Top 16 Apps Similar to Thy Reject

★★蟬聯Google Play工具類排行榜★★★★台灣250萬使用者高達4.72評價★★台灣360致力創造行動安全新趨勢,如對《360手機衛士》有任何的疑問請與我們聯繫,我們將指派專人一對一即時回覆:【客服信箱】[email protected]【Line線上客服】ID:tw360ms【台灣360官網】【使用者意見調查表】【新版功能說明】► 全新介面:《360手機衛士》最新版本優化界面,上手更容易,操作更便捷,功能皆全面升級,呵護加倍貼心。► 安全掃碼:《360手機衛士》內建QRCode,掃描快速並即時偵測,杜絕病毒和詐騙。►手機體檢:《360手機衛士》「一鍵」即可快速檢測手機並處理系統所有安全漏洞、木馬病毒、垃圾檔案、記憶體等優化項目,全新2.0版更強化立即優化修正與防毒清理加速等方案。►詐騙防護:《360手機衛士》具有連結自動檢測功能,阻擋惡意網址及不明簡訊,替你在防毒防詐騙上把關。台灣360更提供千萬公益補助基金,全方位保障你的手機安全。►騷擾攔截:《360手機衛士》蒐集黃頁上百萬筆工商店家號碼資訊,即時辨識陌生來電已成趨勢。來電後還可標記號碼即時上傳雲端共享資料庫,所有使用者即可同步受惠,輕易遠離廣告騷擾與詐騙電話,再也不怕被騷擾。►記憶體優化:《360手機衛士》「一鍵」清除背景不必要的程式,瞬間釋放記憶體讓手機輕鬆加速並達到省電節能的效果,也可以個人化編輯忽略名單,保留想常駐的程式喔!►手機防盜:《360手機衛士》提供遠端鎖定、警報、追蹤與刪除手機資訊等多項防盜功能,並可設定更換Sim卡時的號碼簡訊通知,保護愛機安全永不分離。►手機清理:《360手機衛士》「一鍵」清理手機不必要之緩存空間,試著使用看看,多出來的空間足夠令你多放好幾張照片甚至影片喔!► 流量監控:《360手機衛士》只需輸入流量上限即可自動監控,系統貼心提醒再也不用擔心荷包,誰說吃到飽才是行動上網趨勢?►節電管理:《360手機衛士》提供軟體耗電排行與完整電量資訊,立即揪出耗電程式,還你長效省電的好手機,也可自行追加電量提示喔!► 隱私空間:《360手機衛士》提供簡訊與通話紀錄加密,更可將應用程式、相片、影片全面上鎖,360度安全保護你的個人隱私。台灣總代理《希悅科技》感謝您的支持:)
来电信息 2.1.6
一个获取来电归属地和其他信息(如推销、诈骗)的安卓应用。开源项目地址:测试及交流社群:功能1. 查询来电号码并显示悬浮窗,显示位置和其他号码信息。2. 主界面显示最近来电列表(不会导入已有的系统通讯录)。3. 在主界面可以查询任意电话号码信息。4. 自定义设置卡片及悬浮窗的颜色。5. 自定义悬浮窗, 如文字大小、透明度、位置。可以自定义显示与隐藏,如忽略已存在的联系人、去电时显示、接听后隐藏。6. 离线查询。优先从本地的离线归属地及历史记录中查询数据并显示,没有查询到标记数据且有网络(有WIFI或手机未掉网)时会联网查询。隐藏功能 (点击七次版本后出现)1. 自定义数据源。可以自定义百度、聚合数据(360)的 API 密钥,可以自定义API(用于适配客户信息系统)。可以设置忽略号码段来忽略查询,可以强制使用本地离线数据。插件功能 (安装插件后出现)1. 自动挂断。可以自动挂断匹配的标记关键字(诈骗、广告等)、归属地、起始号码(400*)。归属地可逆向匹配,如"!西安!咸阳" 将挂断所有除 "西安" "咸阳" 的来电。起始号码关键字添加完整号码并以空格分隔可以实现 "黑名单"的功能。2. 添加号码信息到系统通话记录。会添加诈骗、骚扰、广告、响一声、自动挂断等信息到系统通话记录。说明1. “来电信息” 的不断改进和完善离不开社区的反馈,非常感谢所有在Play市场、V站、酷市场留言及发送邮件反馈的朋友。2. 应用开源免费无广告,请放心使用。APK 文件通过 Travis CI 自动生成并上传,用户可在每个GitHub版本发行中找到编译日志来校验文件 sha1 及 md5。3.请避免限制主应用及插件请求的权限。如出现来电时不显示悬浮窗,请先检查权限设置、权限管理类型应用的设置。如果安装了插件,请确保插件和主应用没有进入管理类软件的黑名单或优化项目。4. 如果对此开源应用有任何不满、问题或建议,请在GitHub提交问题单或发送问题到作者邮件。非常欢迎大家反馈,来和作者一起完善这个应用。5. 如果您觉得这个应用做的不错,欢迎在 GitHub star、在 Play市场及酷市场五星好评,欢迎您将此应用通过推特、微博、朋友圈等社交网络推广给更多的人。应用开源、安全、免费、无广告,不会收集用户的任何信息,只需要极少权限:1. 联网 (INTERNET):用来查询号码归属地及其他信息,查询后会记录到数据库,优先从数据库获取信息。如果数据库中号码超过1天,再次接到来电后会重新联网查询。2. 悬浮窗口 (SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW) :来电时在接听电话界面(包含锁屏状态)显示归属地及其他信息。3. 电话状态(READ_PHONE_STATE):用来监听来电状态。有来电后会监听到系统的广播,应用自动启动并查询号码、显示悬浮窗口。注: 部分三星手机的权限管理含有自动运行,需要开启,否则应用不能监听系统广播。应用不会随系统开机自启动,应用不会常驻后台运行。A get callsattribution,and other information (such as marketing, fraud)Androidapplication.Open Source ProjectAddress: testing and exchangecommunity: Query and caller ID display floating window, thedisplayposition numbers and other information.2. The main screen displays the most recent calls list(addressbook will not import an existing system).3. In the main interface can query any phonenumberinformation.4. Color Settings window cards and custom suspension.5. custom floating window, such as text size,transparency,position. You can customize the display and hide, suchas ignoringexisting contacts, to display power, after answeringhidden.6. offline queries. Networking will be a priority searchquerydata from the local offline attribution and history and showsnoquery to the tag data and internet (WIFI or mobile phone hasnotlost network) when.Hide feature (click occurred after seven editions)1. The custom data source. You can