Top 20 Apps Similar to Aadhaar Update

Credit Card Reader 20.06.26
Get your free app & credit card reader today.Call866-925-5007or download the app, activate your account andhaveyour cardreader within 24-48 hours. This Credit Card Readerappallows youto accept credit card payments anywhere, anytime.Allfunds will bein your account the following day and you onlypay0.39% onqualified debit transactions. Mobile Credit CardReaderAdvantagesA 2014 U.S. Federal Reserve study found199,800,000citizens areverified credit card holders. The study alsoshowedsome twobillion credit cards are currently in use, as mostown anaverageof two to three credit cards. As credit card use issoprevalent,it follows that more and more businesses, large andsmallalike,are utilizing mobile credit card readers in additiontostationaryversions. So why switch to a mobile credit cardswiper,or add oneto your business? Let’s check out a few of themanyadvantages thataccompany mobile readers: Affordable Celebratedashighlycost-effective, mobile credit card machines don’t costnearlyasmuch as their stationary counterparts.Additionally,transactionfees are generally less than 3 percent.Ease of UseMobile creditcard readers are easy to operate, asquality optionstake paymentsalmost immediately after set up. Forbest results, usea readerthat works across multiple platforms, suchas Android andtheiPhone. Numerous Features and CapabilitiesTraditional creditcardmachines have limited functions, but mobilereaders offer avarietyof features and capabilities. Mobile optionsoffer theability torun reports and keep track of every transactionandreceipt, aseach card swiped is automatically saved to yourmobilePOS account.With everything on record, it’s much easier totrackfraudulentcharges. Many systems offer customization optionsaswell, such asprice structure adjustments. Flexibility Mobilecreditcardterminals are ideal for those who frequently taketheirbusiness onthe road. This includes restaurants that operatefoodtrucks,makeup artists and other individual proprietors whotraveloftenfor work, and those who appear at trade shows andfestivalsinaddition to operating a brick-and-mortar establishment.Ratherthanlimiting business to cash transactions when on the road,ownersandoperators are able to accept credit and debitcards,whichcontributes to an increase in customer base. ValidityUsingamobile credit card swiper helps small businesses appearmore“real”and “valid.” Studies indicate customers feel acompanyis“established” when credit card readers areused.AdditionalTransaction Options Mobile credit card readersgenerallyoffer morethan one transaction option, such as manualentry inaddition tousing the swipe function. This means neverhaving towrite a signthat reads “Credit Card Terminal Down,” whichresultsin lostrevenue and unhappy customers. The advantages ofusing amobilecredit card terminal are many! Add one to yourbusiness andsee ifyou don’t notice a positivedifferenceimmediately.
Dev Reg A 1.0.17062301
The device registration application allows the distributorstoinstall and configure the biometric device provided bytheoperators
How to download Aadhaar Card 1.5
Check Aadhar Card status and know how toapplyfor Aadhar Card online in a single mobile appKey Features-UIDAIadhar cardeaadharAadhar statusआधार कार्ड ऑनलाइनApply for aadhar cardhow to apply aadhar card onlineLPG and Aadhar Card LinkBank account and Aadhar Card LinkUpdate your Aadhar card onlinePAN Card online services
Dev Reg I 1.0.17062301
The device registration application allows the distributorstoinstall and configure the biometric device provided bytheoperators
Aadhaar Card - Online Services 1.1
Download app and do all the Aadhaarcardservices from your device, it will be fast can now access the following aadhar cardservicesfrom your phone ,which are given below -* Locate Enrolment Center* Check Aadhaar Status* Download Aadhaar* Get Aadhaar Number on Mobile* Retrieve Lost UID/EID* Update Aadhaar Details (Online)* Update Request by Post* Update at Enrolment Center* Check Update Status* Verify Aadhaar Number* Verify Email/Mobile Number* Lock/Unlock Biometrics* Check Aadhaar & Bank Account Linking StatusThe Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is astatutoryauthority established under the provisions of the Aadhaaron 12July 2016 by the Government of India, under the MinistryofElectronics and Information Technology .To empower residentsofIndia with a unique identity and a digital platform toauthenticateanytime, anywhere.Deliver Aadhaar numbers universallyto residentswith a well defined turnaround time and adhering tostringentquality metrics,Collaborate with partners to set upinfrastructurewhich provides convenience to residents for updatingandauthenticating their digital identity.Benefits of Aadhar Card:Aadhar based Direct Benefit Transfer (LPG Subsidy): LPGcylindersubsidy amount is directly credited in the Aadhaar linkedbankaccount after the LPG consumer number is linked. Thedifferencebetween market price and subsidised rate is creditedwhich is thesubsidy amount. Subsidy for commodity products: Alsothe subsidyfor various commodity products such as kerosene, sugar,rice,pulses and many other products whose prizes are subsidized arealsotransferred to the linked account.Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee(MNREGA):Wagesunder this scheme will also be credited directly tothe bankaccount of the workers linked with aadhar cardnumber.Passport in 10 days: This benefit of Aadhaar card will relieveyouthe most! If you have an Aadhaar card, you can get passport injust10 days. Under this format, police verification will be done atalater date as opposed to the previous rule requiringpoliceverification which used to be time consuming. Also under thenewgovernment’s rule, if you need a passport, Aadhaar numberiscompulsory.Digital Locker: Government of India has launched digitallocker(DigiLocker) system for everyone for storing all personaldocumenton the government’s server. Aadhar card number is mandatoryto havethis. As Sign up Process will Link the DigiLocker account toyouraadhar card number.Monthly Pension: All the pensioners from select states will nowhaveto register their Aadhaar card number to their respectivedepartmentin order to receive monthly pension.Provident Fund: Similar to pension, provident fund money willbegiven to the account holder who’ve registered their Aadhaarnumberwith employee provident fund Organization (EPFO).Opening new bank account: Aadhaar letter provided by UIDAI isnowacceptable by banks as a valid proof to open bank account. Infact,it can serve as an address proof as well provided addressonAadhaar card and address proof perfectly matches. i.e. no needtoproduce bunch of documents to the banks for openingtheaccount.Scholarship: Students who receive scholarship from thegovernmentcan get this money only if bank account which is on thename of thestudent is linked with their Aadhaar number. Howeverthis ismandatory only for the students from selected Indianstates.Jan Dhan Yojana: The guiness world record holder schemePradhanMantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) accepts Aadhaar card/numberas theonly document sufficient to open the bank account. Althoughyouopen PMJDY account after producing other documents as well.Thebenefits offered are RuPay card, free zero balance savingsaccount,life and accident insurance and many others.Download app and send your feedback to us.
airtel connect 2016 1.0.4
Know more about airtel connect 2016 -Downloadto access details about the Venue, Agenda and much more!
NPS by Protean (NSDL e-Gov) 14.0.26
Official App of NPS by Protean eGov Technologies Ltd (formerlyNSDLeGov)
Paytm Mall Store Manager 2.8.3
Note: If you are a shopkeeper/merchant and want to acceptPaytmatyour shop, please download the mainPaytmApp Manager App for Sellers: Selling on Paytm Mall istheeasiestway of starting a business online. Paytm Mall StoreManagerlet's youbecome a seller in just few handy steps withflexibilityof managingyour product listings from any corner of thecountryon-the-go.Seamlessly create your listings, sell yourproducts andbe notifiedabout new orders, returns raised, customerfeedback andmuch moreanytime & anywhere. Elevate to the nextlevel ofselling with ourApp that is effortlessly designed toenhance userexperience. What WeOffer? Sign-up: Not a seller yet?Give a kickto your businessthrough Paytm Mall Store Manager.Seamlesslysign-up using “CreateYour Store Now” option. With thishassle-freesign-up, you can startselling on Paytm Mall. Dashboard:Our SellerServices keeps youupdated of your orders and returnsevery second.You can have a quicksight of all existing & newordersprocessing, returns, productrating, payment details & soon: •View a speedy snapshot of yourbusiness on Paytm Mall StoreManager• View orders summary &orders status, analyze trends ofsalesand orders • View paymentsnapshot • View store/catalogsummary andtop selling products • Viewyour overall rating &customerreviews Order Management:Beep-beep! Get immediate alertson neworders & returns, easyoverview of all orders and muchmore onPaytm Mall Store Manager •Receive notifications for neworders andcancelled orders • Managecomplete order process, processyourorders in a single step using“Create Shipment/MarkShipped”option, manifest slip & packingslip sent to yourregisteredemail id automatically • Search for aspecific order byOrder,Item, Fulfillment, SKU, Manifest or ShipperID or the AWBnumberCatalog: Easily update your inventory, product’sprices&quantities, etc. to ensure that you never go out ofstock. •Viewexpected payout of a particular product • Manage thevisibilityofyour products listed on Paytm Mall • Update stock andpriceinreal-time • Search specific product by productname/ID,merchantSKU ID, item or order ID Payments: Paytm Mall StoreManageroffersa rapid payment detail of every transaction and sendsalertsof newpayment in real time. Easily view date-wise&order-wisepayment and search for payment for a particularorder id& itemid. Profile: Quickly view your Paytm Mall accountdetailson theapp Payout Calculator: Want to sell something new? Notsurehowmuch you will get after selling an item? Now,calculateapproximatepayout amount using payout calculator on PaytmMallShopkeeper App.
Aadhaar PAN Voter Passport PNR 1.0.6
In any country if you don't havegovernmentdocuments then it is next to impossible to live in thatcountry.Country like India, government documents help us toidentify ourIdentity. These things keep in mind we develop mobileapp whichhelp all of us to create, update or search any informationaboutgovernment documents and services.Please don't waste time in searching details about Aadhaar Card,PanCard, Voter Id Card, Passport, Indian Train and Indian Postongoogle. Get all the details about Aadhaar Card, Pan Card, VoterIdCard, Passport, Indian Train and Indian Post in one place.AADHAAR CARDFeatures:1. Search nearest enrollment centre from your place.2. Check your Aadhaar card linking Status.3. Download your e-Aadhaar Card.4. Get your e-Aadhaar Card on your mobile.5. Update your personal information.6. Check Status of Aadhaar Card.7. Book an appointment for Aadhaar Card.8. File New Complaint through Aadhaar Card App.9. Check Complaint Status via Aadhaar Card.10. Know the Process for Applying Aadhaar Card for ChildrenorKidINDIAN POSTAL SERVICEFeatures:1. Speed Post Status2. Tracking Consignments : Track Speed Post, All Mail Items&eMO3. Track Your Complaint4. Interest Rates Calculator5. Post Office Saving Schemes6. Search and Buy Stamps Online7. Holiday List8. Download Forms9. Recruitment10. Tenders11. Employee Corner12. Agents Login13. Post Office Search : Search by Pincode / Taluka/District,14. Post Office Search : Locality Based Pincode Search15. Speed Post Calculator : International, Domestic16. Services - Speed Post, Express Parcel, IMOS, MediaPost,Greeting Post, Logistics Post, e Post Office, e Post,BusinessPost, Shop@postINDIAN TRAINFeatures:1. PNR Status2. Seat Availability3. Fare4. Vacant Berth Status on Running Train5. Railway Map6. Route of Train7. Current Booking Availability8. Upgraded Passenger List9. Tatkal Scheme10. Train Number Enquiry11. Train Availability12. Next 7 Days Availability Report13. Next 7 Days Tatkal Availability Report14. Earliest Date of Available Berths/Seats15. Online Reservation(IRCTC)16. SMS Services17. Mobile Ticketing Services18. Registration of Train/Coach on Full Tariff Rate(FTR)19. View Station Codes, Class Codes, Quota Codes20. Rules - Reservation, Refund, Luggage, Other RulesPAN CARDFeatures:1. Check Pan card Status2. Check Pan card Transaction Status3. Apply pan for Citizens of India4. Apply pan for foreign citizens5. Reprint / Duplicate / Lost of PAN Card6. Changes / Correction in PAN Details7. Search / Verify Pan by Pan No8. Search / Verify Pan by Name9. Income tax refundPASSPORT SEVAFeatures :1. Track Application Status2. User Login3. Online Form Submission4. User Registration5. Appointment Availability6. Locate Passport Seva Kendra and Laghu Kendra7. Locate Common Service Centers8. Passport Offices9. Know your Police Station10. NRI Passport11. Register Grievance/Feedback12. Track Service Request/Feedback13. Track RTI Status14. Fee Calculator15. Document Advisor for Re-Issue of Passport16. Download e-Form17. Annexures/Affidavits18. Download and Print Application Form19. Undertaking as per GSR 570(E)20. Apply for passport21. Fill Passport form online22. Appointment Booking Process23. Submit an Application at PSK24. Check Application StatusVOTER ID CARDFeatures:1. Check voter card status2. Search voter name in Electoral Roll3. Apply online for Registration of New Voter4. Apply online for Registration of Overseas Voter5. Correction of Entries in Electoral Roll6. Know your Booth, AC and PC7. Know your BLO, ERO and DEO8. Link to STATE/UT CEO's9. Voter Education Channel10. Polling Process11. Electronic Voting Machines12. Complaint / Sugestions13. Indian voter list 201614. Duplicate Voter Card15. Change Address16. Link Aadhaar Card17. Help / Instructions
Aadhaar Services
ADSL Infotech
Aadhaar Services provides details ofyouraadhaar card by scanning it, and you can also share it. Alongwiththat it has different links for aadhar related services.
Southern Power 4.0
The Southern power APP is fast, reliable, extremely simpletouse,easy to pay bills and very intuitive. Install this app,signupwithyour mail id, register using your 13 digit servicenumberforpaying electricity bills. Once you register and login,youstayconnected with us for a seamless service experience. Youcan:•View & pay your electricity bills from your mobile •GetBillreminders • Get the power supply position of your area•Analyzeyour consumption pattern over the last 12 months •Getpaymenthistory of the last 12 transactions • Registercomplaintsthroughyour mobile • Get updates on your complaint &newserviceapplication status • Give feedback to help us improvetheservicesIt’s absolute free. APSPDCL with its headquartersatTirupati isone of the leading Indian power utility servingaconsumer base ofover 11.7 million spread across the eightdistrictsviz., Guntur,Kadapa, Nellore, Ongole,Tirupati,Vijayawada,Anantapur &Kurnool in the Southern State of AndhraPradesh.APSPDCL has alwaysbeen a pioneer in delivering technologycentriccustomer careservices to its customers. APSPDCL has beenawardedthe ‘ First(Gold) prize under National Energy EfficiencyBusinessModelAwards’ (NEEBMA). Under the visionary leadership ofHon’bleChiefMinister of A.P., power generation, transmissionanddistributionwere streamlined and power supply is beingextended24x7 to allconsumers. Now, in line with the directions oftheGovernment,customer care services are being extended throughthisapp toenable consumers use them anytime anywhere.
Update 1.0
Private Subscan UDS Limited updatesappsolelyfor site engineers to update the back-office directlyfromthe app.This is app is of no use to the general public andshouldnot bedownloaded or used.
Resume Builder App Free CV Maker & PDF Templates 7.5
Over 5 Million people are using our top-rated 'Resumebuilderapp'.This Free CV maker creates the professional resume inofflinemodewith more than 130+ color resume templates. You cancreateyourprofessional resume in few minutes and also you canquicklycreateit for any kind of profession. This resume builder isreallyasimple way to build a resume and this perfect resumebuilderappoffers an expert resume with its assistance. This resumeapphelpsyou to create professional resumes for freshersandexperiencedthat support your career goals, covers jobdescriptionsthatdescribe your skills. Resume Builder app providesyou withresumetemplates or formats. To create a resume you do notneed toworryabout what format, what information to put etc, justentertheinformation and you will get a perfect resume for yourcareer.Youmay find numerous opportunities in your profession andyou maybeskilled enough for the position but you need therightprofessionalresume to crack your interview. You may find ithard tocreate new'curriculum vitae' every time as it willbetime-consuming andtiresome but this 'CV maker' templates apphelpsyou to get throughit. Resume career builder creates resumesfor alljob seekers. CVmaker with the latest 130+ CV templates issuitablefor various jobvacancies in 2021. You can create a perfectandreliable formatresume by using this resume application. ResumePDFMaker providesvaluable cv format or best resume templates.ResumeBuilder app(130+ Resume Templates Free CV Maker resume CoverLetterFormat)has a user-friendly interface, as this resume apphelps youto fillall the details like work experience andachievements duringyourworking career, your personal hobbies andinterests, youracademiccredentials and professionalaccomplishments. This ResumeBuilderFree CV maker templates formatsapp creates a resume invariousprofessional cv templates. Thisprofessional curriculumvitaebuilder is a good app for experts andstudents. Thegeneratedresume in PDF format can be shared or storedusing theonline andoffline options provided. It is easy to createand sharethe bestresumes with the help of my resume builder CV.Featuresofprofessional CV maker app : Create, view, copy, manageanddeletemultiple profiles in this Resume Builder Profile app.Accessourresume writing app in offline mode. Share this resume appwithyourfriends to create a professional CV. Download this resumeappfreeof cost. Quick resume builder that makes a resumewithedit,modify, and share cv options easily. Make use of thisfreeresumeapp in PDF format to create a resume with perfectresumetemplates.
