Top 2 Apps Similar to NY George's Catering

Kulina - Katering Berlangganan
Kulina merupakan situs dan aplikasikateringonline di Indonesia. Kulina hadir untuk memudahkanpelangganberlangganan katering dari olahan dapur profesional kami.Menu yangditawarkan beragam dan berganti setiap hari, sehinggapelanggandapat memilih menu sesuai selera. Kulina juga menyediakanpilihanmenu spesial di hari istimewa Anda dengan menu eventbervariasi dansesuai kebutuhan tanpa perlu repot memikirkantambahan ongkoskirim. Saat ini Kulina baru memenuhi pesananpelanggan di Jakartadan sekitarnya, tapi Kulina akan terusberkembang dan berkomitmenuntuk tetap menjaga mutu serta kualitasproduknya.Kulina is cateringonlinesites and applications in Indonesia. Kulina allow travelerstosubscribe catering from refined our professional kitchen. Themenuoffered a variety and changed every day, so customers canchoosepersonalized menu. Kulina also provide a special menuselection onyour special day with a varied menu events and asneeded withouthaving to bother to think about the extra postage.Currently newKulina fulfill customer orders in Jakarta andsurrounding areas,but Kulina will continue to grow and arecommitted to maintainquality and product quality.
ABC Catering
The ABC Catering App enables customerstoorderthe full range of the catering offerings ofArtisanBoulangerie ABC has an extensive catering menuforcorporate and privatecustomers offering food plattersforbreakfast, coffee breaks,lunches and afternoon teas.Artisan Boulangerie Co. is a contemporary bakerywithEuropeaninfluences. Focusing on quality, creativityandconsistency, ABCcreates a wide variety of delicious,wholesomeproducts usingtraditional techniques.Artisanal breads and pastries are handmade withimportedFrenchflour, premium European butter and quality producefromfarmsworldwide. All products are baked fresh daily andcontainnopreservatives, flavour enhancers, colouring or palm oil.Dineinand takeaway menus include a selection of morningpastries,brunchdishes, breads, salads, sandwiches, signaturemainsanddesserts.Award-winning Executive Chef Eran Mayer studiedatprestigiousFrench culinary institutes École Grégoire FerrandiandÉcoleLenôtre. He has over twenty years’ experience and was amemberofthe Paris Chamber of Commerce for ProfessionalArtisanBakers.