profile.- Receive notifications and information inreal-time:chats,messages, matches...- Configure your geographic position: precise location,bylocalityor city.You can download and sign up the app for free, and youhavethechance to activate all the services with asinglesubscription.Enjoy an entire year for less than what theychargemost similarapp for a week!.1 Year Premium Subscription to Xtatus: $3.991 Month Premium Subscription to Xtatus: $0.99Xtatus Premium FOREVER: $21.99Other things you should know:- Your privacy and security is our priority.- You must be at least 18 to subscribe.- You can see our PrivacyPolicyin You can view our Terms and Conditions ofUsein
Bowtie - Gay Dating Network 1.2
Bowtie is full of new tech tools tomakeyourdating adventure easier.Some of the feautures of Bowtie:--------------------------------------------------------Sending images, voice clips on private chat.Live video chat with random people to matching whileanoysmousPowerful matching and browsing system.Multiplatform access
LGBT Pride 2.0.0
LGBT Pride is a simple and fast way to findandmake new friends as well as find out all the latestinformationabout pride events near you and where LGBT (Lesbian,Gay, Bi andTrans) friendly bars, clubs and restaurants are.Using your iPhone or iPad, this GPS enabled mobile appwillidentify your physical location so that you can chat and meetwithpeople close to you. You can also filter the list of peoplenear byto closer match your personal preferences.You actual location is never disclosed however yourrelativedistance can be seen should you choose to allow it.The scene guide feature will show a map of your area anddisplaymarkers showing the location of clubs, bars, restaurantssaunas,and places for help and support with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,andTrans related issues.This app is operated by Leicester Pride (registeredcharitynumber 1137667) and provided free for your use.When setting up your own profile, photos depicting nudity orsexacts are strictly prohibited.
SLAM LGBT Gay Social Network 2.1
*** AS OF 12-1-15: SLAM now sponsorsFRONTIERSMEDIA LGBT news magazine articles! ***Now’s the time for the LGBT “Facebook”! Break away from thehookup apps and Facebook self-censorship. We are new and growing!Bepart of the new movement in the LGBT social app scene.Be proud of who you are, feel free to express it throughpictures,posts, likes and comments. Connect, share and experiencemore aboutthe global LGBT community than in other apps.SLAM brings everyone together in a dynamic community settingwhereyou can create and be part of any kind of community youcanconfigure on demand! We welcome everyone! Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual,Transgender, Drag Queens, Curious, Leather, Bear, Gainers,etc.Our mission... Be the social and dating network for the globalLGBTcommunity where we meet on common ground, in an open forumofshared creative expression that is respectful, decentandcelebrates our diversity.What our members have said:• “I don’t have to worry that my co-workers are on here unlesstheydo drag.”• “Great look and easy to use. Very intuitive and takes thebestfrom the other apps.”• “Nice to know I’m not joining another meat market app.”• “I love how I can view so many different communities and bepartof so many at once. No clones here.”• “FINALLY a Facebook type app for US!”• “I can really get to know someone better on here.”What the SLAM Social Network App offers:• Geo location grid using smart phone GPS and WiFi capabilitiestoconnect with other members globally by location• Member grid shows members who are nearest to you, at randomormost viewed for that day• Unlike other geo location apps, there are no restrictions tohowmany members are shown on the grid, keep scrolling• Create communities around your area of interest: all members,onlyfriends, gender, orientation, role, relationship, scene• Chat with members• Post news feeds: comments and photos• Private photo library used for sending pictures inchatmessages• Delete photos sent in chat messages at any time after thechatmessage was sent by deleting it from your messagephotolibrary• Search members• Browse members photo albums• Block members• Anonymous browsing• Control who can view your profile• Control who can post to your profile• Friend and unfriend members• View and search on other member friends• Member profile daily viewer count which resents every24hours• App alerts for Comments, Likes, Friend request, etc.