Top 17 Apps Similar to CalBio - Biodynamic Calendar

AGRIVI 3.6.3
AGRIVI mobile application lets farmers get fast insightintotheirfarming activities and register key activities rightfromthefield. It is used as an extension and supporting featuretoourfully featured web farm management solution. Newmobileapplicationusers should setup their farms through ourwebapplication to getinsight into their farming via mobile app.AGRIVIfarm managementsoftware helps farmers to take control overtheirplantations,improve productivity and increase profitability.Basedonagricultural knowledge base of best-practiceproductionprocessesfor over sixty crops, AGRIVI guides farmers toimprovetheirproduction and increase productivity. AGRIVI'sfeaturesinclude: -Project-oriented farm management with simple andfast wayofplanning, monitoring, and tracking all farm activitiesandinputsusage (fuel, fertilizers, pesticides, work hours). -Advancesalesand expense tracking ensures taking control overfarmfinances. -Inventory management with low inventory alarmsremovesdelays inproduction caused by lack of inputs. - Weathermonitoringwithdetailed 7-day weather forecast, 3-year weatherhistory foreachfield and smart disease risk detection alarms. -Knowledge baseofbest-practice production processes for over sixtycrops -Powerfulreporting and analytics available with a singleclick - Allfarmdocuments in the cloud Version 2.0 brings acompletelyredesigneduser interface with significant performanceandfunctionalityupdates. The most powerful farm management mobileapplets theuser: - manage his production & field activities,-trackfinances & input usage, - have a detailed overviewofhisinventory and weather conditions on his fields, -getfinancial,inventory or pest alarms on his mobile phone
BoosterAgro 2.4.1
With more than 200,000 downloads BoosterAgro App offerson-demandaccess to climate data, crop health satellite imagery,agronomic,financial advisory and pest & disease alertmanagement. *Multiple Weather Forecasts: Compare the most popularweatherforecasts side-by-side in one place. * Accurate Forecast:Acombined forecast of the ones compared. This is thestatisticallymost likely forecast. * Crop Health Imagery: Freeaccess to highresolution NDVI imagery to see crop performanceacross a field at asingle point in time. A divergent scale(red-yellow-green) providesa contrast of colors, which makes iteasy to find and investigateareas that are showing poor growth. *Satellite Weather Station:Remote access to in-field current weatherconditions (rain,temperature, wind gusts, humidity, dew point,atmosphericpressure), without needing to install any equipment,hardware orsensor. * Long-term forecast (3 months) with climatictrends (ElNiño / La Niña) in each area of the region. * RainfallMap: Allowsyou to visualize the cumulative rainfall of the last 7days in thearea of your farms. The data comes from the user'srainfallraingauge records. * In-field Records: Keep records of thelastprecipitations, hail, frost or other weather-relatedeventshappened in the field. * Spray Smart: Sprayer recommender toviewthe most and least favorable spray weather conditions foreachfield according temperature, humidity, wind gust and rains.*Collaborative Information: Farmers can exclusively sharefieldsdata with their team operations (agronomists, advisors,employeesand contractors). * Secret Key: It works offline, it'ssuperfriendly, simple and easy to use!
