Top 22 Games Similar to LINE贏政

tower defense Line 1.16
Build a perfect defense, reflecting the waves of evil machines!
みんなの野望Neo 戦国SLG
Boosim Lab
Aiming for world unification Sengoku SLG! Give to you that yougottired of social game, it is full-scale simulation. But you havetodo is!
Bloons TD Battles 6.18.2
ninja kiwi
The realtime player-vs-player tower defense game of Monkeysvs.Bloons!
艦隊帝國-SLG策略大海戰 1
wu xunyuan
------------遊戲介紹-------------2015年度海戰策略大作,鋼鐵巨艦戰爭題材,SLG深度策略玩法,完美詮釋了二戰海戰的實景。派兵佈陣,資源掠奪,稱霸世界。今夏上演二戰大型海戰,戰爭準備打響!-------------遊戲特色-------------◆城邦建築,打造帝國遊戲的主城,以建築玩法為主核心,玩家可以通過建造、升級建築獲得更多資源,以及生成更高級的軍艦。每個採礦場由您隨意放置,打造屬於自己的城邦。◆艦隊佈陣,智慧海戰軍艦兵種之間能相互克制,洞察敵人陣型,排兵佈陣,是致勝的關鍵。智慧將為您帶來勝利。◆資源掠奪,世界大戰資源掠奪,讓全體玩家無國界,無時限的進行掠奪PK,這是一場實力的較量,戰爭就是要激烈!◆多種戰艦,隨您選擇潛艇、航空母艦、巡洋舰、護衛艦,每一個兵種都有自己分支,讓你指尖間操控二戰所有的軍艦。-------------特色系統-------------經營系統:任性經營,自主分配資源建築陣型技巧:靈活運用兵種特性,排兵佈陣特色軍團:萬人集火副本,特色軍團戰,軍團技能長官技能:不一樣的屬性操作,締造自己的軍團配件系統:軍艦深度改造,技能大進階掠奪系統:無國界,無時限,全球掠奪關卡系統:詮釋二戰每一個經典戰役軍艦系統:各大軍艦,隨心開發,隨心操控-------------聯繫我們-------------官方網站:官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]綫上客服:客服熱線:臺灣 02-2657-0366;香港 +852 81279251
名將爭霸-繁體版 1.2.8
《名將爭霸》,三國武將開口說台語啦!正港a在地化手遊,J丟洗愛台灣啦!《名將爭霸》是一款是以三國歷史背景為題材,採用目前全球最夯戰略玩法及武將養成手遊!輕鬆手指連點就能源源不絕地不斷補充兵力,搭配耳熟能詳的三國猛將,各個身懷絕技陪你一起進攻進攻再進攻!另外《名將爭霸》更不學一般網路遊戲一大堆伺服器把親朋好友都分開來哦~全球玩家統一只有一個伺服器,與來自各國的豪雄一同逐鹿中原,看看誰才是成就天下的亂世霸主!遊戲背景:東漢末年,民生塗炭。太平道人張角以黃巾為號,揭竿而起,點燃萬裏烽火。各路諸侯借平亂之名紛而自立,往來攻伐相互吞併。亂臣董卓挾天子以令諸侯,大漢江山岌岌可危!當此乾坤崩壞之際,作為一方雄主, 是積蓄實力,厚積薄發還是雷厲風行,掃平六合?魏蜀吳爭霸戰局從此顛覆!三國歷史從今日起由您書寫!特色玩法:●全球同服:【全球同服決戰巔峰】全球玩家不分區、不分服,激起台灣人的民族意識~一起組盟對抗他國強敵吧!頂級天梯系統,動態智能公平匹配對手,挑戰世界頂級高手,稱霸環宇!●群雄爭霸:【手指單挑唯我獨尊】全球最流行的手指連點出兵玩法,看著螢幕上源源不絕的小兵,搭配千百種特殊武將技能,誰說我攻不下你的城!?還有每日定時武將激戰,各路猛將大亂鬥!絕對的武力與絕妙的佈陣組合才能迸射出勝利的火花!●台味配音:【原汁原味正港台語】特別聘請台灣專業聲優用最標準正港的台語配音,讓三國猛將們激鬥的同時,也把最親切的一面龍總猴力!●英雄招攬:【三國群雄震撼再現】招攬縱橫三國的英雄豪傑,超過140名武將任君差遣,呂布,諸葛亮,關羽,曹操等絕世名將,與主公吞食天地!●特殊進化:【武將融合超絕進化】玩家可以「免費」將2隻武將融合重生成隨機的強大高星等神將,傳說級的人物意外現身肯定讓你驚喜連連!●一統天下:【史詩級三國戰略對攻】九州地圖氣勢磅礴,歷史事件即時觸發!告別單方面碾壓,AI系統不甘示弱!戰爭局勢,瞬息萬變!●養精蓄銳:【迷幻陣法易守難攻】建設威武雄城,訓練精銳軍隊,搭建防禦工事,一方豪強怎能沒有堅實的後盾?●輕鬆交友:【戰友之情血の羈絆】隨時隨地搜索附近的主公,切磋技藝,赠送體力,合縱連橫,攜手並進!【常勝】揮浴血力士,百戰成鋼之虎賁,以弱勝強,斬萬軍中上將首級如探囊取物!締造常勝將軍神話!【不敗】戰如狼似虎,洶湧襲來之鐵騎,以少勝多,筑固若金湯,萬夫莫開之要塞!譜寫不敗軍神傳說常勝VS不敗!蒼茫大地,誰主沉浮?名將爭霸——策略類創新遊戲臻品!名將爭霸——震撼來襲,重裝出擊!【聯繫我們】玩家如有任何問題,我們將即時指派專人為您處理◆ 客服信箱:[email protected]◆ 服務時間:24小時全年無休更多遊戲資訊請關注官方訊息:◆ 粉絲團:本遊戲依中華民國法律規範應列為輔導12歲級本遊戲情節涉及暴力注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲本遊戲部分內容或服務,需另行支付其他費用
