Top 1 Apps Similar to Fortune Clock

真太陽時鐘 1.1.0
用”真太陽時鐘”手機程式,計出真太陽時間只在一瞬間,是您擇吉行事的好幫手!在中國曆法上,一天分十二個時辰,而時辰其實只有唯一一個標準去確定,就是依太陽相對地球的照視角度,即是天文學上所謂的真太陽時。術數是依據曆法去演算,所以算命、卜卦、風水、擇吉行事都是與曆法悉悉相關,必須要按真太陽時間確定時辰。如果只按北京時間去換算,就要冒著用錯時辰的風險去操作了。求得真太陽時間的公式為:真太陽時間=平太陽時間+真平太陽時差先確定出生時辰須根據當地的坐標,推算出平太陽時;再按平太陽時推算出”真太陽時”。這樣算命、卜卦、擇吉行事就萬無一失了。With the "truesolarclock" mobile application, taking into account the true solartimeonly in the moment, is that you pick an auspicious act goodhelper!On the Chinese calendar, the day of the twelve hour, and thehourin fact there is only one standard to determine, according totheSun relative to the Earth is according to the degree viewingangle,which is called the astronomical solar time.Astrology is based on the calendar to calculus, sotelling,divination, geomancy, pick an auspicious act rustlingareassociated with the calendar, according to true solar timemustto determine the hour. If you just press Beijing to conversion,wemust braved the risk of an hour to go wrong withtheoperation.Obtain true solar time formula:True solar time = time + really mean solar mean solartimedifferenceFirst determine the time of birth is required according tothelocal coordinates, the projected level when the sun; calculatethemean solar time and then "true solar time."Such fortune-telling, divination, pick an auspiciousactfoolproof.