• Comment and Like other member postings• Updates showing all new activity on your profile by othermembersincluding chats messagesSupport and try SLAM… be part of the growing community andwatchthe site and app grow with more features and functionsovertime.For questions and issues contact the site admin: [email protected]
National Gay Alliance客户端开源版 3.8.5
NationalGayAlliance客户端开源版是由数位你懂的的论坛的坛友成立的公益性开发团队开发的本APP是在片总原版基础上增添功能修复漏洞而成的支持手机和平板包含一些新功能有bug在论坛私信 [@竹井詩織里]本APP所有数据均来自网络,数据内容与本APP无关,不代表开发者赞同该内容本APP所有功能均由用户自由选择,不存在任何强制浏览内容没有Google 市场的可以去下面的地址下载,请不要在下载页面无脑灌水.开放源代码地址协议GNU GPL v2StatementThis APP is based on the open source with GNU GPL v2licensepublished by [[email protected]]at[], and as they saidtheystoped update their project at the revision of 580, we starttotake over the project, we fork the projecttogithub[]andstill use GNU GPL v2 as our code license, you can see theREADME.mdfile on our github site that shows this APP in Google Playiscompletely compile with our codes. This APP use the open APIsofthe forum "Nation Geography of Azeroth" which are openedtoeveryone as the threadsaid[], users just needtologin as they did on the PC site, and the APIs use cookietoauthorization users, if the user login with our APP, theyshouldhave the rights to get all data from the APIs. and those APIsalsoused in many different places such as the forum's PC andmobilesite, other developers' APPs and so on. We state we havenotviolated the legitimate rights of the forum "Nation GeographyofAzeroth", our APP is free and does not contain advertising,ourcode is based on a open source project and is also opendingithub.Q&A为啥没有yoooo?在第一个界面按菜单为啥yooo看不到?需要能够定位/网址不被墙,也可能是附近没人.为啥看到全是乱码?去设置里,把移动数据的接入点改为net怎么回复/引用?长按楼层/设置中开启快捷喷之按钮后点击帖子右下方按钮怎么搜索用户发帖/回贴?在板块里点右上角的搜索按钮,没有的按菜单呼出或直接使用搜索功能怎么查看搜藏夹?在板块里点右上角的收藏夹按钮,没有的按菜单呼出怎么删除收藏夹里的帖子?长按,删除就是这么简单.为啥楼层会抖啊抖?为啥帖子是空白?去设置,开发者里关闭gpu渲染, 在app的设置里关闭硬件加速怎么调整app的字体大小?在第一个界面侧滑进设置改.怎么搜索自己的帖子?点开搜索,选中发帖/回复,直接确定,可.开发团队成员:代码:[@竹井詩織里]/[@cfan8]/[@jjimmys]/[@Moandor],美工:[@那个惩戒骑]/[@从来不卖萌]感谢[@force0119]感谢 第一版作者 ak121077313 第二版作者 吸片感谢 我自己掏钱注册了Google Play感谢 菜园小生的论坛额外表情包、林大B的B娘、那谁的蛆娘、那谁谁谁的你为何那么叼、还有其他表情作者感谢 所有的用户-------功能-------屏蔽你不想看到的用户更改自己的头像签名匿名版、短消息被喷记录有备份查看了查看用户信息侧边栏读取URL进入帖子删除书签视频内置播放器,热门视频网站支持开始匿名功能昵称支持添加了B娘、蛆娘、你为何那么吊、麻将脸等表情彩虹体可选择是否显示大漩涡当时新增的几个版面在设置中不选择显示斑竹固定的帖子时,大漩涡第一页下方几个固定的小版面帖子会消失,同时消失的还有178的广告帖左、下、右侧拉动返回上级现在应该在几乎所有界面中可用了Android 4.0以上可以在设置中设置发帖/回复页面的按钮在页面下方,同时可以设置左右手操作习惯设置里可以点击删除最近访问搜索页面现在功能更加齐全了2G/3G时图片中转压缩功能(Beta),可选择原始大小/大图/中图/小图楼层列表中每一层均设有喷之按钮,并可设置是否显示例如收藏等页面加载到最后一页将不再弹出继续加载Android 4.4移动网络下可以看到图了发帖页面新增了一个简易的富文本编辑框发帖界面将能让你体会到所见即所得的快感帖子复制长按可以弹出对话框,直接点击则复制全部,自己也可以选择复制部分可以看到别人的尾巴信息,可以发送符合论坛规定的尾巴搜索发帖或回复时若不填写内容则搜索本人发帖或回复添加自定义版面长按楼层点击按钮显示签名侧边栏菜单解析论坛AC娘表情代码全屏模式
Barcelona Gay
Mapa interactivo de Barcelona conloslugaresmás importantes de la noche gay en la ciudad.
Trucker Dating 4.0.0
NB Social
Trucker Dating App for Single Truckers
Gay Wallonie 1.1.1
L'application d'Arc-en-Ciel Wallonievouspermetd'accéder de partout au guide homo de Wallonie ainsiqu'àl'actualitéLGBT régionale, nationale et internationale.Trouvez facilement les meilleurs établissementsgay-friendlydansvotre environnement proche ou bien consultez lesderniersarticlessur l'actualité LGBT.ApplyingArc-en-CielWallonie, you can access across guide homoWallonia andthe LGBTnews regionally, nationally andinternationally.Easily find the best gay-friendly establishments inyourlocalarea or see the latest articles on the LGBT news.
TopG: gay community 2.351
Make new gay friends on TopG!! Now!! Start anonymous messagewiththe gays !!