customize Baidu,aggregatedata (360) API key, you can customize API (for adaptingCustomerInformation System). You can set the number of segments toignoreto ignore queries, you can enforce local offline data.Plug-in functionality (after the installation of plug-ins)1. Automatic hang up. Hang tags can be automaticallymatchedkeyword (fraud, advertising, etc.), attribution, startingnumber(400 *). Attribution can reverse matching, such as "!Xi'an!Xianyang" will hang up all except the "Xi'an" "Xianyang"calls.Starting numbers add keywords separated by a space and thefullnumber can have a "blacklist" feature.2. Add the number information to the system call log. Addsfraud,harassment, advertising, ring out, and other informationinto thesystem automatically hang up call history.Explanation1. "Caller ID" of continuous improvement and perfectionisinseparable from community feedback, thank you very much allPlaymarket, V station, cool market message and send mailfeedbackfriend.2. Application of free open source ad-free, ease of use.APKfiles are automatically generated and uploaded by Travis CI,userscan find build logs in each release version GitHub used toverifythe file sha1 and md5.3. Avoid restrict permissions master application andplug-inrequests. Floating window is not displayed when the event ofanincoming call, please check the permissions settings, set thetypeof rights management applications. If you installed theplug-in,plug-ins and make sure that did not enter the mainapplicationclass management software blacklist or optimizationproject.4. If you have any complaints on this open sourceapplication,questions or suggestions, please submit GitHubquestionnaire orsend questions to authors messages. We very muchwelcome feedback,and authors come together to improve thisapplication.5. If you think this application is doing OK, welcomeGitHubstar, in the Play market Cool market and five-star praise,welcomeyou apply the promotion to more people throughTwitter,microblogging, circle of friends and other socialnetworks.Open source application, security, free, no ads, does notcollectany information users need only minimal permissions:1. Networking (INTERNET): used to query no attribution andotherinformation will be logged to the database query, priorityaccessinformation from the database. If the database numbers morethanone day, an incoming call will be back online again afteraquery.2. The suspension window (SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW): answer thephonewhen you call in the interface (including lock screen status)todisplay attribution and other information.3. The phone status (READ_PHONE_STATE): used to monitortheincoming state. There will be a call after listening tothebroadcast system, and the application automatically startstrackingnumber, suspension display window.Note: Some Samsung phones contain rights management torunautomatically, you need to open, otherwise the application cannotbe broadcast monitoring system. Applications will not boot withthesystem since the launch of the application running inthebackground will not be permanent.
AMC Security-Boost & Antivirus 5.14.1
Powerful Booster and Antivirus make your phone faster &cleanerand safer.
