Top 16 Games Similar to Bench Bro

Bodybuilding Muscle Beach 1.86
Bodybuilding and fitness game on your phone again! IRON MUSCLEISBACK!
Iron Muscle bodybuilding game 1.31
Train your character through bodybuilding workouts in theIronMuscle.
Fingers Running track 2 1.5
FunXL Apps
Fingers GYM Running track 2 - asimulatorgamefor speed and endurance. Continuation of the legendarygamefun!New features and tracks! Choose mode - and run yourfingersacrossthe screen! It is necessary to disappoint? Or need toloseweight?Start with the basics - the hands and fingers! Now, onemoremode!Now you can take a break and continue running!Andmostimportantly-more than 10 new treadmill for yourfingers!Collectpower-ups shoes or sneakers and run even faster! Andnothingelseto buy! While the rest are looking for where to buyacheapexercise bike, use a free treadmill for your fingers!Startengagedin fitness today - its easy, as two fingers on theasphalt!Buysingle elliptical trainer for your fingers under thisprice-stupid! Appendix treadmill for your fingers - thats thewaytoperfection! Exercise hands - a sports simulator inyoursmartphone!By clicking! Good fingers - good health! If youreamusician - youneed to knead your fingers all the time! Treadmill-this is anoption for every day! This power simulator will letyouknow howmuch you fast and hardy! Organize competitions withyourfriends,conquer and share their successes in social networks.Showme whatyou have fast fingers, talking about the newdevelopments intermsof speed and path length. Run your fingers,run!
Bodybuilding Clicker: The Game 1.5
Some parts of the story and asmalldescriptionof the game:Are you trying to make fitness at your home ? Thats noproblemforthis little powerlifter here !All he needs to do is to push the weights and get someverycoolsupplements to be a real champ in this bodybuilding gamethatyoucan get here.As he gets stronger, he gain access to trainers and othercoolstuffwich you can get in the store.If you are very good you can make it rain more power andupgradesforyour character while playing this app !But you have to pick up the barbells now, so he wont getfatorgonna need to have any gym game to get fit today.There is no end in this fitness game, wich means we hopeyouhaveendless fun with it all the time while you playing it !If you get the very good trainers it changes into a fullidlegameclicker were u can farm as mutch as you like to dowithit.This app is working even you want to idle offline with yourphoneorif you cant get a good connection.You have to be prepared for some nice and big updates soon !
Fit the Fat 2 1.4.5
Help your friend get Fit!
Athletics2: Summer Sports 1.9.5
Practice athletic sports through 30 events and 5 competitions !
Rio 2016 Olympic Games 1.0.42
Most celebrated sports event of the world,theRio 2016 Olympic Games!Experience the magic of the Olympic Games in the palm ofyourhand! Rio 2016 Olympic Games - Game features ■ A fun and enjoyable game with easy controlsEnjoy simple yet engrossing matches in 6 sports, archery,skeet,basketball, football, tennis, and table-tennis with the swipeof afinger. ■ Official licensed game from the InternationalOlympicCommitteeJoin in the world’s greatest sporting event – in the magical cityofRio de Janerio, Brazil ■ Play the game! Come and compete with other players fromtheglobe!Join the Olympic Games! Victory and glory can be yours! ※ Forward all and any inquiries to [email protected].
World Boxing Challenge 1.1.0
Reludo srl
Train your boxers, grow your gym, and earn glory and money.
Lose Weight - Fat Fitness 1.0.2
Hassan Ali
Do you like taking on the hardest gamesevertoconstantly push your skills to the edge? Do you like tobeaprofessional fitness trainer and help people to lose fat?Ifyouranswer is yes, then Lose Weight is just the perfect gameforyourright now!Our sports game is a game where the main objectiveishelpdifferent people to reach their fitness goals andspeciallytheirdream body by doing some exercises like balancing,boxing,squatand many more!Get the coolest and greatest addictive game on yoursmartphoneforFREE now. Lose weight is the latest and coolestslimming gameon theplay store. You will find 6 mini games: Boxing,Balancing,WeightLifting, Stepper, Rope Skipping and Barbell Squat.But, allthoseones are with one objective is to be a professionalfitnesstrainerand help people to burn some fat and reach theidealbody.Why you need to download and install Weight Loss – TheGameonyour smartphone or tablet for Free instead ofotheraddictivesports games?• Cool, awesome and smooth high quality graphics to giveyouthebest experience while playing the greatest game ever!Youwillenjoy it!• Fantastic theme graphics and immersive sound effects.Wetookdesign seriously and we want our users to enjoythisgameimmensely.• 3 Fat Characters that were designed in a very high quality.• Our weight loss game is FREE and it will stay Free forlife,sothere is No hidden fees, no special memberships andnoannualsubscription fees.• 6 Highly addictive mini games within one freeslimminggame:Boxing, Balancing, Weight Lifting, Stepper, BarbellSquat andRopeSkipping.• Want to play Lose Weight inside your tablet? It's notaproblem,because our game is responsive compatible withallsmartphone andtablet sizes. Enjoy playing it within allyourdevices.• Perfect for time killing, leisure, brain training,bondingwithfamily and friends. Good for kids too.Have fun with friends and family!• Invite your friends to play with them! Do not forgettocompetewith them for the highest score.• Very easy gamely! It’s a tapping game and it’s very easytoplay.You don’t have to watch any tutorials.• You can use many power-ups to help you while playingLoseWeight.The Power-ups that we have are : Energy Soda, Headband,ProGear,Power Bar and V.I.P PassKids also can play and enjoy this free kids game. Theywillloveit!• Lose Weight can be played by Adults and Teens. Yourwholefamilycan play it and they will enjoy it!• The fascinating User Interface will inspire you to play itasmuchas possible, test your skills and improve them onthisawesomegame.Lose weight is an awesome game, one that relies on yourspeedandto help our characters to burn their additional poundsandreach thedream body. Have fun playing Lose Weight for hours,youwill notfeel bored even if you play it for many hours. Whenyouare waitingin line, when you are on a break, or when youareriding a bus ortrain, play this fun and addictive sports gametoavoid gettingbored with nothing to do.Lose Weight comes with a very different and unique stylefromtheclassic and arcade games. This time you will have veryhighqualityenvironment. The environment of playing is amazing andyouwillnever feel bored. The sound effects are awesome and willletyoulove this game. In this free sports game, your job is tomakesurethat all characters lose their extra pounds and burn fat.It'salsovery simple to control the game because it’s allabouttapping, soyou can start playing easily and quickly.So, what are you waiting for ? Download Lose Weight – TheGamenowand start playing the best free health & fitnessgameever!We are always striving to provide the best user experienceforourplayers. We are also looking for your feedback,suggestionorrecommendation. Please, feel free to let us hear fromyou at"[email protected] " so we can continue to bring youthebestexperiences and updates.
MMA Fighting Clash 1.34
★★★ MMA Fighting Clash ★★★ is a brand new Sport Game that bringsnewjoy to all players who like dynamic fighting games. Foe allthosewho where wondering how Kickbox would do Against Muay Thaicheckthis link with BRAND NEW Fighting ClashGAME! the AndroidGameplayNet short tutorial can be foundhere: from 50legendary fighters, all over the world and step intothe cage. Tryyour best to beat your opponents. Use all your skillslikepunching, kicking, blocking and super kicks and takedowns togetyour opponents down on the ground. Do not rush, don't riskcuts,protect yourself and wait for the right moment to use yourrage toslam everyone in your way!________________________________________★ Career in differentweight classes with any created or purchasedfighter ★ Multiplayerwith your own customizable Fighter ★ QuickFights ★ Tournaments ★Missions ★ Challenges ★ 60+ Look a LikeCharacters like (RondaRousey, Fedor and Alexander Emilianenko,Connor McGregor, Jose Aldo,Kimbo Slice, Bruce Lee and many moreMMA Legends.) with differentstrenghts and weakpoints ★ RealisticSounds, Graphics and Animations★ Action-packed gameplay withdifferent styles of combat like BJJ,Muay Thai, Box, Kickbox, Samboand many others , dodging, rage,cuts, knockouts, technicalknockouts. ★ Gripping Kickboxingatmosphere, experience thesensation of MMA in a big arena! ★ BigCharacter customization ★Libary with over 100 moves that you cansetup for your fighters ★Store with fighters, clothing, abilites,boosts and much more ★Intuitive touch controls_________________________________________Website THANK YOU VERY MUCH! For allyoursupport, feedback, suggestions, ideas and criticism. We areworkingfulltime on new content and updates for the game.Yoursupport helpsand means a lot for us! All Problems you encounter,please contactus over email and not in the comments thank you.
Fanatical Basketball 1.0.13
Fanatical Basketball is the world’s #1 stunningly immersive3Dbasketball game.
Carrera Cartoon 2.0
Bienvenido a Carrera Cartoon Network unlugardonde podrás moverte y hacer deporte de la mano de todoslospersonajes de Cartoon Network y prepárate para competir enlasdiferentes carreras. Salta con Clarence, muévete al ritmo deStevenUniverse o demuestra tus súper poderes al mejor estilo delasChicas Superpoderosas.Dentro del app podrás encontrar contenido especialmentediseñadopara ti. Disfruta de increíbles ejercicios, entretenidosminijuegosy aprende cómo llevar un estilo de vida saludable einvita a tusamigos a participar y hacer parte de un movimiento almejor estilode Cartoon Network.Para navegar podrás deslizar o hacer tap en el botón siguienteydisfrutar de todos los contenidos que tenemos para ti.Si prefieres, puedes saltarte el contenido y dejarte sorprenderconuno nuevo.Podrás acceder a minijuegos, ejercicios decalentamientos,estiramiento y de alto impacto, además de consejos einformación deinterés.Cuéntanos cómo te sientes y recibe el contenido adecuado paratusnecesidades físicas.Nada mejor que ejercitarse en compañía; en Carrera CartoonNetworkpodrás acceder a contenidos individuales y en dupla, enestospodrás invitar a un amigo o miembro de tu familia y verquienobtiene el mejor resultado.¡Toma tu celular en la mano y muévete!. En Carrera CartoonNetwork,podrás medir tus habilidades a través del giroscopio yelacelerómetro de tu dispositivo móvil, el app te dirá comodebesrealizar el ejercicio y medirá tu respuesta.Si te gusta un contenido, repítelo cuantas veces quierasmarcándolocomo favorito. Consulta la sección de favoritos en elmenú.Muéstrales a tus amigos tus logros, y los mejorescontenidos,compartiéndolo en redes sociales. (Recuerda, solo unadulto estáautorizado para compartir contenido)¡Vamos a correr! prepárate y prepárate para la Carrera que sellevaen las principales ciudades de latinoamérica.Precauciones:Es posible que deba moverse al usar este aplicativo, por lotantoverifique que todas las áreas donde se vaya a moveresténdespejadas. El uso de este aplicativo es con finesdeentretenimiento cualquier duda consulte con su médico.NOTA: Cartoon Network no se hace responsable por posibles dañosoroturas en su dispositivo.Cartoon NetworkRacingWelcome to a place where you can move and play sports handall thecharacters from Cartoon Network and get ready to competeindifferent races. Clarence jumps, move to the rhythm ofStevenUniverse or show off your super powers in the style ofthePowerpuff Girls.Within the app you can find content designed especially foryou.Enjoy incredible exercises, mini-games and learn how to liveahealthy lifestyle and invite your friends to participate andbepart of a movement in the style of Cartoon Network.To navigate you can slide or tap on the button below and enjoyallthe content we have for you.If you prefer, you can skip the content and let yourselfbesurprised with a new one.You can access games, exercises warm-ups, stretching andhighimpact, plus tips and information of interest.Tell us how you feel and get the right content for yourphysicalneeds.Nothing better than exercising in the company; RunningCartoonNetwork you can access individual contents and in tandem,these youcan invite a friend or family member and see who gets thebestresult.Take your cell phone in hand and move !. Running CartoonNetwork,you can measure your skills through the gyroscope andaccelerometerof your mobile device, the app will tell you how youshould do theexercise and measure your response.If you like a content, repeat it whenever you want marking himasfavorite. See section favorites on the menu.Show friends your achievements, and the best content, sharingonsocial networks. (Remember, only one adult is allowed tosharecontent)Let's run! prepare and get ready for the race that takes in themaincities of Latin America.precautions:You may need to move to use this application, so check thatallareas where it is to move are clear. Use of this application isforentertainment purposes any doubt consult your doctor.NOTE: Cartoon Network is not liable for any damage or breaks inyourdevice.
Realtech Iron Fist Boxing 6.1.2
realtech VR
IRON FIST BOXING is the original real-time 3D MMA fighting gameonAndroid. With a totally revamped input system, a longercareermode, more game modes, and more characters than ever. Today,you’vedecided to take your fighting career to a new level. Traininghardfor the World circuit, your arms ache as you pummel thepunchingbag, building the muscles, focus and technique that you’llneed towin. Nothing and no one else exists in this moment, it’sjust youand the sound of your gloves slapping the bag. You’re goingto bethe next champ if it kills you. And it might. Iron Fist Boxingisthe original, real-time 3D MMA fighting app. Don’t be fooledbyimitations, if you want authentic, heart-racing action,incrediblenext generation graphics and the absolute ultimate ingamingchallenge. This application pushes the envelope, offering yousixdifferent game modes: It’s non-stop action, all the way, asyoutrain, spar with a friend or live out your fantasy fightcareer.You’ll experience high quality audio and real-time 3Dgraphics thathave never been seen before. Regardless of whichdevice you’reusing, the camera views are spectacular and yourscreen, with itseasy multitouch controls, may give you an unfairadvantage overyour virtual opponent. There are 32! characters foryou to fight inthis fast-action game. They all have MMA combatstyles and are notabove throwing in a few other disciplines to takeyou down: Boxing,Muay Thai, Savate, Kick Boxing, Brawler and FullContact. You’vegot your work cut out for you, if you want to claimthe title,better start training now. To help you out, the appfeatures manysuper moves and dodges. Game Features: • Enjoy 6 gamemodes: Storymode, sparring, training and introducing the Speed Bagtraining,Punching Bag training and Punch-o-Meter. • Story mode:Experience anew world career in Brazil, Canada, Thailand, and USA.• Trainingmode: Train yourself for the Story mode. • Speed bagmode: Hit aspeed bag as fast as you can. • Punching bag: Hit apunching bag ina given same sequence. • Punch-o-Meter: Hold youphone and hit ashard as you can with accelerometer • Sparring mode:Fight against arandom fighter. • Play up to 32 characters with MMAcombat stylesand more: Boxing, Muay Thai, Savate, Kick Boxing,Brawler and FullContact. • Gain access to new costumes and newattacks. • Newcamera views, characters can now move on the ring,many super movesand dodges added. Are you ready to fight? Join thevanguard offighters now!
Pixel Summer Sports 1.01
Join the Summer Sports right now!Take part in many competitions!Currently available competitions:*100m*Long Jump*Swimming*Hammer Throw*Canoeing*Javelin Throw*Weightlifting*High Jump
The Real Koklyaev 1.3
Moor Games
The Real Koklyaev - meet thefamousstrongmanfrom Russia in action!Squat, lift and press barbell using many differentweights.Play the game and follow the detailed training plancreatedbyMikhail Koklyaev.Progress and achieve your goals in life!
UFB 2: Fighting Champions Game 1.1.29
Tapps Games
Join the Ultra Fighting Bros once again in the most excitingMMAfights!