세계 대전 3--전략SLG전쟁게임 1.0.54
2015년 최고 기대의 전략SLG전쟁게임 탱크 대전!!!!!■ 박진감 넘치는 전쟁터!! 전형적인 RTS 게임 재현!!■ 일반 전략게임과 깊이가 다른 전략!!■ 세계의 주인이 되어, 역사를 새로 쓴다!!■ 해육공 삼군을 맘것 지배하라!! 세계 전쟁왕이 되라!!■ 전세계 수백만 플레이어와 함께 대작전-전형적인 RTS 게임 재현! 수동으로 병사를 이동하는 창쾌감을 즐기세요!-원정군 경기대회를 참여해봐! 강한 상대를 만나고 멋지게 이겨라! 풍성한 보상가 여러분을 기다리고 있어요!!■ 세계 대전에서 유명한 전투를 하나하나 직접 참여해봐!-스탈린그라드 전투, 레닌그라드 보위전, 노르망디 전역 등 전설적인 대전을 직접 참여하고 치열한 전투의긴장감을즐기세요!!■ 새 병종!! 멋진 전차와 항공기!!-폭발물 전문가,재규어 전투기,테슬라 탱크 ,테라 로봇,키로프 비행선 등 각기 특별한 능력 가지고 외형도 멋지는전쟁기계를지금 당장 가져라!!-강한 병사들을 잘 배치하고 자신에게 맞는 차별화된 전략을 구사해 보세요!!다운로드와 설치는 무료이지만, 일부 게임 아이템의 경우,유료로 구입이 가능합니다.유료 콘텐츠를 구매하지않으려면,기기설정에서 앱 내 구입 기능을 비활성화하면 됩니다.2015 SLG expects thebeststrategy war game Tank War !!!!!■ thrilling battle! It reproduces the typical RTS game!■ General Strategy and other strategic depth!■ The owner of the world, writes new history!■ Make dominated the year sixty samgun mamgeot! World War Be aKing!■ Battle with millions of players worldwide- Reproduce the typical RTS game! Enjoy the pleasure to movethewindow manually, soldier!- Come join the expedition tournament! Win cool to meet astrongopponent! Bosangga rich'm waiting for you!■ Try participate directly in one of the famous World WarIIbattle!- Battle of Stalingrad, Leningrad Bowie before, Normandy,includingglobal tensions and enjoy the direct participation of thelegendarywar and fierce battles!■ A new branch of the army! Cool tanks and aircraft!- Explosives expert, Jaguar fighter, Tesla Tanks, Terra robots,eachwith special abilities, such as the Kirov Airship looks niceis Havenow the war machine now!- Well, try placing a strong soldier, and speak adifferentiatedstrategy that suits you!Download and installation are free, but for some game items canbepurchased for a fee. If you do not want to buy the paidcontent,you can disable an app purchases on your device within theset.
