Top 44 Games Similar to Тардион - квест-выживание

Текстовый квест Симбионт 3 1.2
Here is the latest chapter in the history of Symbiont. Symbiont3:Project "Metamorph"
Survival-quest Symbiont 1 3.7
The last 36 hours of the sole survivor of a mysterious accident inalab complex
QMessenger текстовый квест 1.0.6
The story of the salvation of one robot
Survival-quest Symbiont 0 1.5
A gamebook about a neuroscientist who happened to be locked inasecret lab...
Последнее звено. Том 1. Текстовый квест. 1.6
Представь на секунду, что ты - главный инженерразработчиккрупногопроекта, за который компания получит неимоверныеденьги, аты -бесконечную славу и новые пути к будущимоткрытиям.Представил?Теперь пора прочувствовать! - спроектируйкосмическийкорабльбудущего - будь управляющим своей жизни - ищивыходы изсложныхситуаций - решай головоломки - налаживай контакт-ищисправедливость В первом томе нашей космической одиссеибудущегомыпредлагаем побыть руководителем проекта первогоиединственногокосмического крейсера по прыжкам в космос.Людямудалось покоритьрасстояние, но смогут ли они покорить время?Именнотебе придётсясерьёзно задаться этим вопросом, попутно решаяделовыезадачи ипрокладывая путь к повышению. Думаешь, на этом всё?А какжечеловеческая жажда поглотить всё и вся? Жажда денег,жаждавласти?Увы, и с ними здесь тебе придётсявстретиться.Благодаряразветвлённому повествованию ты можешь выбратьсебеуникальный путьи следовать ему до самого конца, каждый выбор -этоноваянеизведанная тропа, поэтому не медли ни минуты.Историяведётся влёгкой и приятной форме, которая не оставиттебяравнодушным и, ужточно, не даст заскучать. Наш квест дажеможетбыть пройдён безинтернета. Но не навеет ли на тебя скукуоднотолько повествование?Чтобы этого не случилось, играразбавленатематическимимини-играми, которые не только “разомнут”твой мозг,но и помогутлучше разобраться в ситуации. Скорее начинайзнакомствос«Последним звеном», текстовым квестом на русском языке!
Mansion. Text Adventure 1.48
Gravity Shot
An exciting gamebook about ordinary people inextraordinarycircumstances.
Пандемия: Дорога домой. Сюжетн 9.4.1
... For the third month in the world, a pandemic is raging.Thevirus turns people into zombies
Подземелья Чёрного замка 2.1
An exciting fantasy adventure in the book-game format
The Mooseman 0.1.45
Welcome to the mysterious world of ancient myth, basedonfinno-ugricculture of bygone pagan times. Long-long time agotheworld wascreated out of an egg-shell by a god named Yen. Inthemurky depthsof the endless ocean the Lower World was born.TheMiddle World wasmade for the men to dwell, and the Upper Worldwaswere the ancientgods would reside. Multitudes of spiritsdwellamong the layers ofcreation, guarding their secrets in thedark.Embark on a journeythrough all the worlds of ancient myth,findartefacts of Chud'tribes and solve all the mysteriesoffinno-ugric tales. You are theMooseman and you have the abilitytosee all that is hidden to themortal eye. You are about tovisitthree layers of this universe -the first one is the LowerWorldwhere the spirits of the deadreside. * Explore the worldsinspiredby Perm animal style * Diveinto the deep atmosphere offolk Komimusic * Meet long forgottengods and spirits * Learn theancientmyths of finno-ugric tribes *Don't expect an easy journey,thereare riddles in the dark * Unlocknew abilities and use them togetto the Upper World * Find all theartefacts that are hiddenfromthe mortal eye
Ошейник, текстовый квест 4.65
Shaber and Co
Book and game in one! Control the story by choosing the wordsanddeeds of the heroine!
Epidemic - horror text quest w 4.07
Shaber and Co
An unusual disease has struck a village in the forest. Stoptheinfection!
Molfar's Way * text quest 1.42
Peter Starm
Plunge into the magical world of the protagonist, into histhoughtsand plans.
Туман 1.88.0
NigJonS Games
"Fog" - interactive book, where your every choice has adirectimpact on the story.
Текстовые Квесты: играй и пиши 4.61
Shaber and Co
What do you like - horror, zombies, or romance? Quests foreverytaste await you!
Lifeline: Halfway to Infinity 1.3
Taylor's epic struggle for survival continues in thistime-bendingadventure!
