Top 29 Apps Similar to 澳廣視 TDM

UB Mobile 3.1.1
The University at Buffalo
NEWS GOV-MO 2.2.33
“Macao Government News”is an App developed by the MacaoGovt.Information Bureau
GOODTV+ 好消息電視台 6.0.5
The viewing experience has been fully upgraded, and you canalwaysfeel the customized service! GOODTV+ is not only a one-stopsmartplatform for satisfaction, but also good news for you!
澳門氣象局SMG 3.6.0
In order to facilitate Macau residents and tourists to graspthelatest Macau weather information, the Macau MeteorologicalBureauhas launched related mobile applications.
查八字® - 计算运势 人生咨询 v4.2.7
Chinese Zodiac Numerology Love Work Matching
香港六合彩 - 即時開彩(Live!) Mark Six 4.2.0
The real-time lottery draw is synchronized with the TV (Live).Allfunctions are designed for the actual needs of Hong Kong people.Inaddition, this application also provides a real voicefunction,providing barrier-free use for people with low vision.
台灣報紙 | 新聞 Taiwan News & Newspaper 8.40.0
CCL App Dev
全面及時的新聞報導新聞來自各大網絡新聞網站,目前有ETtoday新聞雲,蘋果日報,自由時報,三立新聞,東森新聞,聯合新聞網,中時電子報,TVBS,今日新聞,將陸續增加分類包括頭條,政治,社會,國際,財經,娛樂,體育,健康等24小時不間斷每30分鐘更新,助你掌控台灣最新資訊簡潔易用的界面設計極簡風格和清晰的排版,同時保持穩定和流暢方便的導航,左右滑動打開下個新聞,觀看下個圖片點擊圖片打開圖片遊覽器,手勢控制放大拖動支持直屏模式(手機),橫屏模式(平板)最低限度的廣告,不影響閱讀 各種功能提升用戶體驗省流量模式 -在沒有WiFi時,只加載純文字新聞,用戶點擊加載圖片,避免消耗流量夜間模式-在黑暗的環境下,緩解眼睛疲勞,更易於閱讀簡單分享新聞,打開源網站此應用將持續維護與更新,請幫助反應你遇到的錯誤,以更快的修復與改進。如果覺得此應用對你有幫助,就留下好評吧。
古龍武俠小說大全 1.2
Gulong martial arts novels-truly free reading of martialartsnovels-free novels-Huanhua Xijianlu-meteor butterflysword-XiaoShiyilang
大马报纸 | 马来西亚新闻 Malaysia Chinese News & Newspaper
CCL App Dev
Bring together news sources from newspapers across Malaysiatoprovide comprehensive and timely news coverage.
Baris Efe
Read any newspaper from the Hong Kong! National andregionalnewspapers!
湯鎮瑋Lucky365風水開運 23.9.0
Wong Tai Sin Ling signed Wong Tai Sin [powered by MZTIT]
TVB NEWS 3.4.0
“TVB NEWS” App keeps up with TVB NEWS anytime, at anywhere!
台灣新聞台,支援各大新聞及自製媒體連結 2023.06
Too busy? Don't have time to watch news and find mediaprograms?Come and try this software, it provides the simplestat-a-glanceinterface, you can quickly and easily view the news andmedia linksyou want to know.
Macau Radio , Radio Macau , Ma 2.7.6
OFF Tech
Network + Radio = Radio Macau
天時子平生辰八字 3.6.5
Ad-free birthday character calculation tool, supportingthebirthplace of the world, comes with a perpetual calendar /yellowcalendar
論八字(實用) C8W_P_20220904_2330
On the character (utility) (Calc8Words), professional andefficient,the program is small. Can quickly exhaust variouscharacter posterof the disk.
The authentic Guanyin spiritual lottery provides documentsandrecords for requesting, checking and resolving signatures. MZTIT
紫微命盤-紫微斗數大師 婚姻算命 愛情配對 紫微星座運勢 1.3.4
【Zi Wei Fate Board】Zi Wei Dou number chart calculates thefatepalace, comprehensively predicts the fortune index,fortune-tellingastrology! Through the Ziwei Husband and WifePalace, explain thedevelopment of the fleeting relationship, thetrend of love,understand the personality traits of the partner, andresolve thefleeting relationship crisis.