Empire:Rome Rising 1.60
Mountain Lion
Forge an empire to stand the test of time. Play the mostaddictivewar game!
X-War: Clash of Zombies 1.1
Armet Studios
Still play Clash of Clans? Come on toplayClash of Zombies - an even more exciting SLG with SuperheroesvsZombies theme!Build your own base and train your troops! Recruit plentyofSuperheroes and lead your allies to fight against the Offence!Playwith over 10 million players worldwide! Join us andhavefun!Now available in English, Italian, Spanish,Portuguese, German,French, Vietnamese...FEATURES*More than 30 Famous Heroes from all overtheworld!*Create your own League and lead your allies to take part in league war!*Battle in Arena and win plenty of Power Stones!*Take part in Zombie Challenge, capture them to fight for you!*Challenge powerful Boss and win powerful statue to update your base!*Save Dr. X and he can help to update the base!*There are more Exciting FEATURES and Interesting ITEMS than Clash of Clans. Join us and have fun!PLAYER REVIEWS"X-War: Clash of Zombies is the best game in App Store!"-Johnnyp3301"The only thing that could make me happy!"-My name is not a jokeSUPPORT*Facebook:*Email: [email protected]*Youtube:
European War 4 : Napoleon 1.4.42
Reliving glory of Napoleon times and create your own empire.
Invasion: Modern Empire 1.44.20
Get our Google Play Ramadan Offer: RamadanSpecialPackage(in-game purchase) - 50% OFF.Invasion is a war-themed MMO game that challenges you toconquerand battle your way to world domination in the midst of aglobalapocalypse.    Features:✔Battle enemies in nail-biting RTS combat to ruletheapocalypse!✔Build and customize your base!✔Fight for every inch of land and expand yourguild’sterritory!✔Upgrade warfare tactics and cutting-edge technology helpyoucollect intel!✔Command and conquer using a real-time panoramic map!✔Battle online in alliances and crush each guild in your way✔Alliance hub features live chat to find the perfect team!✔Clash with guilds online in PvP “Monument Wars”Fight to become the most powerful military commander in theworldas you march your way to victory! Do you have what it takestosurvive in this world at war?Download Invasion: Modern Empire and fight now!In Invasion, some game items can also be purchased forrealmoney. If you do not want to use this feature, please setuppassword protection for purchases in the settings of yourGooglePlay Store app.Facebook – – http://invasion.tap4fun.comYouTube – – – [email protected]
逐鹿三國2 - 君主降臨 1.6.6
三國戰戰戰-一指定江山 1.0
《三國戰戰戰》遊戲背景為大家耳熟能詳的魏蜀吳三分天下故事,超過百位史詩名將揮灑出的成王敗寇的壯闊歷史。為了體現三國英雄運用計謀,智略一統天下,遊戲內獨樹一格的三軍佈陣系統,以及武將羈絆、神兵技能等特色功能,讓喜愛三國故事的玩家,只要動動手指,就能輕鬆駕馭三國百位名將,稱霸三國。●首創三軍卡牌策略 超硬派手遊前、中、後排三軍佈陣,考驗全能的策略性玩法,只有真正的謀略家才能指揮若定,一統天下!●高階武將免課金,癡漢也能變硬漢獨特的武將升階系統,讓你打造高階武將,再也不用煩惱抽不到6星卡牌,想要極品武將,自己輕鬆養成!●夥伴強力奧援,共組軍團實力才夠硬!廣交志同道合的好友,共組三國軍團,享有更多更豐富的軍團資源,實力才能一躍千里!●自己的裝備自己刷,全身金裝我最硬!超實用的奪寶系統,自己就能刷出超強神裝,沒有最硬,只有更硬!●跨服約戰,群雄逐鹿誰能比我硬別還在伺服器內得意自滿自以為是天下第一了,跨服挑戰其他伺服器霸主,讓他們看看誰讓誰硬到叫爸爸~遊戲官網:官方Facebook粉絲團:※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。"Three war war war"gamefamiliar background of Wei, Shu and Wu-third of the worldstory,magnificent epic history of more than one hundred famous swaythewinner takes all. In order to reflect the three heroesusestrategy, Veda dominate the world, a unique style of gamesystemslineup armed forces, as well as generals fetters, magicskills andother features, make love three stories of the players,as long asfingertips, you can easily manage Three one hundredfamous,dominate the three countries.● Cards armed forces first hand travel policyultrahardcoreFront, middle and rear three services lineup, testall-aroundstrategic play, the only real strategist to commanding,dominatingthe world!