Agroptima 6.5.15
Agroptima helps you manage your farm with its mobile appandcomputeraccount. With Agroptima it is much easier to recordyourfarmactivities whenever you are and get your costsundercontrol.Besides, you can create one-click reports to see theuseandmargins and help you take better decisions. Why useAgroptima?•Save time and money: save up to 2 hours of being inthecomputerevery day thanks to our mobile app • Access to yourdataanywhere •Know how much your farm tasks cost you • Solve allyourquestionswith our great support team • A simple way to makeyourfarm moreefficient What can I do with the mobile app? • Recordallyour farmactivities on-the-go • Work whenever you are. Even ifyoudo nothave internet connection, the mobile app works offline •Drawyourfields in the map • Easy access to your products,fertilizers, base • All your data sync right away What canI do withthecomputer account in the cloud? • Create group of fieldspercrops,owners etc and modify them in the map • Set the priceofyourlabours, phytosanitary products, etc so we can compute thecosttoevery activity • See your costs, benefits and marginperfield,farm, crop etc • Introduce your machines, tractors,personnelorclients data • Create and print one-click farm recordsperfield,harvest, phytosanitary use, working hours, etc Otherfeaturesyouare going to love: • Know your costs: take betterdecisionsthanksto Agroptima reports • The only mobile app thatworks offline•Best customer support team: we work hard to solveouryourquestions within 24 hours • More than one farm? Manage themallforthe same price • Multidevice: Install Agroptima mobileappinmultiple devices and cover all your needs • Functional:Designedbyfarmers for farmers. Easy to use in conditions ofnointernetconnection, tractor vibrations or low light. -- We lovetohearfrom our customers! Send us your [email protected] us on Twitter @agrotima andFacebookat
Agrio - Protect your crops. Harvest more! 3.3.0
Saillog Ltd
Agrio is an artificial intelligence-based precisionagriculturesolution that helps you to remotely monitor, identify,and treatplant diseases and pests in your field, farm, and garden.🤳🏽 Easyto use plant doctor. Based on image analysis we will provideyouwith a diagnosis and solution. We provide detailed integratedpestmanagement (IPM) protocols to optimize results and reducetreatmentcosts. 🛰 We offer you the opportunity to access satelliteimageryso that monitoring problems and growth progress becomeseasy. Onceyou have defined your field on the map, we will sendyounotifications when new satellite data is available, and offeryouour interpretation and recommendations. You will get a newNDVIscan every 3-5 days if the cloud coverage is not too high. 🕵🏻Youcan leverage satellite insights to know when and where toact.Scout problematic regions with Agrio and take picturesofsymptomatic plants. ⛅️ We provide you with a weather forecastforall your fields and also make disease and pest forecasts foryou.We send alerts when problems are likely to occur in your area.Thisallows you to protect your plants from damages, andapplypreventative measures early on. 🕵️‍♀️ Agrio enablesfieldtechnicians, and inspectors to create digital screeningreports ina very simple and intuitive way. The geotagged reportingisvoice-based and does not require typing, allowing you toquicklyrecord your insights while keeping your hands free. Reportsareinteractive and easily sharable, even outside the app.*Pleasedefine your profile type as "expert" if you would likeaccess tothe tools offered to inspectors and field technicians.Join ourcommunity on Agrio and grow your plants to their fullpotential,improve your yield, and enjoy abundant harvests.
Passo-a-Rezar 3.0.1
Take Your Prayer With You - Daily Prayer Podcast
Buena Noticia 1.5.0
La Buena Noticia de cada día es una innovadoraaportacióndeEditorial Verbo Divino para contagiar la alegría delEvangelio alavida diaria, ahora más accesible que nunca en formatoapp,para“llenar el corazón y la vida entera de los que seencuentranconJesús”, siguiendo las palabras del PapaFrancisco.Características:La Buena Noticia de cada día 2018 ofrece:-Consulta sencilla eintuitiva de las lecturas litúrgicas decadadía. - Texto completode las lecturas, salmo y evangelio decadadía, incluyendo domingosy festivos. - Comentarios al evangeliodeldía elaborados por elEquipo Biblico Verbo: con unlenguajesencillo, de profundaconexión con la vida y un enfoquepastoral quefacilita lacomprensión de los textos bíblicos. -Comentarios másextensos delos textos bíblicos de domingos yfestivos en clave deLectioDivina, enriquecidos con imágenes queaportan creatividadysignificado. - Información adicional del colorlitúrgico,semanadel salterio y santo del día. - Oraciones yreflexiones paralameditación que potencian nuestra fe y elcrecimiento personalyespiritual. - Calendario litúrgico de domingosy festivos.-Presentación didáctica de los pasos de Lectio Divina.-ElEvangelio en los videos del Proyecto “Quiero Ver” quepresentanelevangelio de cada domingo de forma sencilla, claraysugerentedesde la cultura y el lenguaje de hoy.
Tomappo easy gardening 23.5.2
Tomappo is a pocket digital assistant to help you growyourvegetable garden.
Moon & Garden 5.1.4
With Moon & Garden, perfect your garden!
El Sembrador 101.3
El Sembrador Nueva Evangelización
miCatecismo Catecismo Católico 1.6
Catecismo Oficial y completo de laIglesiaCatólica. No requiere de internet para funcionar! Noconsumes tuplan de datos para usarlo. Con esto puedes cargar elCatecismoCatólico a todos lados con todos los capítulos, artículosyPárrafos. El Credo explicado, Los 10 mandamientos, losSacramentos,la oración. Puedes dimensionar la letra a tu gusto parafacilitarsu lectura, podrás compartir algún capítulo con tuscontactos.Esta aplicación es de todos y por eso podrás contactarnosparadarnos sugerencias. Tu mejor forma de apoyarnos es calificandolaapp en el Play Store, compartiendo contenido y contándole atodostus contactos sobre nuestra app.CARACTERISTICAS- No requiere conexión a internet- No consume plan de datos de tu móvil- Puedes compartirlo- Búsqueda por numeral- Permite marcar donde llevas la lectura (Marcadores)- ¡Te lee el Catecismo! Permite escuchar cada [email protected] andcompleteCatechism of the Catholic Church. Does not require internettofunction! Do not consume your data plan to use it. With thisyoucan load the Catholic Catechism everywhere with all thechapters,articles and paragraphs. The Creed explained, The 10Commandments,the sacraments, prayer. You can size the font to yourliking forreadability, you can share a chapter with your contacts.This application is all and so can contact us to giveussuggestions. Your best way to support us is calling the app inthePlay Store, sharing content and telling all your contacts onourapp.FEATURES- No internet connection required- Do not consume data plan on your phone- You can share- Search by numeral- Allows you to mark where you been reading (Mark)- I read the Catechism! Lets hear every [email protected]
BioLeaf - Foliar Analysis 3.0
BioLeaf - Foliar Analysis™ performs the defoliation analysisofplants.
My Tide Times Pro 6.4.1
My Tide Times Pro is the only tide tables and forecastsapplicationyou'll need.
Tech Hydroponic - Técnicas Hi 1.0.5
Learn more Hydroponic techniques used today. No advertising!
Catecismo Iglesia Católica 0.0.6
Catechism of the Catholic Church and Canon Law
Liturgia Horarum-Divine Office 1.1.8
Books of hours (BoH / Liturgia Horarum / Divine Office) in Latin.
Daily Readings
Teodoro Lopez
Have in your device the daily readingsMissalof the Catholic Church and a Prayer Book.Read the readings of new and old Testament, psalms and gospelofdaily liturgy.Mass readings available in English, Spanish, PortugueseandFrench.Prayer Book available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, FrenchandLatin.
FarmLogs 5.0.3
FarmLogs is a farm management app used by thousands ofgrowerstokeep digital farm records, monitor field and cropconditions,andanalyze their farm’s financial performance in orderto lowercostsand increase profitability. FarmLogs helps you: - Mapfieldsandautomatically provide directions to their location -Receivealertswhen it rains on your fields, see field-level rainfallandheatunit accumulation and compare the amounts to prior seasonsandthe10-year average - Automatically track all your field workinoneplace to keep your records organized, secure, andaccessiblefromany mobile device or desktop - Log gps-taggedscouting noteswithphotos - View in-season satellite images in NDVI,true colorandcolor infrared layers so you can identify yieldthreats andfocusscouting efforts on areas showing signs of stress -Makedecisionson the go with a complete view of your currentgrainmarketingposition - Identify local markets and find where youcanget thebest price for your crop - See each soil type areaandelevationfeatures in your fields Making better managementdecisionshasnever been easier. Download the app today to create afreeaccount!*Please note that continued use of GPS running inthebackgroundcan decrease battery life.* Questions or Concerns?Pleasefeel freeto visit our support page below or [email protected] Support: Service: