Top 12 Apps Similar to 4M Money-Free

Make Money Online - 100 Ways
100 make money ways and work from home ideas.
Fundraising & Make Money Tools & Tutorials 2.0.1
All suggestions, articles and tips come from the experienceofthe100,000+ entrepreneurs on our business plan app. Weunderstandthatoften what people want is simply to make money, andin this appweshare many tips on how you can make money byworking,startingprojects or businesses, or raising money for yourbusiness.The apphelps you understand how to make money in a numberof ways.Thereare tutorials on how to: - Make money by starting asmallbusinessand growing it - Make money by raising money for aprojectorbusiness - Make money by applying to full-time orpart-timejobsThe app also features tools to help you planvariousfundraisingefforts. You can plan how to make money privatelyor byinvitingfriends or business partners and planning together.Thereis alsoour YouTube channel that covers topics like how tomakemoney bystarting a business, how to promote your business,andvariousfundraising techniques. The app is split up in afewsections. Thefirst section is about how to make money bystartingany of the 100common business ideas on the list that wehave puttogether. Theideas there are common business ideas thatmost peoplecan do. Thenext section of the app is about how to makemoney byactuallyraising money for a business or a project bygetting moneyvialoans, investors, donations or getting aninvestment. Andofcourse, you can always make money by taking parttime work orfulltime work and saving the money that you earn there.The otherwayto make money is to start a bigger kind of a business.Insidetheapp we have links to our free business ideas andbusinessplanningapps so that you can learn how to get businessideas onyour own,and learn to plan your business. Both of thoseapps arefree. Youcan also watch videos about how to make moneyright on theapp. Wehave added our YouTube channel which coverstopics likestarting abusiness, raising and getting money, promotingyourbusiness, andother topics about getting money or making money.Fortech support,please email: [email protected]
Xpress Money 1.2
Xpress Money
Xpress Money is a global money transfer brand with morethan135,000agent locations in 125 countries; it works towards thegoalof‘Bringing Home Closer’ for millions of expatriates wholiveawayfrom home. Here’s a simple, fast & convenient way foruserstoaccess Xpress Money services on the Android Phones. Nowyoucan:Find an Agent: Using country, city and zip code or simplytrythe‘Use Current Location’ option and get maps and directionstofindyour nearest agent location Calculate Fee: Getcompetitiveexchangerates, calculate fee and estimate your totaltransferamountTransaction Tracker: Track your transfer with the 16digitX-Pinnumber What's New: Keep a tab on our latest offers&promotionsAbout Us: Learn more about Xpress Money Xpress Moneyisone of thefastest growing money transfer brands in the world withapresenceacross 5 continents; established in 1999, the brandhasgrownrapidly and is now available across 125 countries.Workingwithsome of the largest banks and non-bankingfinancialcompanies,Xpress Money has been able to establish one ofthelargestremittance networks in the industry. It offers abouquetofservices to delight its customers in both evolvedandevolvingremittance markets in the following categories: •CashtoCash •Cashto Bank Account •Cash to Mobile •Cash to Door•OnlineMoneyTransfers •Cash to Card Xpress Money is committedtoworkingtowards developing innovative payment solutions tosupportthegrowing expatriate community across the world. Tolearnmore,visit: www.xpressmoney.comCustomersupport:[email protected] Toll Free: USA&Canada:1866 977 3772 Australia: 1800 198 985 India:18004259585Tolled:UAE & Rest Of the World: +971 510 2222Address: XpressMoneyServices Ltd 14-15 Carlisle Street London W1D3BS
Career & Money Horoscope Pro 1.5.3
NOW 60% OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME"There are lots of apps available but still its better thantheothers" Agnik"This app is really dead on, solid. Wow its got my vote!"Justin"It's an awesome apps... Loved it" Apurva- Read everyday your personalized career and moneyhoroscope2016- High quality predictions prepared byprofessionalastrologers- HD graphics optimized for phones and tablets- ZERO ADSUnlike generic horoscopes, this app offers a unique setofspecialized predictions for your career and finance life:- Your horoscope every day- Energy Levels: get predictions about your Wisdom,Ambition,Charisma, Intuition and Confidence every day- Favorable Hours: your best time of the day for business- Lucky Numbers and Numerology: what are the 3 significantnumbersfor your projects?- Influential colors and Gemology: which color will empower yourdayat work?- Sign Affinity: people around you who will be the mostcompatibletodayThis app will give your daily predictions for 2016 whetheryouare Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces.If you are interested in specialized horoscope, you mightalsolike our other horoscopeapp: the predictions are slightly different, userslookingfor a Chinese zodiacal horoscope or Druid horoscope shouldalso tryour app about work and finance predictions..Our app may also be interesting for people looking forastrology,forecasts, omen, druid horoscope, gemology andnumerology.Thank you for using this app, if you would like to give usafeedback, please give your rating on this page.
Money Manager - Expense, Bills 3.2
Track, Analyze And Know Where Your Money Is Disappearing
Money Tracker - Income Expense Budget v2.8
S App Fusion
Money Tracker is a simple and user friendly expense tracker.Itgives you a quick and simple expense adding and editingexperience.This is the Pro edition of Money Tracker Free "TrackMoney, SaveMoney" Main features: - Track and manage daily revenueandexpenditure - Multiple accounts - Customize accounts,categories,payer/payer - View Transactions ofparticularaccount/contact/category - Quick Summary, Current MonthSummary,Current Year Summary - Group By : categories, payer/payer,paymentstatus, payment method, date - Reminder for payment :Schedule thepayments and recurring payments, Payment alerts -Budget Planning :Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly - Statistics - ViewMonthly Revenueor Monthly Income Statistics by Date, Category,Payment Status,Payment Mode - View Transactions of a particularbudget - Templates: Auto fill - Summary Widget - Local Backup,Restore - OnlineBackup and Restore - 93 Different CurrenciesSymbols - CurrencyFormats - Date Formats - Password Protection -Notes Tools -Calculator - 93 Currency converter - Tip Calculator -TaxCalculator - Interest Calculator - EMI Calculator - ATM Finder-Bank Finder Permissions : - Write to SD card permission toexportpayments - Internet and Location permission to convertcurrency,locate atm and bank - Vibrate to remind payment Due toAndroidmarket policy, you will have only 15-minutes refund window.Pleasecheck with Demo version before purchase. Please feel freetocontact "[email protected]" if you have any questions,commentsor recommendations. Unfortunately Google Play does allow torespondto the comments here, so please contact the developerdirectly.Thanks for your support!!
Money-Wealth=Power 2.0
Attract money, wealth and success with the Law of Attraction.
会計アプリfreee(フリー) 確定申告、青色申告、白色申告
freee K.K.
◆◆70万を超える事業所が利用中!◆◆日々の経理も、決算・確定申告も楽に。仕訳入力や請求書作成、領収書管理を、会計や簿記の知識がなくても手軽に行えます。法人・個人事業主問わずご利用いただけます。【経理を片手間に!freee(フリー)アプリの特徴】◆スワイプで帳簿付け帳簿付けはスワイプ操作で簡単に。自動で取得した銀行口座やクレジットカードの入出金明細を、片手で仕訳登録できます。◆領収書管理もスマホで領収書や請求書は、スマホで撮影した画像をアップロードするだけ。書類管理も楽になります。◆請求書作成・未収金管理請求書(納品書・見積書)をいつでもどこでも作成できます。取引先にその場で請求内容を確認してもらい、そのまま送信も可能。作成した請求書と仕訳を紐付けて登録でき、未収金の管理も簡単に。◆税金計算も自動で消費税や各種税金など税務周りの計算もソフトが自動で行います。クラウドだから、消費税等の税制改正にも迅速に対応します。◆月々の収入支出管理もこれ一つで可能勘定科目もワンタッチで入力できるので、見やすい収支表アプリとしてお使いいただけます。◆確定申告される方へ、確定申告の流れをご案内確定申告までの作業をステップ形式でナビゲート。簡単な質問に回答するだけで、自動で確定申告書を作成。初めての方でもスラスラ確定申告を。白色申告も、個人事業主の青色申告も楽々できます。確定申告することで申告期限までに源泉徴収された税金や、予定納税で納めた税金などの過不足を簡単に計算できます。◆スマホで確定申告freeeアプリではいつでもどこでも、そのときどきで一番最適なデバイスでバックオフィス業務ができるよう各種機能がそろっています。iPhoneアプリの確定申告書類の作成機能をリリースしたところ、freeeで確定申告を終えたユーザーの56%が「モバイルを利用し確定申告を行った」と回答しました。【他サービスと連携して記帳を楽に】◆レジアプリや決済サービス、ECなどから明細を取得し、記帳を自動化・スマートPOSレジアプリAirレジ(エアレジ)、ユビレジ、Square(スクエアレジ) などの売上データを自動で記帳し、店舗の売上管理もカンタンに・レシート読み取りアプリReceReco(レシレコ)、Dr.Wallet(ドクターウォレット)などで撮影したレシートデータを自動で記帳・交通系ICカード改札を通っただけで記帳完了 (モバイルSuica、スマートICOCA、PiTaPa)交通費の精算も簡単に・ECサイト- Amazon:購入履歴から自動で仕訳- MakeShop, BASE:販売実績を自動で記帳※別途パソコン用の画面で設定が必要です。【freee(フリー)で入力、さまざまな形式で出力できます】他社の会計ソフトにそのまま取り込める形式での仕訳帳エクスポートに対応。顧問税理士がfreee(フリー)以外のソフトを使っている方でも、安心してお使いいただけます。- 対応ソフト: 弥生会計、財務応援シリーズ、 JDL、ミロク情報サービス書類を簡単に作成できるので、発注書・見積書作成アプリとしても便利です。【freee(フリー)はこんな方におすすめ】・会計士・税理士がいない自営業の個人事業主の為、自分でできる会計アプリを探している・日頃から記帳しやすアプリが欲しい・シンプルにメモして使える支出管理アプリを探している・書類を作成する業務が多いので、請求書作成アプリや見積書作成アプリなどの機能が一緒になっているアプリが欲しい・領収書管理ができる確定申告アプリを利用したい・財務会計に基づいた、使い易い財務アプリが欲しい・給与明細などをまとめて収入記録として管理したいので、見やすい収支表アプリが欲しい・発注書や納品書の作成も手軽にできる会計アプリを探している・会計アプリで入力したデータを、弥生会計やMFクラウド会計などの会計ソフトに取り込みたい・勘定科目の入力や収支の把握が苦手なので、簡単に収入支出管理ができる収入・支出管理アプリが欲しい・白色申告しか経験がないので、個人事業主が使い易い青色申告アプリを探している・レシート読み取りもできる、人気で無料の家計簿アプリが欲しい・メモしたことが反映される収支表アプリを、シンプルな支出管理アプリとして利用したい・収入管理をしたいので、財務アプリを使って収入記録をとり、しっかり収入管理をしたい・見積書作成アプリを使って、クライアントの見積書を手早く作りたい・自営業を営んでいる個人事業主なので、無料の確定申告アプリ(青色申告アプリ)を使って確定申告に備えたい・仕訳帳を勘定科目ごとに分けて総勘定元帳へ転記するのは大変なので、あらかじめ勘定科目ごとに分けて入力できる帳簿アプリを探している・書類作成を楽にしたいので、見積書作成アプリや請求書作成アプリを利用して手軽に作成したい・入力簡単な帳簿アプリで、収入記録や支出記録をしっかりつけ、収入支出管理を漏れなく行いたい・法人で、会計士に依頼せずに簡単に法人税計算や収入管理を行いたい・簡単に青色申告ができる確定申告アプリを探している・所得税や法人税を計算できる税金計算アプリを探している(法人税の確定申告に関しては、別ソフトが必要になります)・今までは会社員だったので白色申告だったが、今年から自営業で青色申告になるので確定申告計算アプリ(青色申告アプリ)が欲しい・法人は財務分析をして財務諸表を作成しなくてはならないので、決算書アプリや財務アプリを探している・消費税計算だけでなく、所得税計算アプリとして税務周りを整理できる税金計算アプリが欲しい・手書きで家計簿をつけるのが面倒なので、無料で人気の家計簿アプリで家庭の支出管理をやりたい・収入支出管理が簡単にできる会計アプリが欲しい・無料人気ランキングに入っている家計簿アプリの中で、簡単に記帳できる帳簿アプリを探している・収支表アプリで入力したデータを、弥生会計(やよい会計)やMFクラウド会計などにエクスポートしたい・税務通信や税務手帳を購読して財務管理をしようとしたが難しかったので、財務アプリを探している・日頃から支出管理アプリに入力して、きちんと消費税計算をしたい・無料で人気の税金計算アプリを使用して税金の動きを把握し、出納帳作りに生かしたい・簡単に使える家計簿アプリで、財務アプリのReceReco(レシレコ)やDr.Wallet(ドクターウォレット)のレシート読み取り機能を使って出納帳を作りたい・法人の企業だが会計士に頼まず所得税計算をしていたが、手書きだと大変なので所得税計算アプリが欲しい・書類作成に掛かる時間を削減したいので、簡単に使える請求書作成アプリが欲しい・無料でシンプルな収入支出管理アプリで収入と支出を管理しておきたい・消費税について定められた消費税法が複雑なので、税金計算アプリで税金を計算したい・人気で無料の会計アプリを使って、見易い出納帳を作りたい・税務関連に疎く、所得税の計算方法がわからないので、所得税計算アプリを利用して楽に計算したい・レシート読み込みのできる家計簿アプリでReceReco(レシレコ)のデータを使用できる、人気で無料の収支表アプリが欲しい・税理士や会計士を雇う余裕がないので、税理士アプリや帳簿アプリを利用して税務を管理したい・請求書の発行でバタつくことが多いので、請求書作成アプリで手早く請求書を作りたい・納品書や見積書作成が楽にできて、さらにAirレジのデータも利用できるアプリで店舗業務の効率を上げたい・従業員の給与明細に記載する消費税計算を、パソコンではなくスマホで行いたい・空き時間にスマホでザイム関連の作業をして、弥生会計やMFクラウド会計に取り込むデータを作成しておきたい・領収書作成アプリの作成機能は必要ないので、領収書・請求書管理を簡単にできるアプリが欲しい・請求書管理をする際に、消費税計算をするのが面倒なので手軽に使える税金計算アプリを探している・クライアントに見積りを依頼された時、その場で対応できるような見積書作成アプリが欲しい【freee(ふりー)に関する質問・お問い合わせ】操作に関する質問はもちろん、仕訳の方法など、freee(フリー)サポートデスクがナビゲーションいたします。- この銀行口座は使える?- 他社の会計ソフトからの乗り換えを検討している- プライベートの支出はどうすればいい? など、ささいなことでもお気軽にお尋ねください。 お問い合わせ先: 公式Webサイト:【各種メディアで掲載】日本経済新聞、東洋経済、日経産業新聞、日経ビジネス、朝日新聞デジタル、CNETJapan、TechCrunch、Biz.ID誠等、他多数【会計ソフトでは初!2013年度グッドデザイン賞】
Unclaimed Money 47.0
Find unclaimed money in all sorts of places such asdormantaccounts,financial, insurance and utility companies. Thevaluemight be incash or property. This app will help you find outifyou haveanything due to you. * Get easy access to onlineunclaimedmoneydatabases so you can search for missing money * Makenotesinside theapp * All of the databases are available forfree.Knowing what tolook for, where to look and how to look forlostproperty or missingmoney is quite a task. However, thisappcontains very wellresearched help and ideas about how you cangoabout finding what isowed to you. For instance, you need toknowthe best way in which toenter your name on thedifferentdatabases. Get this wrong and thechances of find somelostproperty are much diminished. It also helpsto know how thevariousUS States are organised when it comes toreuniting ownerswiththeir possessions. There are laws that dealwith lost, mislaidorabandoned property and understanding the ruleswill again giveyoua head start in finding anything which isrightfullyyours.Property may be assumed to be lost, mislaid orabandoneddependingon the various circumstances under which it isretrievedby thenext party who obtains its possession. Remember theoldsaying"possession is nine-tenths of the law"? Well, this apphelpsyou tomake the most of that centuries old saying and helps youtolegallyprofit from missing money or from mislaid or lostbelongingsthatare rightfully yours. There are literally billions ofdollarswherethe rightful owner just needs to step forward and makealegalclaim in the right way and by the correct means in ordertocollectthe property. It may be in a bank account, a Will, apieceof land,a life assurance policy, or many other types ofobjects.But if itsyours then you need to know how to make yourclaim. Thisapp showsyou how and it need to not be very complicated.Plus much,muchmore. Now includes: * Unclaimed Baggage * UnclaimedLand *MoneyLoss Finding unclaimed money that is owed to you hasneverbeeneasier - download this freeappnow!-------------------------------------------------------------------------IMPORTANTNOTICEThis app sources information from variousgovernmentwebsites, all ofwhich are publicly Thisapp is not associated with, or connected with,oraffiliated withany government or any political entity.
