Top 3 Apps Similar to Blood Pressure Clinic Prank

Blood Group Liberty Scan Prank 1.0
An awesome prank application!BloodGroupLiberty will provide you the most easiest way of checkingoutyourown blood group by yourself.You can also find yourfriendsbloodgroup by making them fool using this bloodgroupdetectorprank.You want to know your blood group this is best app for youtofindout your blood group.This is prank because doses not support thing that scannerrightnow.But till that time when android support these thing youcanmakeprank of your friends by this best "Blood GroupDetectorPrank"application.You want to fool yourself or your friends by telling themthatyoucan find there blood group by telling them thefollwingInformationrequired below we don't store or use anywehere.It'sjust forpreparing a report for user.1) Name2) Father Name3) Age4) SexAnd proceed next now scan your fingerprint withfingerprintscannerand let him scan about the blood group of yourbodyaftercompleting the scan a patient report card will show allthedata hegave and also show the blood group.We use the above information only to create patient reportcardanddo not store the user information with us or any databaseDisclaimer Note: Blood Group Detector Prank applicationisjustfor an entertainment purposes only, and it does notandcannotreally calculate blood group. You can use thisapplicationfor makea fun of your friends and make them fool.
Finger Blood Pressure-Prank 1.0.1
It's an amazing application"FingerBloodPressure Prank"Fingerprint Blood Pressure will provide you the most easiestwayofchecking out your blood pressure.Fingerprint Blood Pressure will display like it iscalculatingyourblood pressure.Simple, Place your Thumb on the scanning paid then waitfornearlyfew seconds for the results.The Finger Blood Pressure Prank or FingerprintBloodpressureDetector Prank will calculate your bloodpressure.Features:- Realistic looking scanner easy to use.- Totally free for Android users- Clear and beautiful designsDisclaimer:Finger Blood Pressure Prank application for justanentertainmentpurposes only,and at the time it does not calculating correct's just like Blood Pressure Prank will only displayedresultsonrandomly basis.You can use this application for fooling your friendsandfamilyEnjoy it!.Download Finger Blood Pressure Prank is totally free.
Blood Group Detector (Prank) 1.0.1
Blood Group Detector (Prank) Scanner is easytouse Scanning your Blood Group .Options for playing pranks on your "Friends And Family",You Want to know what is your Blood Group ? If so, BloodGroupDetector prank is a perfect try for you.Blood Group Detector prank is for entertainment purposes only,anddoes not actually scan your finger print for really.That would be impossible. Your phone screen does not havethatcapability.Enjoy it!-----------------Features:-----------------1. Realistic looking scanner easy to use.2. Totally free for Android users3. Clear and beautiful designs4. sharing options to share the detection fun with your palsonGoogle Plus or Facebook etc.-----------------Disclaimer:---------------Blood Group Detector (Prank) application for just anentertainmentpurposes only,and at the time it does not calculating correct's just like Blood Group will only displayed results onrandomlybasis.You can use this application for fooling your friends andfamilyEnjoy it!