Top 14 Apps Similar to Taksi Siap Easily Taxi Booking

MyBluebird 6.3.1
Mobile Reservation for Blue Bird Fleets
Pengemudi Taksi Siap 1.0.7
Aplikasi Taksi yang wajib digunakanolehpengemudi taksi. Anda dapat merasakan perbedaaan memakaiaplikasiini dan sebelum memakainya.Sebagai pengemudi layaknya akan mendapatkan penumpangsecaralangsung tanpa melalui operator dengan jarak yang telahdiatur olehpengusaha taksi maksimal 0 - 8 Km. Maka Anda sebagaipengemudi akanmendapatkan penumpang dalam jarak maksimal 8 Kmsecara cepat danmudah.1. Terima/Tolak2. Mulai Penjemputan3. Sampai Titik Penjemputan4. Mulai Perjalanan5. Akhir PerjalananSetiap perubahan terima/tolak sampai akhir penjemputanakantersampaikan langsung kepada penumpang sehingga penumpangtetapdapat memantau pergerakan pengemudi yang menjemputnyaTerima/TolakAnda sebagai pengemudi akan dapat notifikasi langsungmelaluiaplikasi sopir-siap secara langsung dari penumpang dalamwaktukurang dari 20 detik yang harus Anda jawab. Jika Anda abaikanatautolak maka akan terkirimkan job penjemputan kepada pengemudilainyangterdekat dengan lokasi penumpangMulai PenjemputanSetelah Anda menerima job penjemputan maka langkah yang harusAndalakukan adalah mulai penjemputan yang akan dituntun kelokasipenjemputan melalui google map navigasi. Hal ini sangatmemudahkanAnda agar lebih dapat mempercepat penjemputan kelokasiSampai PenjemputanSetelah Anda telah sampai penjemputan, pengemudi sevaraootomatisakan mengetahu dari aplikasinya berupa push notifikasisehinggapengemudi mudah juga saling berkoordinasiMulai Perjalanan sampai Akhir PerjalananTaxi application mustbeused by taxi drivers. You can feel the difference withthisapplication and before wearing them.As the driver would like to get passengers directly dialthedistance that has been set by the taxi entrepreneur maximum 0-8Km.Then you as the driver will get the passengers within a maximumof8 Km quickly and easily.1. Accept / Reject2. Start pickup3. Until the pickup point4. Start the Journey5. Final JourneyAny changes to accept / reject until the end of the pick-upwillbe delivered directly to passengers so that passengers canstillmonitor the movement of the driver who picked her upAccept / RejectYou as the driver will be able to notifications directly throughthedriver-ready applications directly from passengers in less than20seconds you should answer. If you ignore or reject itwillterkirimkan job to another driver yangterdekat pickupwithpassengers locationsStart pickupOnce you accept the job pick-up then steps you have to do isstartpick who will be guided to the pickup location through googlemapnavigation. It is very easy for you to be more able toacceleratethe shuttle to the locationUntil pickupOnce you have to pick up, the driver will ootomatis sevaramengetahuof its application in the form of push notifications sothat thedriver is also coordinateStart Journey to the End Journey
Taksi Rakyat 3.0
Taksi Rakyat hadir di tengah -tengahmasyarakat Indonesia atas dasar keprihatinan pro dankontramengenai taksi online yang berkembang beberapabulanterakhir.Taksi Rakyat adalah Aplikasi berbasis Android yangdikembangkanuntuk Sopir Taksi dan Penumpang. Mendukung Google Mapsdan GPSsehingga calon penumpang dengan mudah mendapatkan Taksiterdekatdengan cara memilih Taksi sendiri dari yang tersedia ataucukupdengan panggilan suara "Taksi... atau Taxi..."Tidak menampilkan biaya kalkulator karena semua biaya sesuaidenganargo meter masing-masing layanan perusahaan.4 Alasan kenapa harus memilih Aplikasi Taksi Rakyat :1. CINTA INDONESIASudah ada aplikasi sejenis sebelumnya,silahkan cek apakahmerekakarya anak Indonesia dengan investor asli Indonesia?2. TAKSI RESMIAplikasi Taksi Rakyat digunakan oleh Armada Taksi resmiyangmengantongi ijin Pemerintah, dan tentunya lebih aman&nyaman.3. KEBERSAMAANKebersamaan merupakan kunci sukses Taksi Rakyat, berawaldaripenumpang taksi hingga pada level pelanggan tetap, TaksiRakyatmemberikan peluang bisnis melalui Program Kemitraan denganpotensibonus jutaan rupiah/bulan. Silahkan bukawebsitewww.taksirakyat.com4. SEMUA UNTUNGTidak ada