Top 3 Apps Similar to VigneVini

VVQ - Vigne Vini & Qualità 20.4.8
Magazine dedicated to the production chain of wine 1.0.2
Il portale è dal2011ilperiodico on-line ad indirizzo tecnico scientificodidivulgazione,approfondimento, attualità e cultura rivoltoallediverse figureche operano nella filiera dell’uva da tavola.La viticoltura da tavola, nonostante il suo elevatolivellodispecializzazione, dispone di fonti di informazioneframmentarieedisperse con intuibile difficoltà di aggiornamentoperglioperatori.Obiettivo del progetto editoriale è fornire allediversefiguredel settore uno strumento capace di trasmettereinformazioniutilie notizie costantemente aggiornate nei diversiambiti dellafilieradell’uva da tavola.Approfondimenti tecnici, attualità, notizie dall'Italiaedalmondo, interviste e rubriche sono realizzate persoddisfaregliinteressi dell’operatore utilizzando un linguaggiopraticoedivulgativo ma anche curato e attento con l’intentodipromuovereil territorio ed il patrimonio culturale, socialeedeconomico delsettore dell’uva da tavola.I potenziali lettori del sito www.uvadatavola.comsonoproduttori,tecnici, esportatori di ortofrutta, studenti,esponentidel mondodell’associazionismo di categoria ma anchesempliciappassionati ecuriosi del complesso e affascinante mondodellaviticultura datavola.Il periodico online è costantementeaggiornatoattraversol’utilizzo di fonti di informazione locale,nazionaleedinternazionale.Dal 2012 il sito internet è affiancato da unarivistacartacea,“uvadatavola magazine”, distribuita gratuitamentein 5000copie inPuglia, Basilicata e Sicilia presso i principalipuntidiaggregazione delle varie figure professionali(farmacieagricole,convegni, fiere di settore).Il sito è lo strumento ideale perchidesideraindirizzare i propri messaggi pubblicitari ad una plateadifigurespecializzate nel settore agricolo e, inparticolare,dellaviticoltura da tavola.Theportaluvadatavola.comis from 2011, the online magazine toaddresstechnical andscientific dissemination, deepening,addressedcurrent events andculture to the various figures workingin thetable grape industry.Viticulture table, despite its high level ofspecializationhasfragmented and dispersed sources of informationwithunderstandabledifficulties update for operators.The aim of publishing project is to provide thevariousindustryfigures a tool capable of transmitting informationand toregularlyupdated in the various areas of the tablegrapeindustry.technical insights, news, news from Italy andtheworld,interviews and columns are made to suit the interestsoftheoperator using a practical and popular language but alsoniceandattentive with the intent to promote the area andtheculturalheritage, social and cost of the table grape sector.Potential readers of siteareproducers,technicians, exporters of fruit andvegetables,students,representatives of the voluntary sector unionsbut alsoenthusiastsand curious of the complex and fascinating worldofviticulturetable.The online magazine is constantly updated through the useoflocalmedia sources, national and international.Since 2012 the website is supported by apapermagazine,"uvadatavola magazine", a circulation of 5000 copiesinPuglia,Basilicata and Sicily at the main points of aggregationofvariousprofessionals (agricultural pharmacies,conferences,tradefairs) The site is ideal for those who wanttotargettheir advertising messages to an audience ofpeoplespecialized inagriculture and, in particular,Viticulturetable.
MonViti 1.4.1
L'actualité de la vigne au vin est surlamagazine Viti et son application smartphone Mon-Viti!Appli destinée aux professionnels de la filière viti-vinicole-Gratuit.Apprenez du retour d'expérience de membres de lafilière(vignerons, coopératives, experts, consultants, etc) etsuivezl’actualité régionale, nationale et même internationale de delafilière viti-vinicole:les innovations en matière de matériel et de machinisme,les derniers résultats d’essais de terrain,les découvertes de la recherche,ressources humaines, droit, finances et fiscalité,logistique,calcul des coûts de production, etc.,tous les réseaux de distributions sont passés au crible(export,GD/CHR, vente directe, vente internet),les tendances des marchés,des trucs et astuces utiles.Et aussi :« vidéo » : des tutos, des démos, des interviews, etc.,« fil info » : l’actu chaude de la filière, en bref,« agenda » avec les grands rendez-vous de la filière.L'application MonViti est intuitive et facile d'utilisation, pourunvrai plaisir de lecture. L'information peut aussi êtrevisualiséepar grandes rubriques (viticulture / œnologie /commercialisation /vie de filière / agenda).De plus, vous avez la possibilité:de commenter,de partager vos actus préférées via Facebook, Twitter, emailetsms,de personnaliser l'appli mon-Viti en vous abonnant auxnotificationsqui vous concerne.Des informations stratégiques appuyées par un réseaud’expertsobjectifs... tout cela accessible gratuitement de votresmartphoneou tablette!Viti, la référence technique pour mieux produireetcommercialiser son vin.Pour nous contacter :Email : [email protected] : @mon_viti ( : Internet : www.mon-viti.comNews from vine to wineison Viti magazine and its smartphone application My Viti!App for professionals in the wine industry - Free.Learn from feedback from members of the industry(growers,cooperatives, experts, consultants, etc.) and followregional news,national and even international in the wineindustry:innovations in hardware and machinery,the last field test resultsthe research findings,logistics human resources, law, finance and taxation, calculationofproduction costs, etc..,all distribution networks are screened (export, GD / CHR,directsales, internet sales)market trends,useful tips and tricks.And also:"Video" of tutorials, demos, interviews, etc..'Thread info »: Hot news in the sector, in short,"Agenda" with the major events of the sector.The MonViti application intuitive and easy to use, a pleasuretoread. The information can also be displayed by majorheadings(viticulture / oenology / marketing / life die /agenda).In addition, you can:to comment,share your favorite news via Facebook, Twitter, email and smscustomize the app my Viti subscribing to notificationsaboutyou.Supported by a network of objective expert strategic information...all available for free on your smartphone or tablet!Viti, technical reference for better produce and marketwine.To contact us:Email: [email protected]: @ mon_viti ( / monVitiWebsite: