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Dashavatar Stotram describes the10major'lila-avatars' of Keshav or Krishna. There are 6 kindsofavatarsand lila avtars are the most fascinating.The first four are said to have appeared in the SatyaYuga(thefirst of the four Yugas or ages in the time cycledescribedwithinHinduism). The next three avatars appeared in theTreta Yuga,theeighth incarnation in the Dwapara Yuga and the ninthin theKaliYuga. The tenth is predicted to appear at the end of theKaliYugain some 427,000 years time. Also according to the VishnuPuranaandBhagavata Purana, the Kali-yuga will end with theapparitionofKalki-avatara, who will defeat the wicked, liberatethevirtuous,and initiate a new Satya Yuga.Dashavatar Stotram has been written by Jayadev Goswami. SonofaBrahman, he was born in the village of Kenduli Sasan,Orissa,nearthe city of Puri, and was closely associated with thetempleofJagannatha (Krishna) at Puri, where recitation of hisGitaGovindawas regularly performed by the temple dancers.Furthermore,theclassic Tribhangi (threefold) posture of Krishnaplaying theflutegained popularity due to him. Two hymns composed byJayadevahavebeen incorporated in the Guru Granth Sahib, the holybook oftheSikh religion.Dashavatar Stotram (from Gita Govinda) by Jayadevaconcludesafterlisting the ten avataras each with a separatestanza:O Lord Kṛṣṇa, I offer my obeisances unto You, who appearintheforms of these ten incarnations. In the form of MatsyaYourescuethe Vedas, and as Kūrma You bear the Mandara Mountain onYourback.As Varāha You lift the earth with Your tusk, and in theformofNarasiṁha You tear open the chest of the daityaHiraṇyakaśipu.Inthe form of Vāmana You trick the daitya king Baliby asking himforonly three steps of land, and then You take awaythe wholeuniversefrom him by expanding Your steps. As ParaśurāmaYou slayall of thewicked kṣatriyas, and as Rāmacandra You conquertherākṣasa kingRāvaṇa. In the form of Balarāma You carry a plowwithwhich Yousubdue the wicked and draw toward You the RiverYamunā. AsLordBuddha You show compassion toward all the livingbeingssufferingin this world, and at the end of the Kali-yuga Youappearas Kalkito bewilder the mlecchas [degraded low-class peopleorpersons oflow character or persons who yielded to theworldlysensualpleasures and lost their character].