Pay1 Distributor 4.7.9
An app designed for distributors to help them with alltheirbusiness needs.
ID Proof Downloader 1.0
Our app is very useful and helpful forpeopletodownload their ID Proofs easily from their mobile phones.So nowyoucan get your main ID Cards fastly from your mobile.Thisdownloaderis very simple, you just have to choose the IDProof,which you wantto download and get it.This is very useful app that you should need to keepinyourmobile phone, so whenever anyone need any ID proof you candohisjob in seconds. Instead of downloading your ID proofs, youalsocancheck their status. Here is the list what we provideinthisApp:1) Aadhaar Card Downloader/Check StatusAadhaar, which means "foundation" in many Indian languages,istheterm for the unique identity number issued by theUIDAI.Noresident can have a duplicate number since it is linkedtotheirindividual biometrics; thereby identifying fakeandghostidentities which result in leakages today. Savingsfromeliminatingduplicates and fakes throughAadhaar-basedidentification willfurther enable governments toexpand benefits toother eligibleresidents.2) PAN Card Apply/PAN Card Check Status/ PAN Card Download3) Passport Download/ Passport Apply4) Check status of PNR. So we also providerailwayinquiresservice.5) Check Status of India post/ Speed PostSo download our app, you can easily get your ID proofsfromsingleapp. and keep this app in your phone, so whenever youneedyour IDProof, easily download it!Thanks
Passport, Voter Id, PAN, PNR 1.1
You check your IFSC, MICR Aadhar, PANCard,PNR, PassPort standing board Asian country by victimisationthisapp.or use links given below...****
update Nougat 1.0
Application to figure out how toupdateyourphone to the latest version of the Androidoperatingsystem
TTD Information 1.0
1st IDeA Labs
Application Provides Importantinformationabout TTD.1. Darshanams2. Sevas.3. Accommodation.4. Facilities.5. Near By Places to watch.
Mobile Update Manager 2.1.1
IntelliAd Mobile Update Manager letsyouupdateCenique “digital signage” playback device without analwaysonInternet connection. A preconfigured local file on anAndroiddeviceor downloaded from the IntelliAd Cloud Platform canbeuploadedthrough the device’s own hotspot.How it worksThe “digital signage” playback device has its own hotspot.Connecttoit with a password and the local file on the Androiddevice orfromthe IntelliAd Cloud can be uploaded to or downloadedfrom thedevice.This way the device stays updated with the latestcontentevenwithout being always connected.
SecureIdentity 3.4.5 (10718)
The free and easy to use SecureIdentity app gives youfast,convenient and secure access to GOV.UK services. Saveyourselftime, as this easy-to-use app will speed up yourregistration byscanning your passport and taking your selfie(optional), so youdon’t have to enter all your details again. Afteryou areregistered, this powerful app provides a complete list ofthegrowing number of services that use the Verify service. Thisallowsyou to access the information you need within seconds in asecureand convenient way. Try using it on your mobile, and signintoGOV.UK with 1 finger in a few seconds! About us SecureIdentityisthe verification service from Morpho, the world leaderingovernment identity. We’ve already provided more than 2.8billionpeople with the technology they need to travel or trade andaccesssecure services online. For over 20 years, we’ve workedwithgovernments and major institutions to help people like youaccessthe critical information safely and securely. Now,thegovernment-grade secure identity services we specialise inareavailable to you directly. For more information,search‘SecureIdentity’.