Traffic Information Station 4.2.9
Traffic Information Station aims to provide localtrafficinformation
港人話電視 76
港人話電視 / 講人話電視 只有講人話既香港電視台,支援 Android TV8.0+m3u8直播源共享資料庫Picture-in-picture 播放 4台同播
凤凰新闻 7.49.2
澳門報紙 | 新聞 Macao News & Newspaper
CCL App Dev
Bring together news sources from major newspapers in Macautoprovide comprehensive and timely local news reports
力報Exmoo News 2.0.7
《力報》是由中匯國際傳播有限公司出版,並以澳門本地製作的免費報紙《力報》。《力報》全澳發行量最高,覆蓋率最廣的免費報紙,逢星期一至星期五工作日,早上於全澳門各大繁忙地點免費派發。「事事求真.動力傳新」正是《力報》的宗旨,除了為澳門市民帶來全新的新聞資訊體驗外,最重要是為澳門市民發聲,緊站澳門大街小巷的情況,並深入探討及報導,絕對是為澳門市民服務。《力報》內容全面覆蓋生活上每個層面,包括澳門新聞、重點港聞、國際要聞、生活消費、娛樂演藝、旅遊及健康資訊、時尚流行、環球快訊、美食推介、數碼科技、財經金融、地產等,派發目標讀者群除全面覆蓋澳門居民外,同時服務來澳高消費旅客,致力打造澳門人及旅遊人士每週必讀之免費報章。"Force News" ispublishedby the Central Department of International CommunicationCo.,complimentary newspapers and Macau local production of"forcereported." "Force reported that" the highest circulationinAustralia, the most extensive coverage of free newspapersfromMonday to Friday weekday morning in Macao's major busylocationsdistributed free of charge. "Realistic everything. The newpowertransmission" is the "force reported," the purpose, inaddition tobringing a new experience for the people of Macao News,the mostimportant is the people of Macao sound, tight stationMacaostreets, and depth and coverage is definitely Macao public."ForceNews" comprehensive life cover every level, including Macaunews,focusing on local news, international news,consumption,entertainment, performing arts, tourism and healthinformation,fashion, Global Alerts, food promotion, DigitalTechnology,Finance, real estate, distribution of the targetaudience inaddition to comprehensive coverage of Macao residents,the sametime service to the Australian high-spending visitors, tocreatethe Macao people and visitors must read freeweeklynewspaper.
澳門公共服務一戶通 5.7.4
The "Macao Public Service One Account" mobile app is produced bytheAdministration and Public Service Bureau of the MacaoSpecialAdministrative Region Government. It mainly providesserviceapplications for the Macao public sector, as well aspersonalizedmessage notifications, progress inquiries, etc.
Melco Club 2.45.1
Plan your trip with us. Download Now!
金庸武俠小說合集 1.2
Jin Yong's martial arts novels collection-Free martial artsnovelscollection, martial arts novels, complete works of martialartswriter Jin Yong's works
Chinese Almanac Calendar 4.7.8
Traditional,professional Chinese lunar calendar,Chinese Almanac.
八字算命排盤-生辰八字測算命運和星座運勢 5.8.0
生辰八字、紫微斗數合參2021年流年運勢已上線啦,下載算命八字排盤,搶先加持!⊙完整的先天八字命盤、大運八字命盤、流年八字命盤⊙集合八字排盤與紫微斗數排盤大全集 ⊙學習八字、紫微斗数數必備工具⊙鼻祖傳人30年公開單傳秘笈演算法⊙大數據時代500萬科學統計驗證 ⊙寶典級婚戀、職場、商場、創富攻心神術⊙100多個問題解盤人生百態事強大自我助夢成功⊙斷結婚、離婚、小三、創業、升遷、暴富、懷孕年份 ⊙幫您30歲前知天命帶著棋譜下棋絕殺《生辰八字部分》八字,即生辰八字,是一個人出生時的干支曆日期。年幹和年支組成年柱,月幹和月支組成月柱,日幹和日支組成日柱,時幹和時支組成時柱;一共四柱,四個幹和四個支共八個字,故又稱四柱八字。八字命理學是一種根據干支曆、陰陽五行、神煞等理論推測人的事業、婚姻、財運、學業、健康等事的學問,亦稱指迷算命,是中國的一種歷史悠久的算命方法。《紫微斗數部分》紫微斗數,是中國傳統命理學的最重要的支派之一。她是以人出生的年、月、日、時確定十二宮的位置,構成命盤,結合各宮的星群組合,牽系周易卦爻,來預測一個人的名員流程、吉凶禍福的。相對於四柱推命而言,其淵源較早,而又是同源而分流,故並稱為中國傳統命理學的兩大派別;而且紫微斗數推命術既具有道家宇宙觀的神秘色彩,又具有注重社會環境、人際關係的近代意蘊,在中國神秘文化中卓立特出,名列“五大神數”之首,號稱“天下第一神數”。紫微斗數推命的出發點依然時天人合一的觀念和陰陽五行的學說,但她在一般推命術的推算程式的基礎上,以處於北天中央正宮的紫微垣中諸吉、凶、化星的尊卑位置特點及地球面對他們向揹運動的規律,賦予不同的命理意義,以推知人的命運,因而具有自己的方法和特點。紫微斗數推命術的基本方法是以一個人的出生年、月、日、時定出其命宮所在,依此推斷其終生的地位、人格、貧富、休咎,然後依次列出兄弟宮、夫妻宮、子女宮、財帛宮、疾厄宮、遷移宮、交友宮、事業宮、田宅宮、福德宮、父母宮,作出生圖;從而觀察各宮位的星群組合,推知其鬥數命理;最後再通過四化星(化科、化祿、化權、化忌)的牽引,注意各種變化的軌跡。