yang rugi! selain sebagai pelanggan, Mitra Taksiberhakatas bonus dan fee yang nilainya hingga jutaanrupiah/bulan.Aplikasi bisa didownload oleh Sopir & Penumpang. UntukLoginSopir Taksi gunakan tombol menu smartphone Anda. Bagimanagementperusahaan seperti Blue Bird Group, Cipaganti, Express,Kosti,Atlas, Bosowa, dll silahkan aplikasi ini diinformasikankepadasopir masing - masing agar dipergunakan semaksimal mungkinuntukkesejahteraan dan kemudahan layanan pengguna TaksiIndonesia.DISCLAIMER APLIKASI TAKSI RAKYAT1. Pengelola Taksi Rakyat adalah Indo Sarana Networking yangtidakberhubungan dengan Perusahaan Taksi manapun.2. Pengelola Taksi Rakyat tidak bertanggung jawab terhadaphubunganPenumpang & Sopir Taksi menyangkut biaya argo danlainsebagainya.Semoga Aplikasi ini bermanfaat buat kita semua.Catatan :Versi 3.0- Perubahan tampilan & penambahan speedVersi 2.0 19 Maret 20161. Perubahan tampilan2. Penambahan pendaftaran Sopir.3. Optimalisasi kecepatanTaxi People present inthemiddle - the middle of the people of Indonesia on the basisofconcerns about the pros and cons of online taxi developed inrecentmonths.Taxi People are Android based application developed for thetaxidriver and the passenger. Supports Google Maps and GPS sothatpassengers easily get to the nearest Taxi Taxi own by choosingfromthe available or simply a voice call "Taxi Taxi ... or..."Not displaying the cost calculator for all costs in accordancewiththe respective metered services companies.4 Reasons why should you choose Application Taxi People:1. LOVE INDONESIAThere are already similar applications before, please checkwhethertheir children's work with the original investorIndonesiaIndonesia?2. TAXI OFFICIALApplication used by the People's Taxi Taxi Fleet pocketedofficialgovernment permission, and certainly more secureandcomfortable.3. togethernessTogetherness is the key to success Taxis People, originated fromthepassenger cab to the level of the regulars, the People Taxisprovidebusiness opportunities through a partnership program withpotentialbonuses of millions of rupiah / month. Please go to thewebsitewww.taksirakyat.com4. ALL PROFITNo loss! other than as a customer, Taxi Partner is entitled toabonus and fee value to millions of rupiah / month.Applications can be downloaded by the driver and passengers.Taxidriver to login using your smartphone menu button. Formanagementcompanies such as Blue Bird Group, Cipaganti, Express,Kosti, Atlas,Bosowa, etc. This app please be informed to thedriver each - eachto be used as much as possible for the welfareand convenience ofthe service users Taxi Indonesia.DISCLAIMER APPLICATION OF THE TAXI1. The business is Taxis Rakyat Indo Sarana Networking isnotassociated with any taxi company.2. Taxi People's business is not responsible for relationsPassenger& Taxi concerning metered fees and so forth.Hopefully this application is useful for us all.Note:version 3.0- Changes to the look & Extra speedVersion 2.0 March 19, 20161. Changes in appearance2. The addition of driver registration.3. Optimizing speed
STaxi - Order Taxi Online
New online taxi service in Tbilisi! Be intrend- book taxi online!Staxi - fast and reliable taxi service in Georgia! Book a taxiinTbilisi. Airport Shuttle Service in Tbilisi, Kutaisi,Batumi.Why do customers love us:• taxi Tbilisi without calling to the dispatcher• determination of the place GPS position and substitutionthenearest address• 5% discount for registered users in Georgia taxi• momentary miscalculation taxi in Tbilisi• reliable reservation taxi in the city and to theairportTbilisi• sms-message contain information about ordering a taxi• preservation of popular addresses• staxi shows all the necessary information of car (modelandlicense plate number, phone the taxi driver)• You can order a taxi in Tbilisi, without specifying thefinalwaypoint.You can find our application in Georgia requests: taxi inGeorgia,Georgia taxis, taxis in Tbilisi, Taxi Tbilisi, Tbilisitaxi, ,transfer to Tbilisi airport, shuttle Tbilisi, airporttransfer,airport taxi Tbilisi, airport taxi, taxi to the airportinTbilisi.
Cara Pesan GrabCar 2016 1.0.0
Cara Pesan GrabCar tersedia di PlayStore.Anda mau mencoba pakai grabcar yang katanya lebihmurahketimbangtaksi itu?Instal aplikasi ini untuk mendapatkantutorialmenggunakannya.Didalamnya berisi juga informasi mengenai tarif,lowongan,dansemua hal tentangnya.Daftar isi:- Cara Pesan- GrabCare Lebih Murah Ketimbang Taksi- Tarif- Lowongan- Perbedaan dengan layanan serupa.Download dan semoga bermanfaat.-----------------------------------Disclaimer: Ini adalah aplikasi unofficial. Kamitidakberafiliasidengan pihak GrabCar, kami hanya menyediakankepadakhalayak umumpanduan menggunakan layanan mereka.Semogamembantu.How toBookGrabCaravailable in PlayStore.You want to try to use grabcar which he says is cheaperthanataxi it?Install this app to get the tutorial use.In it contains also information about rates, vacancies,andallthe things about him.Table of contents:- How to Order- GrabCare Cheaper Than Taxi- Rates- jobs- Differences with similar services.Download and hopefully useful.-----------------------------------Disclaimer: This is an unofficial app. We are notaffiliatedwitha party GrabCar, we only provide guidance to thepublic usingtheirservices. I hope this helps.
PRO-JEK 1.2.1
PRO-JEK adalah aplikasi Tansportasi Online:Ojek Online, Taksi Online.Layanan Transportasi Online untuk masyarakat Indonesia,denganmenggunakan aplikasi android, seperti halnya Gojek, GrabdanUber.PRO-JEK menyediakan beberapa pilihan layanan sesuai kebutuhananda:Motor / Ojek, Sewa Mobil Pribadi, Taksi, Mobil Mewah/Luxury,danMobil Derek (Towing Car).Pemesanan ojek online melalui aplikasi mobile androidakanmemudahkan anda mencari ojek dengan radius yang telahditentukanoleh system, dihitung dari lokasi anda.Keunggulan PRO-JEK :1. Pilih layanan kendaraan yang diinginkan2. Anda dipersilakan memilih Gender Pengemudi sesuaiGenderanda3. Pilihan peta memudahkan mencari alamat tujuan4. Fitur Tunjuk Lokasi memungkinkan anda mencari lokasi yangtidaktercantum di peta, silakan geser peta untuk mendapatkan lokasiyangakurat5. Menghubungi pengemudi bisa menggunakan WhatsApp atauteleponlangsung6. Pendaftaran mudah, cukup isi Nama, Alamat email dan nomorhapeyang sedang digunakan, saat anda memesan perjalananpertamakali.7. Upload foto anda dalam profil PRO-JEK, langsungmenggunakankamera hape anda8. Fitur Inbox, membuat anda menjadi lebih dekat denganPRO-JEK.Dapatkan Berita terbaru dan juga tentunya Voucher DiskonPerjalananPRO-JEK9. Laporan perjalanan akan kami kirimkan langsung ke alamatemailanda.Untuk anda yang ingin menggunakan jasa transportasi yanglebihmudah, aman dan nyaman, maka gunakanlah Aplikasi PRO-JEK.Driverkami siap melayani perjalanan anda, mengantar anda ketempattujuan.tag: ojek online, projek, pro-jekKebijakan Privasi : Penggunaan : isatransportation application Online: Online Motorcycle taxi,TaxiOnline.Transport Services Online for the people of Indonesia, usingtheandroid application, as well as Gojek, Grab and Uber.PRO-JEK provide multiple service options to suit your needs: Motor/Motorcycle taxi, Hire Private Car, Taxi, Luxury Cars / LuxuryandTowing (Towing Car).Booking online motorcycle through the android mobileapplicationwill allow you to find a motorcycle taxi with a radiusdeterminedby the system, is calculated from your location.PRO-JEK advantages:1. Select the desired vehicle service2. You are welcome to choose the appropriate driver GenderGenderyou3. Map options facilitate the search for thedestinationaddress4. Show Location feature lets you find a location that is notlistedon the map, please drag the map to get an accuratelocation5. Call the driver can use WhatsApp or phone directly6. Registration is easy, just fill in name, email address andphonenumbers are being used, when you book the trip first.7. Upload your photos in a profile PRO-JEK, directly usingyourphone camera8. Features Inbox, makes you closer to PRO-JEK. Get the latestnewsand also of course Discount Travel Voucher PRO-JEK9. The trip report will be sent directly to youremailaddress.For those of you who want to use transportation servicesmoreeasily, safely and comfortably, then use Application PRO-JEK.Ourdrivers are ready to serve your trip, take you toyourdestination.tags: motorcycle online, projects, pro-jackPrivacy Policy: of Use:
Jeger Taksi 1.0
Jeger Taksi adalah ojek bermeter pertamadiIndonesia. Jeger Taksi Motor merupakan bentuk taksi roda duadenganargo/meter bertujuan untuk mambawa penumpang dan barangkiriman diIndonesia.Visi agar penumpang maupun barang agar lebih cepat sampaiditujuan, dengan tarif yang standar dan ketepatan waktupengantarandisertai kenyamanan dan keamanan pelanggan.Kami berusaha semaksimal mungkin mengantarkan anda sampaitempattujuan anda dengan jarak tempuh selancar dan sesingkatmungkin.
Cara Order Grabbike 1.0.0
Cara Order GrabbikeBagi kalian good people yang mau berpergian dan bingunguntukmemilih transportasi, kalian bisa memilih Grabbikesebagaitransportasi untuk mengantarkan anda ketempat yangdituju.Bagi para pemula yang belum tau cara pemakaian Grabbikekalianbisa download aplikasi ini sebagai panduan.Aplikasi ini terdiri dari :-Panduan lengkap cara order Grabbike-Sejarah Grabbike-Pendiri Grabbike-Area oprasi Grabbike-Pembagian hasil driver Grabbike-Perbandingan dengan Go;JekInstal sekarang juga.-----------Disclaimer :Ini adalah aplikasi Unofficial, kami hanya berusahamemberikantips dan panduan menggunakan layanan GrabBike kepadapelanggannyayang mengalami kesulitan dalam menggunakanaplikasinya.How to Order GrabbikeFor those of you good people who want to travel and confusedtochoose the transport, you can choose Grabbike as transportationtotake you to the place in question.For beginners who do not know how to use Grabbike youcandownload this application as a guide.The application consists of:Full -Panduan how to order Grabbike-Sejarah GrabbikeFounder GrabbikeOprasi-area Grabbike-Pembagian Results Grabbike driver-Perbandingan To Go; JekInstall now.-----------Disclaimer:This is the Unofficial app, we just try to give tips andguidanceusing GrabBike services to customers who have difficultyin usingthe application.
Taksi Puri Kencana Semarang 1.0.2
Taksi Puri Kencana Semarangtelahmeluncurkansebuah aplikasi pesan taksi secara online mudahcepattanpaoperator.Penumpang semakin dipermudahkan dengan adanya aplikasipesantaksiini dengan banyak manfaat seperti batas jarakpengemudimaksimal10KM yang akan mempercepat penjemputan serta tanpamelaluioperatorlagi. Anda langsung bisa mengetahui lokasipengemudisertaidentitas taksinya. Semakin mudah bukan?Jika terdapat promo potongan harga, Anda dapatmelakukannyalangsungmelalui smartphone Anda.Download aplikasi taksi puri kencana Semarang sekarang juga.Taxi PuriKencanaSemaranghas launched an online messaging applications easytaxiquicklywithout operator.Passengers getting dipermudahkan with this cabmessagingapplicationwith many benefits such as driver's maximumdistancelimit of 10kmwhich will speed up the pick-up and dialagain. Youcan immediatelyfind out the location and identity of thedriver'scab. The easieris not it?If there is a promo discount, you can do so directlythroughyoursmartphone.Download a taxi app Semarang golden castle now.
ROTAXI Sofer 71
RoTaxi Sofer este o aplicatie personalizata pentru soferiidetaxidin dispeceratul RoTaxi Brasov Romania. Aplicatialucreazaimpreunacu programul IndexDispatch, care este un programcomplexdedispecerizare taxi, de tip cloud. Acestaincorporeazacomponentelede telefonie analogica, digitala si VOIP,precumsistemul de dateGPS - monitorizare live; la randul sau,programulimpreuna cuaplicatia terminal client (RoTaxi Client) si cusitulpublic alfirmei, formeaza un mecanism complet carepermite:A)interconectarea clientului, directa sau prin dispeceratcuintreagaflota deservita, pentru onorarea solicitariiacestuia,B)multiplicarea cailor de comunicare ale dispeceratuluicuflotadeservita, statia de emisie receptie putand deveni doarosimplacale secundara sau doar de back-up pentruactivitateacurenta. C)transformarea dispeceratului taxi incall-center, fara amai finevoie de atat de mult personalspecializat in activitateadedispecerizare,cat in cea de operarecalculator. D)facilitarearecrutarii personalului operator avand invedereposibilitatealucrului "de acasa" a dispecerelor. E) controlulmaximdetinutasupra corectitudinii distributiei comenzilor catremasiniledinflota conform regulilor proprii. F) echilibrarea foartefacilaanumarului de operatori cu cererea in anumite zile,peintervaleorare, cand exista previziuni ca aceasta va crestemasiv,prinsimpla logare in sistem a operatorilor de acasa. G)functiededimensionarea infrastructurii sistemul permitedispecerizarea amiide masini per user, eliminandu-se totaldependenta de numaruldefrecvente de emisie detinute. Toate acesteaau ca rezultat:1)imbunatatirea vitezei de localizare a masinilor2)identificareainstanta a clientului precum si a adreselor uzualealeacestuia, laridicarea receptorului. 3) micsorarea timpuluialocarea comenzii(intre min.1s. si medie 7 sec.) 4) indrumareausoara asoferuluicatre locurile de imbarcare solicitate 5)monitorizareafacila aderularii comenzii pana la finalizare 6)optimizareaalocariicomenzilor catre masinile din flota, in sensulminimizariitimpilormedii de asteptare si a distantelor parcurse ingol panalaclienti. 7) imbunatatirea calitatii serviciuluiexecutatcatreclient, prin personalizarea sa si a necesitatilorsale.