Money Is Time 2.1
Nowadays, most people hardly touchphysicalmoney anymore. The only thing we touch is the plastic ofour debitor credit cards. And let’s be honest; these cards are easyto useand everything is quickly paid for. There is only oneproblem;people are losing the sense of money value. We don’t reallyrealizehow many minutes, hours or days we have to work to providefor allthe needs that we have.A little while ago I was eating a candy bar from thevendingmachine at work, and I was wondering how many minutes Iactuallyhad to work in order to be able to pay for that candy bar.At thatmoment, I came up with an idea to make an money to timeconverterapplication that will hopefully bring people closer tomoneyagain.With the “Money is time” app you can simply fill in whatyourmonthly incomes are or what your salary is. After that, fill inanyrandom price or amount and the app will indicate how manyminutes,hours or days you will have to work in order have theneeded moneyat your disposal. This will give you an idea of thetime that youwould have to to work before you are able to purchasesomething orhad to work when you purchased something.”Money is time” can also calculate in reverse. Just fill inatime and "Money is time" will show you the amount of money youhaveor had earn in that period of time.Features:- Money to time conversion- Time to money conversion- User friendly interface by picker wheels- Supports money up to 99,999.99- Supports up to 24 currency signs like; $, £, € and ¥- Supports time up to about year- Supports both 24/7 scale or working hours- Stopwatch mode where time and money areincrementedautomatically.- Time mode where time and money aredecrementedautomatically.- Ability to set the wage per hour / day / week / monthWhen 'using working hours' is selected, it will dividetheworking hours per week by the working days per week. E.g.whenworking hours per week is set to 40 and working days is set to5 itwill assume that you work 8 hours a day.If you have any questions or issues, or if you would liketorequest additional features, then please send us ane-mail([email protected])insteadof writing a comment. Thank you in advance.### versions:V2.10:- Added support for HD screens for both phones and tablets.- Added the option to set wage per day or per week- Added a timer mode where the time and moneyautomaticallydecrements to 0V2.00:- Added the option to set wage per hour.- Added stopwatch mode which will automatically increment thetimeand money.- Currencies; Besides the Dollar, Euro and Pound 20 othercurrencysigns are added.- Landscape view; Displaying time or money or switches betweentimeand money when timer is running.- Wake lock; Option to keep screen awake.
4money 4.1.4
4money, is an all in one super dashboard for retail shops.Weproviderich experience in recharge and smart intelligenceinretail. We arehere to make your business bigger. What is therein4money app? 1.Money transfer to any bank in India 2.RechargePrepaid Mobile 3.Recharge DTH 4. Recharge Postpaid Mobile5. Paypostpaid Bills 6. Paylandline Bills 7. Pay electricity bills8.Get Plan Details (Mobile& DTH)
Verify Money 0.0.1
You have a check in your hand. How doyouknowit's good? Now you can use the same technologylargecorporationsand banks use to make an Educated Decision. Don'tjustblindlyaccept a check. Verify the Money first with this easytouseVerify.Money App. Only available for US Checks. Will notverifyanyother countries at this time.You enter the check data into our secure App. We verifythecheckagainst our national databases, and give you a Thumbs UporDown oneach item. If we report that the check is NOT GOOD youwillreceivemore details as to why we feel the check should notbeaccepted. TheVerify.Money App is available 24-hours a day.