● Higher Order generals Free lesson gold, GEEK can become atoughguyAscending Order generals unique system that allows you tocreatehigh-end generals, no longer have to worry about pumping lessthan6 Star card, you want the best generals, easy to developyourown!● strong Austrian partner aid, total group strength legionhardenough!Make like-minded friends, co-group three corps, have moreresourcesand more abundant corps, the strength to leap a thousandmiles!● brush their own equipment, systemic Gold my most hard!Indiana Super practical system, God himself will be able tobrushout the super loaded, not the hardest, only harder!● inter-service gathers, who crowded harder than IDo also complacent self-righteous world inside the server first,theinter-service hegemony challenged by other servers, so thattheylook hard to call my dad who Who ~Games official website: http: // official Facebook fan group: https: //※ This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging.
指揮與征戰 1
沒時間解釋了!!趕緊上船吧!!!!-----------歷史介紹------------1941年12月7日清晨,日本海軍的航空母艦艦載飛機和微型潛艇突然襲擊美國海軍太平洋艦隊在夏威夷基地珍珠港以及美國陸軍和海軍在瓦胡島上的飛機場。太平洋戰爭由此爆發。-----------戰艦背景-----------這次襲擊最終將美國卷入第二次世界大戰,它是繼19世紀中墨西哥戰爭後第壹次另壹個國家對美國領土的攻擊。這個事件也被稱為珍珠港事件或奇襲珍珠港。其中,航空母艦起到了重要的決定性作用。------------遊戲介紹-------------2016年度海戰策略大作,鋼鐵巨艦戰爭題材,SLG深度策略玩法,完美詮釋了二戰海戰的實景。派兵佈陣,資源掠奪,稱霸世界。今夏上演二戰大型海戰,戰爭準備打響!-------------遊戲特色-------------◆城邦建築,打造帝國遊戲的主城,以建築玩法為主核心,玩家可以通過建造、升級建築獲得更多資源,以及生成更高級的軍艦。每個採礦場由您隨意放置,打造屬於自己的城邦。◆艦隊佈陣,智慧海戰軍艦兵種之間能相互克制,洞察敵人陣型,排兵佈陣,是致勝的關鍵。智慧將為您帶來勝利。◆資源掠奪,世界大戰資源掠奪,讓全體玩家無國界,無時限的進行掠奪PK,這是一場實力的較量,戰爭就是要激烈!◆多種戰艦,隨您選擇潛艇、航空母艦、巡洋舰、護衛艦,每一個兵種都有自己分支,讓你指尖間操控二戰所有的軍艦。No time to explain!!Quickly aboard! ! ! !Historical Introduction ------------ -----------December 7, 1941 morning, the Japanese Navy's carrier-basedaircraftcarrier and mini-submarine suddenly attacked the US Navy'sPacificFleet base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the airport is inthe Armyand Navy in the island of Oahu. Pacific War erupted.Background ----------- ----------- warshipsThe attack eventually the United States into World War II, itisfollowing the Mexican War in the 19th century the first timeOneOne other countries to attack US territory. This event isalsoknown as the Pearl Harbor attack or surprise attack onPearlHarbor. Among them, the aircraft carrier played an importantanddecisive role.------------game introduction-------------2016 annual naval strategy masterpiece, steel ship in the wartheme,SLG depth strategy games are played, the perfectinterpretation ofthe Second World War naval real. Troopsmanoeuvering, resourceplunder and dominate the world. Staged alarge-scale naval battle ofWorld War II this summer, warpreparations started!The game features ------------- -------------◆ city building, build empireGame of the main city, to play the main core of thebuilding,players can build, upgrade the building to get moreresources andgenerate more advanced warships. Each stope randomlyplaced by youto build your own city.◆ fleet lineup, naval intelligenceBetween ships arms to restrain each other, insight into theenemyformation, formations, is the key to success. Wisdom willbring youto victory.◆ resource plundering, War of the WorldsPlunder of resources, so that all players without borders, notimelimit predatory PK, which is a strength of the contest, the waristo be fierce!◆ variety of warships, the choice is yoursSubmarines, aircraft carriers, cruisers, frigates, each branchhasits own arms, fingertips let you control all of World WarIIwarship.
