Top 13 Apps Similar to Psychological tests. IQ. Logic

Digital Freud: Personality Tes 0.7.64
Digital Freud is your guide to the world of the digital unconscious
The Szondi Personality Test
Examinee №23“After I saw the results I had goose bumps. The coincidenceisstunning, I didn’t expect this”Examinee № 11“It was like someone got into my mind. The results are verypreciseand personal, don’t show it to anybody if u don’t want tolose it"(laughing)Examinee № 3“I’ve always been skeptic about tests like that. But this onejustimpressed me, it came to my mind so deeply, it described myinnerworld so precisely that I’m shocked”The Sondy’s Test is projective personality test, developed byaSwiss doctor, psychoanalyst and 
psychologist Leopold Szondy.Thistest brought worldwide fame to him. The Sondy’s method is averysubtle and accurate way of diagnostics.Diagnosis:- diagnostics of the content and structure of humanbeings’impulses;- assessment of emotional States and personality traits;- identifying the level of emotional tension;- prediction of the probability of different diseases;- prediction of behavior in extreme situations;- prediction of professional and criminal preferences.This method can be used:- in clinical practice, psychological counseling andpsychotherapyfor clarifying the problems and possibilities of thecustomers,identifying the level of stress and emotional disorders,assessmentthe effectiveness of psychological and pharmacologicalcorrection,judicial-psychological expertise;-in personnel management and professional consultation forcareerguidance and occupation selection, assessment of theemployees 'professional potential, forecasting their behavior inextremesituations and the effectiveness of task solutions, choosingthemethods of motivation.
Magic Stereograms - stereo pictures, eye training 1.8.1
Magic Stereograms - is a large collection of free andexclusivestereo images. Our application will help you to know theworld ofoptical illusions and the magic effect of stereograms.Regularviewing of stereoscopic images for several minutes a daywill notonly entertain you, but will also achieve a positive effectonimproving vision. • What are stereograms and why are theyneeded?Stereograms are flat pictures with repeating patterns inwhich,with a certain focus of vision, you can view a 3D volumetricimage.Since human vision is binocular, it gives a unique feature inaflat image to see a 3D volumetric image. To train this abilityandjust for fun, you can use stereo images in whichthree-dimensionalimages are “hidden”. For many people, to see athree-dimensionalfigure in a stereoscopic image is entertainment,but it turns outthat such pictures can also have useful value.According to manydoctors and psychologists, viewing stereogramspositively affectsvision, improves intelligence and cognitiveabilities. • Thebenefits of stereo images for vision andintelligenceOphthalmologists recommend the use of stereo images toimprovevision, relieve tension from the eyes, train theaccommodationapparatus, and develop binocular functions of thevisual system.Stereo categories: - stereograms for beginners -stereograms forprofessionals - TOP 10 stereograms - premiumstereograms -stereograms with animals - 3D paintings - houses andarchitecture -stereograms with dinosaurs - beautiful stereograms -stereograms onthe theme of space - stereograms with people - marinestereograms -stereograms on the theme of fairy tales and cartoons -pictureswith equipment - Flora and fauna Application Features: -exclusivestereo pictures - dark mode - premium stereograms - dailybonus -disable ads - clear and original interface - regular updatesandadding new 3D images - convenient navigation - learning toviewstereograms - stereograms by category - tips for beginners -freeapp - does not require internet and additional downloads792517ff53
Стратегия Часа. Астролог Ира Кристер 5
Приложение "Стратегия Часа" – это всегда оперативнаяинформацияотом, как можно здесь и сейчас достичьфизическогоздоровья,гармонии в Душе и синхронности с миром. Главнымпомощникомв этоммогут стать знания об особенностях пребывания луныв том илииномзнаке Зодиака с учетом лунных ритмов (лунные сутки,фазы),еевзаимодействия с другими планетами и ихосновнымициклами.Информация меняется каждые 2-2,5 дня, взависимости оттогонасколько долго Луна находится в каждом знаке. -Читайтенапланшете или смартфоне - Прослушивайте текст, еслинехочетсячитать - Меняйте шрифт и его размер -Астрологическиепрогнозы -Луна в знаках - Фазы луны - Полнолуния -Новолуния -Затмения -Знаки зодиака
Соционика для всех 1.5.0
Это несложное приложение поможет вам не только больше узнатьсебяили понять свои сильные и слабые стороны. Оно также поможетвампонять свои стремления и поведение людей, их скрытые мотивыивозможности. Знание социотипов может пригодиться вам везде -отработы в коллективе, до любовного соблазнения... Соционикапомогаетответить на такие вопросы: - Как найти свою вторую"половинку"? -Как найти подходящую для себя работу? - Какоенаправление выбратьдля личностного роста? - Как понимать ипринимать свои недостатки ислабые стороны? - Как лучше пониматьокружающих людей? Определивсвой социотип и социотипы своих близких,вы с легкостью сможетепредсказывать их (и свое) поведение вразличных ситуациях.
Trainer Runes 1.2
Learn the value of runes. The program is not for divination.
ЕГЭ Физика 1.0
Подготовка к ЕГЭ по Физике 2023. Теория, тесты, разборы и многочегоеще =)
Bennet Test Full 2.5
The Bennett mechanical comprehension test isapsychological aptitude test in engineering that is designedtomeasure one’s mechanical intelligence, ability tointerprettechnical drawings, understand diagrams of technicaldevices andtheir work, and solve engineering tasks.This test is destined to detect technical abilitiesofadolescents (12 and over) and adults. It includes 70 tasksthatrequire technical problem solving. In each task testsubjectsshould choose the correct answer out of 3.The test time is about 30 minutes.
I Ching Book of Changes iChing
Stas Apps
Daily divination & predictions iChing. Fortune tellingYijingfor today & future
Мои эмоции: антистресс медитац 2.2.1
The best antistress meditation in just 2 minutes! A hugesteptowards health and to success!
AstroFD 0.8.4
Soul Formula creation by the method of Alexander Astrogor
Just Vegan - вегетарианство и 1.0
Application for vegans and vegetarians. Recipes, videos, newsandmore