Reject Calls & SMS 2.1.14410
2nd version of RC application blocksunwantedcalls and text messages, and helps manage ablacklist.RejectCalls blocks unwanted calls and sms and protect your privacy.Features:- Numbers blacklist (blocking incoming calls)- Blocked calls based on your phone contact list- new Settings menu option has been added- blocks text messages ( SMS )- delete all entries from reject call list- a simple and easy interfaceAdvantages:- works on all devices- easy to use- lightweight- does not consume memory or CPU resources& totally FREE !
NetGuard - no-root firewall 2.328
A simple way to block access to the internet per application
AFWall+ (Android Firewall +) 3.6.0
[ROOT] AFWall+ is a front-end application for the powerfuliptablesfirewall.
來電過濾網 1.0
Kuo-Yi Chen
虎尾科大資工系:李福恭、陳昇宏製作是否有一支電話不斷的打來騷擾你?是否想在安靜的空間滑手機,怕開靜音之後忘記打開?一個簡潔的拒接電話APP分成三種模式:1.不拒接 2.拒接指定電話 3.全部拒接可以透過新增刪除來拒接指定來電,也可以刪除全部。有人來電會直接輸入上去拒接的電話會在下方有紀錄,長按可以刪除。針對是否要顯示以存取的拒接號碼,我們是想說使用者不希望別人在翻他手機時發現他把誰誰誰設為拒接,所以不提供顯示。
Call reject - Call Blocker 3.1
Eden INC
Call Filter and SMS Block. Thismagnificentapplication is your solution if you are tired ofunwanted calls andSMS it gives you the possibility of managing ablacklist with allthe contacts and unknow phone numbers that youwant to block.HOW TO BLOCK CALLS : Call reject is very easy to use all you havetodo is to click on “+” and add all the numbers and contacts thatyouwant to block to Blacklist, you can also move theme toWhitelist ifyou want them to be able to contact you again.== Features of Call Blocker & SMS Filter ==► BLOCK UNWANTED CALLS and SMS : when you move a contact or aunknownumber to blacklist this person won’t be able to call orsend SMS orMMS or a message to you anymore.► Get Notification: when a blocked call is trying to cal you► Blocking all incoming calls: even from others platforms► BLOCK Temporary a contact: you can block temporary a personandshe will to be able to reach you until YOU want to.► ADD rejected call from your phone inventory► Block all sort of text & phones: you can deny and stop allSMSMMS message Phone number from any country== Advantages of SMS filter & Block Calls ==Light : takes very little space on your PhoneEasy to useDoes not consume memory or RAMTired of unwanted calls and SMS? Are you searching for asolutionto these problems? This is your solution
Black List 1.01
You can block incoming callsfromyourcontacts.You can block anonymous incoming calls.You can even block incoming calls with numbers which are notinyourcontacts.It is totally free, and we hope you find thisapplicationveryhelpful.
Fing - Network Tools 12.5.1
Fing Limited
Find who's on Wi-Fi, intruders, hidden cameras and vulnerabilities
Network Tools 1.3.1
Vladimir Kuts
Automatic verification of Internet resources; Ping,traceroute,whois commands.
Intent Intercept 2.2.5
FOR DEVELOPERS.This app attempts to intercept as many Intents as possibleinorder to examine their contents.This helps when trying to develop an app that reacts toaparticular intent.PLEASE NOTE: The app can only intercept intents that aresentsystem-wide - usually those where Android will offer you achoiceof which app to open an Intent with. It can not intercept anythatare sent to a specific app.Some details of the intent can be edited before resendingit.Please help by adding translationsat app is open sourceat interceptions can be enabled and disabled from theIntentIntercept icon in the launcher.
Sniffer Wicap Demo 2.8.2
Mobile sniffer for WiFi, LTE networks (packet capture).
LD Ultimate Link Interceptor 1.2
Add-on for LoaderDroid which willincreaselevel of link interception from Android applications.Please install LoaderDroid first (
Mobile Phone Tracker 1.8.1
Mobile Phone Tracker is a spy app forpeoplewho need to know more about their relatives, lovers andevenstaff.The app is one of the best spy apps in the market. Very few appscanshow such a wide functionality.With Mobile Phone Tracker you will be able to spy on anymobilephone you need.A lot of people want to track somebody. Now you can do thiswithoutany problems. You will have to download our app and justtakeseveral steps. Believe you or not, it’s very easy totracksomebody’s phone.What do you need?- Take a mobile phone you want to spy on;- Install Mobile Phone Tracker on it;- Create your own account;- Log in to the account;What does Mobile Phone Spy include?The app has a really wide range of features.You will be able to:- track a current location via GPS;- read all text messages;- monitor contact list of a phone;- view call list;- intercept Whatsapp and Viber messages and calls.Besides, you will get some more advantages;- Friendly support team;- The app is completely stealthy- High accuracy of GPS data;- You will get 3 USD for free testing.We hope you’ll like our app.