Legend of Empire-Expedition
LOE Publisher
Epic real time SLG: build your empire, fight with players allaroundthe world!
Iron Dust 1.7
GameCube App
Is it the last supper or the twilight ofdawn?Is it doomsday on Earth or the rebirth of mankind? The flamesofwar surged from Earth to an alien planet; the only thingthatremains unchanged is the will to survive!——Apocalypse, Shockwave——Year 2414, Earth’s resources are near exhaustion. In ordertosurvive, people are forced to migrate from their motherplanettowards space, however, on this alien planet—middle ofnowhere,would it be peaceful like the past or would the flames ofbattle berestored yet again? You are the only one with thefinalanswer.——Privileges, Godlike——Time limited? Level Limited? Are not important!Iron Dust added an abundant of special privileges and benefitsforplayers to enjoy the pleasantness of battle, all in asmoothexperience. If you become a VIP, there’ll be all kindsoftime-reductions, enhanced features, and privileges waitingforyou!——Free build, Gifts——The special privileges are nice, but I’m just a normal player, soIget nothing? NO! For every honored player of the Iron Dust,we’veprovided a number of free time-reductions. Want Mecha?WantUpgrades? All yours in just one click!——Cool Mecha, Invincible——Next-Generation Mecha Style, 3D Models created by the top ArtGroupin China, with 2D rendering to bring you the most active,mostdazzling Mecha of the best texture, every action, every attackwillbring the utmost pleasure to your eyes!——Blood-bath, Fearless——Laser, missile, cannon, ion guns, and all kinds of gorgeousattackways illuminate the battlefield. You can enjoy your FlareMechashooting a laser through the frontal defense, as well asexperiencethe pleasure of Thor’s rain of missiles annihilatingeverything insight. What are you still waiting for, rise men!SLG Next-Generation mobile game “Iron Dust” incorporatedtheessence of numerous successful domestic and overseas gamesandvarious original systems and features. Top Art Group forgedoverhundreds of different high-tech Mecha. Players can enjoytrainingtheir exclusive troop within the game, and battle againstplayersfor territories, at the same time, plentiful events willbeavailable daily, letting you see and feel a magnificentfeast!
熱血戰將 3.0.2
客戶服務:郵箱:[email protected] ID:rxzj歪打正著做出了策略卡牌遊戲,不認真企劃顛覆三國歷史亂入又惡搞,美術半睡半醒畫出原創特色欠打Q版武將英雄…從未所見的超KUSO三國遊戲,這款遊戲很熱血!很無雙!【遊戲簡介·熱血戰將】由Unity3D引擎全新打造的《熱血戰將》是一款三國RPG+SLG的卡牌遊戲,除了顛覆傳統三國劇情的發展外,還導入了許多特色玩法如武將英雄羈絆系統、奧義技能混搭、將魂收集、闖關奪寶、擂台比武、過關斬將等,同時藉由新穎的3D技術的襯托,三國武將超華麗的奧義大絕施放,讓您邊享受遊戲的進行,還能滿足視覺感官上的無雙滿足。超豐富的內容讓你一直玩一直…玩不完,《熱血戰將》絕對是喜愛三國題材玩家最好的選擇!【遊戲背景·熱血戰將】故事發生在東漢末年的亂世,群雄割據,大漢岌岌可危,人人有奪天下之心。初平3年,天降一隕石落入東海小島,巨響震天,似有天兆。此石高約兩丈,寬約六尺,通體黑色,似有隕鐵。各地能工巧匠聞訊,欲效仿春秋幹將以隕鐵鑄劍,紛紛前來登島尋石。由於前來人數眾多,難免因奪石而廝殺爭鬥。最後眾人決定,將巨石鑿開,分成多塊,各家均分。但當工匠開斧鑿石之際卻發現,此石堅硬無比,普通斧鑿根本無法動其毫釐。最後眾人只得作罷,決定先將其以大船運走,日後再尋良法。船行兩日後,適逢暴雨,風雷交加,一道閃電擊中船上巨石,巨石左側掉落一角,內部露出模糊的圖案。眾人倍感驚奇,這巨石斧鑿都不能破,為何石中竟有圖形。一番清洗擦拭過後,圖案愈發清楚。而定睛一看,眾人更為驚恐,這豈是什麼圖形花紋,這分明是一首詩。石上寫道:爭霸各一方天命自有常下授君王意唯得蟬於旁曹吏覓明主而使闊城邦不亞齊桓世終日必為王正當所有人惶恐之際,巨浪襲來將載有隕石的大船掀翻,不時便沉入海底,隕石自此不見蹤影。之後,一些人死裏逃生,回歸故土,而此事也廣為流傳。天下名士紛紛解讀詩中奧秘,其一句“下授君王意,唯得蟬於旁”成為了懷有帝王之夢的關鍵。司徒王允有一義女,名為貂蟬,有閉月之貌,似天仙下凡,天下無雙。傳此女乃為九天玄女轉世,得此女子者必獲王侯之福。國賊董卓,篡漢之心昭然若知,且是個不折不扣的**之徒。他假借選妃名義,霸佔貂蟬,藏於梅塢。十八路諸侯聚義起兵討伐,名為剿賊扶漢,實為爭搶有奪帝象徵的貂蟬。但世人不知,這上天授意之詩其中另有玄機。各路諸侯當中唯有,劉備、曹操、孫堅、參悟此中奧秘。但他們不知,這背後還隱藏著一場持久的驚天陰謀,而這個陰謀將由同為一方諸侯的你去揭開...【遊戲特色·熱血戰將】★顛覆三國的歷史劇情:主軸劇情改編三國題材,無厘頭爆笑新劇情,挖掘曹操不為人知的陰謀,絕對捧腹大笑。★打造華麗3D視覺體驗:公認最順最流暢的Unity 3D打造新手遊,逗趣Q版武將超欠K,技能奧義大絕保證震撼。★三國名將全體上陣:很好很耐玩,專屬四種武將屬性、百種技能及裝備搭配,八名武將齊上陣打造最強隊伍。★輕鬆簡單好上手:有什麼難?五歲小屁孩到七十歲老爺爺都會玩,操作好上手,簡單快速享受遊戲樂趣。★高自由度新玩法:事不宜遲立即下載,自由搭配陣型,隨心所欲養成,武將羈絆搭配,要怎麼玩就怎麼玩。★豐富的遊戲內容:好多卡片好多挑戰關卡,獨特趣味闖關奪寶,緊張刺激爭霸比武,絕對欲罷不能一直玩。★好康的活動獎勵:玩就送商城元寶,豐富活動獎勵天天都有,定期更新內容回饋超大手筆,絕對超乎想像。Customerservice:E-mail: [email protected] ID: rxzjLucky hit to make a strategy card game, do not seriously planningtosubvert the three countries into chaos and spoof history, artandoriginal features owe half asleep draw play Q-generals superhero... never seen KUSO three games, this game is very passionate! Itis unparalleled![Game Description] · Blood TroopersNew building by the Unity3D engine "blood war" is a three RPG+SLG's card game, in addition to subvert the traditional threestorydevelopment, but also introduced a number of characteristicssuchas the generals heroes play fetters system, esoteric skill mix,thesoul collect, pass through Indiana, ring contest, throughthetrials and so on, at the same time set off by new 3Dtechnology,three generals ultra large esoteric absolutely gorgeouscast, soyou while enjoying the game, but also to meet the Warriorsmeet thevisual senses. Ultra-rich content to let you have beenplaying ...playing endless, "blood war" absolutely loved the threethemes ofthe best players to choose!Games background • blood warrior]The story takes place in the Eastern Han Dynasty chaos,warlordsseparatism, Han stake, everyone has won the world's heart.Firstlevel for three years, a meteorite falling into the East ChinaSeaislands heaven, loud thunder, like one day trillion. This stoneofabout twenty feet high, six feet wide, whole body black,seemssiderite. Heard the news over the craftsmen, dry spring andwillwant to emulate meteorite swords, they have come to look forthestone landing. Due to the large number of people to come, itisinevitable due to rock and fight the battle won. Finally thepeopledecided to rock drilling, into a plurality of blocks, eachsharing.But craftsmen open stone chisels occasion they found thisextremelyhard stone, ordinary chisels can not move it