Top 3 Apps Similar to CarmaDate FREE dating

Вписка: встречи,знакомства,чат 1.0.5
Часто бывает, что нам становится одиноко,либохочется продолжения "банкета" когда друзья уже расходятся.Авозможно Вы просто двое друзей которые хотят собрать тусовкуилипоход на шашлыки и познакомиться с новыми людьми. В такомслучаеэто приложение для Вас.Каждая встреча имеет свой тип, описание, координатыеслинеобходимо, и свою чат комнату для обсуждения. Каждыйпользовательимеет свой анонимный идентификатор в системе.Приложение также может определить Ваши координаты помобильнымсетям и предложить список таких же одиноких людейкоторыерасполагаются ближе всего к Вам и создали встречу. Такиевстречиможно сразу посмотреть на карте и обсудить в чате.На данный момент приложение позволяет создать следующиетипывстреч:1. Встреча2. Знакомства3. Вписка4. Выпить пива5. Тренировка6. Посиделки7. Ищу пару (девушку)8. Ищу пару (мужчину)It often happens thatweget lonely or want to continue "banquet" when friends arealreadydivided. And maybe you're just two friends who want tocollect thecrowd or going to barbecues and meet new people. In thiscase, thisapp is for you.Each meeting has its own type, description, locationifnecessary, and a chat room for discussion. Each user has hisownanonymous identifier in the system.The app can also determine your location and mobilenetworksoffer a list of the same single people which are locatedclosest toyou and set up an appointment. Such meetings canimmediately see onthe map and discuss in chat.At the moment, the application allows you to create thefollowingtypes of meetings:1. Meeting2. Dating3. night and day4. Drink a beer5. Train6. Sitting7. I am looking for a pair (girl)8. I am looking for a couple (man)
Anonymous chat rooms. Scandal 1.1.10
Chat rooms for people from all over the world. Thousandsofrealpeople are chatting here 24 hours a day. Chat withstrangersandshare your secrets! * Anonymous free online chat. Nonamesorpersonal information. * No need to register! * Everyanonymouschatis a point on the map * Everyone in your online chatroom isnearby* Conversations on any topic. Meet new people inrandom chatand goon dates * Trade contact info in the privatemessenger *Uniquegeolocation-based flirt chat service. Find outwhich secretsandfantasies guys and girls from your area are talkingabout.Godowntown to hear local gossip. Going on vacation? YoucantakeSCANDAL geo-chat with you anywhere in the world, andyou'llalwaysfind yourself in the midst of events, news, and livechat.SCANDALis the best way to meet new people freely,withoutanyrestrictions, complex rules, or annoyingregistrationprocesses.Say whatever comes to mind about dating.Everyone heretalks openlyabout their feelings and desires. Findpeople whounderstand you.SCANDAL can reveal a whole new world toyou.
Bribespot track &report bribes 1.0
Bribespot is anonymous app that allows youtotrack and report bribes with your smartphone. Simply open theappand any bribes reported nearby will be automatically shown onaninteractive map or in a list. You can also use the app toreportyour own encounters with corrupt officials.Key features of Bribespot app:• anonymously report bribes requested/ paid• read bribe comments left by community• flag suspicious bribes & highlight relevant ones• filter bribes by categories/ recency• search for reports in specific locationsThe app supports all currencies and is available in thefollowinglanguages:• English• Hindi• Indonesian• Khmer• Portuguese• Romanian• Russian• SpanishYou can explore interactive map of bribes, get useful tipsandcomment on user reports by visiting our website: we say that the app is anonymous? Go ahead, download it!