Top 17 Games Similar to Candy Raccoon: Baby Phone

Babyphone game Numbers Animals 3.6.4
Learn numbers, colors, animals, sound- educational phone gamesfortoddlers.
MiraPhone - Kids Phone 4-in-1
MiraPhone is a unique game amongoureducational games for toddlers because there are four types ofbabyphones within one app. It has enormous kids entertainmentandeducation potential as it helps babies learn numbers,learnanimals, learn colors and musical instruments for kids.Featuring a toy phone for kids with a lively and colorfulinterface,this phone game will help your kids learning animals andanimalsounds, learning colors and numbers for toddlers free, aswell asmusic instruments - tailored to their interests andmood!Baby phone games for babies with numbers, animals fortoddlers,musical instruments and colors for kids are carefully madetoprovoke interest and positive emotions while children playthegame, also trigger their brains to think and learn to makeadifference between the 0-9 numbers, animals for kids andtheirsounds, music instruments games and colors for toddlers.Killer features of our baby phone app free:• Playing this baby first play phone your kid can exploredifferentanimals and hear the sounds that they produce. A child cancheckthe appearance of animals by funny pictures with their imagesandhear animal voice. What animals your baby will meet: a cat, ahare,a dog, a horse, a bear, a lion, a pig, a fox, anelephant.• There is an ability to pretend phone calls for kids - themostinteresting and exciting part of the game when your baby callsacertain animal, color, number or musical instrument!• Learning numbers for preschoolers: in our baby telephone yourkidwill learn 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. When a little babycalls acertain number, red circles appear on the baby phone screen.Thereare as many red circles as the number shows. For example,whencalling 1 there is one circle, when calling 2 there aretwocircles, and so on. It’s a good learning numbers forkindergarteninteractive.• Learn colours. Enjoy learning colors for toddlers free withsuchjuicy colors and shapes for kids app free preschool likered,orange, yellow, green, pink, blue, white, black, violet. Yourbabywill certainly like learning colours as there is a specialbuttonwith a rainbow which covers the phone screen withrainbowcolors!• Learn musical instruments games: introduce piano,violin,saxophone, drum, accordion, harp, trumpet, guitar, balalaikaandothers to your child. Calling the instruments the youngmusicianwill hear how they sound.• Like in many musical games for kids there are catchy songs,musicand rhymes in our kids phone for free. Your baby willlovethem.• MiraPhone will train your baby’s attentiveness, fine motorskillsand memory.• Our kid phone will provide at least 20 minutes of distractionforyour toddler while he or she play phone for kids call.• MiraPhone stands out among other childrens games free, babyanimalgames and shapes and colors games for kids as a reallysimple, funand interactive game.How to play. It’s very simple and intuitive: after starting thegameyou’ll see four types of baby phones on different educationalthema- numbers, colors, animals, musical instruments. You justchoose anybaby phone you like and enjoy your kid’s learning withfun!Thanks to animal learning games and number learning games forkidsfor free as well as 123 learning numbers games like MiraPhone,yourchild will get to know a lot of animals and learn colorstoddlerfree, kids 123 learning numbers and music instruments!The creation of our educational games for kids MiraPhone involvedateam of child psychologists, pedagogues and developers allfocusedto create a game that will not only help mothers entertaintheirchildren, but provide valuable lessons to learn animals,numbers,learning colors for kids free with fun.MiraPhone can be played for free in many languagesincludingEnglish, Spanish, Russian, French, German,Portuguese.
Baby Phone Game - Cute Animals 30.1
A classic baby phone game for kids - without any ads!
Kids baby phone with animals
BabyPhone is one of our educational gamesfortoddlers which contributes greatly to kids entertainment forhoursand help babies learn numbers, animals and improve memoryandattentiveness.Featuring a toy phone for kids with a lively and colorfulinterface,this phone game will help your kids learning animals,animal soundsand numbers for toddlers free - tailored to theirinterests andmood!Baby phone games for babies with numbers are carefully madetoprovoke interest and positive emotions while children playthegame, also trigger their brains to think and learn to makeadifference between the 0-9 numbers, animals and sounds.Killer features of our baby phone app free:• Playing this baby first play phone your kid can exploredifferentanimals and hear the sounds that they produce. A child cancheckthe appearance of animals by funny pictures with their imagesandhear animal voice.• There is an ability to pretend phone calls for kids - themostinteresting and exciting part of the game when your baby callsacertain animal and it answers! In the phone book of ourbabytelephone your kid will find such animals as a horse, a goat,adog, a cat , a chicken, a goose, a rooster, a mouse, a cow, apigand a sheep.• Learning numbers for preschoolers: 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9.• Like in many musical games for kids there are catchy songs,musicand rhymes in our kids phone for free. Your baby willlovethem.• Our kid phone will provide at least 20 minutes of distractionforyour toddler while he or she play phone for kids call.• BabyPhone stands out among other childrens games free andbabyanimal games as a really simple, fun and interactivegame.Thanks to animal learning games like BabyPhone, your child willgetto know a lot of animals and will be able to call them! Our gameisautomatically programmed to send text messages and calls toyourphone so that your kid can answer them and hear animal soundsforkids learning free. A monkey, an elephant, a pig, a baby tiger,apenguin, a frog and a chicken are only some of the animalswhosesounds will never fail to amaze toddlers.The creation of our educational games for kids BabyPhone involvedateam of child psychologists, pedagogues and developers allfocusedto create a game that will not only help mothers entertaintheirchildren, but provide valuable lessons to learn animals andnumberswith fun.BabyPhone can be played for free in many languagesincludingEnglish, Spanish, Russian, French, German, Portuguese,Italian,Chinese, Dutch, Israeli, Indonesian, Arab, Japanese,Polish,Turkish And Vietnamese
Детская игра - детский телефон
For kids
Детский телефон являетсяувлекательнойигрой,развивающим и обучающим приложением для детей, спомощьюкоторогоони смогут весело и быстро выучить цифры и животных.Сэтойпрограммой телефон станет помощником в обучении вашихдетейизаймет их на долгое время. В игре представлено 10 животныхсихзвуками.Кратное описание игры:Игра содержит две панели на одной из которой цифры, нажавнакоторыецифра произносится и пишется, таким образом ребенокслышитцифру ивидит ее написание; на другой панели животные, нажавнакоторыеживотное увеличивается в размере и издает характерныйейзвук. Нажавна зеленую кнопку вызова происходит набор номераизвонок случайномуживотному. На каждой панели есть кнопка игра,принажатии на нееначинается игра и программа проверяетвыученныецифры иживотных.Занимаясь по этому приложению у ребенкаразвиваетсяпамять,логическое мышление, мелкая моторика, внимание,речь.Приложение полностью бесплатно и не содержит никакой рекламы.Дорогие пользователи, благодарим вас за то чтовыбралинашеприложение.Любые Ваши предложения и замечания просим присылатьпоадресу[email protected] мы будем стараться сделать так,чтобыприложениестало еще лучше.Приложение разработано группой For kids.Kids phone is afungame,and developing educational applications for children, withthehelpof which they can have fun and learn quickly thenumbersandanimals. With this program, the phone will become anassistantinteaching your children and take them for a long time.Thegamefeatures 10 animals with their sounds.Multiple game description:The game contains two panels on one of its numbers bypressingthenumber that is written and pronounced, so the childhears andseesthe number of its writing; another panel animals,clicking onwhichthe animal increases in size, and it emits acharacteristicsound.Clicking on the green call button dials andcall a randomanimal.Each panel has a play button, clicking on itstarts the gameandthe program checks the learned figures andanimals.Catching up on the application, the child developsmemory,logicalthinking, fine motor skills, attention, speech.The app is completely free and contains no advertising.Dear customers, thank you for choosing our application.All your comments and suggestions should be sent [email protected] we will try to make sure thattheapplication hasbecome even better.The application developed by a group For kids.
Baby Phone 1.0.2
What interesting activity for toddlersyouknow?What would like our kids and what would make theminterestedfor along time? It should make our little boys andgirlsinterested notwith a silly game, but teach them useful skillsandhelp them to makea big step in their development! Of course,itwill be developing andtraining free game from our belovedHippo!Why is Baby Phone fromHippo different from the games of thesametype? Of course because ofabundance of sounds, colors andfunnycharacters that have beencreated exclusively for kids.Free app Baby Phone with Hippo has everything for boysandgirls,they may be interested in! It has and animal sounds,andnumbers,and notes, and even musical instruments! Ourdevelopingandeducational games for kids are designed to help you inlightform toteach Your child to many useful things. Ourfreeeducational andtraining games in an easy and light waydevelopmotor skills ofhands. Baby Phone with Hippo will help yourchildto remember thenumbers from zero to nine. The child learnswhatare notes and howthey sound! Babies begin almost immediatelytorecognize colours andanimal sounds! Part with MusicalInstrumentsis a little bitdifficult. Parents should try to satisfythecuriosity of our youngresearchers and should tell them the nameofthe musical instrument,that baby so like.We invite you to try our excellent new product in a seriesoffreeeducational and learning games for boys and girls! BabyPhonewithHippo is waiting for you and your child. Immerse yourselfinthe seaof positive emotions! Stay tuned and stay with us. Ourfreegames forboys and girls will always delight you andyourchildren.
Детский телефон 1.3
Бесплатное приложение! Телефон дляребенкаимитирующий реальные звонки от мамы, папы и другихконтактов. Выможете записать свой голос, чтобы ваш ребенок позвонилмаме илипапе и услышал настоящий ответ голосом! Можно создаватьсколькоугодно контактов и для каждого записывать голос.The free app! Phonenumberfor the child imitates the real calls from mothers, fathersandother contacts. You can record your voice, your child to callmom ordad, and I heard the voice of the real answer! You cancreate anynumber of contacts for each record voice.
Baby games for 1 - 5 year olds 2.5.0
Fun phone for kids to learn number, piano, vehicle, animalwithsounds & names
Baby Phone - Fun Game for Kids
“Baby Phone” is our latest educationalgamesfor toddlers which has enormous potential for kidsentertainmentand learning. It helps babies learn numbers, getacquainted withanimals for toddlers and animals sounds. Playingbaby animal phoneyour toddler will develop and improve memory,logics andattentiveness.Baby phone games for babies with numbers are created toprovokeinterest while children play the babyphone game and learn tomake adifference between the 0-9 numbers, animals andanimalvoices.Main advantages of our baby phone app free:• Playing this baby first play phone your child can explorevariouswild and domestic animals for kids and hear the sounds thattheyproduce. There are 18 animals for kids forest in the phone bookofour baby telephone: a squirrel, a wolf, a hedgehog, a fox,arabbit, a bear, a giraffe, a rhino, a zebra and others. Yourbabycan learn the appearance of animals with the help of pictureswiththeir images and hear animals voice.• Your kid can learn animal sounds with the help of our babyphonewith animals. How? There is an ability to pretend phone callsforkids - the most interesting and exciting part of the game whenyourbaby calls a certain animal and it answers! Moreover, from timetotime kids phone calls your baby. Answering it the little babywillbe delighted to hear one of his animal friends.• Learning numbers for preschoolers. Playing baby toy phoneyourtoddler will study 123 for kids: 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.Tomake learning more effective there are certain numbercombinationsto call a desired animal. Pushing these combinationsyour baby willlearn numbers by insensible degrees.• Playing baby phone numbers and animals your kid willdeveloplogical thinking, attention span and memory.• Our kids phone games are available in 17 languagesincludingEnglish, Spanish, Russian, French, German, Portuguese,Italian,Chinese, Dutch, Israeli, Indonesian, Arab, Japanese,Polish,Turkish and Vietnamese.• Our baby phone kids game is actually the first kids baby phoneinthe life of your young child, which is displayed onyoursmartphone. The child will quickly learn how to use the kidsgamebaby phone, and you’ll be able to buy a real cell phone, not atoyphone games, in the near future. Thanks to our real phone callsforkids free app your kid will even learn to use a recorder,recordingand listening to his important conversations withanimals.• Baby toy phone musical entertainment for your child. Like inmanymusical games for kids there are catchy songs, music and rhymesinour baby phone kids. Your baby will love to play our toy phoneforbabies.• Our kids phone app will provide at least 20 minutes ofdistractionfor your toddler while he or she play phone for kidscall.Educational games for kids - phone games for kids - provides 3modesof operation. If a child chooses the music for the children,he willhear different musical sounds when pressing buttons. The2nd modeprovides the playback of amusing voices of animals afterpressingbuttons. The 3d mode will voice the numbers 0 to 9 bypressing thecorresponding key.Our baby telephone games can be treated as educational gamesforkids kindergarten and toddler learning games, for thefollowingages:- educational games for 1 year old;- educational games for 2 year olds (learning games for toddlersage2 and toddler games free for 2 year olds);- educational games for 3 year old (learning games for toddlersage3);- educational games for 4 year olds (educational games for kidsbabyphone 3 4 years);- educational games for 5 year olds.Our animal learning games is automatically programmed to sendtextmessages and calls to your phone so that your kid can answerthemand hear animal sounds.Featuring a toy phone for kids with a lively and colorfulinterface,this phone for kids all in one will help your kidslearning animals,animal sounds and numbers for toddlers free -tailored to theirinterests and mood!
This Children's Phone 1.0.0
Does your child still is not my realbabyphone??Install our developing children's phone for your baby!Children phone 2017 - is a training app for youngchildren.Ourwonderful game for kids, help transform your mobiledevice -anordinary smartphone into a real children's phone. Yourchildwillbe happy to play our wonderful application.Thiscolorfulchildren's mobile phone for the very young. Your babywillbe ableto call zveryata know, wish all pleasant dreams.Justgetacquainted with numbers and some zveryata! Ideal for children of preschool age or older. The gameisalsosuitable for adults! Colorful pictures, sounds and bigseaof​​positive mood. The game is free!Phone for children - a phone for the kids immerse yourchildinthe magical world, your child will appreciate.
Funny Talking Phone 1.2.2
Funny Talking Phone with Hippo. Educational games for boys andgirls
Baby phone - kids 3.0
Learn colors, numbers, shapes, notes, animals with thiseducationalphone.
Phone for Kids 1.3.6
Y-Group games
Children Phone - educational game for kids. Learn digits,colors,animal voices.
УМНЫЙ МАЛЫШ–2! Игры для детей
Вы хотите, чтобы Ваш ребенок рос смышленымилюбознательным? Развивающее и обучающее приложение «УМНЫЙМАЛЫШ–2»– находка для родителей, которые заботятся о развитии своихдетей!Вместе с «УМНЫМ МАЛЫШОМ–2» ребенок узнает много новогоиинтересного об окружающем мире, познакомится с животными,формами,цветами... Малыш учится, выполняя интересные задания,отгадываяинтересные загадки в стихах, рассматриваясимпатичныекартинки.«УМНЫЙ МАЛЫШ–2» – это познавательные обучающие темы:• Домашние животные• Морские животные• Тропические фрукты• Насекомые• Цвета• Геометрические фигурыВ «УМНОМ МАЛЫШЕ–2» вы найдете 7 интерактивных игр:«КТО ЕСТЬ КТО» – эта познавательная игра поможет ребенкувыучитьназвания животных, насекомых, фруктов, а также узнать многоновогои интересного об окружающем мире.«ЛОГИКА» – эта развивающая игра предлагает ребенкувыбратьнедостающую карточку в логической цепочке. Игразамечательноразвивает логическое мышление и внимание детей.«УГАДАЙКА» – в этой занимательной игре малышу необходимо ответитьнавопрос, выбрав одну из трех картинок. Игра помогаетребенкузакрепить полученные знания, развить внимание.«СИЛУЭТЫ» – это увлекательная игра, в которой ребенкунеобходимоперетащить картинку в нужную рамку. Прекрасно развиваетмелкуюмоторику и воображение малышей.«ПАРОЧКИ» – интересная игра, которая развивает внимание и память.Вигре три уровня сложности: она будет интересна как длясамыхмаленьких, так и для дошкольников.«СТИШКИ малышам» – забавные загадки в стихах, отгадывать их веселоиинтересно! Великолепно развивает речь, мышление ивниманиедетей.«ПАЗЛЫ» – более 40 пазлов (пазлы детские), которые ребенокможетсобирать самостоятельно. Это чудесная игра, котораяразвиваетмышление и мелкую моторику малышей .«УМНЫЙ МАЛЫШ–2» это:• Более 40 персонажей• 7 развивающих игр• 6 обучающих тем• Идеально подходит для детей от 2 до 3 лет• Увлекательные детские игры и пазлы детские• Загадки в стихах про животных для детей• Веселое дошкольное обучение и стишки малышам• Первые слова для детей на русском языке• Развивающие задания для малышей• Развитие речи, памяти, внимания, логики, мышления• Подходит для мальчиков и для девочек• 120 вопросов и ответов• Чудесная озвучка• Отличная графика и оформление• Для детей от 1 года до 5 лет«УМНЫЙ МАЛЫШ–2» – великолепная возможность интересно и спользойзанять своего малыша! Развивайте ребенка весело исудовольствием!Бесплатно вы получаете набор из 7 игр по одной обучающей теме.Чтобыполучить все 6 тем, необходимо скачать полнуюверсиюприложения.Дорогие пользователи, благодарим вас за то, что выбралинашеприложение. Мы очень признательны вам за оценки иоставленныеотзывы. Если у вас есть пожелания или замечания, пишитенам! Мы судовольствием рассмотрим ваши предложения и станем лучшедлявас!Следите за нами в соц сетяхВКонтактеПодписывайтесь на нашем сайте http://mage–app.comС уважением, команда Mage.Приложение разработано творческой группой «MAGE»,создающейобучающие и познавательные приложения, развивающие игрыдля детей.А также интерактивные книги, пазлы детские, сказки истишкималышам. Наши приложения направлены на всестороннееразвитиеребенка. По теме "подготовка к школе" в наших приложениях:учимбуквы и алфавит, цифры и счет, учимся читать, писать исчитать.Изучаем такие темы, как: азбука, математика, логика иписьмо.Все наши приложения и игры отличаются качествомконтента,профессиональной озвучкой, оформлением и безопасностью. Атакженаши приложения не содержат посторонней рекламы.