the leastbit.Finally, everyone had to give up, decided to take the first ofitslarge shipping future Zaixun good law. Boat trip two dayslater,coincides with heavy rain, thunder and lightning, lightningstruckthe boat boulders, boulders falling on the left corner,theinside-out fuzzy pattern. People feel surprised, this rockchiselscan not be broken, why rock as much graphics. After somecleaningwipe pattern is becoming clear. And a closer look, peopleare morefrightened that something is what the graphic pattern, thisisclearly a poem. Stone wrote:Each party hegemonyChang own destinyUnder Italian king grantedWei was beside cicadaOfficials seek Cao Ming masterLeaving the city-wideNo less Qihuan WorldDay will be for the kingWhile everyone on the occasion of fear, waves hit the shipcarryingthe meteorite overturned, from time to time it sank, themeteoritehas since disappeared. After that, some people survived,return totheir homeland, but this also widely circulated. The worldfamousmystery after another interpretation of the poem, "meaningkinggranted under, only to give cicada beside" which has become akeyphrase cherished imperial dream. Situ Wang has a goddaughter,namedDiao Chan, has closed on the landscape, like the angel downtoearth, unparalleled in the world. Pass this woman is for thenineheaven reincarnation, was this woman who must eligible princesofblessing. Traitor Dong Zhuo, usurped the Han heart plain ifknown,and was an avid believers **. Princess under the guise of thenameof his election, to occupy Diao Chan, hidden in Maywood.Eighteenroad Houju Yi Zhu revolted crusade, called Thieves helpHan, infact, have won the competition a symbol of Diao ChanEmperor. Butthe world did not know, that God inspired the poem inwhich anothermystery. Among dysfunction only, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, SunJian, ponderthe mystery herein. But they do not know it hiddenbehind a lastingsinister, and this conspiracy will be the same asthe one youprinces to uncover ...[Game Features · passionate warrior]★ Three Kingdoms historical subversion plot:Spindle story adapted three themes, nonsensical hilarious newstory,mining Cao unknown conspiracy, absolute laugh.★ create gorgeous 3D viewing experience:Most recognized along smoothest Unity 3D to create a noviceswim,funny Q version generals over less K, esoteric skills mustensurelarge shock.★ all three famous battle:Very very playable, the exclusive property of four kindsofgenerals, one hundred kinds of skills and equipment with,eightgenerals into battle to build the strongest team.★ easy and simple good to get started:What is difficult? Year-old kid actor to seven-year-oldgrandfatherwould play, operating good to use, simple and fast toenjoy thegame fun.★ high degree of freedom in new ways:Without further ado immediately download, free withformation,arbitrary develop, generals with fetters, how to play howtoplay.★ wealth of game content:Many card many challenge levels, unique taste pass throughIndiana,exciting contest for hegemony, has been absolutely unableto stopplaying.★ goodies Activity Award:Play send mall ingot, rich reward activity every day,regularlyupdated content back super generous, absolutelyunimaginable.
Kingdom Rush Frontiers TD 6.1.13
Set your td battle strategy at the frontiers. Lead epic towers&mighty heroes
Age of History 1.1582
Age of History is turn-based strategy game about world domination.
Populus Romanus 2: Britannia 1.1
Populus Romanus 2: Britannia, a hex strategy war game of theancientage.
攻城掠地-指尖國戰 1.9.5
可可數位代理《攻城掠地 手遊版》帶你力拔山河,問鼎中原!!準備好體驗這場前所未有、風雲叱吒的三國亂世嗎?曾感嘆生不逢時的你,是否嚮往著於介胄之間一展長才、力拔山河,成為問鼎中原的一方霸主?主打國戰24小時全天候干戈大動、短兵相接的《攻城掠地手遊版》,絕對帶來非同凡響的巨型國戰手遊新震撼!●==經典正統的三國策略遊戲,細緻的場景美術、戰局多變的自由策略玩法、烽火相連的巨型史詩國戰地圖等特色優點,完美地呈現到行動平臺,可供玩家24小時自由進攻。●==即時語音系統,考驗了玩家坐籌帷幄、決勝千里的謀略能力。充分掌握武將各自擅長的地形戰術,如何在「平原」、「山地」、「水域」和「城池」的地形戰役中,知能善用、適時地調整「突襲」、「攻擊」與「防守」策略,讓永無止盡明爭暗鬥的國戰更添刺激變局。由傲世堂研發、可可數位獨家代理的《攻城掠地手遊版》,是一款以三國演義為遊戲背景的SLG策略手遊。在河水縈帶、群山糾紛的國戰版圖中,遍布了高達200多座的城池壁壘,這些或大或小的城池,極盡還原了真實三國歷史地貌,根據座落地點,具有不同的特殊地勢。為了迎接這場盛大的戰役,《攻城掠地手遊版》正大肆徵招、緊鑼密鼓地募集各地英雄好漢齊聚一堂,快磨亮你的刀劍、整理你的裝備,加入馳騁沙場的盛宴吧!《攻城掠地 手遊版》官方粉絲團:攻城掠地/440015629466538《攻城掠地 手遊版》客服中心回報頁面:系統要求:建議在WIFI模式下並使用手機系統版本在Android2.3以上,手機內存在512M及以上的機器運行遊戲。
Tactical land 1.032
Turn-based strategy war game
亂世梟雄-攻城掠地 2.5.5
★★★ 手のひらで三国時代を体験しよう! ★★★★★★ 掌中三國,正統國戰!★★★《亂世梟雄-攻城掠地》是一款以三國演義為遊戲背景的SLG策略手遊。在河水縈帶、群山糾紛的國戰版圖中,遍佈了高達200多座的城池壁壘,這些或大或小的城池極盡還原了真實三國歷史地貌,根據座落地點具有不同的特殊地勢,而你就是決定城池歸屬的關鍵人物!為了迎接這場盛大的戰役,《亂世梟雄-攻城掠地》正大肆徵招、緊鑼密鼓地募集各地英雄好漢齊聚一堂,快磨亮你的刀劍、整理你的裝備,加入馳騁沙場的盛宴吧!===遊戲特色===▼經典正統的三國策略遊戲,場景細緻恢弘、戰局多變自由!▼烽火相連的巨型史詩國戰,可供玩家24小時自由進攻!▼即時語音系統,考驗將軍坐籌帷幄、決勝千里的謀略能力!▼首創武將地形戰術,如何在「平原」、「山地」、「水域」等地形戰役中發揮事半功倍的效果!▼知能善用,適時地調整「突襲」、「攻擊」與「防守」策略,讓刺激的國戰更加變幻莫測!===遊戲交流===官方粉絲團:攻城掠地/440015629466538客服中心:適配機型===支持設備:三星、HTC、Sony、小米等品牌和機型作業系統:Android 2.3及以上存儲空間:推薦預留512MB剩餘空間