Top 4 Apps Similar to Maths 12th PRO

* First year of Engineering Subject App for learning andquickrevision on Chemical Chemistry. * All the important topicslikeType of Molecules, Electronegativity, Brag's Law, Acids andPolymercan be covered in just a minute per topic. This free Appcoversmost important topics in simple English and diagrams for aquickstudy and revisions at the time of Exams, Viva, Assignmentsand Jobinterviews. It is the most useful App for last minutepreparations.The best app for school, college and work. If you area student Itwill help to learn a lot. * This Engineering appcontains all theChemistry related 90 topics in 5 chapter in verysimple andinformative language with suitable diagrams which helpsEngineeringstudents to score good marks in exams. Consider this Appas a quicknote guide which professors use in a classroom. The Appwill helpin faster learning and quick revisions of all the topics.Some ofthe topics Covered in the app are: 1. HomonuclearDiatomicMolecules 2. Plots of molecular orbital 3.Electronicconfigurations 4. Energy level diagrams 5. Hybridizationin LiF 6.Electronegativity 7. Hybridization in CO 8. Hybridization9.Overlap diagrams of d-orbitals 10. Solid State Chemistry 11.cubicunit cell 12. Ionic lattices and Lattice Energies 13. X-raydiffractometers 14. Bragg’s Law 15. Miller Indices16.Rationalizing Systematic Absences in Diffraction patterns 17.ThePhase Problem 18. Introduction to Band Structure 19.Bandstructures in insulators, metals and semiconductors 20.CellRepresentation and sign convention 21. The Nernst Equation 22.Freeenergy and EMF 23. Concentration cells 24. Measurement of pH25.Batteries and fuel cells 26. The fuel cell 27.ElectrochemicalCorrosion 28. Electrolytic cells 29. Faraday’s lawsof electrolysis30. The reaction rate and the rate constant 31.Order andMolecularity 32. Mathematical Formulation of First OrderReaction33. Third-order kinetics 34. Second-order kinetics35.Determination of the order of a reaction 36. Reversiblereactions37. The steady state 38. Phase rule 39. Inductive andResonanceEffects 40. Acids and Bases 41. Bases and Nucleophiles42.Resonance or Mesomerism 43. Resonance Effect or MesomericEffect44. Hyperconjugation 45. Aldol Addition & CondensationReaction46. Cannizzaro Reaction 47. Beckmann Rearrangement 48.Diels-AlderReaction 49. E-Z Notation 50. Free Radical Mechanism51.Classification of Reactions 52. Nucleophilic substitution53.Optical isomerism 54. R-S System of Nomenclature 55. ChiralityandSymmetry 56. The Conformation of Butane 57. Polymers 58. Typesofpolymerization 59. Chain growth mechanism 60. StepGrowthpolymerisation 61. Plastics 62. Polyethene 63. Poly vinylchloride(PVC) 64. Nylon 65. Fabrication of plastics 66. Polystyrene67.Teflon 68. Conducting polymers 69. Natural rubber 70.Elastomers71. Fibers 72. Fuels 73. Calorific value 74. CalculationofCalorific Value of a Solid Fuel – Bomb Calorimeter 75. CrackingofPetroleum 76. Knocking in IC Engines 77. Power AlcoholandSynthetic Petrol 78. Acid-Base Titrations 79. Water 80.Estimationof hardness of water 81. Scale and Sludge formation 82.Priming andFoaming 83. Softening of water 84. Zeolite or Permutitprocess 85.Ion-exchange process 86. Bio Mass 87. Introduction tospectroscopy88. Some terms concerning UV 89. Applications of UV inanalyticalchemistry 90. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (nmr) 91. Theoryofnuclear resonance Applies physical sciences (chemistry andphysics)and life sciences ( biology, microbiology andbiochemistry)together with mathematics and economics. It isessential to relatedfields such as nanotechnology, fuel cells andbioengineering.