Пандемия 2. Сюжетный квест - выживание 1.1.2
Что вас ждет ● Особая атмосфера иромантикапостапокалиптическихгородов России, охваченных радиацией.●Непредсказуемая иразносторонняя сюжетная игра на прохождение.●Бонусный эпизод, вкотором вам придется выжить в заброшенномметро.● Путешествие пооткрытому миру, реализованному в книге-игре●Создание своегоубежища и забота о его обитателях ●РПГ-составляющая: оружие, лут,крафт, ресурсы, усталость, голод,травмы,развитие, прокачка ивыживание в стиле сталкер. ● Побег отвоенных,напряженные битвы иштурмы. ● Экшен, юмор, драма, романтика,хоррор,приключения,путешествие и выживание в зомби - апокалипсис.Вынайдете здесьвсе! ● Любовная линия с сексуальнымподтекстомспециально попросьбам девушек. ● Захватывающие квесты иихпереплетения. Игра соткрытым миром. ● Реалистичные мини-игрыиголоволомки. ●Атмосферная игра и музыка. ● Взаимодействиесомножествомперсонажей со своими секретами. ● Отношения сперсонажамии исходигры зависят от вашего выбора. ● Отличная игра вдорогу!Пандемия2: Пять миллизиверт Захватывающий квест исимуляторвыживания внепредсказуемом мире апокалипсиса, полном зомбиизахватывающихприключений. …Вот уже третий месяц в миребушуетпандемия, этогоуже нельзя скрыть. Мы ошиблись, назвав этовакцинойот всехболезней, ведь это вирус. Вирус, который не толькозаживляетраны,лечит рак или элементарную простуду. После смертисвоегоносителявирус мутирует и лечит даже саму смерть. Толькоожившиебольше нете, кого мы знали, и вещество в их крови больше нето,которое мысоздали. Они встают и хотят жрать… жрать нас,чтобымутировать истать еще более ужасными, разумными существами.Онизаразны исмертельно опасны, они уже здесь… Вы снова главныйгеройэтойистории. Вы выжили и стали хищником среди хищников,героемсредигероев и убийцей среди убийц… Вы тот, о ком идет молва,вытот,кого разыскивают, чтобы убить. Тот кто выживет любойценой,чтобызащитить своих близких. Вас ждет большой изахватывающийтекстовыйквест в жанре survival, в котором вы станетеглавнымгероем иотправитесь в мир, который не может оправиться послеДня Z.Городаи убежища, случайные встречи и события, люди и ихистории,мутантыи зомби. вылазки и исследование заброшенных городов,поискукрытия,оружия и припасов, проблемы и задачи, скоторымипредстоитсправиться именно вам. Обустройство своего убежищаизабота об егообитателях. Не остановит ли вас все это на путиксамой главнойцели? Отправляясь с мир Пандемии, помните:«НЕСУЩЕСТВУЕТВИДЕОКАРТЫ МОЩНЕЕ, ЧЕМ ВАШЕ ВООБРАЖЕНИЕ»ПОЖАЛУЙСТА,ОБРАТИТЕВНИМАНИЕ: наш текстовый квест бесплатно можноскачать ипройти. Темне менее, возможность сохранения прогресса вигре можноприобрестиза реальные деньги. Также для игры требуетсяподключениекИнтернету. Обязательно загляните к нам в VK, где вывсегдасможетеузнать секреты прохождения, получить помощь,поучаствовать вакциина БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ ПРЕМИУМ, почитать фанфики покниге-игре илипростопообщаться с людьми, которые полюбили нашпроект. До встречинапросторах Пандемии! ... Within a few months thepandemicspreadthroughout the world. We were mistaken in calling itavaccineagainst all diseases, because it is a Plague. ThePlaguethat killsthe world and turns people into zombies. The worldhaschanged, nowit's Pandemic Dead World Z.
Lapse 2: Before Zero 1.2
To understand the future, you must first discover the past.
Dark Things - detective quest 3.66
Solve occult puzzles and reveal dark detective secrets!
Полина против сталкера 1.5.4
Noesis Games
An invisible enemy is stalking your girlfriend. Save her andlearnhow to save herself.
DEAD CITY - Choose Your Story 1.7.13
A Choose your own story/ Text adventure game similar to oldCYOAbooks.
Apothecarium: The Renaissance of Evil 1.0.15
Walk the Renaissance Italy in a thrilling mystery game asyouexplorethe secret city of alchemists. Solve puzzle mini-gamesandfind cluesin hidden object scenes. When a mysteriousplaguespreads across thecountry, the rumours of a miraculous cureflyfrom mouth to mouth.Apothecarium has gathered the brightestmindsof the Renaissance,most renowned artists and scientists.That’swhy Duke Medici, Masterof Florence, sent his family therewhen theepidemic broke out… for aperil worse than the disease.Tasked toinvestigate theirdisappearance, you are now to explorethe hiddencity of alchemistswith its dangerous mysteries. Featuresof thisengrossing HOG ➤ PLAYFREE AND UNLOCK FULL GAME VERSION FROMWITHINTHE APP ➤ Enthrallinghidden object adventure in theRenaissancesetting ➤ 20+ mini gamesof puzzle and skill type ➤Collectiblecoins to purchase upgrades ➤Hidden object locationswith morphingitems and zoom scenes ➤Replayable puzzles and HOS ➤AlternativeMatch 3 puzzles ➤ Immersivecutscenes and professionalvoiceovers ➤Integrated step-by-stepstrategy guide ➤ Bonus quest tounlock inwhen you complete the ghosttown adventure Journey back intime androam the deserted streetsfinding items to help you proceedwiththe investigation. Livethrough a detective story and unmaskthevillain who will stop atnothing to retrieve an elixirofimmortality. As you complete hiddenobject puzzles, you mayreceiveup to 3 coins to be spent for variousupgrades in the Shop.Also,every location contains hiddencollectibles which add coins toyourpurse. If you are not fond ofseek-and-find, you may switch tothealternative Match 3 gameplayanytime. This HOPA game also bragsavariety of brain-teasers tocompliment the adventure. Thesearetile-matching and jigsaw puzzles,a host of classic boardgames(e.g. hashi or tangrams), and arcademinigames like mazesolving.It’s an option to earn additionalbonuses for solvingslidingpuzzles and other brain-teasers. Byshowing your wits andskills,you may win up to 20 trophies.Otherwise, if you need aprompt, abuild-in walkthrough is there tohelp you. So, wait nomore anddelve into a haunted historicalmystery full ofintrigue!Questions? Contact our tech [email protected]
Lifeline 2 1.3
Join Arika in her quest to avenge her parents and rescue herlostbrother!
60 Parsecs! 1.3.1
Atomic Space Age was a blast! Until it became thePost-ApocalypticSpace Age.
Симулятор Писателя 2 1.2.2
Начните свой путь от простого уборщика до самогоизвестногоПисателяв мире: - СОЗДАЙТЕ своего уникального персонажапо своемуобразу иподобию: выберете имя, возраст, пол и внешность.Помните,вашперсонаж постоянно взрослеет! - ПИШИТЕ самыенастоящиекниги:начиная от обложки и оформления и заканчиваянаписаниемсюжета иконцовок книг! Если не можете писать сами - играза вассгенерируетсвой уникальный сюжет книги! - СОХРАНЯЙТЕ вашикниги,которые выможете прочесть в любой момент игры. Либо можетеотдатьих на отзывсвоим друзьям! - ПРОКАЧИВАЙТЕ свои умения внаписаниикниг, покупаяоборудования и улучшения: чем лучше вашеоборудованиеи навыки, тембольше положительных отзывов от критиковвы получите!-ЗАРАБАТЫВАЙТЕ на выпуске книг и контрактах: чем большевыизвестны,тем лучше продаются ваши книги, а также темвыгоднеепредложения выполучите по контракту. - ЗАВОДИТЕ своиотношения и вдальнейшемзаводите собственную семью: системадиалогов, возможностьзаводитьи воспитывать детей и многое другое! -ВЫРАЩИВАЙТЕ изаботьтесь освоих домашних питомцах. Имеется множестводомашнихпитомцев,начиная от котов и заканчивая черепашками. Вашипитомцыпостояннорастут, поэтому не забудьте за ними ухаживать икормить!-ПОКУПАЙТЕ дома и транспорт с целью улучшения собственнойжизни.Чемлучше у вас имущество и транспорт, тем лучше вашперсонажсебячувствует. - ПОСТРОЙТЕ свой собственный бизнес, начинаяспростогоинтернет-магазина и заканчивая огромной корпорациейсвозможностьюдальнейшего расширения. Чем лучше у вас бизнес,тембольше вызарабатываете! Это и многое другое ждет вас вигре"СимуляторПисателя 2"! ;)
Lifeline: Silent Night 1.8
The fate of Taylor is in your hands - Your choices shape thestoryas you play!
Otome Degraman: Act I. Vincent & Cassel DEMO 0.7.7
~~~This is a demo version. The full version is expected tobenoearlier than winter 2021~~~ You live a normal life. Youlistentoyour mother like a good daughter. You go to College likeagoodstudent. You take care of stray cats like a goodSamaritan.Life ismeasured, dull, and monotonous, but calm andpredictable.Youalways know that tomorrow will be the same as it istoday. Thesameas it was yesterday... But all of that is gone in amoment,washedaway in a stream of crystal clear water. The beginningofyour newlife is marked by the appearance of mysteriouskidnappers.Theydon't ask for your permission, nor do they care ifyou'reprepared.Not before dragging you into an unknown world fullofstrange,incomprehensible, mystical, and sometimes terriblethings.But youare not afraid, for these same very people are readytoprotect youwith their lives. Extremely attractive, they give alloftheirattention to you. You're important to them. You'respecial.What'smore, you ARE one of them; superhumans waging aninvisiblewar forthe salvation of all mankind. Life is awash withcolor nowthat youare no longer an ordinary person who is invisibleto theeyes ofthe that you're his Savior... But what ifnoneof thatwere true? What if you were still the same gray figuretheentireworld saw you as? What if you were just a bargaining chipina gamefor depraved superhumans? A game with no rules. A gameinwhichevery mistake leads to an inevitable and cruel death. Agameinwhich the correct path is not always obvious. Onlybystraddlingthe line between evil and greater evil are you abletosnatch yourchance at survival. But is it worth it..? --- Degraman-is anotome visual novel. The romance is flavored not onlywithdrama,humor and fan service, but suspense and horror, whichareallaccompanied by a fantastic entourage of characters.
Nekra Psaria 1.0.2
Enter the unique world of Nekra Psaria. But be careful,thisweirdpuzzler might make you go insane! Your generator is dead,sonoelectricity, so NO TV FOR YOU! Luckily, you might befindobjectslying around to get you out of this jam. And this alsomightgiveyou nightmares. Escape an underground cell, only tofindyourselfin a spooky forest... and it just gets stranger fromthere.Uniqueart style, creepy atmosphere, addicting story,interestingweirdpuzzles awaits you!
Contract With The Devil: Quest 1.2.53
Find hidden objects in the Mirror World to save your daughter inamystery adventure game. Unveil a family mystery as yousolvepuzzles and oppose hiding demons. TRY it first, then PAY onceandPLAY this dark mystery adventure game forever offline!Contractwith the Devil is a chilling hidden object adventure gamewhichtakes on a mystic quest to the Mirror World, which is anythingbuta Wonderland. Follow a hooded shadow to a nightmare realm,catchthe daemons of seven deadly sins and save your fosterchild.Features: - Set off for a dark mystery adventure - Findhiddenobjects by list or associations - Crack 48 puzzle games onyour way- Meet 12 animated game characters - Cancel the contractwith theDevil! If you like hidden object games, then you knowwhatmysterious adventures may an urgent letter promise. Invited toanold haunted mansion, you come up to an ancient mirror. Suddenlyaportal to another world appears, and a ghostly figure kidnapsyourdaughter Lisa and your enigmatic host. Now it's up to you tounveilthe mystery hidden in Lisa's past. Unlike most of findinggames, inthis HOG hidden scenes are actually matching puzzles, inwhich yousearch for hidden objects as associations. A varietyofbrain-teasers particularly offers players to solve jigsawandsliding puzzles, complete patchwork mosaics, find thedifferenceand escape the maze. A brownie will help you in thisquest, butother mystical creatures won't be that friendly. So, areyou braveenough to pass through the looking glass, explore crypticcaverns,cross the abyss and return home safe and sound? Find it outin thismystic point-and-click adventure! Questions? Contact ourtechsupport at [email protected]
Dungeon Survivor 2.8.92
*** ULTIMATE DUNGEONS, ENDLESS ADVENTURE! *** TheexperienceofDungeon Survivor is like a different journey in thedark world,youface the danger of weird creatures, learn how tocollectmoreresource and being stronger, establish your territoryand trytosurvive longer. IMMERSED STORYLINE ● Over 10 maps andtotally500+areas/dungeons to be unlocked ● Tactical missionsindungeons,survive and achieve greatness through the journey ●Randomevents,simple but elaborately text-based changing plots MORETHAN80CLASSES ● Endless customization, over 20 types of upgradepathwith6 lethal tiers ● Improve your strategy, learn the uniqueskillsforperfect team combo ● Easy-to-control buteye-catchingbattlesTACTICAL AND STRATEGY ● Form up yourexpeditionary force andtryall the methods to survive longer ●Improve your strategy foraperfect team, explore the unknown worldfor epic loots ●Upgradeyour buildings to increase your kingdom’sproductivity ●Train,level up your adventurers with superiorstrength, go out tothewild for adventure CHALLENGE MIGHTY POWER ●Explore and conquertheunknown world for epic loots ● Leaderboard towatch yourfriendsand competitors! ● How far can you go in the DarkRift? Havefunplaying Dungeon Survivor!! ===CONTACT US=== If youlike ourgame,please welcome to contact us give suggestion! ●OfficialFacebook: ●Email:[email protected]
Pechka - Story Adventure Game 6.9.1
Historical Story, War Story Drama | MazM's Visual Novel, WarStoryText Game!
Легенды древних: текстовый кве 0.991
Are you a villain or a hero? Choose your path!
Sender Unknown: The Woods - Te 2.11
Choose from 3 options at every decision! Success or failuredependson them.
Dungeon Survival 1.79.1
Frozen Frog
Roguelike RPG with random map
Remember: Room Escape LITE 151.1
Atmospheric room escape and puzzle game.
The Last Dream 1.5
Reality and dreams are about to become entwined in thishiddenobject adventure.
The Virus: Cry for Help 1.1
The Virus is about a fictitious call for help. A whole citybelongsto the dead. для Android 1.9.5
Online client for mobile version of the popular onlinegameGangstaWars
Convicted: Jail Break 1.24
“Convicted: Jailbreak” is a unique text game,tellingaboutadventures of inmates in a supermax prison. This textquestwillallow you to see the prison life through the eyes ofinmatesandfeel all the horrors of a supermax prison. You willtestyourstrength in the place where bribes, murders, prisonfightsandcruel mores are the norm. You will plunge intointerestingandunpredictable stories about prison life. Eachcharacter of thegame“Convicted: Jailbreak” has his own story andpredicaments. Eachofthem got to prison for a reason, there areneither total heroesnorvillains. Will the characters be able toachieve their goalsandsurvive in prison? It depends on you, theplayer. But“Convicted:Jailbreak” is not just a text quest with aninterestingstoryline.It’s also a detective game! The first case youare tosolve: nurseJennifer Stone’s disappearance from EastCastlesupermax prison. Inorder to find out what happened to thisprisonnurse you’ll have toget familiar with the stories of sixinmates.First character:Eddie Boyd, a thief. The Mafia kidnaps thewife ofa professionalthief Eddie Boyd to force him to fulfill atask inEast Castlehigh-security prison. He's supposed to find andstealthree rareJapanese netsukes. Having accomplished that Boydwillhave to makea jailbreak in the best traditions of the PrisonBreakTV series.Second character: Carlos Luke, a smuggler. Some timeagoCarlosused to be the best smuggler on both sides of the border.Nowhe’sgot to serve his sentence in a supermax prison andwillgetinvolved in a quest full of dangerous adventures: Carlos hastogetinside the prison drug trading group and steal the recipeofabrand new drug. In a place where danger lurks in everyshadow,theonly person whom Carlos can count on is himself.Thirdcharacter:Stanley Paulson. A journalist in the past, aconvictedmurderernow, Paulson investigates the activity of apowerfulcriminalorganization. His journalist-colleague was foundmurdered,and allthe evidence of the crime pointed at Paulson. Afterhavingspentsome time behind bars, Stan finally got a chance findtherealmurderers of the journalist. But in order to do that hewillhaveto complete a dangerous quest of searching forevidenceandexposing a huge criminal group. Fourth character: BlakeBarret,adetective and undercover agent. Blake Barrett is ahardenedconvictand he’s not to be messed with! Nobody suspectsBlake ofbeing anundercover agent. His job is to gather informationaboutthe drugdealings in the prison. Will Barrett manage to keephissecret, getthrough numerous dangerous adventures and exposethecriminals?Fifth character: Dexter Blackburn, a hitman. Dexter isaman who isfeared by everyone in the prison. His personaltragedymade him theway he is, a cold-blooded killer sweepingasideanything andeverything in its path. Though having gone tojail,Dexter gets anopportunity to take revenge on those who ruinedhislife many yearsago. Now Dexter needs to decide whether he isavillain or a hero.Sixth character: Kyle Manson, a rebel. Themostambiguous characterin the text game “Convicted: Jailbreak”. Doyouremember acharacter nicknamed T-Bag from the Prison BreakTVseries? Kyle hasa lot in common with T-Bag: mentally unstable,ashadowy past andunclear future. Manson’s adventures willdefinitelyput you on theedge since this inmate starts a prison riotandfights against thesystem! Having familiarized yourself withthestories of all of thesix characters, having accomplished allthequests and gone throughall the dangerous adventures you willfeellike a real detectiveand solve the disappearance of theprisonnurse. Are you ready?Then let’s go! Warning! You are about tobesubjected to aninteresting story with lots of thrills -guaranteed!By the way,this text game assumes that you will makenumerousdecisions, andeach of them will have consequences. Choosewisely!
Buried Town – Free Zombie Survival Apocalypse Game 1.4.3
locojoy game
Buried Town is a free zombie survival apocalypse game. Oneofthemost attracting text games and story games ever. Oneofthedreadful horror zombie games ever. One of the mostintensesurvivalgames ever. Buried Town is a unique hybrid ofzombiesurvival gamesand text adventure games. It hits 10milliondownloads worldwide,and it’s FREE! Player has to faceunknownsituation and survivetill the very last day on battleground.Juststart your text storygames adventure trail now! Start one ofyoutext games or storygames here now! Your last day travelandadventure ended in asouthern town. But the real troubleandadventure has just started.When you floated on an isolatedisland,you found you’re the onlysurvivor on this island and thewholeworld around you is thewalking dead zombies and unkilledenemies.This war of walking deadzombies has just started.Moderncivilization has been destroyed.You need to facestarvation,plague, infection, disease, and fightthe war againstendlesswalking dead zombies. How long can yousurvive in this verylast dayof living earth life? START A DAY ANDDON’T DIE! You aretrying tosurvive in this zombie survivalapocalypse world. Startyour zombietext games adventure. Whiletrying to get rid of hunger,horror,fear, plague, infection,disease, you also need to faceendlesswalking dead zombiesapproaching towards your shelter. Don’tgetstarved, use yousurvival crafting skill to build a shelteranddefend your shelter.At the beginning, you’ll get a radiowhichoffers you a bridge toconnect to the outside world. Are youthelast human being onearth? No clue yet. PRACTICE YOURSURVIVALCRAFTAND BE A ZOMBIEHUNTER Try to search and collectmaterials andresources. Use themto craft shelters and repairfences. Practiceyou survival craftskills. This crafting skill canbe useful whenyou face thoseendless walking dead zombies. This warof zombies andyou is mucheasier if you keep crafting your shelter.Improve yourstrategy andcreate more deadly weapons against walkingdeadzombies. Learn morecrafting skills and be a zombie hunter! ADOGAND YOU In youshelter, a dog will keep you alarmed ofthosedreadful and endlesswalking dead zombies. Keep vigilant anddon’tlet zombies hurtingyour dog. Maybe the dog is the only livingbeingaround you andmakes you feel not alone. Just survive with yourdogin this postapocalyptic battleground. TEXT GAMES STORYLINEWITHAPOCAPLYSEADVENTURE A unique apocalypse zombie survival gamebasedon simpletext-based storyline. Simple text story games featureandgraphicexpression gives you an unforgotten experience. Putonyourheadphone to enjoy better survival apocalypse gamesexperience.Letyour terror and obsession out. Survive on a territorythatbelongsto your deep inner heart. MAKE THE BEST USE OF THOSENPCSANDSURVIVE You’re alone in this post apocalyptic world. ButNPCsmaypop up to offer you some opportunities. Trade with themandbalanceyour belongings. You may call it “this business ofmine”.CONNECTWITH OTHER SURVIVORS Use an old school radio toconnect totheoutside world. Talk to other players around the world.Useyourtext games or story games experience to live. You’ll notfeelsodesperately alone in this zombie survival world. Just toletyouknow, Buried Town developer team only contains threegamefans.They developed Buried Town to pay tribute tothosefascinatingsurvival games which made our survival gameshistorymore colorfuland entertaining. DISCLAIMER Buried Town isjust azombie survivalgame for entertaining. Please do not take anypartof this game asyour real wilderness survival guide. We want tomakeBuried Townone of the most attractive zombie apocalypsehorrorsurvival gamesjust for you. Please like ourFacebookpage
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