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Credit Card Reader 20.06.26
Get your free app & credit card reader today.Call866-925-5007or download the app, activate your account andhaveyour cardreader within 24-48 hours. This Credit Card Readerappallows youto accept credit card payments anywhere, anytime.Allfunds will bein your account the following day and you onlypay0.39% onqualified debit transactions. Mobile Credit CardReaderAdvantagesA 2014 U.S. Federal Reserve study found199,800,000citizens areverified credit card holders. The study alsoshowedsome twobillion credit cards are currently in use, as mostown anaverageof two to three credit cards. As credit card use issoprevalent,it follows that more and more businesses, large andsmallalike,are utilizing mobile credit card readers in additiontostationaryversions. So why switch to a mobile credit cardswiper,or add oneto your business? Let’s check out a few of themanyadvantages thataccompany mobile readers: Affordable Celebratedashighlycost-effective, mobile credit card machines don’t costnearlyasmuch as their stationary counterparts.Additionally,transactionfees are generally less than 3 percent.Ease of UseMobile creditcard readers are easy to operate, asquality optionstake paymentsalmost immediately after set up. Forbest results, usea readerthat works across multiple platforms, suchas Android andtheiPhone. Numerous Features and CapabilitiesTraditional creditcardmachines have limited functions, but mobilereaders offer avarietyof features and capabilities. Mobile optionsoffer theability torun reports and keep track of every transactionandreceipt, aseach card swiped is automatically saved to yourmobilePOS account.With everything on record, it’s much easier totrackfraudulentcharges. Many systems offer customization optionsaswell, such asprice structure adjustments. Flexibility Mobilecreditcardterminals are ideal for those who frequently taketheirbusiness onthe road. This includes restaurants that operatefoodtrucks,makeup artists and other individual proprietors whotraveloftenfor work, and those who appear at trade shows andfestivalsinaddition to operating a brick-and-mortar establishment.Ratherthanlimiting business to cash transactions when on the road,ownersandoperators are able to accept credit and debitcards,whichcontributes to an increase in customer base. ValidityUsingamobile credit card swiper helps small businesses appearmore“real”and “valid.” Studies indicate customers feel acompanyis“established” when credit card readers areused.AdditionalTransaction Options Mobile credit card readersgenerallyoffer morethan one transaction option, such as manualentry inaddition tousing the swipe function. This means neverhaving towrite a signthat reads “Credit Card Terminal Down,” whichresultsin lostrevenue and unhappy customers. The advantages ofusing amobilecredit card terminal are many! Add one to yourbusiness andsee ifyou don’t notice a positivedifferenceimmediately.
CIVIC Card 2.1
Civic Card App is designed to drive userstobuy local. The civic app allows you to talk to other usersandinform them on savings and to be notified when your in asavingszone. civic helps you build your community.The Civic Group MasterCard® are issued by Fifth Third Bank,andmay be subject to fees. Cards may be used where MasterCardprepaiddebit cards are accepted, subject to certain restrictions.Pleaserefer to the cardholder agreement you received with your cardfordetails regarding the identification of the card issuer,feedisclosures, transaction limitations and other important termsandconditions. If you have registered your card, you may obtainyourcard balance by going online to or bycalling1-855-428-PAID (7243). To request a replacement card or toreport acard lost/stolen, or for other customer service support,pleasecall 1-855-428-PAID (7243). Fees may apply for customerservicesupport from a representative.