Top 19 Apps Similar to 行動藥博士(HD版)

全民健保行動快易通 | 健康存摺 3.0.29
"The National Health Insurance Department provides the"NationalHealth Insurance Mobile Autotoll | Health Passbook" app tooptimizeuser experience and improve the usability of the NationalHealthInsurance Network Service, allowing you to graspvariousinformation of the National Health Insurance Departmentanytime,anywhere!
醫藥小學堂 1.2.8
生病了,看著藥單上密密麻麻的英文處方,您知道每個藥名的效用嗎?服用後會有副作用嗎?該怎麼服用呢? 有沒有建議的服用時間或不該搭配的飲食呢? 就近哪裡有藥局可以購買呢?您不用再煩惱了!康健人壽替您想到了,特別規畫了『醫藥小學堂』APP,幫您解決用藥的相關問題。這款APP,讓您安心又放心的了解自身的用藥安全喔!    *您可以在『藥品查詢』裡輸入關鍵字或是依照藥品A~Z字母分類查詢,尋找到相關藥名之英文藥名/中文藥名/成分名/衛生署許可字號/適應症/常見副作用的資訊。 *『用藥小常識』裡有各式各樣用藥的相關文章,讓您留意用藥時該注意的基本常識。  *『院所查詢』提供目前位置就近的醫院與藥局,或是特定縣市的醫院與藥局資訊,提供您能尋找到附近醫藥院所地點的便利性,並能透過電話撥打與醫院網站連結功能,輕鬆進行就診預約或醫療詢問! *『健康工具箱』裡有『康健人壽』您可透過此APP了解當前最新的樂活資訊,包含旅遊、健康、親子、保險觀點等實用資訊!『瘦身動吃動』供您查詢食物的卡路里、一日卡路里建議與路跑紀錄、飲食日記分享,建議您控制健康體重。*『康健粉絲團』給您康健人壽每日最新訊息與活動內容  *『康健影音』隨時觀賞康健人壽耳目一新的廣告內容     本程式服務內容包含:  1.藥品查詢  2.用藥小常識  3.院所查詢  4.健康工具箱  5.康健人壽官方粉絲團  6.康健人壽影音頻道  
常用藥物查詢網站 2.0
Integration of commonly used drugs RTHK check website linkforreference.
Pharmapedia Pakistan 1.8
Comprehensive information on drugs, brands, prices and more-absolutely free!
UCH Meds 1.3.8
UCH Meds - United Christian Hospital -PharmacySimply use the android phone or tablet, download an app,entertheticket number, the system will notify the drugsareproperlyprepared.
家庭醫生 1.3
「家庭醫師」是以每個家庭都需要醫生的概念,及現代人很常吃藥或保健食品,發想出一個把醫生機器人擬人化為主題,並以簡單有趣的使用者介面讓大人小孩都能夠輕易上手的小工具。【掃瞄藥單】─ 直接在藥單上對焦藥名,與快拍藥名,幫助藥品知識快速查找,並瞭解吃何種藥及該藥的副作用與注意事項等。【藥品查詢】─ 輸入藥名,提供使用者另一個方式查詢藥品資訊。【我的藥盒】─ 建立自己與家人的專屬藥盒,保衛自己與家人健康。【提醒吃藥功能】─ 提醒家人或自己該吃藥的時間,建立自己與家人的藥箱及吃藥時應該要注意的事項。【CPR急救資訊】─ 此為2011最新CPR步驟,急救順序為C > A > B先胸部按摩>呼吸道暢通>檢查呼吸,右上角有播放鍵,當按入會有急救畫面,呈現各步驟急救正確順序。【基本設定】─ 輸入藥名,提供使用者另一個方式查詢藥品資訊。v1.3 修正了一堆BugFamily physician ineveryfamily doctor concept, and modern people very often takemedicineor health food, made to come up with a doctor robotpersonified asthe theme, a fun and easy user interface so thatchildren andadults The gadget can easily get started.[Scan prescriptions ─ the name of the drug directly focus ontheprescriptions, and the snapshot name of the drug tohelppharmaceutical knowledge    Knowledge quickly find, and learn toeatwhat kind of drug and the drug's side effects andprecautions.Drug search ─ enter the name of the drug, to provide userswithanother way to query the Drug.[My kit to establish exclusive kit, to defend themselvesandtheir families and health of themselves and their families    Kang.Medication reminders feature The ─ to remind family or ownthismedication, to build their own home    Medical kits and medicine shouldpayattention to the matter.[CPR first aid information ─ This 2011 latest CPR steps,theemergency order of C> A> B first chest massage>airwayopen> Check for breathing, the upper-right corner of theplaybutton, press the membership first aid picture, showing eachstepfirst aid correct order.[Basic Settings] ─ enter the name of the drug, to provideuserswith another way to query Drug.v1.3 fixes a bunch of Bug
Provide useful pharmacy and drug-related information.
Infusions 5.5
Ease and accuracy right in your pocket
振興用藥服務 7.1
Check your own medication, medication guidance and precautions.Italso provides the medication time set according to thedoctor'sprescription, so that you do not forget to take themedicine, andalso reminds you to take the medicine at the correcttime. You canalso query the history of drug side effects. Protectyourmedication safety
Nurse's Drug Handbook
The most up-to-date, practical, and easy-to-use nursingdrugreference available
大樹藥局 1.2
大樹藥局APP-首創個人化『雲端藥歷系統』建構慢性病病患全方位服務解決方案,無限期記錄會員用藥明細,搭配藥師諮詢平台及個人化用藥管理系統嚴格把關,減少重複用藥情形。【主要功能介紹】◆我的優惠券:每日登入大樹藥局APP即可透過”健康搖一搖”功能,即可獲得限時優惠;加入大樹藥局會員還可享有不定時贈與的專屬優惠券◆ 最新活動:最新門市優惠活動讓您隨時一手掌握,還可與您的臉書好友分享唷!◆ 當期DM:提供當月全門市優惠專刊瀏覽,讓您輕鬆規劃聰明消費◆ 門市查詢:可查詢全省大樹藥局門市位置與營業資訊,並優先顯示最近距離門市資訊◆會員專區:提供大樹藥局會員專屬服務,『紅利積點查詢』、『個人慢籤領藥記錄查詢』、『用藥提醒鬧鈴』、『回診提醒』、『專屬商品優惠資訊』
Pediatric Oncall 8.3.2
Diseases, Drugs, Calculators, Ask Queries, etc. Your 1 App forAllMedical Tools
領藥快易通 1.13
Drugs and Disease Search 1.7.8
DrugDz allows you to perform rapid drug or disease lookupviaseveral free online information providers.Key features:* Search for drug information, disease information andICD9codes* No need to install or keep updating local databases* Rapid search of multiple information providers using thesamesearch term* App will remember your last search term and lastusedprovider* Search history available* Information providers used are:, EMC(UK),Medscape,Wikipedia, SearchICD9 and (Asia)Tips:* Search for drugs without registration: andEMC(UK)* Search for Drugs and Medical information (e.g.diseases,diagnoses) for free in Medscape* Search for ICD Codes with SearchICD9Caveats:* An Internet connection is required in order to use this app* Search result will open in your browser. Use your Back buttontoget back to the app.* You may be required to login to some information providers:Medscape and MIMS but registration is free* App is formatted for smartphones, may not work well fortabletdevices
亞東醫點通 2.3.0
Yadong App hospital services provided by the public.
Psych Drugs 1.03
Waikiki Sky
Want to learn about psychotropicmedicationsquickly and easily? Then check out this free app!With Psych Drugs, you can learn important and usefulinformationabout various psychotropic medications such asantidepressants,antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and anti-anxietymedications.Some major classes of psych drugs include: SSRIs, TCAs,MAOIs,second generation (atypical) antipsychotics, benzodiazepines,andmeds for insomnia, anxiety, depression, ADHD, alcoholdependence,opioid dependence and nicotine addiction, etc…Perfect for psychology test and flashcards log, you canlearnabout drug interaction or interactions, meds apps, mentalhealth,diseases and disability. This cool app also serves as areminderand personality checker like a healing book diary full ofmedicalterms and terminology dictionary info and smart facts.Also as a nursing central handbook for pill identifierandidentification, medication guide for this dot com ageofpsychological testing and games.For each medication, you will find:Generic nameBrand nameClassIndicationsDosage formsMaximum daily dose for adultsMaximum daily dose for adolescents and childrenHalf-lifeSide effectsThis useful app is ideal for medical and mentalhealthprofessionals, psychiatrist, psychiatric residents,medicalstudents, psychology students, therapists, counselors, andofcourse curious lay people who just want to familiarizethemselveswith psychotropic medications. If you want moredetailedinformation, you can check out other medical apps likeepocratesrx, webmd mobile cme, and medscape for symptom checker,and babyhealth prescription!Scroll alphabetically through the list and quickly jump toaletter with an A-Z side panel.Find a medication quickly with convenient search barfunction.Tap on the medication to learn about it.Save your favorites with a touch of a button.Share drug info with a friend via email.
JZHMED Mobile Pharmacopoeia 2.7.1
Lang He
Comprehensive and powerful informationformedical decision support toolsDetailed description of more than 1,300 kinds of drugsMore than 10,000 brand name drugs inquiryDetailed description of more than 1,300 kinds ofChinesemedicineMore than 300 clinical practice guidelinesMore than 300 clinical pathwayMore than 60 TNM stage (and according to the different stagesofsurvival prediction)12 Clinical calculation tools17 Clinical assessment calculation tools3 large medical statistics commonly used formulaConvenient notes and collection functionsGlobal search: You can search through all of the featuresandcontent items in Chinese, English, Pinyin, phoneticalphabetetc. Medication Guide 2.14.7
Look up drug information, identify pills and manageyourmedications.
Drugs Dictionary 9.2.22
Very useful drugs dictionary. Very friendlyandbeautiful interface. The best choice for pocketdrugsdictionary.All useful information about drugs: uses, how to take, sideeffects,precautions, drug interactions, missed dose andstorage.Easily search to lookup the drug you are looking for and getalldetails with just one click and see what Medical drug is thebest.With this app you will have the best and most detailed Androiddrugdictionary app. It’s free to download and is very simple.Drugs Dictionary has free Caller ID. Caller ID will showcallinformation during/after calls - even for contacts that are notinyour phone book. Enable, disable or configure Caller ID at anytimein the settings menu.