Engineering Mathematics 2 7
Engineering mathematics (also called Mathematical Engineering)isabranch of applied mathematics concerning mathematicalmethodsandtechniques that are typically used in engineeringandindustry.With this App the learning is made easy. The appbringsthe notesof mathematics in engineering. The Topics are likeflashcardswhich is extremely easy to go to the topics and speciallyatthetime of exams and interviews for faster revisions orquickglanceson the subject. The app covers 70 topics of Maths 2indetail.These 70 topics are divided in 5 units. 5 Units are :*DiffrentialEquations * Laplace Transform * Series SolutionandSpecialFunctions * Fourier Series and Partial Defferential*Applicationof Diffrential Equations Some of topics Covered inthisapplicationare: 1. Ordinary Differential Equation 2. ProblemsonDifferentialEquation 3. Method of Variation of Parameter4.Cauchy'sHomogeneous Linear Equation 5. Problems on Euler'sEquation6.Legendre Linear Equation 7. Linear EquationwithConstantCoefficients 8. Inverse Differential OperatorandParticularIntegral 9. Special Form of X in DifferentialEquation10. Problemson Special Form of X in Differential Equation11.Method ofUndetermined Coefficients 12. Problems on MethodofUndeterminedCoefficients 13. Simultaneous DifferentialEquations14. Solutionof Initial and Boundary Value Function 15.AdditionalProblems onDifferential Equations 16. Second Order ODEwithVariableCoefficients 17. Problems on Frobenius Series Solution18.BesselEquation 19. Bessel function of Second Kind 20.PropertiesofBessel Function 21. Properties of LegendrePolynomials22.Orthogonality of Legendre Polynomials 23. LaplaceTransform24.Laplace Transforms of Standard Function 25. ProblemsonLaplaceTransformation 26. Laplace Transformation onIntegralFunction 27.Problems Laplace Transformation on IntegralFunction28. LaplaceTransform of Periodic Function 29. ProblemsonLaplaceTransformation on Periodic Function 30. InverseLaplaceTransforms31. Properties of Inverse Laplace Transform 32.Problemson InverseLaplace Transform 33. Laplace Transforms of UnitStepFunction 34.Laplace Transforms of Unit Impulse Function35.Problems on LaplaceTransforms of Unit Step Function 36. DiracDeltaGeneralizedFunction 37. Convolution Theorem 38. ProblemsonConvolutionTheorem 39. Laplace Transforms of the Derivatives40.Solution ofLinear Differential equations 41. Problems onSolutionof LinearDifferential Equations 42. Problems on SolutionofSimultaneousDifferential Equation 43. Fourier Series44.Convergence of FourierSeries 45. Integration of Fourier Series46.Periodic Functions 47.Period of Multiple Function 48.FourierCoefficients 49. Confirmingthe Fourier Coefficient Formulas50.Properties of the FourierSeries 51. Euler Method 52.PartialDifferentiation 53. GeneralInterval 54. Half Range FourierSeries55. Even and Odd Function56. Fourier Series of FunctionswithArbitrary Periods 57.Trigonometric Polynomials 58. InverseFourierTransforms 59.Theorem on Inverse Fourier Transform 60.HyperbolicEquation withConstant Coefficients 61. Parabolic andEllipticEquation withConstant Coefficients 62. Orthogonal FunctionofFourier Series 63.Method of Separation of Variables For PDE64.Wave Equation 65.Laplace's Equation 66. Heat ConductionEquation67. TransmissionLine Equations 68. Parsevals Identities69.Heisenberg's Inequaity70. Problems on Application ofPartialDifferential EquationIMPORTANT LINKS Feedback: Share [email protected] Social linksFacebook: a very HappyLearning.
Quadratic equations 2.1
A simple and easy to use applicationtodetermine the roots of a quadratic equation ax²+bx+c=0.Optionally,you can draw the graphic of the functiony=ax²+bx+c.If there are no real roots, you can also get the complex roots.Theapplication will also show you the position of the complex rootsinthe complex diagram.On version 2 you can find a new design and a new feature: Youcannow double tap over a number to change its signal.If you find any bug or any other issue please report here orinthe YouTube video before giving a negative rating. I'll be happytohelp you by helping you to get a fix.A commercial version, with some more features and without ads,isnow available! Search for "Quadratic Equations +"
Advanced Calculator 1.0.2
Ứng dụng máy tính thông minh, hỗ trợchươngtrình giải Toán, Lý, Hóa cấp 3- ôn thi Đại học.Các chức năng chính:* Giải chính xác phương trình, bất phương trình, hệphươngtrình* Tính tích phân, đạo hàm.* Tính giới hạn.* Tìm giá trị lớn nhất, nhỏ nhất, hỗ trợ giải bất đẳng thức.* Phân tích đa thức thành nhân tử.* Và nhiều tính năng khácIntelligentcomputerapplications, support resolution programs Mathematics,Physics,Chemistry level 3 - Exam Preparation University.The main functions:* Prize exact equations, equations, equations* The integral, derivative.* Calculate the limit.* Find the maximum value, minimum, supportresolutioninequality.* Analysis of polynomial factorization.* And many other features