Sofer Taxi Mondial 1.0
Sofer Taxi MondialTaxi Driver World
Cammeo Driver 1.6
Cammeo Grupa je već 10 godinaprisutnanatržištu taksi usluga u kojem se promovirala u regionalnoglideraupružanju usluga taxi prijevoza sa više od 20milijunaodrađenihusluga. Razvojem vlastitog software-a omogućilismopostojećimtaksistima u regiji da tehnološki unaprijedesvojeposlovanje naviše razine i postanu dio vodeće brzorastućemreže.Jedna od njihje i Cammeo Driver aplikacija, povezanajedinstvenimsoftware-omkoji u potpunosti unaprijeđuje posao, atemelji nanajnovijiminformatičkim tehnologijama i GPRSkomunikaciji.Testirana je iimplementirana u realnim uvjetima ivremenu, prekovišegodišnjegiskustva u taksi poslovanju, te jenamjenjena svimlicenciranimtaksi vozačima.Prednosti Cammeo Driver aplikacije:• VIŠE ODRAĐENIH VOŽNJI = VEĆA ZARADA - mogućnost dodjelenovevožnjedok ste još zauzeti• GPS NAVIGACIJA - jednim klikom navodi do putnika• STATISTIKA - detaljan pregled dnevnog i mjesečnog rada• AUTOMATSKA DODJELA VOŽNJI• KONZULTACIJA ZONA - jednostavan pregled i uvid u stanjeistatusevozila po dijelovima grada• POVEĆANJE KVALITETE USLUGA - smanjenje buke u vozilugašenjemradiostaniceCammeo je jedini koji taksistima nudi i profesionalniCallcentar,jedinstveni pozivni broj za naručivanje, poznati brand,tecijelulogistiku taksi poslovanja.Preuzmite aplikaciju Cammeo Driver i upoznajte sesanjenimfunkcionalnostima i radom. Povećajte broj svojihvožnjiiunaprijedite svoje cjelokupno poslovanje.Cammeo Group hasfor10years been on the market of taxi services which promotearegionalleader in providing taxi services with more than 20millionserviceworked. By developing our own software, we enabledtheexistingtaxi drivers in the region to improve theirtechnologicalbusinessto a higher level and become part of aleadingfast-growingnetwork. One of them is Cammeo Driverapplicationsrelated to aunique software that fully promotes job,based on thelatestinformation technology and GPRS communication.Testedandimplemented in real conditions and time, over manyyearsofexperience in the taxi business, and is intended foralllicensedtaxi drivers.Benefits Cammeo Driver Application:• WORKED MORE DRIVING = higher profits - the possibilityofgrantingnew drive while you are busy• NAVIGATION SYSTEM - one click according to passengers• STATISTICS - detailed overview of daily and monthly work• automatic assignment DRIVING• CONSULTATION ZONE - a simple overview and insightintothecondition and status of vehicles in parts of the city• improve service quality - noise reduction in vehiclefirefightingstationsCammeo the only taxi drivers who offers aprofessionalcallcenter, a single telephone number for ordering,famous brand,andthe entire logistics taxi business.Download the application Cammeo Driver and familiarizeyourselfwithits features and operation. Increase your driving andimprovetheiroverall operations.
myTRIP 1.8.2
myTRIP is the first groundpublictransportationin Indonesia, created to supportgovernmentinitiative to reducetraffic congestion in major citiesinIndonesia. With the ease of theusers to order taxies andotherpublic transportation, it expected toreduce the personalvehicleusages.