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5 miles - geo-tagging
5 miles is a global geo-collaboration appformobile devices that turns your mobile phone into abroadcaster,connecting you with other 5 miles users within a 5-mileradius; allthanks to geolocation technology andmicro-blogging.5 miles allows users (known as Fivemasters) to receive messagesontheir devices within a 5 mile radius. Since all messages (knownasFivecasts) are renewed within 24 hours, the content remainsfreshand updated. The Fivemaster is able to broadcast any Fivecastto 5miles users from invitations to garage sales, blockparties,notices for lost pets and more in and around thearea.Hosting an event like a garage sale, rally, or anythingthatinvolves getting people together? Put up a Fivecast! Everyonewiththe 5 miles app will see exactly where it is along with allthedetails. Or maybe you just want to announce something? Put upaFivecast! No matter what it is, everyone will see what you havetosay! Are you on the go? Put up a Fivecast! The location oftheFivecast will automatically update no matter where you go,showingyour Fivecast to everyone you come close to. Connect withotherFivemasters after seeing their Fivecasts by sending themmessageswith text, pictures, and video!It’s time to turn your Smartphone into a broadcast station!Leteveryone in your vicinity know about community events andspecialsales, or use the app to get help finding someone orsomething,alerting neighbors or even use it to just express what’son yourmind! With this great geo-location collaboration app fromTechnoGlobal, the possibilities are endless.
Hero™ 1.0.4
AS SEEN ON: Morning America-Market Watch-Yahoo News-San Francisco Chronicle-The Miami Herald-Dallas Morning NewsHERO™ THE MOST ANTICIPATED APP OF 2012 IS HERE !!ENDORSED BY ELIZABETH SMART !!Does your phone share what you are seeing and hearing RIGHTNOWwith the touch of a button??It does with HERO !!★ IN TIMES OF NEED ★ instantly share video, sound andlocationwith your friends, family and even the people around you –on yourmobile device !!★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★HAVE NO FEAR – HERO IS HERE !!★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ Hero can help me walking home late at night !!★ Hero can help me locate my lost child !!★ Hero can help me locate my friends and family !!★ Hero can help me find my lost dog !!★ Hero can help me find my stolen bike !!★ Hero can help me from being robbed !!★ Hero can help me stay clear of that drunk driver !!★ Hero can help me stop that bully !!★ Hero can help keep my neighborhood safe !!★ Hero can help me in a car accident !!and much much more !!★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Introducing HERO, a revolutionary newgeo-location,crowd-sourcing solution to instantly connect withHeroes in timesof need !!Invite your Facebook Friends, Family and other contacts tobeyour HERO, and be their HERO for FREE !!★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★FEATURES:★ Emergency Alerts★ Custom Alerts★ Instant Crowd Alerts★ Hero Tracking★ Facebook Login★ Alert & Location Mapping★ Connect and Post With Heroes via Facebook, Twitter,&SMS★ And much much more…OVERVIEW:HERO™ is a revolutionary, geo-location, crowd-sourcingmobileapplication helping you in times of need by instantlystreamingvideo, audio and GPS from your smartphone to all yourfriends,family, neighbors, AND even the people around you ★★ up to5 MILESaway ★★ in just seconds !!And, because the data is stored in the cloud, it'sstillavailable to others even if your phone is damaged or lost.HEROalso lets you say, never mind, I’m ok. This function tellsyourHeroes you're safe, and removes all the data instantly fromthecloud.SCENARIOS:★ You are walking home late at night and a suspiciouscharacterapproaches you !! Tap the HERO button and your devicestartssharing video, sounds and your location to everyone aroundyou inseconds !!★ Your child gets lost in a crowded area. With HERO,everyonearound you -up to 5 MILES- can receive an instantalertnotification on their smartphone -IN SECONDS- with yourchild'spicture and communicate with each other to help locate yourchild!! Once the child is found, you resolve the alert and all dataisinstantly erased.★ There's an armed robbery or a traffic accident nearby.Heroescan notify you to avoid that area. Plus Hero can help locateyourfriends and family wherever they are and even locate your phoneiflost or stolen !! And show the location of your Facebookfriends!!★ And thousands of other daily scenarios - HERO can help !!Powered by the new amazing Hero Geo-Location TechnologyFeature!!★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★GET YOUR HERO ON !!★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ So cool !! I'm inviting all my Facebook friends andfamilyto be my Hero !! And I’m going to be their Hero for FREE!!★★★★★ How can someone not have this app !! Hero is a musthavefor everyone !! It's so cool to share instant video withmyfriends. Awesome !!★★★★★ Five Stars! – Love everything about this App !!Thegraphics are excellent, the controls are easy and fast to useandbest of all, it’s the app my friends and I will be using allthetime !!For information on news and updates: