Top 6 Apps Similar to Annassihatou

Durus 2.0 3.0.4
First mobile application completely dedicated to SerigneToubaxassaids
Baye Niasse
Collection of poems of Cheikh Ibrahim Inyass named entitledJâmi'uJawâmi'u
Ruhul Adab
This book originated in the year 1920 as aonehundred and twenty oneverse poem written in the Arabic language, in praise ofAllah(God),Glorified is He, and in commemoration of His HolyProphetMuhammad(SAWS), named "Spirit of Good Morals". It was written byShaykhofIslam Al-Hajj Ibrahim ibn Al-Hajj Abdullah Niasse, as advicetothe"People of Tariqa", the Tijaniyya Brotherhood in particular,andtohumanity at large.Since that time it has been translated into English byhisgrandsonShaykh Hassan ‘Aliyyu Cisse, the Chief Imam of Shaykh IbrahimNiasse Mosque (pictured on the front). Most recently,ShaykhHassanCisse has added verses from Al-Quran, narrations oftheProphet(SAWS), and his own commentary which relate to the poeticversesofthe advice. May Allah accept."Sufism is a spiritual clinic with doctors who haveknowledgeofattending to ailments of the soul. For a sick patient whorequirescureand doses of medicine from the clinic, there is the need forhimtomake declaration of his sickness and acceptance ofpatienthood.In taking Tariqa, one should be aware that Tariqa is acommitmentandthe beginning of an endless journey. Shaykh Ibrahim hereadvisesthatfor one to profit in this journey, he should at all timesseekrighteousness."
دِيوَان Diwan Baye NIASS 1.4.0
Cette application appelée « Diwan» estunensemble de poèmes dans toutes les dimensions du ProphèteMouhammadSAS) de Mawlana Cheikhoul Islam Elhadji Ibrahima Niass(BAYE NIASهذا البرنامج المسمّى ب " دِيوَان" يجمع مقتطفات شعريةبالنّسخةالعربية من دواوين شيخ الإسلام وإمام الفيضة التجانية الشيخالحاجإبراهيم انياس الكولخي.This applicationcalled"Diwan" is a collection of poems in all dimensions of theProphetMuhammad SAS) Mawlana Cheikhoul Islam Elhadji Ibrahima Nias(NIASBAYEهذا البرنامج المسمى ب "ديوان" يجمع مقتطفات شعرية بالنسخةالعربيةمن دواوين شيخ الإسلام وإمام الفيضة التجانية الشيخ الحاجإبراهيمانياس الكولخي.
BiblioIslam - Bibliothèque isl 2.0.2
A nice application to read Islamic books hadith and the Koran.
در اللفظ BAYE NIASS 1.4
Cette application appelée « Dourroul lafzi » est unecompilationdepoèmes extraits des recueils de Mawlana CheikhoulIslamElhadjiIbrahima Niass (BAYE NIASS) destinées aux arabophones.هذاالبرنامجالمسمّى ب "در اللفظ" يجمع مقتطفات شعرية بالنّسخة العربيةمندواوينشيخ الإسلام وإمام الفيضة التجانية الشيخ الحاجإبراهيمانياسالكولخي.