Puzzler for kids 4
This is a cool learning game for you!Solvesome puzzles and have a lot of fun! Suitable forkindergarteners,preschoolers, and elementary school children.Download this gamefor Kids and get a little bit jigty!
1А: Детский телефон Babyphone 1.1.6
Приложение «1А: Детский телефон Babyphone»-увлекательная музыкальная игрушка-телефон для вашегомаленькогоребенка.В приложении имеется 4 игровых режима: звуки животных,мобильныйтелефон, пианино, музыкальные инструменты.В режиме «Звуки животных» малыш сможет составить собственныевеселыемелодии, а куриное диско и собачий вальс помогут Ваморганизоватьнебольшую детскую дискотеку.В режиме «Мобильный телефон» маленький непоседа сможет поигратьсдетским вариантом собственного телефона.Режим «Пианино» превратит Ваш телефон или планшет внебольшоедетское пианино с помощью которого ребенок научится нотами дажеможет проиграть настоящие музыкальные отрывки.В режиме «Музыкальные инструменты» маленький музыкант можетпоигратьсо звуками настоящих музыкальных инструментов всобственныйоркестр.Appendix "1A: ChildPhoneBabyphone» - a fascinating musical toy phone for yourlittlechild.The annex has four game modes: animal sounds, mobile phone,piano,musical instruments.In "Animal Sounds" baby will be able to make their own funtunes,disco and chicken dog waltz will help you organize asmallchildren's disco.In the "mobile phone" can play a little restless child one'sownphone.Mode "The Piano" will turn your phone or tablet into a smallchildpiano by which a child learns the notes and may even losethesemusical pieces.In the "Musical Instruments" little musician can play withthesounds these musical instruments in his own orchestra.
Peekaboo! Sound Games for Kids
Looking for educational games forkidskindergarten? Try our sound games, animals games for kidsfree& learning games for children! Animals sounds forkidsEducational animals app Peekaboo! Sound Games for Kids consistsofamazing kindergarten games and sound games for kids ofpreschoolage and under. It's inspiring and educational at thesametime!Very cute characters such as animals, toys and cars will help youtolearn animals names and sounds for children (animals soundsforkids) and also car sounds.If you peek into the house you'll find out who lives there,andyou'll get to know each character more closely. After playingshortattention games and sound games for kids the little ones willlearnwhat sound each character makes.Your children will know that a cow says "Moo", a roostersings"Cock-a-doodle-doo", cars go "Beep, beep" and clocks go"Tick-tock"with these funny attention games!This learn animals app will introduce children to differentobjectsand animals sounds. It will help your child to developmemory,comprehension skills and increase their attention span. Yourchildshould be able to determine who is hiding in the house by thesoundthat comes from it.KEY FEATURES of the Peekaboo! Sound Games for Kids:• 60 animated characters in animals games for free• 7 different topics in educational games for toddlers• developing fine motor skills (educational games forkidskindergarten)• attention games develops cognitive thinking and memories• animal sounds for kids in kindergarten games• easy to use interface of child games below 3 years• smashing illustrations and animations (fun educational appsfortoddlers)• free learning games for children 3 and under• parental control• no third-party advertising (games for children free)The game Peekaboo! Sound Games for Kids is a wonderfulopportunityto introduce little children to the world through anarray of funand entertaining sounds and pictures!About MAGE:This app has been created by MAGE, a software company whichdevelopslearning apps and educational games for kidskindergarten,interactive books and nursery rhymes for youngchildren andtoddlers.Our educational games for toddlers and learning games forchildrenfree are distinguished by high quality content withparticularattention to design. The simple and user-friendlyinterfaces of oureducational apps for toddlers and apps for kidsages 2 have beenespecially created for little ones. The purpose ofall our freelearning games for children 3 and under is aimed foryour child'sall-round development.With our child games below 3 years your kid will learn thealphabet,letters, numbers and phonics. The apps for kids ages 2help toddlersto develop memory, attention span, fine motor skills,vocabulary andspeech, as well as other basic skills.As a company we strive to make educational apps fortoddlerspractical, instilling a desire for knowledge, interest inreadingand studying. Our child games below 3 years contain no thirdpartyadvertising and comply with the standards of “DesignedForFamily”.