Top 3 Apps Similar to Your Guide to Rome

Mobile Rome 1.7
Mobile Rome is an application that presentsagreat deal of both tourist and historic attractions inRome:ancient monuments and buildings; basilicas, churches, andtemples;museums and galleries; squares and fountains; villas andpalaces;and the Vatican City.Here you will find current information about many pointsofinterest, maps, photos, a five-day weather forecast, the optiontoshare information with friends, etc.Facilitate your travel and stay in Rome by followingthedriving/walking directions to the places of your interest.Takeadvantage of the subway map in the application and never getlosten route to any sightseeing spot or attraction.Enjoy high quaility pictures shared by the millions whohavealready visited this great and ancient city.Relive the days of the Roman empire while you glidethroughoutthe most spectacular places of Rome: the Colosseum,Vatican City,Saint Peter's Square, the Trevi Fountain, the SpanishSteps, thePantheon, the Borghese Gallery, the Roman Forum, CircusMaximus,Castle Sant Angelo, and many other attractions andsightseeingswith our Android Rome guide in your hands!Keep in mind that we are constantly adding and improvingtheapplication database, so you always will have up todateinformation at your fingertips.
Rome - Travel guide 120
Rome is a metropolis par excellence and oneofthe world’s first major cities. Many things have changed sincethedays of the Roman Empire but, thankfully, many things haveremainedthe same. All roads lead to Rome…So let us show you the best things to see, places to eat, andplacesto stay for your trip to Rome. Ready to begin yourjourney?Features:➢ Over 70 places recommended by real travelers.➢ Categories: What to See, Where to Eat, Where to Stay.➢ Over 200 photos from real travelers who’ve beentherebefore.➢ All content and maps available for download offline so youcanexplore Rome without roaming charges.
誠翔運通 9.090651
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