Top 12 Apps Similar to Text Message Scheduler

Text Message Privacy 2.5.9
itizu-SMS is a privacy enabledtextmessagingapplication that allows private text messages to besentandreceived with trusted contacts.It can replace your existing text messenger or be usedonlywhenyou need to have private or confidential text basedchats.itizu creates privacy applications for many reasons -tostoppeople snooping through your messages lookingformarketingopportunities; to give your communications more privacyifyourphone is lost or stolen; to stop people picking up yourphoneandreading your private messages; to frustrate people thatputspywareon your phone so they can read what you aresaying.....* Sends and receives private SMS messages.* Prevents the scanning and viewing of your privateSMSmessageson service provider servers.* Prevents spyware applications from readinginterceptedmessages(in privacy mode)* Stores SMS messages in your phone in a private form.* Provides individual contact privacy - one to one privacy.* Stops service providers trawling through yourmessageslookingfor marketing opportunities.* Requires a login to view your messages - ideal if youleaveyourphone unattended.* Makes messages unavailable to be viewed until youlogbackin* Replaces your existing SMS messaging application orrunsonlywhen you wish to have a private conversation.* Sends and receives SMS messages in clear text(non-private)tocontacts that do not have itizu-SMS.* Blocks unwanted SMS messages and refuses callsfromblockedcontacts.* Voice recognition - dictate and send a private message.* Text to speech - receive and listen to a private message.* Can be set as KitKat (Android 4.4.x) default SMSmessenger.Privacy, permissions, and the itizu-SMS app:Your Personal Information: Allows you to import contactsandaddcontacts to your phone. Your contact data stays secureinyourphone.Your Messages: The application receives SMS textmessagesandstores them securely.Services that cost you money: The application also allowsyoutosend messages, in plain text and private form. Privateformtextscan be a little longer.Storage: Only temporary files are copied to your SD cardandthisoccurs when choosing contact pictures.Phone Calls: itizu-SMS reads data from your phone inordertoverify it is the correct phone. It does not make, track,orreceivecalls. When a contact is blocked, itizu-SMS willignoreSMSmessages from that contact, and will refuse incomingcalls.Internet: Allows browser launch for web addresses youclickonwithin a message.In the same way that our website does notcollectinformationabout you for marketing purposes, the app doesnotcollectinformation about you, or knowingly provide mechanismsthatwillenable others to.Why do we charge for this app? Because we don't gatheryourdataand sell it, or use ads that can affect your privacy!If you email us for support: [email protected], we keepthattoourselves and do not sell or transfer that email addresstothirdparties.Feel free to contact us with comments, suggestions,oranydifficulties you may have...we will do our best resolvethemassoon as possible!Press the ? at any time from the menu for contextsensitivehelp.If that isn't enough then please email us at [email protected] beforepostingareview.
Text Message Lite 1.0.0
TPJ Studios
Send text messages and multimediamessageswiththis app customize your notification tone and moreallfree.
Text Message Deliver 0.1
Rapid Studios
Text Message Deliver is aninstantmessagingservice and software application which providestextcommunication.Create group chats with up to 200 users andfriends.The app iseasy to use and provides secure chats. Sendunlimitedemoji’s,pictures and videos from your camera roll. Try ittoday andkeep intouch with your friends!
Pulse SMS (Phone/Tablet/Web)
Maple Media
Send & manage SMS from any device. Text & sync -computer,tablet, and more!
Text Message Sender 0.1
Rapid Studios
Text Message Sender is aninstantmessagingservice and software application which providestextcommunication.Create group chats with up to 200 users andfriends.The app iseasy to use and provides secure chats. Sendunlimitedemoji’s,pictures and videos from your camera roll. Try ittoday andkeep intouch with your friends!
SendTree Text Message Service 1.0.13
The SendTree mobile app is a companion website, a text message service that lets youreachyour list of customers, clients, or members with a textmessage.1) Create an account at Sign-in to your SendTree mobile app.3) Compose and schedule messages while away from your desk!SendTree can send messages via text, voice, email, and canpostmessages to your Twitter and Facebook pages and feeds. You canevenschedule messages to go out automatically at a later time.SendTreewill also provision a local phone phone number that is allyours.You can promote that number as your own, and your customersormembers can text 'JOIN' to add themselves to your contactlist.SendTree can function as a simple communication channelforbusinesses to employees, sports team alerts andnotifications,church communications, safety communications, eventnotificationsfor schools, municipalities, and non-profits. SendTreealso worksas a mobile marketing channel for restaurants, foodtrucks, retailshops, and any business.We've assembled a great guide for SendTree containingkeyaudiences you can reach, sample messages, and tips for gettingyouraudience on your SendTree list. Download the PDF here:
Text Message Chat Free Advice 1.0
Once, we thought that sending a textmessagetosomeone was one of the coolest things one can do.Aftertheinception of the smartphones, many things havechanged.Messagingsomeone through a carrier’s SMS plan is becoming athingof thepast. Thanks to those talented developers who aredevelopingsuchawesome and intuitive applications that are takingabout“textmessage chat” to the next level. On the brink ofitsobsolescence,SMS still has its own advantages. However, innormalcases, a goodtext messaging chat application can give you awholelot offeatures that a normal SMS can never give you. That’swhymost ofthe users, who used to text a lot, are switching tofreeonline SMSservices via smart android messaging applications.Wehave goodadvices for messaging applications in the store andfoundtheseapplications to be most useful.Not everybody uses messaging chat service, and therearesomeinstances where a good old SMS message is still preferred.Ifyouwant to make use of your unlimited free texts, belowwe'vegathereda list of the best free texting chat apps for Android.Forexample,in this advice is offering an alternative to you.Messengerwhichcomplicates the simple process of sending textsmessage andyou cantake photos and record audio messages from withinthe app.Textasms is a great messaging app, which makes excellentuse ofDesign.It has more features than most stock chat appsto, orevenwhatapp also allows you to make free messaging and callstoyourcontacts and now you can make your textingchats.However,offerings guide with many apps such as Tango, Wechat, Textme,MySMS, chomp SMS, EvolveSMS, and the others. Textmessage chatappswhich can meet your requirements on yoursmartphonedevices.Though, like any popular service. Here’s ourservice guideforstreaming your beautiful mug. Take a look at ourtop picks forthebest overall apps.For those who have to deal with the app on a dailybasis,we'velined up some interesting tricks and tweaks that willimproveyouruser-experience for all its security flaws and privacyissues.As ashow of appreciation for text messenger chat andwhatappservice,this app decided to chalk up a list of tips andtrickstohelp you get the most out of it. For example, Howtomutegroup chats and notifications and guide you to find outwhohasread your message in a group chat. You can changeprofilephoto,status message from the desktop by steps and sendabroadcastmessage to your contacts. In addition, you can shareyourlocation,back up and transfer your chats history. Herearesome of themost common tricks and their solutions suggestyouto improve it.To the most useful of its use from the app"TextMessage Chat FreeAdvice", you can best choose which one suitsyourindividual needsand follow a list of tips and tricks to helpyouget the most outof that messenger chat service onyoursmartphone.
Love messages collection Love Messages 2.01
Text message collection to spred love and happyness!
Big Text SMS 4.11
Septium Corp.
Do you use reading glasses?Sometimes get a text message and can't read it?Scramble to find your reading glasses?Then this app is for you. Big Text SMS.Your texts are displayed in a big font, where you can readthemwithout your reading glasses. And if you want to respond, doitwith large letters. No glasses needed.When a text message arrives, this app automatically pops upandshows you the message. Your messages are still available inyourMessaging app, unfortunately, in a small font.You can send all your texts to your email, via the newExportfunction. Or clean up your Inbox by deleting all the textswith onebutton.Have your phone read out the text to you (may need tohave"Text-To-Speech Extended" from Google Play installed). Orblocktexts from people you don't want to hear from.If you loose your phone or would like to know where the phoneislocated, text your special “locate” keyword from anywhere andyourphone will report it’s address.Try it. You'll like it. It is free.Now integrated with Sekur Me, secure login andpaymentssupport.If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected],especiallybefore leaving any negative comments. This software issupported bya professional team of programmers. It is our gift tothe AndroidCommunity. We do love receiving good feedback.
CallnFax Text Message Service 0.4.1
Text messaging from CallnFaxprovidesvirtualtelephone numbers for short message (TextMessaging)services, or"SMS" in the USA and Canada. If you live inNew Yorkand need alocal Vancouver telephone number for textmessaging,CallnFax cando this. Your text number no longer needs tobe yourtelephonenumber, and it no longer needs to be in your"Local" area.Ourservice is great for businesses, now you can haveadedicatedbusiness SMS number. You can have one or multiplenumbers,in oneor multiple locations. With local and toll-freenumbers, inyourchoice of locations. No long distance charges andone flatmonthlyfee is what we deliver.You can send and receive text messages through our app.ThecallerID when you send a text message, using our app, will bethevirtualtelephone from your account. You can live in Tokyo,andhave a SanFrancisco text messaging number. When someone sendsyoua textmessage, they dial your San Francisco virtual textnumber,and yourmobile in Tokyo receives the messaging. When youreturnthe messageusing our app, the message will come from yourSanFrancisco virtualnumber. It's is just that simple. Choosealmostany locationglobally, and you can have a virtual textmessagenumber, from thatlocation.When a new message arrives, we support "PUSH"notifications.Yourphone will "wake up" and issue an alertnotification, withsound,vibrate and text pop-up. The alerts arecustomizable in thesettingssection.The interface is simple, intuitive and built to looklikeyourcurrent mobile SMS app.After you download our app, please register for a newaccountat: you register, you will be given access to chooseandpurchaseyour virtual SMS Text number.The app is FREE, registration is FREE, and you only paywhenyouorder service. Service is purchased month-to-month andnolong-termcommitments exist. You may cancel your account, anditwill notrenew the next month.There are no termination fees.You can change your SMS Text number by openingasupportticket.
SMS Auto Reply /Autoresponder 8.5.6
SMS Autoresponder /Auto Reply Text / SMS Response /Auto Messages/Respond Bot
Text Message Alert 2.1
Text Message Alert allows your PanasonicDECTphone to notify you when you receive a text message(SMS).When this feature is turned on, your DECT phone will useitsBluetooth feature to check your cell phone for newmessages.If a new message has been received, the DECT phone system willplaya voice announcement and ring.Important:If your cell phone supports MAP (Message Access Profile), thisappis not needed. If a MAP notification is displayed when youregisteryour cell phone with the DECT phone, please uninstallthisapp.Refer to the documentation included with your cell phoneforinformation about MAP support.(Samsung Galaxy SIII, SII, and Motorola Droid X support MAP.)Configuration instructions:1. Pair your cell phone to the DECT phone using Bluetooth.2. Launch this app and turn on the Text Message Alertfeature.The DECT phone will notify you when there are new messages.Note:* This feature works only when your cell phone and the DECTphoneare connected via Bluetooth.* This feature will not function while you are on a call.* You can select whether or not your cell phone displaysaconfirmation message before sending the notification to theDECTphone.Menu > Settings > Show confirmation every time